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Bases Loaded

Page 10

by Lace, Lolah

  All the passion in his eyes stirred something in my heart. The tears I had been holding back poured from my eyes and parted my lips. I gasped for air. His words seemed like poetry to me. His blue eyes had knocked down the brick wall I had built in between him and me. But was it a brick wall or was it Mason?

  Mr. Rizza was a concrete barrier. He was that unmovable force that stopped me from moving forward. He stopped me from seeing what I had in front of me. He obstructed my view. I couldn’t be angry with Jack for running back to Diana when I drove him from me with my lies and deceit. Jack was always trying and I was going through the motions. Jack made me love him anyway.

  “Kari, whatever it is you’re sad about you better cry it out now.” Jack gently took my chin in his hand and held it. He leaned in toward my face like he would kiss me but just stopped short of my lips. “I’m not letting you go. We are staying together regardless of the past. You’re not getting rid of me. If you ever cheat on me again with anyone from this day forth I will…” Jack squeezed his firm grip on my chin and titled my face up to his. I thought he was going to crush my jawbone. Then he just abruptly let me go.

  Jack stood or more like bolted up from his chair. He paced the floor in front of me. I adjusted my jaw. I could still feel a twinge of pain.

  He suddenly left me alone in the bedroom. Okay, I get it. No more cheating. That’s not a problem. Mason is old tragic news. I belong to Jack. I’m done with the extra bullshit.

  That night Jack made dinner. He, I and Trey sat together in the kitchen and eat. After dinner Jack worked on something in what used to be my little office. He had taken it over with a lot of his stuff but I didn’t mind. He had added a lot of extra electronic stuff in the room. I cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs. I tucked Trey into bed and listened to him talk to me about his new best friend. I got cleaned up for bed and waited for Jack. He eventually came to bed. I pretended to be sleep. I had been pretending to be sleep for at least two weeks.

  I was lying on my side. I felt Jack slip in bed in his regular spot behind me. He gave me my space but he recently would sleep closer to me. I’m sure it was because I stopped sleeping with him. He probably was confused. Jack’s hand roamed under the comforter. He reached over and went under my tank top. He cupped my breast. He roughly pulled at my breasts. He pinched my nipple hard and made it burn, burn in a good way. I felt Jack’s face buried in the back of my neck. There was a bit of awkwardness and a bit of familiarity. I had stopped all intimacy with Jack and he seemed okay with it but now he was trying to fuck me. His dick was poking me in my ass. He had removed his pants before he got into bed.

  I think I want this. I think I’m ready for this. I moaned loud enough to let Jack know I welcomed his sex. Why did I do that? Jack pinched my other nipple and this time that shit hurt.

  “Jack what the fuck?” That hurt.

  Jack removed his hand and I thought he was going to get up and leave the room. Instead he got up on his knees. He turned me over on my back and opened my legs. He reached over to the table and turned on the lamp. Why?

  Jack was in between my legs. He removed my panties. He was looking down at me like he occasionally did. He was in his voyeur mode. He was looking at me like I was some nasty slut. It turned me on and made me wet. It made me want to touch myself. I traced my fingers down to my pussy and I pushed my index finger inside me while he watched. He licked his lips. I had to give him a taste. I put my finger up for him to lick.

  Jack grabbed my wrist and looked at my finger. His examination made my hotbox leak. He let my wrist go and he slapped my hand away. Jesus Jack! He was really mad. I could see it in his eyes. He looked like he could rip my head off.

  “Jack.” I was trying to snap him out of his trance. “Jack!”

  “Shut up whore.” He murmured.

  Well damn! He wasn’t playing around. This wasn’t our regular role play sex scenario. This pretty motherfucka meant that shit.

  “Get off of me.” I was being as quiet as possible since my son was in the house in his bedroom.

  “Shut the fuck up whore.” He said that shit again. It was difficult to be hard when he had my legs spread wide and he had his six-two chiseled body in between my legs. I wanted to call his mammie a whore but Jack is white. Talking about a white man’s mama doesn’t jab at their hearts like it does a black man.

