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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

Page 9

by Laura A. Barnes

  Sinclair looked off into the distance to where he wanted to steal away with Charlie. The sight of a lantern glowing shocked him. Did Charlie change her mind, and he didn’t receive the message? Was she waiting there now for him to join her? He took off, hoping that she waited. When he drew closer to the tree, he stopped in his tracks. Charlie was at her favorite spot, but she was not alone. No, Charlie shared her company with Forrester. She'd lied to him earlier, claiming ... Charlie hadn’t given him an excuse to why they couldn’t meet, but now he saw why she wouldn’t meet him. She had made another set of plans for a midnight rendezvous.

  Sinclair drew closer, his steps silent in the grass when he came upon the couple wrapped in an intimate embrace. Forrester stood with Charlie clasped in his arms and her arms wrapped around his neck. They were both laughing. Then their laughter died with Forrester pressing his head against Charlotte’s forehead. Sinclair listened to them whispering promises about keeping secrets. Now he understood the full impact of Forrester’s glare earlier after he returned Charlie to the parlor.

  “Will you keep my secret?” asked Duncan.

  “As long as you keep my mine,” Charlie whispered.

  Sinclair called, “You are the most sought-after lady at this house party, are you not, Charlotte Holbrooke? And here I thought I had won your affections. But it would appear that you have spread them wide. I wonder where Worthington is?” Sinclair glanced around. “Or have you promised to meet him in the stables?”

  “Jasper, you misunderstand.”

  Sinclair turned and walked away. He didn’t even want to listen to any excuses. They were all lies. The couple’s embrace spoke volumes of their intimate relationship. Charlie made him a fool.

  “Duncan, put me down.”

  Once Duncan set Charlie on her feet, she ran after Jasper. His long strides took him farther away, but Charlie picked up her pace too. She caught him, grasping at his arm. She tried to pull him around, but he shook off her grasp and kept moving toward the house.

  “Jasper, please stop. I can explain,” Charlie pleaded.

  Sinclair stopped, turned around and stormed back to Charlie. She stood panting. He towered above her, his anger held back by a thin thread. While moments earlier the anticipation of their ride consumed his soul, now fury overtook his senses. His need to punish Charlotte for her deception would be what fueled his cruel words.

  “There is nothing to explain, my dear girl. I am only letting my sense of competitiveness get the better of me. I am upset that Forrester charmed your innocence away before I had the chance to. Nothing but a little healthy male competition. Since Forrester spoiled you, I will seek my pleasures elsewhere. At least we have our memories from this afternoon. Your sweet samples were divine.” Sinclair wagged his eyebrows for effect. “I will keep our little secret on that, no need to anger Forrester,” Sinclair finished on a whisper.

  Charlotte’s stood rooted in disbelief. She wanted to explain why she was alone with Duncan. Charlie thought Jasper would understand, instead he declared his true intentions. She had been nothing but a game. He only pursued her because of a competition amongst the other gentlemen at the house party. She had thought she meant more to him than his usual conquests. But she had been wrong. Jasper had made her feel special. Her time spent with him during the house party gave her confidence as a woman. Tears leaked from her eyes as she stared at the stranger before her. She didn’t think Sinclair was capable of this behavior, but his comments spoke otherwise.

  Sinclair watched the tears fall from Charlie’s eyes. Any other time he would provoke her toward anger. But this time was different. He hardened his heart toward those tears. They were an act, just as was her kiss earlier. It would appear Charlie had wanted to practice her womanly charms during this house party. And he fell into her trap, like the fool he was. No, he wouldn’t fall for her tears too, they were only an act to playing the injured female. Another ploy a debutante used to trap a gentleman. His sarcastic laugh filled the air around them. He expected better from Charlie.

  Charlie gasped at Sinclair’s laughter. It was dark and hurt her as deeply as his words. She took off running toward the house. She wanted away from him, too hurt to explain herself. He didn’t want to hear her reasons anyway. Sinclair’s anger was more than clear. After she got her emotions under control, she would meet him for their ride and try to explain.

