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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 83

by Cassandra Dee

  “Ma,” I said sharply this time. “I gotta go, I gotta get to work.”

  My mom paused for a second.

  “But honey, I thought we just agreed you don’t have to work at Little Mo’s anymore, your dad makes more than enough now. Just tell them you’re quitting.”

  I let out a huge sigh.

  “Ma, I can’t leave just like that, without any notice. Besides, you know Carla, my manager, has been so nice to me, she’d never speak to me again if I left her hanging with an open dinner shift.”

  My mom paused for a moment.

  “Of course honey, I understand,” she said. “But this will be your last shift, right? No more Little Mo’s?”

  And I grew angry all of a sudden.

  “No Brenda, I’m not sure I’m so ready to quit,” I said slowly, grinding my words. “I like this job even if you think it’s below me, I like my co-workers, I like the environment and I do fine in school, thank you very much. So no, I’m not sure I’m going to quit even if Daddy’s rolling in it now.”

  And I had to admit to myself, I didn’t want to quit because I knew that’s what Chris would want me to do. Suddenly stubborn, I didn’t care what the big man wanted, I wanted to do my own thing, spread my wings and fly a little.

  Sensing my feeling of rage, my mom backed off instantly.

  “Of course, honey,” she said gently. “Of course. We’ll talk about it more in two weeks when we come up. Take care, okay baby? Don’t work too hard and we’ll see you soon, okay? Bye, honey.”

  And with a sigh, I hung up, relieved yet angry as well. Because even though I’d left the big man, it seemed that his actions, his thoughts, still permeated every corner of my life. My parents’ financial situation, my financial situation, heck, even my unpacking, were filled with memories of him, his actions, his choices, his words, his decisions. I was irritated and angry, but also suddenly sad. Because I desperately missed the big man, wanted to feel his arms around me, his big form holding me tight … but all I had were memories now.



  I walked into the restaurant. School had started with more of a whimper than a bang, and the whole cycle had begun again, classes, clubs, events, everything in a swirling whir. Because although I was going through the motions, I was distracted. I was still thinking of Mr. Jones, dreaming of the big man and nothing had succeeded in pulling me away just yet, my thoughts and memories filled with him, his voice, his touch, those big hands holding me close.

  But now it was parents’ weekend and I’d forced myself to be alert, giving myself a small pep talk while getting ready.

  “Act happy,” I told myself sternly. “Brenda and Jim are gonna be over the moon with happiness, and you’ve got to act happy too, don’t spoil their celebratory mood.”

  Because they were splurging. Instead of going to a local pizza joint or grabbing a burger at Little Mo’s, my parents had made a reservation at Bistecca Formaia, a fancy white-table place near campus. In our previous life, it would have been wildly out of our budget, but with my dad’s new salary my parents wanted to enjoy life a little, savor the finer things with the extra disposable income.

  So I smoothed down my purple dress, taking a deep breath before pushing open the restaurant door. I was wearing an outfit that Chris had bought me, and in fact there was a matching amethyst bracelet but I could hardly parade that around without attracting my parents’ attention. So instead, I’d stuck with the dress and matching heels, swinging a purse over my shoulder before heading out the door.

  And as I made my way towards the back, I caught sight of my parents. Oh right, there were Brenda and Jim, solid, upstanding middle-class citizens, my mom with her grey hair in a bun, my dad’s face a little flushed from a pre-dinner drink.

  But suddenly my steps came to a halt. Because seated right there at the booth with them was Mr. Jones, his muscular form dominating, impossible to miss, seizing the eye. Oh god, what was he doing here? This was like a nightmare come to life, an episode of the Twilight Zone where ghosts from the past come to haunt you. I almost swung on my heel, ready to duck out, but my mom caught sight of me and it was too late.

  “Hi honey!” she sang, waving. “We’ve been waiting for you, we came a little early and ordered a couple appetizers. Come and say hello! You remember Daddy’s boss, Christopher Jones, don’t you?”

  I almost choked as I approached, my face growing beet red, my knees wobbling. What was he doing here? At my college? In my space, with my parents no less?

