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Changing Destiny

Page 3

by Rivers, Brandy L

  Release crashed over her, bringing his. The spell solidified, binding them together. Her breath caught as the sand from the lake bed caressed up her back and into her chest, forming a similar bond around her own heart.

  Shocked by the tether tying her to him, she didn’t resist when he tore his head away, crying out. Her glamour evaporated when their bond sealed.

  His eyes found her, in her own face, and he stumbled. Evacuating the lake as fast as possible, he turned back as she walked forward.

  “You tricked me!”

  A cruel smile formed on her lips. “Ah, but you knew it was me. In fact, you want me now.” Her eyes dropped to the evidence of his arousal. Once he was committed to the act, his domineering ways had taken over, proving he’d be a prized possession.

  His mouth opened and shut like a fish. One corner of her lips lifted as she closed the distance. Hard, fast, she’d let him think he had the upper hand, then she’d show him who was queen.

  Chapter 4

  Reance regretfully approached Janessa in the market. He had confirmed Saressa sunk her hooks into Endiscott. Life as he knew it was about to veer drastically, and there was no one he could warn appropriately without making their future worse, with one possible exception.

  Though the mother’s fate loomed undeniable, he could make sure Jayde managed to get far away from Saressa before Aeremaius destroyed her as well. He knew why Saressa wanted to keep Endiscott and his true mate apart. Reance had seen the same vision.

  However, his sister was shortsighted. She didn’t understand that the vision was centuries away, and her solution likely cemented her destiny.

  The worst of times were still to come for all of them. Hope was on his side, for without it, he would drown in a sea of sorrows. The future held light and hope, but it would be an agonizing journey. One he would travel to ensure those he loved found the happiness they deserved.

  Crossing the distance, he pulled his hood tighter. Hoping to remain anonymous, he kept his glamour firmly in place. “A word, Lordess. The matter is of great importance.”

  Looking over, she nodded into the crowd. “Come. Somewhere quiet.”

  He held back a laugh as he followed in silence. He should have expected Janessa would sense his true identity. She’d taken enough powers over the years, nearly anything would be possible for the woman.

  She led him through an alley, to an empty courtyard. Snapping her fingers brought a portal up before them. Without a pause, he followed her through. The hairs at the back of his neck rose, but he remained stoic.

  They stood at a cliff overlooking the Exalted Seas. A smile spread on his lips. His grandchild would grow up in this area, centuries down the road.

  She turned toward him, and he faced her. “A disguise, and a good one. Don’t worry, I will not utter your name. Although, I already know the conniving queen swayed Endiscott from my daughter. Perhaps I should have told her to open her legs to him.”

  His head dipped slightly. “I am truly sorry for my sister’s influence. Both Jayde and Endiscott deserve better than they’ll receive. As do you. I’m giving you one of my rare warnings in an effort to save your life.”

  Shaking her head, she sighed. “I wish it were that simple. We’ve both seen the same thing. I took your father’s gift of sight. It was unintentional, but as a result, we share the same knowledge.” She drew a deep breath. “If I don’t send Jayde away, she won’t gain the strength to make it through to happier times.”

  “Her suffering without you will be great.”

  “But if I don’t allow Aeremaius to take me, he’ll do worse to her. To us both. She’s the hope of the future, not I. If I stay in the realms, she will not fulfill her destiny.”

  “And if there were another way?”

  “Spend centuries locked in solitary?” She huffed. “Death is kinder.”

  “You’ve seen your death, haven’t you? That is no easy end.”

  Sadness clouded her eyes as she looked over the water. “No, but I have also seen the afterlife, and my heart’s desire resides there. Your love will survive your self-imposed exile because you have so much to look forward to. Me? I’ll wither, knowing my love is still alone, across the veil, where I cannot reach him until death.”

  “I never considered that while searching for another outcome. I will not stand in your path, though I wish there were another way for us all.”

  “As do I, old friend. Alas, we must travel the road set before us. Jayde will find her happiness, in time.”

  “Sometimes we have to crawl through fire to find our strength.”

