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Road Trip, Volume 2

Page 37

by BA Tortuga

  His Neil. His. Oh, please. Yes. Love. His thoughts went faster and faster, spinning in his head.

  “More. Come along, love. Please come for me.” Neil urged him on, that hand sliding up and down, up and down.

  His head fell back, his eyes rolling as his body let go.

  Neil hummed, hand slowing but keeping him going, right there. The pleasure was huge.

  “Neil.” He was floating, just floating.

  “Oh, love. Yes. You’re so pretty when you come.”

  “So. So good. Neil.”

  “I could watch you all day, did you know? Whatever you’re doing. Just listening to you think.”

  “You’re not mad at me?” He was. He was furious at himself. Furious and ashamed and so sad.

  “Why would I be, love?” Neil touched his cheek, and he felt it all. How it wasn’t Paddy, it was the Program. The way he’d been molded. The chip he couldn’t have known about. None of it was Paddy’s fault.

  “I would have taken it all, you know? I promise.”

  “I know. I know you would have.” Kissing him gently, Neil settled against him, sighing happily.

  “Mmm.” They stretched out together, and Paddy let his hand drag down Neil’s body.

  “Now, you need to stop worrying so and just start loving me, yes?” Laughing, Neil squeezed him, sheer joy pouring across to him.

  “Oh, yes.” He chuckled, sort of wallowing in it a little bit. He could suck Neil, lick that tight little hole until Neil screamed. Oh, he could ride Neil’s cock, lean back on his hands and bounce up and down and….

  “What did I say about being so ambitious, love?” Neil pulled his hand down, curling it around the long prick. “We can work our way up.”

  “I’m an overachiever.” He let his hand slide up, relearning every inch.

  “Are you? They said…. Oh. They said you were a prodigy. Precocious.” Laughter was so much better than, well, other stuff he didn’t want to think about.

  “Mm-hmm. Too smart for my own good.” Too smart for his own…. His brain skittered away from those thoughts.

  “Just smart enough for me.” Turning his face, Neil kissed him, lips and tongue soft and damp against his.



  He wrapped around Neil, hand moving faster, rubbing the tip against his belly.

  Neil moaned into his mouth, arching against him, hips starting to move fast. He could feel it, when Neil really got into it, the heat undeniable. There. Ready. Finally.



  Come for me.

  He wanted to taste Neil, lick his lover off his skin.

  Neil gave a shocked gasp and came for him, rocking against him until the storm was over. “Oh, love.”

  He brought his hand up to his mouth, the taste of Neil perfect and wild.

  “That was the best sort of beginning.” Neil sounded drowsy, so he thought maybe there should be an intermission. But it was all good.

  It was all going to be fine.

  He’d make it that way.

  Chapter Twelve

  SONNY HATED feeling groggy and stupid. He could drink like a fish and never feel it. Morphine made him see his insides, made his head logy as all hell.

  If Cowboy hadn’t greeted him with a “Hey, I have news,” Sonny would have beaten the man down until he was pudding.

  Still, if the news was big enough for Cowboy to be grinning like an idiot, it might be worth not killing him over.

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Sonny sipped some kind of juice and stared. “So? News.”

  “Jay-Jay took himself a walk while you were out cold. Went to the phones.”

  “What?” His hands clenched into fists. “You let him?”

  “Yep. It was cool as hell, man. The son of a bitch tore the receiver out of the phone, then dialed and talked.”

  His shoulders slumped with relief. That was his MJ, through and through. “Thank God.”

  “Shit, man. You really think I’d let him blow our cover? You think he’d do it?”

  “I didn’t know.” What was he supposed to say? The kind of programming these people were capable of was unreal.

  “He’s stronger than you think.”

  “No. He’s way stronger than me.” Sonny smiled a little, shaking his head. “I always know he’s strong.”

  “Yeah. He’s… well, you know. He’s down on the beach, wandering. Duncan’s watching him.”

  “Cool. Thanks, man.” He meant it. If MJ had gotten out while he was awake, Sonny wouldn’t have had the strength to let him do what he had to do.

  Cowboy nodded, tipped his hat. “Send Duncan back to me.”

