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Bases Loaded

Page 1

by Lace, Lolah



  Lolah Lace

  Kindle Edition

  Published by Lolah Lace

  Copyright © 2013 by Lolah Lace

  Cover Image by Dash & Paul Matthew Hill

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.



  This novel is considered romantic fiction with erotic elements or erotica. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, mild violence and strong sexual content.


  To all the readers who love cliffhanger endings and serial books. This is also for my Facebook friends. You ladies are the greatest.


  I would like to send a special thanks to the Amazon, Goodreads and Kindle readers that gave me glowing reviews for Full Court Press and Balls To the Walls Erotica Series Books 1-3. Thank you so very very much, first for your honest reviews. I would like to acknowledge and thank: Kandicoated, CARAMEL, Avid reader, Nakia Huguley-ray, Denise Gardner, amanda, Denise, MNMC, Curry, Cherry Girl, JayhawkGirl “Sweet Baby Jesus”, mslelee, Christi Patton Diaz Giacanti, danikat, Queen55, katia, JJB, Kathy, Phatgirl Reads, Marsha Kindell “Momokin”, “I live for shoes”, Jessica, Denise Cherry, Denise Townsend, velvetgypsy, Jalisa, Kimone Dicks, Lashawn, Jenn, Keisha and Tara Casimir.

  Another thanks to the readers that rated and or reviewed Free Agent book 3.5 of the series. Thanks Jennifer, Avid reader, Denise Gardner, mslelee, danikat, Shirley, MRSCTW, Denise, velvetgypsy, Jalisa, Kimone Dicks, A A, Felicia and Debra Clemons. Thanks to all those I forgot to mention in the rush to get the fourth book published.

  Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author.



  Today is the day I come before you

  Today is the day I come unto you

  Tomorrow is the day I cum in your mouth

  So get used to it.

  Masonisms 101



  There’s a man on all three bases. I’m up at bat. All eyes on me, but I’m not Tupac. It’s up to me. I have to hit this ball and win this ball game. I can’t strike out. Everything is riding on me. One false move and I ruin this for me, my son and at least three other people that I care about. I have too many choices, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Do I even like ice-cream? Where do I go from here? First base, that’s if I hit this ball, make this play, knock it out the park. Temptation, Consequences, Pressure, Choices. This is my life. I’m in a game with six balls and I have to choose two.

  I remember a song by Mary Wells called Two Lovers. My mother used to play it when I was little. She was deep into Motown songs. The lyrics were, ‘I got two lovers and I’m not ashamed, I got two lovers and I love them both the same’. Well I got my own song called Three Lovers. I got three lovers and I am deeply ashamed, lovers from the past, present and future. I don’t want this stress and anguish. This is not like the movies. You just pick one and live happily ever after. In the fantasy world three men clamoring after you is great but in the real world it’s a pain in the ass. I went from no man to three men. I went from celibate to hot sex on a platter everywhere I turn. I don’t want to play these stupid reindeer games. My head is about to explode. I don’t want to be up at bat. I need a pinch hitter. The ball is dead, not in active play. Please replace me. I never want to get back in this ball game. This is the major leagues and I want to go back to Tee ball.

  Is this really happening to me again? First Mike comes banging on my front door. Then Karen comes a knocking and prances in my house. Now Tess is on the verge of breaking my car’s passenger window. Is this an episode of The Young And The Restless? I’m not young but I am sure restless. This bitch better got the fuck away from me!!!



  It’s a terrible day to be caught cheating. This is happening whether I like it or not. I have to do something but this is surreal. I feel like I’m underwater. I’m being held underwater and I’m drowning.

  I’m hosting a boxing match; in this corner, angry suburban wife and in this corner, pissed off extra black girlfriend. I had blocked out all the banging and the yelling. It was time for me to tune it back in. Kari was so startled that she was completely frozen in the passenger seat. Her chocolate eyes shifted from Tess to me. Pure unadulterated pissed-off-ed-ness. My ass is grass. Shit! Shit! Fucking Shit!

  This is my mess and I have to clean it up all by myself. Kari’s eyes were on me and I couldn’t will my vocal chords to work but I was sorry and I knew she could see that much in my eyes. I was so fucking sorry. My jittery hand was on the door handle. I pushed the driver’s door open and I jumped from the car. I stalked over to where my wife’s tirade of profanity held court.

  I wrenched Tess up from behind, snatching her off her feet.

  “Tess, Tess! Calm down. Stop it!” Tess struggled in my arms but she was a mere one hundred pounds. She was wasting her time thrashing in my stronghold. After Tess stopped her fretful movements I placed her back on her feet but still kept her in my bear hug.

  “Tess, stay calm. You are causing a scene. People are watching us.” There were people watching but none of them took it upon themselves to intervene in any way.

  “I don’t give a shit!” Tess howled.

  I was looking at Kari and she was peering through the passenger window at me with a devious look in her eyes. This is not how I wanted us to part. I had to get Tess home before this escalated into a domestic dispute involving the law. I was hell bent on getting out this hotel parking lot.