  But the big man was smooth, standing to tower over all of us, his frame outfitted in a perfectly-cut suit.

  “Hello Lindy,” he said smoothly. “We’ve met before, at your parents’ anniversary party, I believe.”

  And I almost choked then. His dick had been in me so many times, making my body scream and tremble, give it up over and over again, and yet we were going through this farce of “oh, how nice to meet you.”

  But I had to act normal otherwise my parents would suspect, so I managed a weak smile and nod.

  “Hi,” I mumbled, looking away. “Nice to see you again.”

  But suddenly my eyes snapped up, meeting his, challenging. I had nothing to be embarrassed about, I’d kept my part of the deal so why was he here, on my territory?

  And seeing the flare in my eyes, the big man’s gaze grew warm, even hot on my body, his eyes running up and down my curvy figure. Oh god, I knew he recognized the dress. Chris had pulled it off me after dinner one night, and fuck, I’d put on a few pounds so it was even tighter than before, my boobs out to there with the curve of my ass highlighted by the stretchy material.

  Mr. Jones eyes flamed once more before going smooth, cool again. But I knew he was affected from the slight flare of his nostrils, the tenseness in his throat, signs that only I’d notice.

  “So nice to see you again,” he rumbled, that voice like amber whiskey. “I hear you’re a sophomore at Evergreen?”

  I nodded and forced myself to smile like nothing was the matter.

  “Yes, I’m a sophomore,” I said inanely, parroting him. “And I love it, Evergreen is such an amazing place.”

  Mr. Jones’s eyes darkened then, perhaps with the memory of my confidences, how I’d told him I didn’t find the classes fulfilling at all, how all the kids were juvenile teens and I didn’t have much in common with them. But this wasn’t the place to hash it out, so we both turned when my mom clucked.

  “Lindy, we’re so excited to see you,” she chirped happily. “When Daddy told Mr. Jones that we were coming up to see you, he offered to take us in his helicopter to avoid traffic. Isn’t that so nice? It would have taken hours to drive up otherwise.”

  I almost swallowed a golf ball then. A helicopter?

  And the big man nodded smoothly.

  “I always have a ride ready and I was coming up for business anyways, so why not? Figured I’d give you nice folks a ride.”

  Business, schmisness, I was sure there was no such thing and it was all a farce. But I forced myself to smile again and ask sweetly, “Oh, and what do you do up here? I thought United Electric was a local contractor, Long Island jobs only.”

  The big man smiled at my attempted barb.

  “Most of our jobs are local, that’s true,” rumbled the big man, sitting back. “But I’m meeting with the governor and some local politicians, I want the company to start getting some state-owned contracts, so I’m here to press the flesh, do what a CEO’s gotta do,” he drawled.

  And I gritted my teeth, trying look calm. Of course he had a perfectly good reason, I was in over my head and should have stopped right there. But I wanted to trip him up so badly that I tried again, went in for a second bite of the apple.

  “And you know the governor personally?” I asked in a deceptively gentle tone. “Like you and he are friends?” That was unlikely. I knew Chris was rich, but knowing the governor? That was another level of wealth.

  Mr. Jones just shook his head.

p; “You’re right, I’m not on a first name basis with the governor himself,” he said smoothly, “but I do know his chief of staff. Corey and I were buddies back in business school, so I always drop by to play a round of golf, catch up when I’m in town.”

  And I bit my lip then. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I even attempting to spar with the big man when I knew I’d lose? I was out of my league and my attempts to foil Chris had come up empty … so far. But before I could go in for round three, my mom interrupted.

  “That’s so wonderful Mr. Jones,” she said excitedly. “But can we order now? You know Jim and I read all about Bistecca’s prime rib, I heard you have to get it medium rare. Their menu’s on-line, you know, we can hardly wait to taste test it.”

  And gratefully, I turned to my menu, staring at it blindly as my parents chit-chatted with the big man. I figured I could wing it through the rest of the meal, eat quietly and excuse myself early except that there was no such thing.

