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Boss Me

Page 13

by Claire Adams

“That was the day I realized I didn’t understand how to push past my fears. I didn’t understand how to get past the paralyzing moment where adrenaline floods your system, and you need to make a choice. My stepbrother was calling out for help, crying for someone to help him, and I couldn’t move.”

  I looked back up at her and saw a tear streaming down her face, and I knew she had done it. She had conquered so much more today than I ever thought she could, and all it did was make me respect her more for the woman she had grown up to become.

  Holy hell, her father would be proud.

  “So now, I’m trying to repay him for my inaction. I’m trying to conquer a fear that has held onto me for years. A fear that held me back in college, and a fear that’s holding me back from living up to the potential my late father thought I could rise to. And I hope my stepbrother sees that. I hope they both do.”

  “We do,” I whispered. “We do.”

  “Thank you for listening to me today. I hope I didn’t bore you too badly.”

  The crowd that had grown from 10 individuals to 50 clapped as she walked through them. She hooked her watering gaze with mine as she ran through the crowd, and when she reached me, she jumped into my arms. She wrapped herself around my body while my arms held her close, and the entire time the crowd clapped for us.

  For her.

  For the story she was willing to tell them while exposing her soul.

  “Your father would be so proud of you,” I said into her ear.

  I felt her nuzzle against my lips, and they puckered to press the lightest kiss to the outside of her ear.

  I released the hug before things got any more intimate. I could feel my body yielding to her the way it did Saturday night, and the flush trickling down her neck told me the same story. She felt what I was feeling from the moment she threw her arms around me, and as the clapping died down and everyone dispersed, all I could do was swim in her eyes.

  Those eyes I had wanted to wake up to that morning.

  “I’m proud of you,” I said. “And you have no reason to be sorry.”

  “Hearing you scream like that, Christian…”

  “It was a very long time ago. Obviously, I’m alright,” I said, smirking.

  “Can we get out of here and go get breakfast now? I didn’t eat before I came into the office this morning,” she said.

  “You don’t want to try for a second speech?” I asked.

  “No, thanks. I’ve had enough for one day,” she said.

  “Well, you did really well. And I meant what I said. Your father would be very proud of you.”

  “Are you proud of me?” she asked.

  And as I looked down into her eyes, I had to resist the urge to tuck a stray lock of hair back behind her ear.

  “Extremely,” I said.

  Chapter Twenty


  After everything that transpired yesterday, I needed to go talk with Daisy. I needed to tell her everything that had happened since Greyson and I split, and I couldn’t think about how she might judge me. I could still feel Christian’s lips on my ear after that damn speech in the park moment, and I had to talk with her now.

  The only issue was, this was her Saturday to work.

  “Hey, Stella!” she said as she threw her arm around my neck. “You came to visit me at work, I see.”

  “Figured you could use the company,” I said.

  “Oh, no. I know this trick. You’ve visited me at work three times, and all three of those times you needed some serious advice.”

  “I did not,” I said.

  “The first time you needed help choosing your life path since your father didn’t want you getting a business degree. The second time you needed help deciding whether or not to pursue Greyson, and the third time you were ranting about whether you should take the paramedic job or go straight into your Bachelor’s,” she said.

  “Fine, alright. Whatever. But really, you look good,” I said.

  “And you do, too, considering the shit Greyson just pulled,” she said. “Wait a second, is that why you’re here? You’ve got another man in your life, don’t you? Oh, you’re getting over Greyson by getting under someone else!”

  “Could you say that any louder?” I asked.

  “Come on. I have to make my rounds. We’ll talk while I do them,” she said. “Start with his name.”

  “You sure? That’s sort of the punchline,” I said.

  “Come on. His name, please,” she said.


  Daisy stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her head toward me. She eyed me up and down for a long moment before we went into the first room, and I sat down on the empty bed while she did a basic checkup on the elderly woman sitting in her chair in the room.

  “Your stepbrother, Christian,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I said, nodding.

  “Okay. Beginning, please,” she said.

  “When I caught Greyson with that other woman, I was fuming. I went to the office, and Greyson followed me. Christian ended up blocking my entire office doorway and told him off. You know, in the way Christian tells people off,” I said.

  “Okay. So, what happened after that?” she asked.

  “He offered to take me to dinner. He said we could talk a bit about work, and it would help to get my mind off Greyson and his bullshit,” I said.

  “I like the sound of that. Where did he take you?”

  “Island Prime.”

  “No, he did not,” she said. “You’d been telling Greyson to take you there for months! And Christian just took you there just because?”

  “Yep,” I said.

  “So, did you two talk shop?” she asked.

  “No. We said we would after dinner, but I’d had too much wine, and the sunset was so beautiful. I couldn’t bring my mind back around to work. Or Greyson, for that matter.”

  “Well, that’s a plus,” she said.

  “Daisy, he looked spectacular. He was in this tailored gray suit, and he was so nice the entire night. He opened my car door and helped me in and out of things.”

  “Ha, like your clothes,” Daisy said, smirking.

  “Shut up and listen,” I said.

