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A Secret Baby for the Vampire

Page 19

by Wylder, Jasmine

  Soon, it was too much for him to keep holding back and he pulled out just in time to spew his load all over her stomach and thighs. Kai climaxed shortly after, coating her ass and back. She was a complete mess, but she didn’t even care.

  They all collapsed on top of each other, panting hard. Azurdee was so dazed, she was wondering if she had really lost her virginity or if it had all been a dream.

  While she was recuperating, the two vampires gently cleaned her off with a warm rag before they cuddled next to her, sandwiching her between them.

  Azurdee smiled.

  If she was dreaming, she never wanted to wake up again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kai was the first to wake up. He smiled, feeling Azurdee’s soft golden hair tickling his face. He took in a deep breath, excitement rushing through his body at the mere scent of her. He pulled her a little closer when he noticed his brother.

  Noah had his head between her large breasts, using them almost like pillows. There was a wild grin on his face, his features calm and innocent.

  Kai shook his head before he reached over, punching Noah’s side.

  Noah jolted almost immediately, scanning the room for danger when he spotted his brother… in his bed with him. It took him a minute to realize that what they had done last night had actually happened. “Why did you wake me?” He growled, rubbing his eyes. “Is it even night yet?”

  “We have to go into the city.”

  “What the hell for?”

  “You tore off her clothes last night. Do you really think she wants to walk around naked?”

  “I wouldn’t mind it,” Noah answered with a grin, looking at the beautiful young woman who was still sleeping between them. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, as if scared she would disappear at any moment.

  “Well, I say we go into the town and get her something nice to wear. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

  “Why don’t you go and I’ll stay here with her?”

  “Do you really think I’m stupid enough to leave her alone with you?” Kai shook his head, getting out of bed before he started putting his clothes back on. He didn’t leave the room until he was sure that his brother would follow.


  Kai and Noah once again found themselves in the Mercantile District, lurking in the shadows, searching for unsuspecting victims.

  “Got one.” Noah walked out, whistling softly as he followed an older gentleman wearing a top hat. The gentleman didn’t seem to notice the vampire that followed him. He stopped at a nearby bench and sat down, pulling out a folded newspaper he had just bought.

  Azurdee was still on the front page, the reward for her return doubled since last time. Peering over the man’s shoulder, Noah read a statement written by her fiancé, Fredrick.

  I truly wish Azurdee would be returned to me safe and sound. Even though we’re merely betrothed, I love her dearly and my world would be shattered without her. If you know anything about her whereabouts, please contact me as soon as possible.

  Noah scoffed. The old man turned around, nearly spotting him, forcing Noah to walk away empty-handed.

  “What was that?” Kai chided.

  “He was reading the newspaper. Azurdee is still on the front page. Fredrick is playing the victim. Leave it to a politician to lie through their teeth.”

  “Look, we both don’t like the man, but he’s just doing his part, trying to get his fiancée back. Wouldn’t you do the same?”

  “I would never force someone to marry me in the first place,” Noah said, crossing his arms over his chest. “We both know how that turned out.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up Cathleen.”

  “Whatever. She left me, it was her choice. There was nothing I could’ve done to stop her. But Azurdee… she’s different. You see the way she looks at me? She loves me. I’m sure of it.”

  “She slept with us both.”

  “Only because she didn’t want to hurt your feelings. You know damn well I’m the one she truly likes.”

  “Why would she like an aggressive egomaniac like yourself?” Kai snarled, shoving him against a nearby wall. “She made her decision and she wants both of us.”

  “I just can’t accept that.” Noah turned the tables, slamming Kai into the opposite wall, his breath ragged. “And I won’t let you take her away from me.” His teeth were barred. “You hear me?”

  “Bite me.”

  Noah had half a mind to actually do it, but he just let go of his brother, disgusted. “Azurdee is mine.”


  By the time they got back, Noah was still in a bitter mood. He had never liked to share. His anger quickly dissipated the second he entered the house and smelled smoke in the air.

  Quickly, he rushed toward the source, finding Azurdee struggling to put out a flame that had ignited in a frying pan. She was holding it away from her body, panicking slightly, trying to figure out what to do with it. Eventually, she threw it into the sink, but the flame snagged a dishcloth, growing even larger, threatening to consume the whole kitchen if she didn’t find a way to put it out.

  Finally, she managed to turn on the tap, but that only seemed to make the fire angrier. It sizzled and smoked, making her cough and her eyes water.

  Noah came to her rescue, snuffing the flame with a wet dishrag. “What the hell were you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?” His words came out harsher than he intended and Azurdee shrunk back.

  “Are you alright?” Kai entered the room to find the fiasco over with, but he could tell that Azurdee was clearly shaken up about it. He came up behind her and hugged her gently, his hands rubbing her arms up and down.

  Noah glared at his brother but knew Azurdee wouldn’t want his comfort, especially after he had just yelled at her. Thinking he was unwanted, he walked into the living room and plopped onto the loveseat, a clear pout on his face. He had saved her and yet, it was his brother who had her in his arms.