  “Lindy,” said my dad, interrupting my thoughts. “Did you hear Mr. Jones just now? He said he has a meeting tomorrow and needs someone to take notes for him, his secretary’s sick. We thought you could go in her place.”

  I gaped a little before snapping back to my senses.

  “No, no, I have class, I’m so sorry, I can’t,” I made excuses quickly, looking between my parents’ expectant faces and my lover’s knowing one. God, I didn’t know if I wanted to slap Chris or kiss him right then.

  But my dad frowned at me.

  “Now Lindy, I know you’re a fancy college girl now, but we’re humble folk and you’re not too good to take notes at a meeting. Please assist Mr. Jones tomorrow,” my dad said sternly, “He was kind enough to make this trip, save us hours in traffic.”

  And I was about to refuse again, about to stubbornly shake my head no when I caught my mom’s pleading gaze. Brenda was begging me without saying a word, her eyes droopy and sad, her mouth pursed into a downwards line that broke my heart. So I sighed, and found myself agreeing.

  “Okay,” I said shortly, none to gracious. “But what time? I have class.”

  “Your call,” said Mr. Jones smoothly, his eyes twinkling at me. “We haven’t decided a meeting time yet, so whenever works for you.”

  Damn it. I was hoping to argue that I had a midterm and couldn’t possibly make it, but the big man had caught me again.

  “Fine,” I said shortly, “Nine thirty okay?”

  The alpha male just smirked at me.

  “Perfect,” he rumbled. “I’ll let my associate know.”

  And as we turned back to dinner, I had a sudden impression that I was a fly in a web … and I’d been caught by a spider with no hope of getting out.



  I walked into the hotel, grumpy already. Where was this meeting? I was going to take notes in the background and then disappear without a word, Mr. Jones wasn’t getting a second more of my time than necessary.

  So with my mouth pressed into a firm line, I went up to reception.

  “Hi, I’m here for the meeting with United Electric?” I asked. Hopefully that wasn’t too vague.

  “Oh yes,” said the lady, pursing her lips and gazing at her monitor. “Looks like you’re in the Rose Room. Up one level and to your left.”

  I nodded my thanks and made my way up the stairs. Chris evidently had something to prove to his clients because the meeting was in the Four Seasons and the surroundings were unbelievably luxurious. The grand staircase was a double spiral which flowed gracefully from the first floor landing to the second, with ruby red carpet decorated with gold scrolls. It sounds gaudy and tacky but was actually tasteful and elegant.

  But I sighed. I was a nobody and no one noticed me making my way up the stairs. Which was for the better, I guess. All I wanted to do was to take notes and then make a getaway, my obligation done. I’d signed up for ten days of hedonism with the big man and that was over now, I’d done my part. This note-taking business was an extra that had been tacked-on by my dad, of all people.

  So I stopped before the big double doors, knocking softly. When no one answered, I let myself in, a freezing cold blast of A/C hitting me in the face. God, why didn’t they turn up the temperature in this place? My summer suit was no match for the arctic blast and I could feel my nipples hardening, goose bumps coming up on my thighs, make me shiver involuntarily.

  But that’s when I saw him. Chris was alone in the room, his feet up on a conference table, turned towards the door as if waiting for me.

  “Hey,” he said casually, getting up, that big form unfolding. “How are you?”

  I looked around, puzzled. Nope, not a soul in sight.

  “Good,” I replied slowly, “But where is everyone? I know I’m early,” I said, glancing quickly at my watch again. “But it’s nine fifteen and I thought you said the meeting was at half past.”

  “It is at nine thirty,” the big man drawled casually, sitting down again, “but my counterpart canceled five minutes ago.”

  I stopped in my tracks.

  “Canceled, really?” I said, disbelieving. “That’s rude, especially with such last minute notice.”

  “It is rude,” growled Chris, nodding, “so I’ll be tearing him a new one the next time I see him, but in the meantime, let’s discuss business.”

  I stopped for a moment, hands on my hips, mouth firm.

