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Road Trip, Volume 2

Page 16

by BA Tortuga

  His eyes went wide. “God, no. Can you imagine that? Cowboy? In Mom’s store?”

  “I don’t know anything about your mom, Precious.” He could feel Sonny; the man was nearly vibrating.

  “She’s a stoner. She owns a New Age store. She’s a nut-burger, but she’s cooler than the Colonel.” He stopped as they reached the boat. “I never fucked him. I never even kissed him. Hand jobs when we thought we might not get another one, shit like that. That’s it.” He figured that was a big part of Sonny’s issue.

  “Good.” Sonny grabbed him and pulled him close, planting a kiss on his mouth that threatened to send him off like a bottle rocket.

  He got a little lost for a second, blinking up into Sonny’s dark eyes, caught like a rabbit in a snare.

  They hung there, Sonny’s hands all over him like white on rice. Then Cowboy whistled loud, breaking the spell. “Come on, boys. We need to hasta.”

  Sonny grinned a little, looking like a barracuda. “He’s really gonna cramp our style.”

  “We’ll drug him. I need my redneck time.”

  “Oh, I could so do that, Precious.” That seemed to perk Sonny right up, and the man patted his ass, humming a little on the way up the gangplank.

  He stopped, deactivated the booby trap, and headed up. The professor was on a deck chair, sound asleep. “There’s a bunk on the way down. If the bed’s made, you can have it. If it’s not, that’s ours.”

  “Got it. Trying to get rid of me, Jay-Jay?” Cowboy still had that amazing grin, the one MJ had seen more men, and women, fall for in bars….

  “Nope. Just letting you know where you fit, babe.” He grinned back, chuckled. “It’s been a long fucking time, Cowboy.”

  “No shit. We’ll catch up once we’re out in the water, huh?” Cowboy picked the Doc up again and started hauling him belowdecks. “Y’all have fun, now.”

  “Don’t let him hurt our boat.”

  “I got it, Jay-Jay.” Cowboy’s voice floated up before the hatch closed.

  “Let’s get out of here, Sunshine.”

  “Shit, yes.” Sonny hopped right to it, helping him get their sleek little girl ready to shove off. He reached out, hand sliding out to touch whenever he could. “Mmm. Gonna distract me, Precious?”

  “I’m going to do more than that, as soon as I can.” He was going to make sure Sonny understood who was whose.

  “Yeah?” Sonny swayed close, rocked by a little wave slapping the hull. “What are you going to do to me, MJ?”

  “I’m going to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that.” Sonny gave him the first real smile he’d seen in hours. Maybe a day or more.

  “I do too.” He reached out, fingers trailing along Sonny’s belly. “I want you, Sunshine. Ten or twelve times.”

  “Good. We can shove off, and then I’ll tear you up. And vice versa.” Those muscles quivered for him, Sonny’s pecs dancing a little.

  “That works for me.” MJ nodded and took one more kiss, making sure Sonny knew he was serious.

  “Mmm.” Sonny always just held on, loving him the way he needed.

  Oh, hell yeah. Better.

  Way better.

  Sonny smacked his ass. “Moving. Now. Time to go, Precious.” Usually Sonny only put it that way when someone was shooting at them.

  “You got it, Sunshine. Let’s go.” The wind was blowing, and it was time for them to get the hell out of Texas.

  Thank God.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The words were foreign, odd, and when he heard them again, they made him jump, the staticky voice was so far away.

  “J23. Return to your cell.”


  Something was crackling, burning, and Duncan frowned, trying to see through the smoke. Where was he? It was like some weird filmography about Vietnam or perhaps one of the students’ video games.

  Except… he was inside.

  In a… hospital? Laboratory? Clean room?


  He wasn’t sure.

  Something hot and sharp hit his arm, and he jumped, cried out. “Goddamn!”

  What was with people poking him?

  “J23. Return to your cell.”

  A… soldier? Doctor? Jailer? Man? Extended a sizzling… cattle-prod thing at him, and he took a step back. “Are you talking to me, asshole? Back the fuck off.”

  “J23. Return to your cell.”

  “Quit saying that!”

  This made no sense.

  “J23.” The voice was flat. Deadly. “Return to your cell.”

  “Who are you talking to?”

  The prod poked out again, and he screamed, reaching for it, his hands on fire.