  Sinclair watched Charlie run toward the house. While the sensible side of him pushed him to run after her and apologize for his cruelty, the other side pushed him to indifference. However, that side no longer stood strong. Not since he savored the sweetness of Charlie. Not only was he a fool, he was also a cruel bastard for hurting her. He started after Charlie, only to be pulled up short. A hand gripped his neck and Forrester growled in his ear.

  “Stay away from the lass, you have done enough damage.”

  “I could say the same as you. Will you offer for her in the morning?”

  “I have no reason to.”

  “You compromise her where anyone can see. I think that is more than enough reason to offer for her hand.”

  “You are a fool, Sinclair. If you are so worried about Charlie’s reputation, then you ask to marry her. I’m not saddling myself with that lass.”

  “She deserves better.”

  “That we agree on, but I am not that bloke.”

  “I doubt if your uncle and cousin would agree.”

  “Oh, I believe they would after I inform them of the company she has kept and the activities she has partaken in this week.”

  “Excluding yourself, of course?” asked Sinclair.

  “Of course.”

  “If you will not make an offer for her hand, then you will not keep me away from her.”

  “I will, if you continue to confuse and hurt her.”

  “I am going to issue you the same warning. Stay away from her, Forrester. Charlie is mine.”

  “We shall see.”

  Forrester walked away from Sinclair, leaving him before Jasper might punch the smug Scot. While Charlie had lied to him and he caught her in a compromising act, it still didn’t extinguish the rush of desire he felt for her. Her vulnerability when he lashed at her weakened him. Sinclair needed to keep his distance though until he figured how he wanted to proceed with Charlie. Maybe if he stayed away, Forrester would see the error of his ways and make good by Charlie. If not, then Sinclair would do everything in his power to make Charlie his.

  WORTHINGTON STOOD HIDDEN behind the bushes, watching the interchange between Sinclair and Forrester. He had followed Sinclair out, wondering where he was off to. Worthington considered Sinclair competition in winning Charlotte Holbrooke’s hand. He was as shocked as Sinclair when he witnessed Charlotte in Forrester’s arms. Even more shocked when he heard Sinclair declare how they were to meet in private in the morning. He not only had Sinclair to compete with for Charlotte’s hand, but also Duncan Forrester. Charlotte’s greeting of the Neanderthal earlier in the day sent many to whisper of her loose morals.

  He couldn’t afford to align himself with someone of that nature, but he'd learned the chit held the rights to the foal about to be born. If he convinced Charlotte that he held feelings for her, then she would accept his offer of marriage. Then through the dowry he would own the next prized foal to enhance his stables. As it stood now, if he didn’t marry well soon, then he would lose the one thing he had worked so hard on all these years. His wastrel of a father destroyed their legacy with his immoral behavior. He needed that horse—and to get the horse he needed Charlotte Holbrooke. She was nothing but a means to an end.

  At every opportunity to press his match, he ended up being stuck with her twin sister. The quiet, boring one. Oh, she would be the perfect example for a wife. Evelyn had a virtuous character, she was pleasant to gaze upon, and her manners were impeccable. His mother would love her and she would be an exemplary role model for his brother and sisters. The only thing was, he'd vowed to never betray his wife the way his father betrayed th
eir mother. To never give cause to any rumors of extra-marital behavior outside of their bed chamber. He would be faithful to his wife. While he wanted a biddable wife, he also required one with passion. There was no denying Charlotte Holbrooke contained enough passion to light an explosion. Evelyn Holbrooke, on the other hand, would cause him to fall asleep during the act of lovemaking. The two sisters might be identical in appearances, but their personalities were different as night and day. While one ran hot, the other ran cold.

