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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 34

by Cassandra Dee

  And I couldn’t hold on any longer either. The feel of her anus clenching, her pussy milking me like mad forced me to give it up, and I shot ream after ream of hot sperm into her, spraying her with my virile white, my semen the stuff of life. I growled roughly, almost biting her nipple as I jerked again and again, my body out of control, lost in the sweetness that was Evie.

  And after it was over, I was careful, taking my time. Slowly, I pulled my dick out, soaking up the sight of hot meat exiting her pussy lips, my pole glistening with our combined cream, drenched in a mix of cunt juice and sperm. But I kept my finger in because I had a surprise. Reaching under the pillow, I pulled out a raw carrot.

  Evie looked at it languorously.

  “What’s that for?” she asked, breasts still heaving, flanks shiny with a sheen of sweat.

  I didn’t bother to reply.

  “Turn around baby girl, but careful, keep my finger in your ass.”

  And I don’t know how it happened, but the girl spun slowly, moving her legs one after the other, her torso twisting sinuously until she was poised on her hands and knees, my finger still jammed in her anus.

  “See baby?” I ground out. “You didn’t fight me on that one and I’m gonna reward you as a result,” I ground out. “You’ll learn, baby girl, don’t fight because surrender is sweet.”

  The brunette shifted slightly to shoot me a sultry glance over her shoulder.

  “Is that right?” she murmured. “And what is this ‘reward,’ Mr. Phillips?”

  I just growled, slowly pulling out my finger. Fuck, it smelled so good, tasted so good as I licked it, sucked the digit, Evie’s eyes going wide as watched me.

  “Fuck yeah,” I ground out. “Baby girl, every part of you tastes good. But I’m gonna serve up a side helping of carrots now.” And with that I took the raw vegetable in hand. I’d scrubbed this one especially well, practically scouring the skin off so that it was bright orange, fresh and stiff. And slowly, oh so slowly, I began pushing the carrot into her anus.

  “Ohhhh!” the brunette squealed, reflexively pulling away at first, her pucker clenching in protest.

  But I held her down firmly, refusing to let her budge.

  “It’s cold, I know baby, I had it in the fridge before you came over. Consider it part of the experience,” I ground out, eyes blazing, watching as I worked the carrot in, the orange disappearing slowly between her ass cheeks. “Think of what’s going on. Your anal hole is getting fucked … by a vegetable.”

  And the brunette moaned again, eyes closed, lashes half moons on her cheeks as her face scrunched in concentration, every iota of her being focused on her sweet pucker.

  “Ohhhhh fuck,” she moaned gutturally. “Oh god, I’m so fucked.”

  And I chuckled then. I wasn’t up for Cook of the Year … but maybe I could win for Most Inventive in the Kitchen.



  I dialed Mindy on my phone, lying on my stomach in bed. The past week had been crazy and I could hardly believe it. I’d been Mr. Phillips’ fuck slut, doing him every which way, letting him do whatever he wanted to me. But it was more than that too. I’d said “I love you” in a moment of passion and although my lover hadn’t said it back, I could tell he felt it.

  But Mindy’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

  “Bitch is that you?” she chirped on the other end of the line.

  I laughed, my line of thought dissipating like mist on a sunny day.

  “Yeah girl, it’s me,” I said. “So sorry I’ve been out of touch. Things have gotten crazy,” I admitted. The thing is they were crazy and complicated on the outside, but I felt totally at peace internally. Things were so good with Mr. Phillips that I felt happy and comfortable. After all, I’d lost my virginity to the most gorgeous, amazing man I knew, and we had a real connection too.

  But Mindy didn’t know any of this.

  “Where’ve you been?” she chirped again. “Bitch it’s been three days and you know we don’t go three hours without texting.”

  I sighed. That was true, Mindy and I were totally addicted to our phones, chattering back and forth all the time.

  “I have so much to tell you …” I began, but was cut-off by a yelp on the other side. “Min?” I asked, “you okay?”

  A scuffle and some crackling and then my friend came back on the line.