  “I’m not sure what you think is going on,” I said tightly, “but my obligation to you is done.”

  The blue gaze gleamed for a moment, and the big man paused, looking me over, his gaze slipping and sliding over my curvy form. To my horror, my body began to respond, my nipples growing perky, my insides hot and moist.

  And Chris grinned at me like he knew exactly what was happening.

  “You look beautiful, Lindy,” he said in a growl, blue eyes intense. “I’ve missed you.”

  I shook my head. No way was this guy softening me up. After everything that had happened? No way, this was all a trap, suddenly I was sure there had been no meeting scheduled at nine thirty, there was no business in Albany, everything had been made up. But for what? I didn’t get it.

  “Listen,” I said huffily, my hands on my hips. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but you better come clean with me. What are you thinking, dragging my parents into this? Giving my dad a promotion? A raise? You were set on firing him, remember?”

  And the big man leaned back in his chair, coolly confident as always, playing with his pen.

  “I had second thoughts,” he said casually. “I reconsidered my personnel issues and decided Jim was critical to my staff.”

  I stared at him, disbelieving.

  “Don’t give me that,” I snorted. “Jim stole from you, don’t you remember? Embezzled money from United Electric, did all this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo accounting stuff hoping you weren’t going to catch on, it was just his bad luck that you’re good with numbers. So what happened? Why didn’t you fire him? Stealing is grounds for immediate termination, no one would blame you if you did.”

  The big man quirked an eyebrow then.

  “So little sympathy for your own father, Lindy?” he murmured, his voice smooth. “That’s so un-daughter like of you.”

  I shook my head, exasperated.

  “It’s un-daughter like, I know, but this whole thing is un-employer like,” I retorted. “Jim stole from you, so what’s going on? None of this makes sense!”

  The alpha male leaned back even further in his chair.

  “Well since we’re on the topic of men and their daughters, maybe I wanted something from the daughter,” he drawled.

  That got to me.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I warned, shaking my head. “Don’t even start, don’t even go there. I’ve paid my debt to you, we had an agreement and I held up my end. You can’t just go and change the rules.”

  But the big man shook his head again, amused.

  “Says who?” he asked.

I was stunned, completely nonplussed.

  “What do you mean, ‘says who’?” I asked, dumbfounded. “That’s just how the world works! You strike a deal and you stick to it, you don’t change the rules halfway through.”

  But the big man laughed then, a growl deep in his throat.

  “Oh baby girl, you have so much to learn,” he chuckled. “You did so well in the game that I want more now,” he added suggestively. “What do you say to that?”

  I shook my head furiously.

  “No way, there’s no more,” I said vehemently. “There’s no more where that came from.”

  And a spark lit in Chris’s eyes then. A challenge had come his way and the big man never passed up challenges.

  “Is that so?” his deep voice rumbled. “Do you really think so?” he added softly, silkily.

  Suddenly I had the distinct feeling of real danger. Although Mr. Jones was lounging in his chair, his big body relaxed, he reminded me of a predator lying in wait, still among the bushes, eyes sharp. It was like he was waiting for me to get lazy, step into the middle of the crosshairs before pouncing.

  So I backtracked then.

  “Listen,” I said quickly. “I can’t get caught up in all that again, okay? I can’t, I have a lot on the line, school, family, you know,” I added helplessly.

  But Mr. Jones wouldn’t give me any quarter.

  “You don’t like school, Lindy, you told me that already. The other kids, your classes, your professors, it’s not what you’re looking for.”

  I squirmed then. It was true, I’d said that and I still believed it but I was grasping at straws here, throwing anything in the path to get him off my scent.

  “Well, I’ve changed, I like it more,” I improvised. “Things are a lot better now, I’m taking some good classes, I’ve met a few great girls and some really interesting guys …”

  And here Chris cut me off.

  “Men?” he ground out. “Who?”

  And I was sorely tempted to make something up, to pretend I had a boyfriend, that suddenly I’d been swept off my feet. But I couldn’t do it. These games had my head spinning and I couldn’t do it anymore, didn’t want to anymore.


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