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Bases Loaded

Page 4

by Lace, Lolah

  I put my key in the door and braced myself for the unknown. Tess was not downstairs. I surveyed every room, even the downstairs bathroom. There was no Tess. I walked up the back staircase taking two steps at a time. It was so quiet in the house I could hear myself breathing.

  When I got to the bedroom I saw Tess. She was lying in bed with the remote control in one hand and her cellphone in the other. She wasn’t bleeding, gasping for air or dying from what I could tell.

  Her eyes grew large when she noticed me enter.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you since yesterday.”

  “I went for a drive and then got a room at a hotel.” I walked over to the dresser and removed clean boxers, socks and a sleeveless tee.

  “I was worried. Why would you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Leave without a word. I’m still your wife.”

  Oh god, please not for long. That was a mean thing to think. “I didn’t give it any thought. I just needed time alone.”

  “Or did you need time with her?”

  I decided to ignore the question.

  “Mason I know you hear me. Were you with Kari?”

  “I hear you. I’m just not answering stupid questions today. I’m getting my clothes and getting dressed for work.”

  “You’re going to work? You’re going to just act like nothing happened?”

  “Yes, I’m going to work. It would be impossible to act like nothing has happened. You should enjoy this time alone without the kids. Go pamper yourself, go to the hair salon or get your nails done. Go to a spa. Relax.” I was saying random things and I was not at all sure why I was saying them. “Go shopping or something.”

  “You are cheating on me and you think retail therapy will make me feel better.”

  Well wife, my cock has never made you feel better. I only have money, my asshole personality and my cock. Pick a fucking option, A, B or cock. “I don’t know what will make you feel better. I know I would feel better making money and doing my job.”

  “Do you spend money on her?”

  Geez Louise, I decided to ignore that question as well.

  “Where are the kids?” Great, she asks a question that I can answer.

  “Hannah and Matt are at school. Karen dropped them off this morning and Tim is with her now. You can call Karen and talk to her about the kids.”

  “When will they be back?”

  “I don’t know.” Does it matter? Karen is doing us a favor. Her youngest is sixteen she is not trying to kidnap our kids.

  Stop it! Mason, stop! Why are you being so hostile to her? She hasn’t done anything. She is still your wife. Be nice, treat her with respect, not contempt. Now repeat that shit over and over in your head and write my new mantra one hundred times on the chalkboard. I cracked a smile but made sure to hide it from Tess.

  I grabbed some clothes out the closet and went into the bathroom to change. I made sure to take my cell with me. I didn’t need any more dramatics. I surely didn’t need any more remote controls thrown at my head.

  I always changed in front of Tess but for some reason I felt strange about it. That’s precisely why I’m in the bathroom changing. I know Tess doesn’t desire me. Maybe I always knew it but I never actually admitted it to myself. I was too arrogant to think she didn’t want me, my cock or my sex. Now I have acknowledged it. I have accepted it. But it feels weird to be naked near her now. I’m truly going crazy. I need to get my ass out of this house. I need to bury myself in my work, the only thing I can’t fuck up.

  When I was fully dressed I exited the bathroom. I left all yesterday’s clothes in the hamper in the bathroom. I went to the dresser for my car keys. They weren’t there. I immediately knew she took them. Why me? Why me? Why fucking shit balls me? I should just shoot myself in the head now and get it over with. All I want to do is go to work.

  I had such a good time with Kari last night and now I’m miserable all over again. I turned my body around from the dresser to face my klepto wife.

  “Tess can I get my car keys?” Pleaseeeeeeeee.

  “What keys?”

  The one’s you took off this fucking dresser drawer. “My car keys.”

  “I haven’t seen your car keys.”

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Am I on Punk’d? This could not be my life. This childish immature bullshit is my fucking life.

  “Tess, give me my keys.”

  “I don’t have your goddamn keys!”