  “Sorry, sorry. Continue,” she said.

  “I was the one that initiated things,” I said.

  “Wait. You initiated sex,” she said.


  “But, you never do that.”

  “I know,” I said.

  “Did you just jump his bones or something?” she asked.

  “No. He carried me out of his car and laid me on his couch so I could sleep off the wine. I could feel him almost kiss my forehead, and I found my entire being wanting him to. But, he pulled away, and it made my heart sink.”

  “You sure that wasn’t the alcohol talking?” she asked.

  “I thought it was, honestly. I freaked the fuck out after it happened.”

  “I can only imagine,” Daisy said.

  “But, yesterday he took me to do this exercise. He’s working with me on my public speaking, and my task was to pick a random crowd of people and tell a story.”

  “Sounds like utter bullshit,” she said.

  “It really wasn’t, though. Well, not after I started. I told this story, and as I got going, I got better. It worked a bit, I think. Anyway, after the story, he told me how proud my dad would be of me, and he kissed my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, Daisy. That’s not normal, right?” I asked.

  “Honestly? I’m not sure what to think right now. You just admitted to me that you slept with your stepbrother,” she said.

  “Love knows nothing other than love.”

  Our eyes landed on the elderly woman in the bed who had a small smile blooming across her lips.

  “I never said anything about love,” I said.

  “You didn’t have to, honey,” the elderly woman said. “It’s written in your eyes.”

  “I can’t be in love with my stepbrother. I can’t possibly feel t
his way about someone I grew up with my entire life,” I said.

  “Who better to fall in love with?” the woman asked. “He’s seen every part of you. The rough teenage years, the insecure middle school years. You’ve fought together and hated together and enjoyed holidays together. He is probably the only person on the planet who knows you as well as you know yourself.”

  I looked over at Daisy, whose eyes were firmly hooked onto the woman in the bed.

  “So, you’re saying I should go for it?” I asked.

  “Love knows nothing other than love,” she said again. “That’s how it works. Love, in its purest form, is unadulterated by anything this world has to offer. It’s how it can easily seek out the love of another person. Sometimes, we just have no control over who that person is.”

  “Even if that person is a stepbrother?” Daisy asked.

  “Do you love him, child?”

  She turned her gaze to me, and I felt the blood rush to my toes. Did I love him? In the way she was talking about? Had the sisterly pseudo-love I’d felt for Christian growing up somehow morphed into a romantic love?

  Was that even acceptable?

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “Then know this,” the woman said. “Love doesn’t come multiple times in a lifetime. The love we feel before we fall in love is just what we think love should feel like. Then, after the love is felt, all love after that is merely an echo. If you find love and you want it to stay, you have to take it.”

  I saw Daisy smiling down fondly at the woman, and I dipped down to give her a hug. I thanked her for her kind words before I wrapped my arms around Daisy’s neck, and she promised she would come over with food after her shift ended. She wanted more details than what I had just given, and I couldn’t blame her.

  But my mind was stuck on that question the woman had asked me.

  I didn’t know if I was in love with Christian. I knew how he made me feel, and I knew I wanted to be closer to him. I knew I cared enough to get jealous of the attention that doctor was paying him in the meeting, and I knew I cared enough to want his approval of my public speaking.

  I knew I cared enough to feel safe with him. Protected by him. I cared enough to wish I had stayed with him that night and woken up in his arms the next morning.

  I cared enough to see the man he had turned into, and as I got into my car, I realized I could be okay with Christian.

  I didn’t know if I could fall in love with him, but I could be okay with him.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was sitting in my kitchen drinking my second cup of coffee when a knock came at the door. The quick rapping followed by fingertips tapping told me exactly who it was. I smiled when I threw open the door and saw Todd standing there. He was clad in his wetsuit and holding his surfboard, and he was ready to get out for the morning.

  “You comin’ or what?” he asked.

  “Didn’t know we had plans,” I said. “I’m still drinking my coffee.”

  “The waves are awesome today. Chug it, get changed, and let’s go,” he said.

  “I could use a day out,” I said. “Give me 15 minutes.”

  I went back to the kitchen and downed the rest of my coffee before I took the stairs two by two. It would be nice to get out with Todd, especially with everything that had been traversing since the last time I saw him. I didn’t know if I wanted to really tell him what was going on, but I knew I wanted a bit of his advice.

  You know, to see where his head would be at with this whole thing brewing between Stella and me.

  “Come on, Christian! Let’s go!” Todd yelled up the stairs.

  “Don’t get your wetsuit up your ass crack; I’m coming,” I said.

  I grabbed a towel before I locked the door behind me, and I headed to the garage to get my board. Todd’s car was the only one we could take to the beach because it had space in the back to haul our boards, so I was always the one to fill up his gas tank. We pulled into a station, and I filled his tank up to the brim, then we were headed to the beach.

  “So, how you been since I last saw you? The company must be keeping you busy. I haven’t seen you around too much,” he said.

  “Yeah, it’s been a whirlwind,” I said. “Lots of things to learn and get under control. It’s been a big help having Stella around, though.”

