Book Read Free

John Judge

Page 54

by Michael G Franks


  John scanned the faces of the men that had gathered for his meeting, he saw lines of hardship, skin that had not seen enough daylight and a weariness that comes from the constant fight for survival. He saw Jason and Alex who had been given separate commands in different sectors and he saw their mother in their young faces. He wished she could be with him now especially now that he was about to launch the final push to take back the country for the people. He would have been proud to have her stood by his side today.

  Plans were already delivered to the units in the north in sealed envelopes that were only to be opened on his command. He had completed a phone call to each of the Commanders outside of London instructing them to open their orders. They were now in the process of briefing their men. John was ready to issue the plan to those stood in front of him.

  Included in the group was the Interim Government led by Gregory Harper. When the time was right, Greg would be addressing the people in much the same way as Garside had done nearly 15 years ago. Only this time there would be a charter, a solemn promise before God that there would be democracy once again. This time, the people would not be let down.

  ‘Please, everyone sit down and make yourselves comfortable, we have much to talk about. Thank you all for what you have achieved, I know it has not been easy and there have been many sacrifices. You will have seen that there is no military presence on the streets. We’re not sure why but it is my belief that something happened this morning at the execution parade that has opened a window of opportunity for us. You will be happy to know that the executions did not take place and it may be because of the two Officers we are holding. However, the total withdrawal of troops to barracks is unexplained. So we are going to take that opportunity for a final push to free this country starting today.’ A loud cheer erupted. John held up his hands to quieten the tumult. Make no mistake men it will not be easy and there will be a loss of life. This will be particularly so if the Army decides to come back on the streets in support of the Police and State. You will each be issued with a list of your sector targets. They are not to be destroyed but contained so the occupants in some cases will be allowed to continue working if they are providing a public service. The Civil Service will be allowed to continue working until the interim Government have assessed current working practices and put into place the charter objectives that their team have worked so hard on. I want those buildings locked down and heavily defended against any attempt to regain control. These prime targets are marked in bold type in your orders. Terry will continue to give an outline of the targets so that everyone has a view of the broader picture. Terry.’

  ‘Thanks, John. Our prime target will be the State TV station and radio stations; these will be the first to come under our control. TV and radio crews will be allocated to each sector. MI5 offices will be locked down and communications severed completely. A team has already been brought in from outside and ready to lock down GCHQ. These are two well-protected targets where there is likely to be resistance. All hospitals and medical facilities especially private clinics will be targeted; the medical supplies will be placed under guard. We are sure there will be no resistance from the nurses and doctors although the foreign owners of the private clinics may squeal a bit.’ There was a roar of laughter and Terry waited for it to subside.

  Terry Continued ‘Roadblocks are to be set up on major arterial roads once your sector is secure. While the Army are not on the streets, our main concern will be the Police. But we believe that once we are above ground in numbers they may not want to get involved in a street fight with us. If they do then, of course, we must defend ourselves. You will note that Police stations in your sector that are manned are listed in your orders. Your main aim must be to keep them there. We do not want them to disrupt our other activity. John, would you like to continue?’

  ‘Thanks, Terry. After the TV station and radio facilities have been secured, my team and I will proceed to Downing Street. The security guards on duty there will be disabled. It is important that the main Police station supporting Westminster is contained within their premises and prevented from mounting an assault on my team while we are inside. A TV camera team and the Interim Government representatives will accompany me. Following our new Government announcement to the public, we believe that the Police will return to their stations and offer no further resistance. In the event that the Army return to the streets in numbers and in the offensive mode you are to abort the operation. Despite our numbers, we would be no match against the military in a major confrontation. Make for the nearest underground entrances. You may have to fight your way there but be prepared for that eventuality. This show goes on the road at 2000 hours. Good luck.’

  There was a frenzied blur of movement as commanders and team leaders collected their orders and moved out either North or South to respective locations. They had about 2 hours in which to prepare.

  Gregory Harper sat mesmerized and looked a little lost. John spoke to him ‘whatever is the matter, Greg, I thought you would be bubbling and ready to go.’

  Greg sort of blinked a couple of times as if to clear his head ‘oh I am John, I just never thought I would ever see this day. It’s so powerful, to see so many prepared to risk their lives...’ He held the Charter manuscript close to his chest ‘for this. It could never have happened without you, John.’

  ‘It’s a long way off yet Greg but God willing he’ll be on our side tonight. When we complete what we are about to do and it is a success I want you to promise me a couple of things in the event that I don’t make it.

  ‘Of course John anything but what makes you think that you won’t be around to enjoy our victory?’

  ‘Just a precaution, you never know. Firstly, those who helped this revolution are to be pardoned for any crime that they committed or were accused of committing by the outgoing regime. People like Gerry Small should have their honour restored for his family’s sake. Secondly, those who have given their lives will be honoured appropriately. Thirdly, there will be major problems from the Stapo in rooting out corruption and resentment within their ranks because of the changes you make. Appoint Superintendant Graham Johns to the post of Commissioner; he will be your only chance to sort it out. And finally, that you and your Interim Government stay true to your word and work tirelessly to bring democracy back. Otherwise, all of the sacrifices will have been for nothing.’