  “Thank you in advance, for taking my daughter away from Saressa’s grasp.”

  A tear tracked down his face. “If I can find a way to free Endiscott sooner, I will. I haven’t given up hope I can smooth the journey.”

  “Forever an optimist. Good luck, but I won’t hold it against you if you do not find a better way.”

  “One more thing. I’ll be there to make your passing painless. You won’t feel a thing, though you’ll know the horror of what that monster will do.”

  “I appreciate your help greatly.” She took his hand, opened a portal, and brought him back to the courtyard.

  * * * *

  With her heart thundering in her chest, Jayde ran up the steps to Endiscott’s home. Toryn caught her by the shoulders, a grave look on his face. “He’s not here.”

  “Then where?” She couldn’t understand. He always came. Her voice cracked. “He didn’t come.”

  Toryn drew a slow breath and looked away. “I’m not sure what happened. However, he’s moved on.”

  “No,” she whispered. “He loves me. He wouldn’t let me slip away.”

  Toryn looked into her eyes. “I am truly sorry. He does love you very much, but he has a mate now.”

  Her jaw clenched while her eyes slammed shut. The world spun as a cry escaped. “Who?” she demanded.

  “You do not want to tangle with her.”

  She slammed her hands against his chest. “Who!”

  “Saressa. You cannot face her.”

  Her knees gave out and Toryn caught her. Jayde knew, without a doubt, it was some form of trick. Endiscott was meant to be with her, not Saressa, but that woman had her eyes set on him for longer than Jayde had lived.

  “I’ll free him. I have to.”

  He shook his head adamantly. “No, Jayde, listen to me. You cannot go there and expect to change the outcome. If you go, you will be tortured in more ways than one.”

  “I have to try. He is destined to be my mate.”

  “No. Unfortunately, that bond was not sealed, and Saressa’s has. Be smart. Do not go. Your heart will shatter if you do.”

  “It’s already a pile of ash.” Jayde turned away and walked back to her carriage.

  “Wait, Jayde,” Toryn called. “At least let me come with you if you insist on going.”

  She wanted to argue, but had no good reason to. He climbed in beside her and off they went.

  * * * *

  Endiscott stood, staring out the window. Jayde’s carriage made its way up the drive. A tear tracked down his face. His heart swelled.

  Saressa trailed a finger down his raw back. She’d whipped him an hour before, when he begged her to release him from her witchcraft.

  Her lips grazed his ear. “You’ll send the girl away or I will ensure she understands you are mine. I’ll chain her to the wall and force her to watch as you devour my cunt until I’m screaming your name. Then you will fuck me until you come, and you will, but all over my stomach and breasts. It will be my name you call, not hers. And if you do mistakenly call her name? I’ll cut off pieces of her, and have the chef make you a meal of her flesh sautéed in her blood.”

  “I’ll send her away,” he answered. His voice sounded empty, he felt the loss all the way through his soul. Even with a mate bond in place, he loved Jayde with every fiber of his being. He hoped the twisted love growing for Saressa would suffocate this useless emotion for Jayde bef
ore it killed him, or worse—her.

  He left the room and walked down the steps, hoping to be free of Saressa long enough to say goodbye to Jayde and keep her from physical harm. Her heart would be battered, but she had a chance to find happiness again. His opportunity had been incinerated.

  Before his courage faded, Endiscott rushed down the remaining stairs and stopped before the carriage. Love, hope, and determination all shone in Jayde’s hazel eyes. He wanted to take her in his arms, whisk her away, and see if his bond to her would break Saressa’s, but fae bonds couldn’t be broken.

  He glanced beyond her and saw Toryn. His closest friend shook his head, a warning on his face.

  “Take her away,” Endiscott said harshly.

  Jayde’s eyes narrowed as ice crystals formed on his skin. “Away? You want to send me away? I love you, Endiscott. You—you said I was yours, and soon.”

  The sound of Saressa’s footsteps threatened to shatter his heart. He turned a harsh glare to Toryn. “Take her from me.” He hoped his friend saw his desperation.