  He'd had a pleasant enough time during the scavenger hunt with Evelyn today. Only because he used it to his advantage to learn more about Charlotte. Even though what Evelyn told him didn’t sound quite correct. Not that he paid much attention to her ramblings, he was too distracted wondering why they never crossed paths with Charlotte and Sinclair. It was as if the two of them had disappeared. When they returned to the drawing room, Charlotte looked a little flushed and her dress was pressed with wrinkles. Which only meant one thing. Sinclair compromised the chit. Not only Sinclair, but now Forrester too. The girl played loose with her favors. Once they got married, he would need to make it clear to her they were to stay faithful to one another. He would not be cuckold by her, nor would he obtain a mistress.

  Only one other thing confused him about the chit. On occasions they would have this sizzling attraction. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. Nor his lips. Her kisses unmanned him. Why just yesterday, he pulled her into a linen closet and explored her feminine wiles. Her touch caressed him like silk. Her soft cries of pleasure sang in his ears. The taste of her lips had him drowning in ecstasy. Her kisses had grown bolder than the innocence of the young miss he seduced last winter. It only made him want to make her his as soon as possible. Then there were the other times, when her touch left him cold. No physical connection or arousal. Did he want to continue to pursue Charlotte knowing that she shared her favors so easily? Yes, he must, for he had a family to support. He would have to overlook her activities for now. Perhaps he could sustain them by involving Gray. Yes, he would tell his friend how loose his cousin’s morals were and convince Gray to have a talk with Charlotte. If that didn’t work he would plead his case to the duke. He would make Charlotte Holbrooke his, in any way possible. They would work out their differences after they wed.

  Chapter Twelve

  The pounding of horse’s hooves jerked Charlie awake inside the stable. After she had dried her tears and calmed down from Jasper’s cruel words, she snuck back outside to wait for him. Jasper would come to the stable, eventually. Not at the time they arranged, but earlier to avoid her. And she had been correct. Charlie peered into the darkness, realizing it wasn’t even close to dawn. The moon still shone high in the darkness.

  Charlie slipped out of the stall, knowing her way by heart. She had spent her entire life inside these stables and knew every nook and cranny. With her thoughts occupied by Jasper, Charlie ran smack dab into Emery, the stable master, when she rounded the corner. She should have been more alert, since Emery complained loudly about being awakened by an ungrateful marquess in the dead of night.

  “Whoa, what mischief are you about, girl?”

  “I was checking on Sapphire. I worry with her time so near.”

  Emery eyed her with suspicion. “You were no consorting with that Sinclair fellow, were you?”

  “Noo.” Charlie drew out.


  “Was the marquess here?”

  “Just stormed off like a beehive of bees were after him.”

  “Where to?”

  “How do I know? Said something about a cold swim. Is this party about over? These rich toffs invading the stables are wearing on me nerves.”

  “But Sinclair is always here.”

  “Aye, but even he is actin' strange.”

  “It will be over in a few days, Emery. Why don’t you return to your bed?”

  “Soon as I see you to the house, your uncle will have my hide for you being in the stables after dark.”

  “I am not ready to leave Sapphire. Please let me stay. I promise Uncle Theo will never know.”

  “I am not sure about this, girl.”

  “Would you allow me to stay for some of cook’s chocolate biscuits?”

  “The kind with the chunks of chocolate still in them?”

  “The very same.”

  Emery glanced around, making sure Charlie would come to no harm. “Do you promise to sneak back into your bed before dawn?”

  “I promise.”

  “All right then, go to your horse. I am back to bed.”

  “Thank you, Emery. You are the sweetest.” Charlie planted a kiss on Emery’s cheek.

  The old man blushed. “Off with you,” he mumbled, walking back to his cot.

  Charlie sat on a stack of hay nearby, waiting long enough for Emery to fall back asleep. When his snores started vibrating off the walls, Charlie snuck outside. It was too risky for her to take a horse. Emery would know it was her and alert Uncle Theo. Thankfully, it was a full moon and the stars still lit up the night sky. She knew where Jasper had ridden to. It was his favorite spot, the pond. It bordered the land where his and Uncle Theo’s property met. She took off on foot—unaware that somebody watched her from afar.