  Kari opened the passenger door as if she was reading my mind. She knew me well. Enough was enough and it was time to part ways. She was going to have to excuse herself from this situation without my aid. Kari stepped out and Tess made a feeble attempt to lunge for her.

  “Whore! You fucking whore!”

  Kari eyes narrowed. “Mason you better get her.”

  “I got her.” I said as Tess tried to leap from my arms.

  Kari turned to close the passenger door. She turned back to give Tess her unique evil eye.

  “You fucking whore!” Tess’ roar rang throughout the hotel parking lot.

  Kari took two steps forward and for a second I thought that she might claw my wife’s eyes out.

  “Kari please don’t.” I begged, pleaded and humbly decreed. I’m not sure I could hold both of them.

  I started praying silently that this would be a nonviolent encounter. I’m no MLK but I have a dream that all wives and mistresses can live in perfect harmony. I had my wife to contend with and Kari was a bit moody when she was bleeding and I didn’t want her to attack Tess or me. I knew from prior conversations that Kari didn’t fight like a girl.

  “You fucking tramp!”

  “Enough Tess! Jesus that’s enough!” I really wanted to choke Tess. Stop yelling! Please!

  As much as I wanted Kari to walk over to the driver’s side of her car and get in, I somehow
knew that she wouldn’t do it. She wasn’t going to go quietly.

  “Let me go!” Tess yelled out.

  “Yeah let her go Mason!” Now Kari was yelling at me.

  I can’t do that. “No.”

  “Let her go! Let’s see what happens.” Kari had turned on her extra black. She had her hands on her hips and I didn’t want any trouble.

  “Yeah Mason, let me go!” Tess taunted.

  I was actually thinking about it but that would be stupid. Instead I decided to remove Tess from my bear hug and grab one of her wrists. Tess glared at me. She was shocked I let her go or shocked I still had my fingers handcuffed around her wrist. I don’t know what she’s thinking. I realized I barely know the woman I’ve been married to almost eleven years now.

  “Hey we are all adults here.” I had to take charge. “Nobody lays hands on anybody. I’m not fucking playing. Tess!” I wouldn’t dare say Kari’s name. I just threatened her with my eyes. Kari smacked her lips at me. I guess my eye threat didn’t work. Kari’s not afraid of me when she’s fully clothed. My evil twin kept her in line but he was on sabbatical somewhere.

  Tess was winded from writhing around in my arms. “I know you.” Tess said breathily as she glared at Kari.

  “I know you too.” Kari sassed her and rolled her neck. Christ! Everyone needs to calm down.

  We all know each other. So fucking what? Let’s get out the parking lot and go home. This is the first time I wished Kari would skedaddle, vamoose, jet, bounce. Shit already!

  “Little league last year.” I watched Tess’ facial expression as things started to add up in her mind.

  Okay Tess you figured it out. I fucked the woman you never spoke to. The woman you didn’t bother to give one lone hello, the one you excluded. Yes dear wife, Kari’s the one you never included in any of your little league mother sideline discussions.

  I vaguely remember Tess did talk to all the other mothers but there were three mothers she didn’t interact with. I realize now that they were the minority mothers, two black women and one Hispanic. Kari never spelled it out for me and I didn’t notice it then but now it’s obvious. A lot of things are so much clearer now than they were then.

  “You’re fucking my husband?” Tess had lowered her tone.

  “I sure am.” Kari said loud and clear right before she smirked and raised both her eyebrows.

  “You, are, a fucking tramp.”

  “Your husband loves tramps you should try to be one.” Kari purred. Her mouth was deadly.


  “Your husband loves bitches, black ones. You will never be that.”

  Oh fuck! Jesus, Kari had her talons out and she was slicing Tess up just like she had done to me on several occasions. Kari was practically putting a bullet on Tess’ brain. I was only going to breakup any physical stuff that may come about. I wasn’t equipped for a female verbal spar.

  Kari popped her shoulders up like she was Michael Jackson in the Bad video. “Now what?” Kari challenged.

  Now nothing, I hope. It seems that Tess was out of her league. She didn’t have a rapid response to that one. I couldn’t wait for this moment in time to be over.

  “Tess, this is over. It’s time to go.” Tess’ rage turned into anguish and she started sobbing.

  It was time to part ways. “Kari.” I nodded to my Kari and she smiled at me. I smiled back. It was a reflex. She smiles, I smile back. I had wiped the smile from my face before Tess caught it. Did Kari just say your husband loves bitches, black ones, you will never be that? I just fucked her in her dirty mouth. My cock remembers and right here and now me and my cock want to fuck her in her vulgar filthy mouth all over again.

  “Move the van.” Kari ordered.

  I jerked out of my devious sexual thoughts and tugged at Tess’ wrist. I pulled an exhausted or defected Tess toward the van and Kari calmly followed.

  Kari walked around to the driver’s side of her Camry. She ducked into the open door. I watched her out the corner of my face with my duplicitous eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief when Kari slammed her driver’s door shut. This is over. I survived. I survived. Now there is Tess to contend with. I hope she continues to cry. If she’s crying that means she’s not talking. I will take the tears over her malicious words any day.