  “Okay, I am going downstairs to make me a cup of coffee.” I deeply inhaled and exhaled. “I’m really calm right now. When I return to this room I expect my motherfucking car keys to be on top of this goddamn dresser.” I pointed to the exact place. “I know they will be here when I return. I know you don’t want me to choke the life from your body. Don’t make me Drew Peterson you. Our kids would miss you. Your family would want to have a body to bury.”

  Did I just say that? Yeah I did. Tess’ eyes were on my eyes. She was scared shitless. It was over the top to throw former Bolingcreek resident Drew Peterson into the conversation but she had to know I meant business. Wives disappear all the time. You don’t have to be a cop to make that shit happen.

  Tess looked like she peed her pants right there on the spot. She looked like a frightened cat. I was talking bullshit. I would never kill my wife. I would never kill a woman, any woman. But I sure would threaten my wife. I guess I just did.

  “Tess don’t fuck with me.” I wish we could be civilized about this but I’m sure that’s a fantasy.

  I made a hasty dash from the bedroom. I was in the kitchen faster than fast. I was on a mission. I was going to leave that house. I was going to make some coffee. I needed it. I felt like I was in a trance. I was up late with Kari. So late I’m not sure when I even finally drifted off. One cup of black coffee will wake me up. I stood in front of the coffee maker and watched it brew. The smell was heavenly and the taste was the same.

  There was no doubt in my mind that my keys would be on top of the dresser. I took a few sips of coffee, just enough to wake me up. I decided to leave the coffee mug on the kitchen counter.

  Being cool and calm probably is irritating the shit out of Tess but there is really nothing to fight about. We’re just not working. We never will, deal with it and let’s act civil for the sake of the kids.

  I went back up the stairs and all I could think about was the impact this would have on my children. Divorce is a failure. I failed as a husband and as a father. Keeping my family intact is my duty. I botched the very basic part of a marriage, fidelity.

  My eyes shot straight to the top of the dresser. They were there. I rushed in and grabbed my car keys and I rushed out the room without giving Tess the attention that she craved.

  I arrived at the office in minutes and I walked right pass Mikey. This is a different kind of walk of shame. I’m sure Tess blabbed to Melissa and therefore my dumbass dickless brother knows my business. I went into the backroom and took a seat at the desk. I started checking my emails and a few minutes later RJ walked into my open door.

  “Uncle Mason, how you doing?”

  “Fine, what do you want?”

  “I want see how you are doing. I got your Rover. It’s parked out back. I see you drove the Maxima. I thought you got rid of that Maxima.”

  “It’s paid for so whatever. I could give it to Sonia, if my sister doesn’t buy her a car. Did Sonia get her license yet?

  “She passed the class but you know there’s a waiting period before you can take the test.”

  “Okay, I didn’t know that.”

  “I kicked it with my little cousins yesterday. Hannah is like a super-nerd.”

  There was a brief silence were RJ was weirdly observing me. “RJ do you have something to say?”

  “No, Uncle I just, I don’t know. Shit happens.” RJ quotes me.

  “I can handle my shit.”

  “I know. I’m going up North to see how the subdivision is going.”

  “Yeah get up
there and check it out. Marcus is off today. Who’s in charge up there?”


  “Okay just pop over there and take a look. Don’t step on his toes. Take a few pictures and leave.”

  “Okay boss.” RJ gave me his goofy grin and he left me alone.

  I threw myself into my work. I successfully blocked out all the drama. I focused on the day to day tasks. I was finally able to clear my head of all the bullshit. Tess hadn’t called or texted. This made the day go that much smoother. Then I started to wonder if her silence meant she was doing something reckless. I started having morbid thoughts of her hanging by the dining room chandelier. After I blocked those morbid thoughts things appeared lighter and brighter. The day was going well. I was able to successfully distract myself from my chaotic life.

  The day was close to being over. I left the back office to go up front and tell Mike he could take off. My face contorted at the sight of Melissa.