  “J23. Return to your cell.”

  “Doc. Duncan!” Now something hit him that felt like a little stinging bee, right in his armpit. “Doc!”

  “Stop it!” he roared, slapping at the sting, things starting to go fuzzy, quiet, distant.

  “Doc, it’s me. Cowboy. Colby. Come on, honey. Wake up.”

  “Colby.” The hospital and the quiet disappeared in a rush, and his eyes popped open. “Colby.”

  What the hell?

  “Oh, man, I wasn’t sure if you were ever going to wake up.” Cowboy stared down at him, hand on his shoulder. His armpit still stung like crazy.

  “I… I was having a bad dream.”

  “I know. You had a fit, Doc.” Helping him sit, Cowboy gave him a bottle of water.

  “I did? I don’t remember. Thank you.” Oh, cold. Good. Wait….

  “Where are we?”

  “On a boat, Doc. MJ’s boat. We’re heading for New Orleans.” Colby looked tired but not unhappy.

  “A boat….” Oh, Lord.

  “A boat. Not with a goat. MJ was asking you questions, and you passed out.” Cowboy stroked his cheek, thumb rubbing over his lips.

  “I’m sorry. It’s been a….” He hummed, distracted, lips wrapping around Colby’s thumb.

  “It’s been a tough couple of days, huh?” There was something about those bright gray eyes staring at him that gave the air a charged feeling, sexy as hell.

  He nodded, sucking harder. He didn’t want to talk about the hard stuff. He wanted Colby to make him feel good. Laughing softly, Cowboy moved a little closer, body pressing against his, and that hot mouth replaced the fingers, kissing him good and hard. He dragged his tongue against Cowboy’s, sliding inside before letting Cowboy in, both of them pushing and taking. Moving like the boat.

  He was on a fucking boat.

  Cowboy made him forget soon enough, grabbing his ass and pulling him up off the little bunk so he draped across Cowboy’s knees.

  Strong man. He reached up, fingers tangling in Cowboy’s hair, the kiss getting deeper and deeper.

  Cowboy was so hot against him, skin on fire under his fingers. So good. Perfect. He tugged open buttons, the button-down shirt parting in his hands, letting him at the man’s chest.

  “Mmm. Duncan. Yeah.” Those rough hands landed on his shoulders, holding tight as Cowboy pushed into his touch. He went for the nipples, loving the flare of danger when he pulled and tugged. Grunting, Cowboy smacked up against him, pushing him down on the bunk. His whole body bucked, trying to get more.

  His cock ached, his balls throbbed, and he needed. “Touch me. Fuck.”

  “Love to. Fucking love how you feel.” Colby touched him, hand on his belly, rubbing back and forth.

  “Good.” He arched, pushing into that touch, making that hand dig into his skin deeper. Bruises. He’d let this man leave bruises.

  Which was a good thing, because Colby was leaving them, grabbing his hips, thumbs pushing against his hip bones.

  “Harder.” He spread, desperate to lose himself in this. Now.

  “You know it, Doc. Want you to feel it for days.” Thank God, Colby was right there with him.

  Duncan nodded furiously, grunting low as Colby’s fingers dragged along his in
ner thigh. Then one hand found his cock, wrapping around it, thumb slipping down the underside. Hard. Hard enough to burn.

  “Fuck!” His head slammed back, throat working as his hips rocked up.

  “Soon, Doc. We’ll get to it. Want to see you like this, now.” The man was relentless.

  “Anything. Need it.” He didn’t bother to be ashamed of saying it.

  “Good.” Cowboy bent and sucked a mark up on his chest, just over his left pectoral muscle. Duncan watched, his eyes feeling like they were burning in his skull.

  “Like that, Doc? Like when I hurt you just a tiny bit?” Those gray eyes laughed for him a little, full of piss and vinegar.

  “Yes.” He growled low, dragging Cowboy into a fierce kiss. That kiss bit deep, both of them bleeding a little for it. Cowboy’s fingers dug into his skin, clutching at him like this might be the last time anyone ever touched him.

  Things got a little weird, both of them fighting, struggling, bodies slapping together.

  Cowboy finally shoved him down and crawled on top, naked ass pressing back and down against his cock.

  “Colby.” The word was hard to say; his tongue felt thick.