  The drive home was similar to the drive I took with my brother the day he stormed over to Kari’s house. The difference was the incessant whimpering and dry heaves followed by a magnitude of tears. I thought the crying would be bearable but I would kill for complete and utter silence, pin-drop silence, dead silence, the relaxing calm that came before the storm.

  Although I knew there was much to discuss with Tess, for the first time I was hopeful for a future with my Kari. It was different then the hope I had before. This hope seemed tangible. Everything was on the brink of being out in the open. My infidelity has been revealed and someday soon I would be free. Tess would either fight to keep this dilapidated marriage or she would just give up.

  My life is with Kari. It’s imperative that I proceed with caution but expediently. Jack’s divorce is final and I have no idea how fast or slow he’s trying to move. I loathed that pretty bastard but I can’t blame him for wanted a life with Kari. I want a life with her. She may think she loves him but she loves me more. Our love is something that I feel in my gut. She would have never cheated on Jack with me. That is if she truly loved him the way she loves me.

  I exited the minivan and left Tess in the passenger seat sobbing. I went into the house to check on my kids. I wasn’t even sure if they were inside the house. I wasn’t sure if she left them alone. I just wasn’t sure of anything these days. If my children were hurt, Tess would hurt. She would feel pain like no other. That was the one thing I was very sure of.

  I put my key in the door. I heard the joyous noise pollution. The TV was blasting Barney. I could hear the purple dinosaur’s gallingly animated voice. Hannah was playing with a baby doll. Tim and Matt were on the floor with their eyes glued to the TV screen. They were safe and sound.

  I looked up and noticed our teenage neighbor and sometime babysitter Paige. She was walking toward me with her face buried in her cellphone. She didn’t notice me, too busy texting and walking. Paige was a chubby girl with braces and she lived two houses down. It took her a few seconds to look up and notice me. She quickly shoved her cellphone in her pocket.

  “Mr. Rizza.” She was trying to control the fear that rocked her short frame when she noticed a tall man standing a few feet in front of her.


  “Your wife just left like an hour ago.”

  “Yeah, how many hours were you supposed to watch the kids?”

  “She said two, three hours at the most.”

  “How much do I owe you?”

  “One hour ten dollars.”

  I reached in my pocket and removed forty dollars from my wallet. “Here goes.” I handed the two twenties over to Paige. There was no way I was going to give her ten dollars for three kids. Plus there was the possibility of three hours of babysitting.

  Paige looked at me puzzled and confused. “Forty dollars?” She asked.

  “Take the money. Tess will give you a call next time we need a sitter. Tell your dad I’m going to give him a call.”

  “Okay Mr. Rizza.” Paige quickly grabbed her jacket from the arm of the couch. “Bye kids.” She waved to my clan.

  “Bye Paige.” All three of my children said in a scattered unison. Paige was out the door in seconds. I hoped she wouldn’t notice Tess sobbing in the driveway but it would be hard to miss her.

  Tim and Matt’s eyes went right back to the TV. Hannah stopped combing her dolls hair to give me a look.

  “Dad, you’re home early. Where’s mom?”

  “She’s in the van. She will be in soon. You guys hungry?”

  “No not really.”

  I put my wallet back in my pocket and retrieved my cell. I started dialing and walking toward the kitchen for some privacy.
/>   I placed my cell to my ear.

  “Karen.” My sister answered.


  “Are you busy?”

  “No, I’m at the dry cleaners.”

  “Can you watch my kids for a couple of hours?”

  “Sure, you got plans.”

  I took a deep breath. I might as well come clean. “I just got caught with Kari.” I didn’t know how to phrase it.

  “What are you saying?”

  “Tess was outside the hotel waiting for me. She knows about me and Kari. I just want to get my kids out the house so I can talk to her.”

  “Oh Mason, how did you let this happen?”

  “I don’t know. I thought I had my bases covered. I guess she was following me.”

  “Mason, I’m coming to get the kids. They can just spend the night with me. You don’t have to worry about the kids. Pack them some clothes.”

  “I will pack them up.”

  “Where’s Tess?’

  “She’s in the van, in the driveway crying. I removed the key. She going to have to came in eventually.”

  “Jesus Mason, are you okay?”

  “Huh, I’m shocked. I’m mad at myself. I’m happy it’s out. I don’t know what I feel.”

  “Wait, what are you going to do?”

  “I wish I knew.”

  “I’m on my way to pick up the kids.”

  “Thanks, Karen. My truck is parked at the gym. I need to go get it.”

  “I’ll have RJ pick it up. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay right. I’m going to pack the kids clothes.”

  “Okay do that. Calm down. You sound spacy. Listen brother, don’t do anything rash. Just breathe and think before you act.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Karen’s words resonated with me. They were words that would’ve come from my mother if she was still alive. Karen was much like our mother and at that moment I was made aware of just how much. Karen ended the call.


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