  “Yeah, sorry I had to chase Boomer off. You know my little brother and all,” she apologized.

  I laughed, I’d known Boomer since he was a baby and now in seventh grade, he was a bunch of trouble. Cute, but a little rat nonetheless.

  “No worries, is he gone now?”

  “Yeah, I locked him out of my room. So tell me girl, what’s going on with you? Where have you been? I missed you at lunch.”

  And I launched into a description of the last few days, telling her everything about my time with Mr. Phillips, how we’d been meeting in the classroom, how I went over to his apartment for dinner.

  “Are you serious?” breathed my friend. “He did what with the carrot?”

  And I giggled then.

  “Yeah, crazy right? I’d washed carrots for our dinner but never thought it’d be that kind of side dish.”

  But Mindy was impressed. “Holy fuck, girl! You took carrot up your ass! How’d it feel? Did it hurt? Was it slimy? Oh my god.”

  And I giggled again.

  “Actually, Stone stretched me out with his fingers first,” I admitted. “He put a digit or two up my backside and scissored them so that helped.”

  But Mindy was fascinated.

  “Yeah, but how big was the carrot?” she asked. “Was it one of the ones you washed before dinner?”

  And I laughed again.

  “It was um … maybe seven inches? And no, I don’t think it was one of the ones I washed before. I think Stone put it in his bedside drawer before I got to his apartment as a surprise.”

  And Mindy giggled then.

  “Oh my god, Evie, you’re calling him Stone now, do you hear yourself? No more “Mr. Phillips” or “yes, sir,” it’s like you’re equals.”

  And I smiled to myself because yeah, we were equals in the relationship.

  “Well, I still call him “Mr. Phillips” or even “Sir” sometimes,” I giggled into the phone. “He likes it.”

  “Oh my god, you’re such a bad, bad girl!” squealed my friend. “Do you realize how wrong this is? You’re a high school girl and he’s our teacher. He’s supposed to be teaching us about cell division and mitosis and meiosis, and instead he’s teaching you about the facts of life up close and personal.”

  I just groaned.

  “I know, Min, I know, he’s our biology teacher and I’m learning about my body and reproduction,” I said rolling my eyes. “But it’s so much more than that,” I said firmly.

  “Whaaa….?” Mindy’s voice dragged out. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I told him I loved him,” I confessed. “I couldn’t help it, it just came out while we were making love.”

  “No way!” squealed my friend. “No fucking way! You ho! You’re such a dirty ho!”

  I frowned. Why was I a ho for saying “I love you”? That sounded twisted and backwards, exactly the opposite of my intentions. But Mindy clarified.

  “Because it’s gonna make him look so bad! When the authorities investigate, you’re going to be painted as the vulnerable young girl who lost her heart to an older man, blurting out “I love you” after a week, you were in way over your head. Mr. Phillips is going to be the wily, conniving predator who got his claws into you, forcing you into a dark place.”

  I frowned angrily. There was absolutely nothing true about that statement, in fact it couldn’t be further from reality. Sure, we’d started off illicitly, Stone and I, making love in a locked classroom but there was nothing lopsided about it now. Stone was as much under my spell as I was under his.

  I opened my mouth to protest but Mindy was interrupted again.

oomer!” my friend shouted. “Boomer, stop pounding on the door! Stop or else I’m gonna tell Mom!”

  And I sighed. Reality struck. My friend and I were still high school girls living at home with our parents and siblings and didn’t have much independence. We were watched 24/7 most days, with no income of our own and no way to be free. But before I could say anything, Mindy came back on the line

  “Listen, I gotta go,” she apologized. “I’m actually supposed to be babysitting Boomer and he’s up to something bad outside, I gotta go stop him before our mom gets back.”

  I sighed again.

  “Sure, no problem Min, see you tomorrow,” I said and resigned, put down the receiver.

  Boomer and his antics only highlighted what I already knew, what had been swimming around my subconscious. Because no matter how much I believed myself to be an adult, no one would see it the same way. At eighteen, I felt mature, felt like I could handle myself, but the outside world was different. What they saw was a young girl, naïve and inexperienced, who had her virginity taken by a sleazy older guy, someone who had power over me. How to make it right? How would Stone and I overcome these preconceived notions?