  “Come on, Duncan. Fuck me, huh? Like you mean it.” That slow drawl washed over him like honey, making it easier to understand than his own voice.

  His hands landed on Colby’s—his, his man, his to protect and touch and watch, his—hips and he arched up, doing as Colby asked.

  “Uhn!” That lean body bowed above his, the tight hole resisting him for a moment, the feeling a little scratchy.

  “Mine.” He leaned up, teeth scraping along Colby’s chest.

  “Yeah. Yeah, Doc.” Colby sat back, taking him in like it was nothing. Only the heavy moan told him better.

  He rocked up in little jerks, his body moving without thought. Hot. Hot. His. Fingers digging in against his chest, Colby took him in and out, in and out, body swallowing him deep.

  “Good.” He dragged Colby down, his muscles going rock-hard.

  “Jesus, Doc. Love it when you’re all caveman. More. Fucking A. Harder.”

  “Harder.” He grunted, slamming up into Colby.

  “More. Yeah.” Their skin made spanking noises. It would have made him laugh if he had the breath.

  Growls and moans poured out of him as he pulled and jerked, his cock feeling almost raw. Colby gave him everything. Hot skin, hotter kisses, that ass squeezing down around him; it all made him ready to explode. He reached for Colby, hands clenching as his balls drew up tight.

  “Come on, Doc!” Colby reached down and stroked himself, and the muscles around him clamped down even harder. Tighter.

  He grabbed for Colby’s prick about the time his whole world exploded, his cock throbbing as he shot inside that perfect heat.

  A tight grunt sounded, Colby pushing into the tunnel of their joined hands. Then the world went white-hot as Colby’s spunk splashed against his belly.


  Yes, good.

  He grunted happily, dragging Colby down onto him.

  One lean brown hand patted his chest, leaving little wet spots. “Good, Doc.”

  “Uh-huh.” He concurred.

  “You okay, man?” Kissing his collarbone, Colby snuggled close to him, yawning huge.

  “Yes. Better.” Duncan stroked Colby’s back, petting and holding on. “Much better.”

  “Good. Get some rest, Doc. We’ll talk when you wake up.” Colby kissed his lips, right at the corner, licking a tiny bit.

  Nodding was the easier answer and the one he wanted to give, so he did. He nodded and closed his eyes, letting himself sink into sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  THERE WAS something almost ballet-like about watching Cowboy and Sonny try to figure out who was going to kill who.

  It was fascinating enough that MJ wasn’t bored, and unlikely enough that he really didn’t have to pay close attention. In fact, it let him be amused and poke idly at Duncan. It was entertaining.

  Cowboy skirted Sonny, wandering over, shorts hanging low on his hips. “You know, he’s awful strong when he loses it.”

  “Yeah? Cool. Has he beat you up yet?” Cowboy was looking good, all lean Marlboro man-y….

  “Not really. He carried me out of a firefight, though.” Grinning, Cowboy slumped down next to him, stretching out in the sun.

  “That’s fairly high on the cool scale, I suppose. Mine got shot rescuing me.”

  “So did mine. It healed in, like, ten minutes, though, so I guess I have to give props to Sonny, huh?”

  “Yep. Sonny even drove after. It was cool.” He lifted one leg, stretching, showing his ankle and giving Sonny a show at the same time—multitasking was a gift, really. “I was hurting and in a closet. It sucked.”

  Sonny stopped and stared, which was kind of unfortunate, as Cowboy picked that moment to reach out and touch his scar. Oops. Sonny was becoming incredibly weird about that whole Cowboy-touching thing.

  He rolled up, pulled off his muscle shirt, and showed Cowboy his new tat. “He did this. Not a bad job.”

  Cowboy blinked. “Dude. You let him ink you? It must be love.”

  Now Sonny was grinning, looking proud as hell.

  He nodded, chuckled once. “I asked him to do it.”

  He got off on it.

  “Shit. That’s serious, Jay-Jay.” Cowboy gave him a huge grin. “Let Doc fuck me.”

  “No shit?” He clapped Cowboy on the shoulder. “Damn, babe. You’ve only kissed me once.” He looked over at Duncan, who was glaring. “He’s a little skinny for my tastes.”

  “Ah, thus spake the surfer boy.” Ooh. Skinny and bitchy.

  Sonny finally came over and handed him a drink, looking a whole lot less grumpy.