  “I won’t go. You’re mine,” Jayde insisted.

  Struggling to keep all emotion from his voice, he answered, “I’m mated now. I’ll never be yours, Jayde. Go, and never come back.”

  “You can’t be! I still feel our connection.” A tear trailed down her face, and she angrily swiped it away.

  “We should go,” Toryn warned as he stood, pulling Jayde into the line of his body. Anger flashed through his features, aimed at Endiscott, even as his hand curled around Jayde’s small waist.

  He wanted to bare his chest, let Toryn run him through with a sword. The bond to Saressa was sure to destroy him. He loathed her, but he needed her more than he could bear.

  Hoping to send Jayde away faster, even if it drove her into Toryn’s arms, he sneered. “Looks like you have a man ready to step in. I’m finished with you. As you can see, I’ve moved on.”

  Saressa’s hands caressed around his sides, and down toward the laces of his pants. Hatred and desire coursed through him in waves. His dick responded to her touch and he wanted to cut it off when he saw the look of betrayal and rage on Jayde’s face. Directed at Saressa, not him. His hope for a brighter future might die if she were angry with him. He needed it to die.

  Toryn, seeing Endiscott’s lack of self-control, spun Jayde around, and pulled her into his lap as he kissed her. His friend was attempting to distract Jayde, and also prove to Endiscott how much he needed the woman he loved.

  But Toryn didn’t understand what Saressa would do to Jayde. It took everything he had not to storm onto the carriage and beat Toryn to death, or until Toryn lit him up in a pillar of flames. Toryn was the only hope Jayde had of getting away from the Water Realm alive.

  Jayde pushed and shoved at Toryn, ice forming a barrier between them as she tore free. She spun toward them and gave Saressa a death glare.

  “I’ll kill you, you conniving witch!” Jayde shouted.

  Saressa’s laugh was pure evil.

  Toryn screamed, “Drive!” He placed his hand, covered in silver flames, on the ice barrier, and caught Jayde before she could launch herself at Endiscott and Saressa.

  Unable to watch, he turned to Saressa. Out of desperation to ensure Jayde’s safety, even if she hated him, and to convince Saressa he was hers and hers alone, he took her face and kissed her hard.

  Forcing his tongue into her mouth brought a satisfied groan to her lips. Her hands trailed down his chest, to the ties of his pants. Nausea rolled through him, as strong as his sickening desire.

  The cruel bitch dropped to her knees, taking his aching cock between her lips. Giving in to lust, hoping to drown out the despair, he gripped Saressa’s hair and fucked her mouth, wishing he could suffocate her even as he rushed toward release.

  Fading sobs from the departing carriage did nothing to slow his climb to ecstasy. Hate and self-disgust threatened to drown him, but he couldn’t resist the pleasure Saressa wrought as he pumped himself into her, nearing climax. He bit his tongue, tasting blood. The pain kept him from screaming anyone’s name.

  * * * *

  Toryn brought Jayde to the carriage floor, pinning her. “Calm down. I won’t kiss you again. It was a stupid ploy that didn’t have the desired effect.”

  She wrenched her arm free and slapped him across the face. “How dare you touch me! Then put your filthy mouth on me.”

  Safely off Saressa’s property and on the main road, he climbed into a seat and offered his hand. She slapped it away and managed to seat herself without help. Then she balled up her fist and punched him.

  Toryn didn’t try to block her, instead taking the hit with closed eyes. He sighed. “For what it’s worth, I am sorry.”

  Tears rolled down her face, and she slumped back against the seat. “Why did you kiss me?”

  “Saressa was baiting you, Jayde. She wanted Endiscott to see how much he needs her now that the bond has formed. He can’t help but want her.”

  “What does that have to do with anything? He wore his love for me in his eyes. He hates that bond, he hates her!”

  Toryn looked over her shoulder. Combing a hand through his hair, he shrugged. “Part of him may hate her, but he’s clearly enjoying her now.”