  “Earned a little R and R, huh?” There was no way he’d let the Hulk dude touch him, but Duncan seemed uniquely suited to Cowboy. “Babe.”

  “Fuck you.” One finger shot up in the air. “Sunshine.”

  That one rolled right off. He was Sunshine, after all. Sonny pulled on a pair of board shorts and headed out to the beach. Time to reward his ecoterrorist.

  Duncan was sitting on a towel, watching MJ at the shoreline. “Hey. He’s been very quiet. It’s a little creepy.”

  “Thanks. Cowboy wants to see you.” Sonny summoned a smile for Duncan too. Weird as he was, he’d been a trouper. “I’ll take it from here.”

  “Sure.” That was all the pushing Duncan needed; the man was up and running, and Sonny didn’t think it was from fear. In fact, he thought it was all need.

  He could so get that. He turned, watching MJ wander, head down. Damn, that hair needed to go.




  MJ needed to come the fuck home.

  His fingers actually itched. Sonny hoped to God Duncan wasn’t in the bathroom with Cowboy. He padded down the sand, smiling a little for real. “Hey, Precious.”

  “Hey. You get some sleep, man?” MJ’s eyes were on the horizon, looking hard.

  “I did.” You thinking of running? He knew it; he didn’t have to ask. He still wanted to ask. “Slept like a log. You want to indulge me?”

  “Indulge you? Sure. What do you want?”

  “To cut off your hair.” He waited for the explosion. There was bound to be one. But bleaching it just wasn’t going to do it.

  MJ’s head tilted, like a dog hearing a whistle. “What?”

  “Your hair. It’s wrong.” So wrong that it made Sonny’s belly clench. “We need to get it off so it can grow back right.”

  Those bright blue eyes pinned him. “Is this some weird kink thing?”

  Cackling, Sonny spread his hands. “Maybe? I mean, I’m much bigger on you shaving me….”

  He got a grin in return, slow but getting bigger by the second. “I liked that part.”

  “Yeah. I always like that part.” His cock was telling him how much he liked it. Immediately.

  “You’re not going to be able to convince me to shave my head.”

  “No?” He’d bet he could at least get it… short.

  “There’s no chance.” That was a challenge.

  “Oh shit, Precious. I can take you down and make you like it.” The adrenaline was burning off the last of the funk.

  “Bullshit.” Oh, fuck yeah. They were gonna play.

  “Uh-huh. I mean, you’re so small….” He feinted, checking his reflexes and MJ’s.

  One eyebrow arched, and then MJ’s fist shot out, catching him in the shoulder. Not bad. Not up to par, but not bad.

  Planting his feet in the sand, Sonny lashed out with a mostly open palm strike, hitting MJ’s upper arm.

  Those blue eyes snapped at him. “Will the police come, here?”

  “I don’t think so.” He and Cowboy had chosen pretty carefully.

  “Excellent.” MJ swept his feet, knocking him onto the sand.

  Falling like a felled tree, Sonny landed with a thump that rattled his teeth. His legs twisted from the hip, circling to give him momentum to spring up. He avoided MJ’s gut, going for a strike
along one collarbone.

  “Fuck, you’re fast.” MJ was smiling, the look familiar as fuck.

  “This is my brain on drugs, Precious.” They circled, both of them testing for weak spots.

  “What do I win when I kick your ass, man?”

  Flexing his fingers, Sonny grinned slow, his heart thumping. “Oh, I dunno. Pin the cock on the redneck?”

  “Ooh. One of my favorite games.” Jesus, look at his man—focused and there and ready and…. Wow. Sonny. Duck.

  The blow bounced off his cheek, and Sonny growled, pushing in to grapple a little. His extra weight always helped there. Their chests slammed together, skin slapping. MJ bent back for him, all that yoga almost sending him toppling over the top.

  Tuck and roll. That was what Sonny did, sending them ass over teakettle.

  “Good one.” MJ somersaulted off him, ending up in a handstand. Impressive.

  Sonny tried for the kung fu flip to his feet thing. He almost made it too. His back only cracked a little. “Man, it’s hell to get old.”

  “I bet I’m older than you.” MJ slowly lowered his feet to the ground, watching Sonny, leaving himself real vulnerable.

  Laughing, Sonny dove for MJ’s calves, knowing it was time to end this so that damned hair could disappear. He needed MJ back all over.