  “Thanks, Sunshine.” He took the drink, patted the chair beside him. “And, Professor Monster, I’ll have you know that I haven’t surfed in… at least two years.”

  Sonny nudged him, sitting close. “You should teach me.”

  “That would be fun. You’d be good at it.” That was probably a blatant lie. Sonny was huge and not the surfing type. Still.

  “No, I wouldn’t. But I’ll enjoy watching you.” One big hand landed on his thigh.

  “What did you say these two did for a living, Colby?”

  Oh, MJ had to hear Cowboy’s answer to that one.

  “MJ’s a contractor. Sonny’s in stock cars. Right, Jay-Jay?” One of Cowboy’s brows went up, that slow grin so familiar.

  “Absolutely, babe. My friend Cowboy here? He’s into collections. It’s a huge market right now, what with all the people not paying their share.”

  “Why does he call you babe?” Duncan asked, face pinching up a little. Jesus, he’d always hated the academic type.

  “Because of the movie. You know, the talking pig? It was popular, at the time.” Oink. Oink. Oink.

  “There you go.” Cowboy leaned back, tilting his face up to the sun. “You need to relax, Doc. You and the big guy, both. Me and Jay-Jay are just buds.”

  MJ nodded, leaned back into Sonny. “Not only that, but one day, one of us will get to kill the other. It makes for fabulous tension.”

  Sonny went all rigid under his weight, and Duncan gasped, but Cowboy just laughed. “You know it.”

  They clinked their beer bottles together, Cowboy’s gray eyes meeting his, the look serious, sure. He didn’t look away, just held the stare. They both knew what was what.

  “So, how long are we gonna act like buddies?” Sonny asked, breaking the spell a little.

  “I imagine that will last until your compatriot finds a place to drop us off. Surely whoever was supposedly tracking me is off track now, yes?” Man, that little guy got snooty when he was scared.

  “I imagine so, Dr. Windbag. Don’t think for one minute that I can’t out hoity-toity you. My momma was a Southern belle, not some Yankee.” Sonny, now? He did snooty with a drawl.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” MJ poked Sonny in the belly. “You, breathe.” H
e pointed at the professor. “You need a fucking joint. You’d feel better.” Then he met Cowboy’s eyes. “And you… if you fucked him hard enough, you’d loosen his tight ass up.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Maybe I should go have a shot at his ass, but who knows when I’ll see you again and get to hang out?” Cowboy sipped his beer, looking all casual, but he watched Duncan like a hawk.

  Duncan growled a little, shoulders rolling. Oh, cool.

  “Well, you know, it’s been a while for us.” MJ wondered if he could push the professor over the edge.

  “Yep. A long while. You know I adore you.”

  Sonny growled. Hell, it might not be the prof who went over.

  “Am I your best friend, babe?” He actually sprawled a little, the blatant laughter in Cowboy’s eyes tickling him.

  “You are. I mean, damn, who else would show up in Singapore….”

  “Oh. Man. Singapore….” He put his hands over his cock in pure self-defense.

  “No shit.” Cowboy crossed his legs. “Damn.”

  They looked at each other, then burst out into laughter, big deep belly laughs.

  Duncan pursed his lips and stood, heading for the opposite rail. Sonny just growled and threw his beer overboard. Lord, they needed to relax.

  He leaned, winked at Cowboy. “You deal with yours. I have mine.”

  Then he turned and wrestled Sonny right down onto the deck. Sonny exploded, fighting him just like he needed the man to, just like Sonny obviously needed, as well. Shit, yeah. He didn’t give an inch, pushing hard, slamming Sonny’s shoulders onto the deck. Come on. Come on. Let’s play. Sonny’s fist exploded into his face, the blur of motion just fucking perfect. Unexpected for such a gorilla of a man. He grunted, got his knee square in Sonny’s stomach and pushed down. Hard. The man’s face went purple, and Sonny bucked, grunting, trying to throw him off. Those hard hands clamped down on his arms, squeezing until he felt bones grind.

  “So. Fucking. Strong.”

  He groaned.

  “Mine. You hear me, Precious?” Sonny rolled and slammed him down, bending to lick the sweat off his throat.

  He nodded, lifted his head, growling into Sonny’s ear. “Prove it, you beautiful son of a bitch. Come on, I can take it.”


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