  She started to turn, but he gently, yet firmly, caught her face. “Trust me, Jayde, you do not wish to witness how low he’s fallen. I don’t believe he can control his craving. He’s a nymph. He thrives off sexual release, and that’s exactly what she’s giving him.”

  Her whole world threatened to implode. She wanted to scream at the unfairness. Instead she wiped at her eyes. “Tell me why you kissed me.”

  He sighed. “I needed to distract you. I had hoped you’d be so shocked you would go along with it. Or maybe angry enough to play along, hurting him in return for the pain he’s causing you. It was stupid. You’re better than that. I wanted him to hurt for hurting you.”

  “He couldn’t resist, but I saw the self-hatred in his eyes. It’s not real, whatever he’s feeling for the witch.”

  “There is a bond, Jayde. There is no way to break such a thing.”

  “I won’t be dissuaded from finding one.”

  Toryn nodded, his expression grim. “I’ll talk to him, see why this happened, and I’ll bring you word, but please, don’t go back there for anything. He’s clearly bound.”

  His plea and promise assuaged part of the despair. She needed answers, and wouldn’t give up. “I will kill her,” she vowed.

  Toryn gave her a tight smile. “Right now, you cannot. To beat Saressa you would need the element of surprise. Though I urge you to reconsider. She’s the type of woman who will have no problem punishing him for any transgression of yours.”

  Jayde shook her head, her jaw clenched. “I will kill her. It may take me years to accumulate the power, but she will die by my hand.”

  “At least you’re thinking rationally now.”

  “I need to understand. As long as you don’t put your lips on mine again, I’ll forgive you this once.”

  He dipped his head, a smirk forming on his mouth. “I’m afraid I will always see you as Endiscott’s. The kiss was truly a means to distract you, one which backfired. I do beg your forgiveness.”

  A hint of smile lifted her lips. “Granted. Sorry I hit you.”

  Grinning, he nodded. “We might need to work on your offensive skills. I doubt you are in Saressa’s good graces.”

  “You want to teach me to fight?”

  He nodded. “Aye, I do. For more reasons than Saressa. Your skills, they are raw and untrained. You need practice.”

  She glanced away with a slight nod. “He may think we’re together.”

  “At present, does it matter what he thinks? He’s bound to another woman. I’m betting it was a grave mistake, but it’s one he cannot take back.”

  Nausea rolled through her. Truth hurt, but her revenge would hurt Saressa more. “He can bond with me after I kill her.”

  Toryn chuckled. “Then you
need training.”

  Chapter 5

  A few days later, Endiscott walked around a small clearing not far from the Water Castle. Saressa grudgingly gave him permission to connect with nature, realizing he wouldn’t last long if she never allowed him outside.

  After keeping his cruel mistress up all night, in an effort to wear her out, he slipped outside and made his way to the clearing he’d found the day before.

  Endiscott planned to claim the small area, binding his essence to the glen and infusing his magic. He only hoped he could keep Saressa out.

  His mate could have his body, and shadow a tiny corner of his heart. Jayde filled the rest with light. Darkness swirled through him, never quite chasing the light away, but twisting his soul.

  This place would be his sanctuary, where he would seek refuge to fall apart. A prisoner, Saressa would never release him, and begging only brought worse punishment.

  He wiped a frustrated tear away as he wove the spells. Smoke flowed through the swamp before stopping on the other side of the barrier. Toryn took form, a scowl on his face. “What in the abyss happened?” he demanded.

  Endiscott altered the ward, allowing Toryn and Elondril access as a hummingbird joined his annoyed friend.

  Retaking humanoid form, Elondril doubled over, panting, “I’m not that fast, Toryn.”

  “Sorry, but we need answers.” Toryn sighed and looked Endiscott over as he gestured into the clearing. “It’s some consolation, you look like Jayde feels. You broke her fucking heart. And for that bitch. Look at you! You clearly don’t want to be here, so leave.”

  Endiscott sank to his knees, letting the wave of agony wash over him. “I tried. Didn’t get far. Saressa tricked me, bound us, and won’t release me. The bond—I can’t even control my own body.”

  “And Jayde?” Toryn spat.


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