  Sonny had him now. Wrists in one hand, ankle in the other.

  “Uh-huh. Fuck, you’re hot, Precious.” He eased off, letting go. He didn’t want MJ to go nuts on him. “So. Hair?”

  “Best two out of three?” MJ met his eyes, laughing at him.

  “Hell, no.” Sonny pulled MJ in to kiss him. Hard.

  MJ kissed him back, humming low in his throat.

  It wasn’t until the kiss broke that Sonny realized the song was “You Are My Sunshine.”

  Oh God. He was…. Well, he was fixing to be a sappy, sentimental redneck. “Ditto, Precious. Come on. We got a date with the clippers.”

  “What do you have against my hair, man?”

  “It’s black. Your pubes will have to go too.” He palmed MJ’s cock through the thin pants.

  “Perv. Black hair is in.” That pretty cock bounced for him.

  “Not for me. I like mine sun-bleached and a little wavy.” He liked the ink around that fine cock to show too.

  “Longer….” MJ’s head tilted. “It used to be longer. With you.”

  “It did. I used to use it like a handle, Precious.” He’d sink his fingers in it again and fuck that sweet mouth. Soon.

  “I want you.” Bald, brutal, and fucking true.

  “Come on. Off the beach.” Whirling, he dragged MJ up the sand, heading for bed.

  They barely got through the door before MJ was on him, biting at his lips.

  Fuck, yes. Even if the man was trying to distract him from the hair…. Sonny twirled them like a pair of ballroom dancers, getting them to the bed and down, horizontal.

  “Tell me. Tell me about the first time you fucked me.” MJ tore his shorts off, mouth heading down his chest.

  “We were at the beach.” Sonny grunted, hands on that too-scratchy hair. “We’d been fighting. Sucking. Hand jobs. Neither of us had ever bottomed.”

  “No? But I let you?” Teeth scraped over his belly.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I promised to let you.” Jesus, that man. MJ had been so tight, so hot, and so damned good. “It was fucking amazing.”

  “It’s still amazing.” MJ’s lips found his prick.

  “It is.” His eyes rolled back in his head, and Sonny pumped his hips up, gasping for air. “Wait until I tell you about the first time you did me.”

  Those blue eyes pinned him to the mattress, mouth taking him down to the root and sucking like nothing he’d ever had. Sonny panted, his body rocking and rolling, his mind going ninety to nothing. His. MJ was his. Still.

  Those fuckers couldn’t take it.

  “Not letting you go.” He had to say it out loud, had to hear it. Had to know MJ heard it.

  MJ’s fingers wrapped around his balls in answer, rolling them, tugging just enough to make it ache so fucking good. His toes curled, his belly hard as a board. Goddamn. MJ swallowed around the tip of his cock, head bobbing, just enough to make him want to scream.

  Somehow he’d completely lost control. It was always that way with MJ, had been from the very start. Right from that shotgun in the woods.

  MJ’s fingers pushed behind his balls, nudging his hole, giving him something else to feel.

  Spreading like hot butter, Sonny moaned, pressing down. “Yeah, Precious. Yeah.”

  Oh, fuck him. MJ knew. The son of a bitch knew just what he liked, what he needed, and when one finger slipped inside him and nudged his gland, he damn near screamed. His whole body felt like a live wire, vibrating, crackling with electricity. He saw a door open out of the corner of his eye, saw Cowboy smile before disappearing again. Jeez.

  Nosy bastard.

  Then MJ did something with his finger and his mouth and it didn’t matter anymore, because something in him went ping, and he was a goner.

  His whole body shook, and Sonny came like the hangover after a night on ’shine. Fucking inevitable.

  MJ eased up, tongue cleaning him and easing him down.

  “Christ. I do love your mouth.”

  “Yeah, but you have this weird hang-up with my hair.”

  “Well, yeah. You’ll understand once it grows out and you see it in the mirror.” He knew MJ was avoiding mirrors right now.

  “Will I?”

  “You will.” His hands found MJ’s arms, hauling the man up for a kiss.

  They’d do this, and he’d make it right again—take one more step to bring MJ home, especially now that he knew MJ was fighting to come back too.