  Jack grabbed me by my thighs and dug his fingers and nails into my skin. He had a fucking demon chilling in his eyeballs. Goddamnit!

  “Stop Jack, you’re hurting me.” I was going to cry because it hurt so bad.

  “Why should I? You hurt me.”

  I instinctively reached up and punched him in the side of his head. My jab shocked the shit out of him. He unknowingly let me go and I quickly scooted out from under him when he reached for his face. I stumbled out of the bed and I didn’t get far. I hit the floor and Jack was on top of me. I was so upset. I felt tricked or something. Jack was right where he started, in between my open legs. He grabbed both of my wrists and wretched them up to his chest. He was looking at me like I was some kind of alien from another planet.

  Jack stretched my arms above my head. My heart was beating out of control. I felt the tip of his penis right at my pussy lips. What is happening? He took both my wrists in his one hand and his other hand skimmed down the length of my arm. Jack ran his thumb over my cheek and over my lips. Doesn’t he see that I’m sorry?

  “Jack I’m sorry.”

  “Shut up whore.” Jack reached down and guided his dick inside me. He went straight inside me and I opened up and welcomed him. He was staring down at me.

  “Jack I’m sorry.” Jack rammed deep into me and made me gasp for air. It felt so good having Jack inside me. I don’t know why it took all this extra shit to get him here. “Jack.” I called up to him. He was stuffing me with his dick and biting his bottom lip the way he always did. “Jack, I’m your whore.”

  I must have said the magic words because Jack lifted both my legs up in front of him. He laid them on his chest. He plunged down in my pussy.

  “Ohhhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed forgetting to shut my mouth. My knees came close to hitting me in the face. I felt his balls bouncing off my asshole and I was seconds from a hot intense orgasm. Jack was holding my ass in his hands and he was hitting my pussy real hard from underneath. I did miss this. I did miss him. I came. I had an orgasm. It snuck up on me and soothed my heartbreak. Yeah, I love Jack.

  The next morning I woke up sore. My thighs hurt from the digs Jack took when he was holding me. Jack wasn’t next to me. He already showered and shaved. He looked like he was ready for work.

  I rubbed my eyes and glared at him. I didn’t know how he felt about what was going on with us. This is the first time I’ve been completely in the dark when it comes to Jack.

  Jack stood at the foot of the bed. He looked down at me. “How did you sleep?”

  “Okay.” I sat up in the bed. I was naked under the comforter.

  “Are you sore?”


  “You’re lying.” Jack sat on the bed next to me.

  “I’m a little sore.”

  “I sorry I hurt you.”

  “Are you?” I needed to know for my sanity.

  “Yes, Kari I love you so much. It hurts me that you slept with someone else.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep with Lamar.” I confessed. I could never go back to Lamar after our turbulent history.

  “Okay, Mason?” He asked using two words.

  I shook my head yes. That was hard to admit.

  “Okay if it happens again--”

  “It won’t.”

  “Okay.” Jack pressed his lips together. He took a breath. “I love you. I will not hurt you but him, I don’t love him. I will hurt him. If I hurt him it will be your fault. Do you understand what I’m getting at?”

  “Yes I understand.” I understood exactly what Jack was getting at. Since Jack never ever made any threats I was inclined to believe him this particu
lar time.

  For some shameful reason I thought that Jack would hire someone to kill Mason but that was just my mind running away from me. I watch to many crime shows. The First 48 got my head fucked up.

  The thing is, Jack is really smart and if anyone could kill someone and get away with it; that would be Jack. He is crafty, manipulative and resourceful. Oddly Mason was the same in that regard.

  “We will never speak about it again. I’m not going to throw that pompous prick up in your face every time we have a disagreement. Mason and Diana are no more.”


  “Fuck okay. Tell me to my face. Look me in the eye and tell me that he is history.”

  I looked him in his eyes. “Jack, Mason is history. I love you. I want you.” Seems like I said those same words to Mason.

  Jack’s chiseled jaw clenched. There was an inkling of fear that crept into my veins. I never was afraid of Jack. I’m watching him closely. Jack loves me. He would never hurt me.