  ‘John, I give you my word. All that you have asked will be done. But I know you’ll be around to see to it anyway.’

  ‘Thanks, Greg. Go to the jump off point with your escort section and I will join you there. I would like to spend a short time with my sons.’

  John managed to attract Jason and Alex’s attention before they embarked on their respective missions. ‘I just want to wish you both luck and pray that you both come out of this unscathed. My thoughts will be with you all of the way. Keep safe boys. I love you both.’

  The three men hugged in a triple embrace. Jason said ‘we love you too dad and can’t wait for the celebration when we get together again. Please be careful.’ As his two sons moved away, tears filled John’s eyes as he contemplated the thought that he may never see them again.

  At precisely 2000 hours, the entrances of the underground system opened and thousands of armed insurgents spewed out onto the streets. It was as if an ant’s nest had been disturbed, the only difference being that all of the movement was purposeful. Mal Adams led the section tasked with securing the State Television broadcasting headquarters. He split his group into two teams; one would approach from the North, the other from the South. Mal waited for his team from Regents Park station made their way down Portland Place towards Langham Place. His group’s journey from Oxford Street was a little shorter. The two teams merged and took up their predetermined positions outside the building. Thirty men remained outside securing the external perimeter while Mal and the rest of his section burst through the front doors of Television House. It took little time for the rest of t
he building to be secured. There was no resistance. In fact, Mal was surprised to find the staff so compliant, even welcoming. His first task was to enlist the services of camera crews and their equipment. He walked through the offices leaving several men to secure each floor. His aim was to find the person who could quickly provide what he needed. Mal didn’t have to wait for long. A senior technician approached and asked if he could help. Mal gave him the requirements. Within a short space of time, a fully equipped camera crew was assembled and ready to go. For many years, all outgoing scripts had been vetted and amended by specially appointed civil servants. The staff saw an end to that control. Mal left a section of men to guard the TV studios and proceeded from Langham Place to his rendezvous with John at Downing Street.

  Everything so far was going to plan. There had been some minor skirmishes but few casualties. John waited patiently for an update from Mal Adams. ‘What’s your ETA Mal and have you got what we want?’

  ‘On my way Sir, be with you in 5 minutes. And yes we have the equipment and resources.’

  Buildings along Whitehall and those in Parliament Square were secure and John together with Greg Harper waited while his specially selected team disabled the security surrounding Downing Street. There was a sudden exchange of gunfire as Terry Bayliss and his team engaged with the heavily protected First Minister’s offices and residence. Two white vans appeared festooned in aerials, satellite dishes and ladders. They pulled up adjacent to John’s holding position. A camera crew emerged at the same time as Mal and his armed section took up defensive stances at predetermined spots.

  The TV technician approached John ‘what is it you would like us to do Sir?’

  ‘I want you to film and record everything that goes on from now on. Once we gain entry, I would also like you to set up a studio for a national broadcast. Do you have the necessary equipment for that?’

  ‘Yes, we do Sir.’

  John turned to Greg ‘when we enter the lion’s den I want to confront him alone. As soon as the arrest team have entered and done what they have to do you can come in and prepare to give the most amazing speech of your life.’

  All over the city John’s troops were taking control and thankfully the Army remained firmly locked behind their barrack gates. John received a call from Alan Walker in the Northern sector ‘John, we were cut off by two Stapo patrols and, unfortunately, I’ve taken some casualties, three dead and at least six wounded. We have now neutralised the Stapo. The local hospital is seeing to our wounded now.’

  ‘Sorry to hear of your losses Alan. Can you secure your sector and lock down your targets or do you need back up?’

  ‘Yes Sir, securing sector not a problem but need backup for road blocks.’

  ‘Ok, a team from the Eastern sector will join you shortly.’ Reports were coming in of some resistance and several casualties, but he remained calm. He knew that the Police would gradually work their way back to the security of their barracks. Gunshots could still be heard in and around Downing Street but more so from the gardens at the rear. John asked Terry for an update.

  In a quiet voice but with gunfire in the background Terry replied ‘the front is secure but we have two security men holed up somewhere in the rear of the house and they are pinning us down. I have a small team making their way in from the front to deactivate them.’

  ‘Well done Terry, my team and other resources will start to move in now. Any sign of the main target?’

  ‘No not seen but no one has got out front or rear.’

  John, Greg and the TV crew heavily protected by Mal and his section moved quickly towards the front entrance. Two gunshots could be heard coming from the rear of the house. Silence followed.

  John’s mobile rang, it was Graham Johns. ‘What the hell Graham, you’re not supposed to phone me what on earth has happened? Are you in trouble?’

  ‘No John, quite the opposite. I have learned that there has been a military coup. Carsforth has been detained and is under house arrest. A Colonel Fraser is said to have led the revolt and has ordered all barracks to remain locked down. My boss has decided which way the wind is blowing and has started to withdraw all officers back to their bases. John, I believe you have done it.’

  John was elated ‘no Graham we’ve done it. Thank you for letting me know.'

  It had taken 15 years to get to this point and he looked at Gregory Harper clutching his Peoples Charter and smiled warmly. Just one more job to do.


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