  Shit! What the fuck is she doing here? I loathed Melissa. She was one of those women that thought she was a man. She was a nagging monstrous beast. She was unhappy and she had absolutely no problem making all those around her just as miserable as she was.

  She was standing over the front desk looking down on Mike. He couldn’t control her at all. She wore the pants. I hated seeing them together. It was pathetic to see my brother berated by the beast. She married Mikey only to be married. I doubt she ever loved him. It’s hard not to have doubts when she made a pass at me. It was more like a vicious attack that I have blocked out of my memory.

  “You’re really here?” She barked directly at me.

  “Where else would I be?” I could bark too.

  “At home begging your wife’s forgiveness.” Mike stood and I wasn’t sure why? Melissa ignored his presence just like any other time.

  “Yeah right.” That will never happen.

  “Melissa you should go.” Mike had words for his wife. Shit! Even cowards can use their tongues, first time for everything.

  Melissa ignored Mike even more than before. All her unnecessary attention was aimed at moi. “Haven’t you hurt her enough? Mason you are heartless. You are cold.”

  “How would you know what I am?”

  “Tess tells me everything. I know it all, everything about you and your perversions.”

  What perversions? “That’s great. I’m glad she has someone to talk to. Maybe you should keep an eye on her. She needs a friend right now.”

  “You’re not funny.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be.”

  “I’m not scared of you. She told me you threatened her life.” Melissa was really up in arms about literal affairs that were none of her concern.

  “Melissa, I really think you should leave and take your husband with you.”

  “You’re kicking me out?”

  “No, when I kick you, you will feel it.”

  “So now you’re threatening me?”

  I looked dead into my shell shocked brother’s eyes. “Melissa we need to go.” Mike clumsily announced. Mike was an expert when it came to knowing my limitations. I had served him some brutal beatings in our youth. He knew one punch from me could knock a man off his feet. So I’m sure he didn’t want me to even breathe on his wife.

  “Fuck you Mason! You think you’re king of everything!”

  This beast was yelling at me at my place of business. Yeah sure I think I’m the king of everything but that’s not the point. “Mike seriously put a muzzle on your pitbull.” I rested my hands on my waist. Mike moved from behind the desk. A normal guy would guard his wife, act as her protector and bodyguard but Mike was standing in the middle of us just to take the blow if I decided to sock her in her mouth. I would never hit a woman. Mike is a real dumbass.

  I have too many moves in my arsenal to ever have to hit a woman.

  “Fuck you, Mason! I’m not afraid of you!” Said the beast.

  So much misplaced anger. Why? Cause I wouldn’t fuck you so many years ago. “Get out!” I half-heartedly raised my voice.

  “Come on Melissa, let’s go.” Mike reached out and grabbed Melissa’s forearm. She jerked away.

  “Fuck your brother! He’s a fucking bully. I’m not Tess. You can’t bully me.”

  “No you’re not Tess. I would never do this to Tess.” I reached over Mike’s shoulder and palmed Melissa’s entire face like I was palming a basketball. I shoved her backwards; more like jerked her face with the power of my wrist.

  “Get the fuck out!” I pretended to be in an uproar. Mike had backed his body into Melissa. She was pushing forward and he was pushing back. “Get her out of here!” I yelled into Mike’s face. He spun around to face his wife. Mike started dragging his overzealous ball and chain toward the front door.

  “Mason! Fuck you! Mason! Fuck you!” Melissa was yelling like a total and complete lunatic. I don’t know what her deal is. Mike was doing a fairly good job subduing her big mouth.

  This was beyond any stunts Melissa’s has ever pulled in the past. This time she outdid herself. She was thrashing around in Mike’s arms. I was just idle and crossed my arms under my chest. There was a glimmer of pride that embraced me when Mike opened the door with one hand and pushed his wife through the door with the other. I tuned out all the obsessive yelling and screaming Melissa was doing.

  This bullshit is going to make me prematurely go gray. Growing old with Kari, now there’s a thought that put on smile on my face.