  Today was a special day for Jack. We were in a good place and I was going out of my way to prove to him that I was committed to this relationship, that we were a team and that I think I am worthy of his forgiveness. It was like I could breathe again. Mason was gone from my soul. I was proud of this. I had stopped beating myself up for my recklessness, my foolishness and my selfishness.

  I was Patti Labelle in this bitch. I had a new attitude. I had a man that loves me and I would spend the rest of my days showing him I loved him too. Things changed for the better after that painful torturous sex session.

  Jack had landed a million dollar account with Kraft. I was really proud of him. He was a hard worker and a really good man. There was a party downtown at his Ad agency to celebrate the news. Jack was already there. He was meticulous about things going perfectly and true to form he had to be there to oversee all the preparations.

  About a week before the party Jack took me to Neiman Marcus to shop for a dress to wear to his event. Shopping with Jack made me want to blow his brains out. Apparently he had more money than he knew what to do with. He was spending money like a crazy person. It was clear that he was truly slumming it living in the humble abode of a FedEx employee.

  I got all dressed up in a fitted black Michael Kors cutout single sleeved gown. This dress was beyond sexy and had a split on the side all the way up to the top of my thigh. There was an opening right where my cleavage sat. This gown was some Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez type of garment. Even with all the exposed skin, the dress was still classy and not at all slutty. It cost thirty-seven hundred dollars. It wasn’t Jack’s first choice. He wanted me to get this black and nude beaded tulle trumpet gown by Oscar de la Renta. That dress was nine thousand dollars. I refused to let him spend that money on a dress. He was adamant that I get that dress. I told him I would make a scene. That dress was sharp but I don’t need that much money on my body.

  The compromise came with the black sexy dress. Jack put his size elevens down. He said I could get a cheaper dress just as long as I showed off all my assets. Tits, ass, legs, those were his words. He said I had to be the center of attention. He was brutally honest when he told me that he wanted all the man to envy him. He told me that I was the most beautiful woman in the world to him but he wanted me to look like the most beautiful woman to every single man at the celebration. He was holding my hands and looking me in my eyes. He was serious as hell. He said he wanted hard cock’s and drool when the men saw me. I looked at him like he was crazy but I said “Okay whatever you want Jack.” Sometimes Jack would just amaze me with his words and throw me all the way off. That is how I ended up in the sexy Michael Kors dress.

  Since Jack was already there, I had the good fortune of riding all the way to downtown Chicago with Sienna as my passenger. She avoided me. She hates me. I’m going to try to get her to forgive me but I don’t think she will. I hurt her with my actions and she can hold a grudge even longer than me.

  I texted Jack and told him Sienna and I were on our way. The ride to Chicago was eerily quiet at first. Every attempt I made to make small talk was greeted with silence. When we hit the city limits the teen decided to stop torturing me.

  “Why?” She said with a surfeit of snobbish attitude.

  “Why what?”

  “Why are you guys still trying to make this work?”

  “I love your father. He loves me.”

  “You cheated. How can he just forgive you and act like nothing happened when I’m still mad at you.”

  “Sienna, it’s so easy to see things in black and white when you’re young. Relationships are so complicated, so hard to manage when everybody has baggage. All us, old people, are afraid of getting hurt because we’ve been hurt so many times before.”

  “You hurt my dad. I know that. I saw it with my own eyes. He never said anything but I could tell.”

  “I’m sorry I cheated.”

  “I don’t understand how he can just say fuck it. It’s not normal.”

  “Me and your dad are not normal.”

  “You confessed to him about that guy and he didn’t even break up with you. I don’t believe you told him.”

  “I told him.”

  “I don’t believe you. I didn’t tell him what I saw at the mall. He treats you better now than before. He couldn’t know your seriously slutty ways.”

  Don’t punch this girls head through the passenger window. This is Jack’s beloved daughter. “Sienna he knows. Listen you didn’t tell him. I don’t know why you didn’t but I swear I told him. Grown-ups have secrets… I have another secret for you.”