  JASPER SLICED THROUGH the water as if a sea monster pursued him. But the only monster pursing him was the enormous green one. Jealously was a wasted emotion, but one that consumed him at the moment. Not only jealousy, but anger. Somewhere inside him, shouting for notice, were the emotions of betrayal and hurt. How could Charlie dally with another man after the passion they shared? Her eyes spoke volumes of innocence when he confronted her, but they had to be the ploys of a young lady when caught in a blunder. However, Charlie wasn’t your normal lady. She was too straightforward. More like blunt. She never mixed words or actions.

  Jasper’s strokes slowed, processing what he saw. Yes, Forrester held Charlie in his arms, but they were only laughing. There was no passion exchanged between them. Forrester held Charlie not as a lover but as a friend. If Jasper cleared his vision of the forest in front of his eyes, he would remember the friendly bond Charlie and Forrester held. He had watched them from afar for years, and they had only ever been friendly, never anything more. He owed Charlie an apology. But Forrester, no, the Scot could go to hell as far as Jasper was concerned, for being so cavalier about Charlie’s virtue. Even if Forrester had tried to provoke Jasper to make right by his own ruination of Charlie. He had planned to in his own time. Not by the force of a scoundrel who ruined more ladies than he should. Which explained his reason for joining the house party. Forrester probably found some sweet lass and tempted her with promises sprinkled with kisses and rode to the house party to escape her clutches. The bounder.

  Jasper rolled over to float on his back, staring at the star-filled night. The flickering objects gave light to the surrounding landscape as if it were daybreak. He knew nobody was about. Few ventured to this pond because of the rocks surrounding it. The exclusion kept him hidden from curious eyes. Jasper had felt comfortable enough to shuck his clothing before diving into the icy cold depths. At the time, the chilliness of the water soothed his fiery temper. Now that he calmed down, the water’s temperature prompted him to turn back. He would light a fire to warm himself before riding back and maybe even finish his night sleeping under the stars. Anything to keep him from the stables at dawn. From her. He wasn’t ready to face Charlie yet. Just the thought of her warmed his blood again. Jasper flipped over and dove under the water to cool himself again. But no matter how long he stayed in the water it would never cool him enough. Every cell of his body heated because she never left his mind. Charlie consumed his soul.

  He broke out of the water, standing waist-deep to lock eyes with the one woman fueling his indecent thoughts. A ripple of water surrounded him, the only movement in the pond. He remained where he stood when his gaze took Charlie in. She sat with her knees pulled up under her chin, his suit coat draped across her shoulders. The night air, while not
cold for the spring, held a slight chill. Charlie had never looked more vulnerable as she did now. He had caused that look. Jasper raked his hands through his hair, frustrated at himself. Then there was the matter of being stuck in the water. His blatant disregard of his clothing earlier had not entered his mind to be a problem. But now it was another story. He wanted to wrap Charlie in his arms and kiss her heartache away. Instead he stood in the freezing water, because the shock of his indecency would scare the poor girl away.

  Charlie had been watching Jasper swimming, wondering what his thoughts were. The movement of his body mesmerized her. At first he sliced through the water in anger, his strokes swift in the chilly water. Then when he flipped onto his back with the moonlight shining down on him, Charlie held still. She didn’t move a muscle in fear he would discover her attention drawn to his manhood. Charlie couldn’t tear her gaze away from the strength and vitality of Jasper Sinclair. He was a perfect specimen of a man, from his wet locks to his feet fluttering in the water. Charlie raked her eyes slowly down his form. Jasper appeared at peace with his face relaxed, and his eyes closed. His lips no longer held the disappointment they had earlier. Her eyes trailed over his muscular chest, which had been firm against her breasts. When her eyes dipped lower, following the patch of hair, she glanced away, then returned her stare to focus on how his hardness floated in the water. She imagined how it would feel. The water would help guide her hand along the smooth length. Charlie tore her gaze away and continued traveling down the long length of his legs. His thighs were muscular from the many hours he spent riding horses.


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