  “Come on, Precious. Take what you want, huh?” He’d let MJ get off. He was a gentleman, after all.

  MJ bit his bottom lip and grabbed his hand, pressing it to that hard lower belly. “Touch me.”

  “Yeah. So pretty here.” Tracing ink, Sonny worked his way down, not touching that straining cock. Not yet.

  “Not the best ink. I…. Those are finished jobs.”

  “No. This one is better.” One hand reached up to touch MJ’s shoulder, moving over the mark he’d put there. Him. He’d carved that into MJ’s skin.

  “That one is mine.” MJ rippled, eyes rolling a little bit. “Mine.”

  Sonny chuckled, the sound barely there. “I know the shape by heart, Precious.”

  “It’s important to me.” He could tell MJ didn’t even know why.

  It didn’t matter. Sonny knew why. All he could say was “Good.”

  “Get me off. I need it.” Demanding little bastard.

  “What do you want, Precious? My hand? My mouth?” He wanted to suck, damn it.

  “Or… oral fucking redneck.” MJ groaned and tossed his head. “Sonny. Now. Now.”

  “Uh-huh.” That was it. He pulled MJ up to straddle his chest. He wanted that cock, and he took it, lips sealing around the tip.

  “Want you. Fuck, need you. Sunshine.” Sonny felt MJ shudder, and salty drops fell on his tongue.

  Licking all along the shaft, Sonny went down, his eyes closing as the flavor of MJ exploded through him. Fuck. Yes.

  MJ didn’t take it easy on him; that cock drove between his lips, spreading them and pushing into his throat. Goddamn, he loved it when MJ fucked his mouth. And the man was back enough to stop pussyfooting, so it worked for him even more. He knew every fucking inch of skin, every one, even the ones those bastards had changed, and his nails scraped over each new scar.

  Humming, he took MJ even deeper, teeth pushing just a tiny bit at the base.

  “Sonny.” His name was bitten out, MJ arching impossibly.

  His hands lifted under MJ’s ass, pushing that cock all the way to the back of his throat. God. Come on.

  He heard MJ cry out and the man’s cock swelled; then liquid heat hit the back of his throat. Sonny swallowed, licking, tryi
ng to breathe through his nose. Christ. Just… yeah.

  When he opened his eyes, MJ was staring down at him. “If I let you do this hair thing, I want blowjobs twice a day until it grows back, and you beat that cowboy asshole to death if he rides me about it.”

  “Gladly.” Sonny licked his lips, thinking hard about which one would be more fun. Oh, who was he kidding? Definitely the blowjobs.

  “Okay.” MJ shook his head, gave him a smile. “I must love you.”

  “You do, Precious.” He reached up, stroked that flat belly. “You do.”

  “Then we’ll go with that, won’t we?”

  “We so will.” He wasn’t going to lose this chance. “Let’s do it.”

  Those blue eyes rolled, and he waited, just to make sure MJ didn’t clock him, but that didn’t happen.

  At least not yet.

  “DON’T YOU say a word.” He couldn’t believe he’d let the redneck son of a bitch do it.


  All of him.

  It was… bizarre.

  The cowboy who called himself Cowboy just smiled. “Moi? Now, Jay-Jay. Why would I mention a thing?”

  “Shut up.” He went for the fridge, where there was booze. Dude, he needed some green.

  He pointed to the little Poindexter dude who was staring at him. “You too.”

  Poindexter’s hands went up. “I didn’t say a thing.”

  Then there was a whispered, “Cue ball.”

  His teeth clenched. So did his hands. Cowboy’s chuckle floated over, warm and happy.

  He grabbed the bottle of rum and a lemon, put them on the table. “Don’t make me kill you, you little fuck.”

  “Touch him and I will kick your ass.” Cowboy puffed right up, which was not like him at all…. Wait. How did he know that?

  “You’ll try.” He found some honey.

  “Are we having a dick-measuring contest?” Sonny asked, wandering out of the back, looking all dried off and clean. “I’ll win.”

  That was, most probably, a solid gold truth.

  “Are you sure? Have you measured the professor?” How he knew the truth about the cowboy, he didn’t know.

  “Well, not when he’s all puffy, no.” Sonny winked, those black eyes just dancing.


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