  “I know, I’m just full of good ideas,” Todd said, smirking. “You two playing any nicer?”

  “I don’t think she’s trying to take the company away from me, if that’s what you’re asking,” I said.

  “Well, that’s a good start. When did she drop that idea?” he asked.

  Probably when I fucked her in my bed.

  “I’ve been helping her work on her public speaking. You know, like my mom used to. I think she saw the value I had to offer and the fact that I could teach her some things. She really backed off after that,” I said.

  “Oh, shit. You pulled that park shit with her? I’m surprised she even went for it.”

  “Oh, trust me. She wasn’t happy in the beginning. But, I told her it would help, and she trusted me for the first time in her life, probably, and it went over well,” I said.

  “Well, good for you. I’m glad things are working out,” he said.

  We rode in silence until we got to the beach. We parked the car and surveyed the waves for a while, trying to pick out the best place to enter the ocean.

  “It’s not crowded for a good surfing day,” I said.

  “People are still at church right now,” he said.

  “People around here don’t go to church,” I said.

  “Then they’re still sleeping. I don’t know. The point is, it’s prime time surfing, and the beach is clear. Doesn’t get any better than this,” he said.

  “Then what the hell are we sitting here for?” I asked.

  “Because you apparently want to watch the water without getting into it,” he said.

  We grabbed our boards and headed down to the beach. The sand between my toes felt like silk, and I couldn’t help but think back to the way Stella’s body felt against mine. The sand molded to my feet the way her body melded to my thrusts, and I breathed in a sharp sigh of relief when the ice cold ocean water hit us. The last thing I needed was a raging erection in front of my best friend while we tried to surf.

  “So,” Todd said as we floated in the ocean, “update me. Company’s good. Things with Stella must be good. Anything else happening?”

  “I’m moving the office spaces for the company to above the store, so we’re easily accessible to our employees. Oh, and I signed our first recurring client Monday,” I said.

  “Dude, you’re really rockin’ this thing. Any other run-ins with Greyson?” he asked.

  I bristled at the mere mention of his name, and Todd caught my reaction. He glanced over as the waves became choppier underneath us, and I was glad when I saw Todd position himself on his board.

  “Just pretend this wave is his face, and scrape the hell out of it with your board,” he said.

  I gave a hearty laugh at the thought.

  We rode the wave for a while before it threw me from my board, and I came up gasping for air. The water was ice cold, and it ripped the breath from my lungs. I shivered as I got back up on my board, and I scanned the water looking for Todd. I saw his board pop up from the water before he came up gasping for air, and I laughed as I paddled over to him.

  “Holy shit, this water’s cold,” he said.

  “That’s what you get for wanting to surf in an area that’s covered in shade 80 percent of the day,” I said.

  “But the waves are awesome here today. We’ll deal,” he said.

  “Greyson’s a dick, and I think he’s gone for good, thank shit. Stella had no business being with a dude like that,” I said.

  “Well, I know you’re sleeping easier at night. Speaking of which, I’m sleeping a bit easier, too.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked. “How so?”

“Happens when a beautiful woman wants to entice you,” he said, smirking.

  “No, shit. Meet her at another one of your parties?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Her tits are the perfect handful, and her ass goes on for days. And the way she moves in bed. Oh, fuck, dude. She’s incredible.”

  “Sounds like you’re in love,” I said.

  “Fuck no, man. Nowhere near it. She sucks great cock and has the tightest pussy I’ve had in a while, though,” he said.

  “How long she been around?” I asked.

  “A week. I’m taking her to a party tonight,” he said.

  “Ah, well. Tell her I said goodbye. It was fun while it lasted.”

  Todd shoved me off my board as I went under laughing. But, I was glad he’d brought the subject up. I wasn’t sure how I was going to segue into sex or anything like it, and I really wanted his opinion on the general situation.

  I climbed back up on my board as the waves smoothed out below our boards, and I drew in a deep breath before I started talking.

  “So, not going out as much means I’m either studying or watching television in my spare time,” I said.

  “Sounds absolutely terrible. Anything interesting on TV?” he asked.

  “The shows on there now are insane. Did you know there’s an entire show dedicated to weird sexual fetishes?” I asked.

  “What kind of television are you watching?” he asked.

  “The kind that comes on at 2 in the morning. That’s not the point. The point is, there was something on there that caught my attention,” I said.

  “I’m not shoving a light bulb up your asshole, dude,” he said.

  “Wait, what?”

  “I watched some ER show one time, and the doctor was talking about how he always had a regular in the hospital. He’d come in with broken light bulbs up his asshole. Don’t do it, dude. It’s not a good road,” he said.

  “I’m not shoving light bulbs up my ass,” I said. “I’m not doing anything like that. I just didn’t know shit like this existed.”

  “Shit like what?” he asked.

  “They had a stepbrother and sister on the show that were sleeping together,” I said.

  He slowly panned his gaze over to me. The waves began to get choppier underneath us, and we readied ourselves for the wave. I rode it all the way inland while Todd got blown off his board, so I paddled back out to him to make sure he was alright.


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