  The truth was that I had no idea. But Stone and I were a team, and on Monday, I’d be back in Biology. My cheeks heated and my body warmed at the thought of seeing my handsome teacher again. I couldn’t wait, couldn’t wait to see him in action, his explanations of boring scientific concepts clear and concise, his charisma making even the dullest topic interesting. Plus afterwards? Well, there was always lunch, dinner, or even the air mattress in the locked classroom again. I was so hungry for him, for his body and his mind, that it didn’t matter … I needed Mr. Phillips, badly, as soon as possible.



  I smoothed my skirt, taking a deep breath before walking into the classroom. I was nervous to see Mr. Phillips again, our romance still new, and my stomach did flips in anticipation. I couldn’t wait for his warm gaze to land on my curves, make me tingle inside, my cunny growing wet with expectation. So I’d gotten dressed carefully, thinking about his words.

  He’d mentioned like he liked curvy, so that morning I’d struggled into a snug bodysuit, the tan material hugging my breasts, my cleavage jutting out like a prow. My Double D’s looked like Double F’s this way, but hey, the big man said big boobs turned him on and I was only too happy to please.

  Thoughtfully, I picked out a matching skirt. I didn’t want to look too trampy, so I pulled out a pleated number that hit mid-thigh, sexy but still decent. Hmm, yeah this would work well. I didn’t want shorts or pants because with the bodysuit, all Mr. Phillips would have to do was flip my skirt up, unsnap the buttons under my vagina and drive right in. There were no extra hindrances and my crotch was already slightly damp, the nectar beginning to run.

  But now, standing outside the classroom, I just wanted to look normal to the outside world even though my breath was already coming fast. Oh god, just the thought of seeing Stone again turned me on and I could feel a small smile dancing around my lips, my eyes sparkling. Putting an extra sway into my walk, I sashayed in, books clutched to my chest, my gaze immediately darting to the teacher’s desk at the back of the room.

  But there was no sign of the big man. Instead an appreciative whistle greeted me.

  “Lookin’ good, Evie, lookin’ good,” drawled Chip McCreighton, Spencer Prep’s starting quarterback. Any other girl would have giggled with happiness, ecstatic that the Big Man on Campus was paying attention, an alpha male throwing compliments. But I felt nothing. Chip was overbuilt, like a gorilla from the jungle and I was sure he was using steroids to get that big. Plus, he was hopelessly juvenile next to Mr. Phillips. His acne stood out, violently red on his neck, and the blue letter jacket looked immature and boyish.

  “Um, hey,” I said setting down my books on a desk in the back, frowning. Where was Mr. Phillips? He was always in the classroom when I got there, he had another class right before ours. Had he slipped out to use the restroom? Was he catching a break outside somewhere?

  But Janice, our TA, waltzed to the front of the room.

  “Hey Chip, hey everyone,” she said sultrily, perching on a stool next to the projector. “I’m in charge today, Mr. Phillips had an emergency and asked me to run through the powerpoint with you.”

  I frowned. An emergency? Why hadn’t he told me? Oh wait, maybe he didn’t have my phone number so couldn’t call or text. But still, I was disappointed and worried. I cared about what happened to him and this was unexpected, a huge letdown after a weekend of waiting.

  So I dragged myself through class, barely able to pay attention. I’d been looking forward to seeing Stone, smiling at him, our little secret in the air between us, even more charged because of all the unsuspecting students milling around. And now to be going through a powerpoint slide by slide, with Janice literally reading the words verbatim, was a huge letdown. My body deflated and I felt lifeless, the energy seeping out of me with every passing minute.

  Finally the bell rung and I got up, gathering my stuff. I was just about to swing my bookbag over my shoulder when a shadow loomed.

  “Hey Evie,” growled a deep voice. It was Chip again, towering over the desk, twice as wide as he should have been. The dude worked out way too much, he looked more like a bodybuilder than an agile, powerful athlete. But to each his own and I smiled politely.