  I had a lunch date to see Mason. It had been a few days since Mason was caught with his pants down around his ankles. I get mad when I think about how Tess came at me. Then I feel stupid for being mad. I mean what was she supposed to do in that situation? She’s been married to him for over a decade. If Mason was my husband I would whoop a bitch’s ass over him right after I beat the shit out of him. I would never fight over Lamar or for Lamar. I don’t think I would fight a chick for Jack. But Mason had my heart. It’s funny how things change, how feelings evolve from what seems like nothing.

  Mason and I were keeping in contact but I could tell he was eager to see me. It felt good to see him without restrictions. There was nothing to hide. Tess knew about us. It was a hard road but now I believe Mason and I will really be together. I stopped sleeping with Jack. He was irritated by it but he was too nice to force himself on me. He was too nice to complain about it. Jack was still living in my house. I was taking one day at a time.

  Mason and I were going to meet for lunch at the Yorktown mall. I arrived early and had a table in the food court. I didn’t care if anybody saw us out together. It’s funny how all your common sense flies out the window when you’re in love. When you’re happy and when you truly see a future with the man you love. His marriage is over. It’s been one. There is no way that marriage can survive.

  I sat at the table and thought about my future with Mason. My heart was his but I was always a logical rational chick. I wondered if Mason would ever cheat on me. I never thought he would cheat on me with Tess but what goes around comes around. That little cliché played over and over in my mind.

  On one hand I stole someone’s husband. But can you steal someone’s husband? I mean he must have wanted to go. Is karma going to bite me in the ass? If we are meant to be then it’s just fate bringing us to where we are supposed to rightfully be.

  I haven’t figured out how I’m going to break up with Jack. I think maybe it would be best to do it in phases. It would be easier if I could just get him to leave me. If I could just get him to fall out of love with me. If he leaves me, I would feel better. It would ease my guilt. That’s a selfish thought. I wonder if it would be normal to miss Jack after all is said and done. I’m not sure but something tells me I will miss him.

  I spotted Mason coming toward my table. He was dressed in black Adidas sweat pants with the white stripes down the sides of the legs. He was wearing a gray fitted muscle shirt. I think it was Under Amour. Damn! He was bulging out all o
ver the place. His pecs were pressed against the fabric. His biceps were huge. I smiled when I noticed he was wearing a gray and black Chicago White Sox baseball cap. Funny, I know he likes the Chicago Cubs. What is he on? Mason is so fucking sexy. He looked like a young college guy in the baseball cap and tight ass shirt. He was holding his Adidas jacket in his hand.

  The closer he got to my table the wetter my insides became. Oh god, I love him. I looked around to see if anybody noticed him coming my way. Some teenage girls were checking him out. He is fine. I can’t blame them. I don’t ever remember seeing any old guys with bodies like this when I was a teen.

  Mason was smiling widely when he bent to kiss me. He didn’t give me a peck on the lips. He grabbed my chin and titled it up. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and rocked my inner core when he did Zumba inside my mouth.

  “Hey babe.” He was still smiling. I was too. He makes me smile. Damn! I hate him! He pulled out the chair in front of me and planted his rear down in it.

  “Hey Coach.” I was staring into his icy blue eyes. I was falling in love all over again. I looked over at the table with the teen girls. They both had their mouths open. They went back to eating when they noticed me noticing them. Mason was such a show-off.

  “You look tasty, just like a hot caramel sundae.”

  “Thank you. Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez think you look hot.” I tilted my head in the direction of his teen admirers at the table to the right side of us.

  Mason glanced over and smiled at the girls. He turned back to me and leaned over the table. “I only care if you think I look hot.”

  Hell to the yeah! “I do.”

  “I’m hungry.” Mason said.

  “I can see that.” His eyes always give him away. He wanted to get inside me and he had a look that conveyed this. I had seen it so many times before. He looked like he was going to eat me, like he was going to pounce on me, like he was going to swallow me whole, chew me up, bones, flesh, and every damn thing. Well Damn!


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