  “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “You need to. You need to grow up. You are not going to understand everything and everybody. That’s how life works. People do shit and you don’t understand it. Your dad cheated on me. He admitted it to me. I cheated on him. I admitted it to him. So we both cheated, that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. I love your dad and I know he loves me. I forgave him. He forgave me and we said fuck it. What’s done is done. It’s that simple.”

  “I know my dad loves you but I don’t know that you love him.” Sienna started wiping away some stray tears. Damn, I didn’t really understand how this was weighing on her. She’s still a kid.

  I removed one hand from the steering wheel and I reached over and grabbed her hand off her lap and squeezed. I removed my eyes from the road briefly to glance at her. She was looking at me.

  “Sienna, I love your dad. I love you too.”

  She used her free hand to wipe her rebellious tears. The rest of the ride was pleasantly silent. Sienna and I had come to some sort of truce.

  When Sienna and I arrived at Unger & Lowe I went to find Jack. I got word that he was in his office. My Louboutin clad walk to his office was met with smiles from all directions. The staff at his agency knew who I was. There was a host of hi Kari’s to prove it.

  Sienna disappeared from my sight. I wasn’t sure where she was going. I saw her descend down some stairs. My dress made a few guys eyes bug out but I was on a mission to find my man so I ignored all their stares. I entered Jack’s office and closed the door. It was almost soundproof. The music from the outside was barely audible in his personal office.

  Jack was sitting behind his marble desk in his huge black leather chair looking all yummy in a fashionable tux. Jack’s best friend and business partner Robert was sitting in front of Jack’s desk. Robert Lowe stood when I entered.

  “Kari.” Robert warmly greeted me. He pulled me into an embrace. Robert smelled nice, like Davidoff Cool Water cologne. Lamar used to wear it then he changed to Issey Miyake. Jack wears Ambre Topkapi. He searched for cologne I would like. Jack knows how I love fruity smells and Ambre Topkapi has a hint of grapefruit, pineapple and a mix of some manly scents. I looked it up and it costs six hundred dollars a bottle. Jack has very expensive taste.

  Jack stood and watched as Robert kissed my cheek and held me a few seconds longer tha
n he should. Robert flirted with me in front of Jack and Jack loved it. Jack is strange but in a good way.

  “Hands off.” Jack was smiling widely. I walked over to his side and took his hand. He kissed me on the cheek. He smells so good.

  “Kari you look beautiful.” Robert stated with his deep man-sized voice.

  “Thank you Robert.” Robert Lowe was tall dark and handsome. He had dark hair and dark eyes. Jack and Robert were so good-looking I know people had to think they were a gay couple. They both were some fine ass dudes. They looked like male models not advertisement executives. They had known each other forever and they were super bromantic. It wasn’t gross. Yeah it was a little. It was cute when they were together. They laughed at each other’s jokes and all that man stuff. It was like Sam and Dean Winchester when they were together.

  “Jack, when are you two going to start swinging?” Robert has jokes for days.

  “Never, I would never share Kari, but Diana is up for grabs.”

  “Ugh!” Robert shrieked.

  “Oh Kari, my ex-wife is here. I had to invite her. We have mutual friends and it was the polite thing to do.” Jack informed me like it was some trivial thing he forgot to mention.

  “I can’t wait to meet her.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah right Kari.” Robert rumbled with laughter. “Don’t worry. I got your back. If dirty Diana gets out of line, just call me. She hates me.”

  “Babe, are you thirsty?” Jack asked.

  I looked up at Jack. “Yeah, I could use a drink.”

  “I’ll get you a drink.” Robert said. “Come with me dear.” Robert held out his hand for me. “I got to take you to my trophy wife. She wants to adopt you. She needs a black friend so she can look cool to her pretentious friends.”

  I glided over to Robert and took his hand. Robert was a gentleman but he was honest. I really like him.

  Jack just watched as Robert led me out of the room and to the party. The music was at a respectable level. Bruno Mars Treasure was coming from the speakers. There was a real bar with three bartenders. Jack must have had that built for this party.


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