  “Hey Chip,” I replied neutrally. I don’t think we’d ever spoken before, I hadn’t even realized he knew my name until fifty minutes ago, but hey, there are always surprises in life. Besides, I was distracted thinking about Stone and where he was.

  “Was wondering if you wanted to grab a burger after school today?” Chip growled, eyes eating me up. It didn’t feel like when Mr. Phillips eyed me. When Stone did it, I immediately heated, feeling wanted, aroused, so turned on that I was ready to rip my clothes off at his word. But when Chip did it, it was just okay. Not terrible but more like stepping into a pool of cool water when you were already cold. Just okay.

  I was already shaking my head ready to say no when I caught a glimpse of Mindy gesturing at me from the corner of my eye. She was waving frantically while nodding her head up and down, eyes almost bugging out, mouthing the words “yes, yes.” I frowned again. I didn’t want to spend time with Chip, he was nothing compared to Mr. Phillips. I was already in love and wasn’t going to “cheat” on my lover.

  But Mindy’s words rang in my head again.

  People will see Stone Phillips as a predator preying on a naïve, young girl.

  You told him you were in love with him? Oh my god, you’ll come off as so vulnerable.

  So against my better judgment, I nodded reluctantly. If this threw a wrench in things then I’d do it, even if it meant suffering through a tortuous fake date.

  “Okay sure,” I said, plastering a smile on my face. It was literally painful, my lips twisted upwards, no sign of a matching twinkle in my eyes. But the lunkhead jock was no good at reading body language. Instead, Chip just laughed, so self-assured, confident he’d already won me over.

  “Okay great, meet you at Burgers a Go Go on Main and Street. Seven tonight,” he commanded, throwing me a wink before striding off.

  And a feeling of dread overcome me, reluctant to spend even a half hour in Chip McCreighton’s presence. It was the right thing to do, for sure. After all, a ton of people would see me and the jock at Burgers a Go Go, it was a hangout spot for the Spencer Prep crowd. So it was a beard of sorts, a red herring. No one would think that I was into Mr. Phillips, would suspect that we were making love illicitly if I was seen with the hottest guy on campus, literally one that dozens of girls wanted to go out with. In fact there were already a couple girls shooting daggers at me now, so jealous of my alleged good fortune.

  But still … where was Stone? Where could he be? What was this so-called emergency? I was worried and missed the alpha male, but there was always Biology again tomorrow.



  The date with Chip wasn’t as terrible as I’d expected. I hadn’t bothered to change, just gone in my bodysuit and pleated skirt get-up, too lazy to freshen up. But it’d been the wrong move because Chip’s eyes lit up as soon as I stepped into the burger joint.

  “Hey hey hey, you look nice,” he said, a real smile on his face, his eyes complimentary.

  And I had to smile back. I’d expected something crass and crude like “Yo yo yo, lookin’ fine lookin’ sassy,” but evidently Chip was better than that. And to my surprise, he paid for my meal as well, whipping out his wallet while we were at the counter.

  “No worries, I can treat my best girl to a burger and fries,” he said, glancing at my tray appreciatively. “I like a girl who eats.”

  And I just smiled weakly. That was one thing Chip had in common with Stone. They liked bigger girls and I certainly fit that category. In fact, my skirt was feeling a little tight, so I was careful to drink only half of my milkshake, saving the rest for later. Didn’t want to bust out of my clothes unnecessarily, this wasn’t the man I wanted to impress.

  So I chatted idly, smiling now and then, not paying much attention and just letting myself go on auto-pilot. If this date had happened even two weeks ago, it would have been a different story. I would have curled my hair, put on a special outfit and probably hung off Chip’s every word, listening breathlessly, gazing into his eyes with adoration. But instead, I was only half present. I was in the booth sure, but my mind was elsewhere, dreaming about Stone Phillips, warming inside whenever I thought of the big man’s eyes, hands and cock. It was bad. I was on a “date” with another male, and yet I was dreaming of Stone’s massive prick, eager to feel it inside again, playing with him, letting him play with me.


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