  It wasn’t fair.

  He was just about to go back in there and pry them apart when he heard something outside.

  Someone was there!

  Chapter Twenty

  Noah rushed into the kitchen. “Hide her.” He barked at his brother. “Someone is here. Quickly.” He said with clear urgency.

  Kai immediately did as he was told, grabbing Azurdee by the wrist and dragging her to the stairwell. “Stay here. Don’t make a sound. And don’t come out. We’ll let you know once it’s safe to do so.” Kai whispered, pushing her inside the small room.

  “But… what if they take you! What if…” Azurdee couldn’t ask any more questions because Kai had already closed the door, plunging her into darkness. She held her breath and approached the door, pressing her ear against it, hoping she could overhear what was going on.

  Noah was at the door, his expression calm. He had grown up lying his way through every situation. This was no different.

  Only, the girl he loved was on the line.

  He took a deep breath and waited for the knock. Once the appropriate time had passed, he answered the door, facing two royal guards.

  “Hello.” One of them said, standing at attention. “We’re working on the Miss Azurdee case, the noblewoman kidnapped from the Hallowed Clan. You might know her from the newspapers.”

  “Sure, sure.” Noah nodded. He grabbed a copy of the paper off the small table in the foyer. “It’s unfortunate she was taken before her wedding. Her fiancé must be really worried about her.” Noah pretended to act concerned, but there was clear malice in his voice.

  “We were informed that you were in town this evening, talking about her.”

  “Is it a crime to talk about a girl who’s all over the news?”

  “The person who reported you seemed to think you had an intimate relationship with the noblewoman, judging by the way you talked about her. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a warrant to search your premises.” He held out a royal decree before he barged into the home, followed by his companion.r />
  Kai was on the couch when they rushed into the living room. “Get up.” They ordered. Calmly, Kai did as he was told while the guards lifted the couch, making sure she wasn’t hiding underneath.

  “You’re wasting your time here. We’re not in the business of kidnapping young girls.”

  The guards paid him no mind as they rushed up the stairs. Underneath, Azurdee flinched, nearly screaming when she realized just how close they really were. She fell back onto the bed and it squeaked under her weight. “Did you hear that?” One of them asked.

  “What is it?”

  “Sounded like something was coming from under the staircase. Would be a very convenient place to hide a girl, wouldn’t it?” Thinking they had figured everything out, the guards ran down the stairs and started to search for some sort of hidden compartment.

  Suddenly, there was a loud bang from one of the bedrooms. The guards looked at each other before they bounded up the stairs, only to find Noah had dropped one of his dumbbells. “Sorry, officers, just thought I would tidy up a bit.”

  Suspicious, they started to search the entire bedroom, but couldn’t find any trace of Azurdee. They looked at the sheets which were cleanly made.

  Eventually, they concluded that Azurdee wasn’t there and apologized to the two vampires.

  Noah waited for the guards to disappear before he followed them from a safe distance. They went all the way to the capital where they reported their findings. Satisfied that no one would bother them for the rest of the night, he ran back home.


  “They don’t think she’s here,” Noah told Kai with a smirk.

  With a nod of his head, he opened the door to Azurdee’s room, letting her out. “Is everything okay?” She asked, a little scared.

  “Yeah.” Kai nodded, smiling down at her. “You’re safe. There’s nothing to worry about.” He kissed the top of her head before guiding her to the living room.

  “That was a close one…” She said, collapsing onto the couch. She had been anxious the entire time, fearing the worst. “I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if they found me.”

  “What did we tell you? We won’t let anyone lay a finger on you.” Noah sat down beside her, his hand on her knee.

  Azurdee was still skeptical. “What if they come back?”

  “They won’t.”

  “But what if they do?” She stared into his dark eyes. “I don’t want anything to happen to you two. I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”

  “Look.” Noah took her hands into his. “No one is going to hurt us. Kai and I have been through much worse than a couple of guards raiding our home. It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it.”

  Azurdee bit her lip, knowing this would nag at her until she found a solution. Suddenly, it hit her. “What if I write a letter home?”

  “What will that do?”

  “Well… if I tell my mother that I’m no longer a virgin, then she’ll be forced to call off the wedding, right?” Azurdee grinned, thinking her plan was foolproof.

  “Writing materials are right over here.” Kai crossed the living room, opening a drawer beneath the TV. He pulled out a piece of parchment and a beautiful quill pen.

  Kai brought over a writing table, setting up everything so she could write her letter.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, about to start writing when she noticed that Noah was breathing down her neck. “Uh… do you mind if I have a little privacy?”

  Noah sighed, but nonetheless got up and left the room with his brother.

  Alone, Azurdee thought about what she should tell her mother that would guarantee she would no longer have to marry Fredrick. She bit her lip and looked out the window where the moon was high in the sky.

  Finally, she took pen to paper and started to write.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I write to you from the mainland. Unable to marry Fredrick, you left me with no other choice. For years, I have been madly in love with a member of the lower class. I kept it a secret from you, knowing you would never accept our union.

  I have eloped with him and we have consummated our relationship.

  I am no longer a virgin and as such, you can no longer pawn me off to a member of the Vigil for your own sick gains. Tell Fredrick that I am sorry we had to end on these terms, but I simply could not be with him when my heart loved another.

  Since you will no doubt despise me for my decision, I do not know when I will come back to visit – if ever.

  I hope Fredrick finds a new wife and that they have a happy, thriving relationship together.

  As far as I’m concerned, I am happily wedded to my lover, and we plan to start a family soon.


  Your daughter, Azurdee.

  Azurdee signed off the letter with a flourish, a strange sense of guilt washing over her. Even though her mother had never been much of a parent, it felt wrong to be lying to her in this manner. Still, she had to do something to protect Kai and Noah. If she stayed here and the bounty on her head remained, they would eventually find her, and the brothers would go to prison, or worse.

  With this thought, she folded the letter and placed it inside an envelope, sealing it with a piece of wax. She looked at it for a long time, wondering whether this was the right decision, but deep down, she knew it had to be done.

  With a heavy heart, she got up, finding Kai in his bedroom. “Do you know the best way to deliver this?”

  Kai took the letter. “I can get it to an owl by tomorrow morning. It will take a few days for it to get to your mother, but it’ll be better that way, so they don’t suspect you were forced into writing it.” He looked into her eyes, seeing how worried she looked. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  “Yes.” She answered firmly. “It is the only way.”

  Kai nodded, placing it on his desk. “I’ll make sure it gets delivered.”


  About a week later, the boys came home, a cheerful look on their faces. Noah ran up to Azurdee, picked her up in his arms, spinning her around. “We did it!”

  Azurdee’s eyes grew wide. “Did what?”

  “You should take a look at this,” Kai said, handing her the newspaper they brought from town.

  She grabbed it the second Noah put her down.

  Runaway Azurdee Flees to the Mainland!

  “So… my mother got the letter…” Azurdee read through the article. The wedding was canceled and Fredrick was already working on finding another wife.

  “You’re free, now,” Kai said, resting his hand on her shoulder.

  Azurdee was still in a slight state of shock.

  “What are you going to do? Will you stay with us?”

  To his surprise, Azurdee shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Why not? No one is going to come looking for you. There’s no reason for you not to stay.”

  “You don’t know that. You have no idea how my mother can be. If she wants to find me, she will stop at nothing to make it happen. Granted, I’m probably dead to her at this point, but I still can’t stay.”

  Noah reached out, grabbing her wrist. “I’m not letting you leave…” His grip tightened, pulling her closer until Azurdee was forced to crane her neck to look at him.

  “You have to. I can’t stay here forever. If they ever see me with you… I don’t even want to think about what will happen.”

  “What do you plan to do?” Kai, who was keeping a level head, asked, his voice calm and collected. He wanted her to stay just as much as his brother, but he wasn’t going to force her.

  “I don’t know… I’ll catch a boat. I’ll go to the mainland like my letter said. No one will find me there.”

  “You can’t.” Noah ground his teeth, pulling her even closer, their chests squishing together.

  Azurdee could barely breathe, he was holding her so tight. “Noah, let me go. I can’t stay here…”

  “Azurdee…” Ka
i stepped forward. “They’ll see you the second you step on that boat. And how do you plan to get a ticket without a passport? You’ll be much safer here with us. We’ll protect you, make sure they never find you.”

  Azurdee bit her lip. “Look, I know it’s risky… but I can’t stay here. I can’t endanger your lives like that.”

  Noah’s fingers dug into her arms. “Don’t be stupid. If you think we’re going to let you walk out that door and get yourself killed for breaking your marriage arrangement… then you’ve lost your mind. I’m not letting you go.”

  “Noah…” Azurdee whispered, seeing the wild look in his eye. “Would you really put yourself at risk for my sake?”

  “I would do anything to make sure you’re safe.”

  Azurdee stared up at him in disbelief. “R-Really?”


  He leaned in close, about to kiss her when Kai cleared his throat, breaking the moment they were having.

  “But… if I stay…”

  “Yes…?” Noah breathed.

  “I… I can’t choose between the two of you…. because I…” She paused, suddenly looking unsure. “I love you both.”

  The two men looked surprised, their eyes widening slightly. “Love?” Noah asked, almost as if he had never heard the word before.

  Azurdee nodded. “After everything that’s happened between us… I’ve developed feelings… for both of you. Equally.”

  The two men just stared at her, unable to utter a word.

  “And… the only way I can stay is if you two learn to coexist and stop fighting each other every time you get jealous over me. Don’t think I didn’t notice.” She said, finally pulling away from Noah’s grasp. “If you two can’t learn to do that, you’ll both lose me.”

  Noah looked irritated, glancing at his brother. The last thing he wanted to do was share with him again. “Let us all sleep on it.” He said, thinking maybe the extra time would change her mind.


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