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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 2

by Ellie R. Hunter

  The excitement oozing from him now was touchable, he wanted to mention Alannah and how happy he was she is coming home, but he wouldn’t because of what I did, no one spoke to me about her anymore. The most conversation I took part of concerning her was as a third person. No more than I deserve but still, the sooner we got back, the sooner I could fuck off.

  She came strutting out of the store licking an ice cream, the image of her flicking her tongue like that on my cock had me turning and covering my lower half behind my bike. Fucking bitch, I can’t be getting hard every time she does something, something anyone else would do wouldn’t be nowhere near as hot. I focused on the anger I had towards her for breaking the rules as much as I did and not getting punished for it and glared at her.

  She looked towards me as she passed, her eyebrows pulling together quickly before looking away. Her hips with her natural sway had me throbbing as she walked to Sparky’s bike. Fuck this shit, I whistled, a signal letting the guys know to ride on.

  Raising my hand, I signal to my brothers we were home. Horns would be heard all over the small town of Willows Peak, cheers erupted as the gates opened at our arrival to our compound, welcoming the princess who can do no fucking wrong home. I started towards where our bikes were kept while Sparky carried on taking Alannah straight into the middle of the party, they disappeared into the crowd and I stayed where I was.

  “Any problems on the ride back?”

  I turned to see my president coming up behind me. He looked more tired and worn down than normal.

  “Nah, clear run all the way back.” I told him.

  His eyes kept flicking between me and the crowd where Alannah was, he didn’t have to say anything, I knew my place and I’m not prepared to lose it over forbidden fucking pussy.

  “C’mon, I need to get fuckin’ wasted.” I said, heading towards the club house.

  I’d barely made it to the bar before one of the club groupies was hanging off my arm, giggling in my ear.

  Giving her half of my attention until I saw she was a newbie, and she was hot, she would do for tonight at least. I pulled her onto my lap and stroked her arm. Just as I was beginning to relax, I heard the voice I wished would fuck off back to college.

  “Good to see nothing changes around here.”

  I fixed a glare at her, her presence and her sarcasm are not welcome.

  “Hey darlin’, why don’t you go and wait in my room for me.” I told the hang on.

  I gave her my room number and key and shoved her off my lap. Once she was gone I looked at Alannah properly for the first time since she’s been back. Her hair had grown longer, nearly reaching the middle of her back, I wondered what it would feel like to wrap my hand around it. Her already toned, tight midriff seemed even tauter, brushing against her tight tee, it didn’t need much imagination to guess how perky her tits would be underneath.

  “Stare much.” she quipped, snapping me back.

  “What do you want?”

  “I came to apologise to the vice president, apparently I was rude earlier.”

  Her apology might have been believable if it weren’t for the fact it was dripping with sarcasm. Her usual soft features were replaced with repulsion, she was only apologising because she has been made to and I was fine with that. I wanted to admit her sassy mouth was making me twitch, I wanted to admit I wanted her waiting in my room eagerly awaiting my cock. Rearranging my thoughts and my bulge, I stood up and got in her face as close as I was allowed which turned out to be a mistake, she smelled so good. I kept my poker face on and sneered,

  “Fuck your apology, just stay out of my way.”

  I stared at her, daring her to make a comeback. She held my gaze but said nothing. I walked away leaving her frozen in place and feeling like shit.


  He really is a jerk! I hated him and I hate my uncle for making me apologise, he had heard of my earlier shun towards Cas, niece or not I had to say sorry. It could’ve been worse I suppose, I’ve seen people barred from hanging around the club for less shows of disrespect than I showed. I don’t know why I was surprised to see a whore hanging off him, whores attract whores, and he is one big man whore and some things will never change. Well, he still obviously didn’t care about anyone else but himself, not that I truly expected him to be any different. There were a few nights at college I fantasied about him turning up on his bike and begging for my forgiveness but they never lasted long, the harsh reality would return and I would end up crying myself to sleep.

  Exhaling the breath I didn’t realise I was holding, I turn full circle to see we had an audience. I would not let them see me crumble again, not over Cas Jackson.

  Plastering my face with a smile, I raise my head and shout,

  “Let’s get this party started!”

  Cheers and conversations resumed and I was pulled towards the bar. Drinks were flowing, the music was cranked up and my home celebrations was in full mode.

  This is where I belong, with big burly bikers, their forever forgiving old ladies and to an extent the club whores, not that I gave them much of my time.

  I’m sure my Uncle has different ideas for me, his earlier ‘we’ll talk tomorrow’ word in my ear didn’t set me at ease, for the past year he hasn’t hidden his feelings about wanting a different way of life for me, cryptic mumbles here and there when I visited home on school breaks.

  “Here’s to you darlin’, so fuckin’ proud of you.” Oak said, grinning from ear to ear, pushing a beer towards me.

  “Thanks.” I said, drinking the beer, I was pulled in for a hug which from a big ass biker, quite hurts.

  “Alannah, come here.” I peeked over Oak’s shoulder to see Aunt Kitty calling me over. Old Ladies rarely party at the clubhouse but tonight was different, it was a celebration, my home coming.

  Shots of Tequila were lined up on the bar, for a bunch of women in their late thirties to late forties they could still hold their liquor. It was hard not to stay in the party mood with their wild enthusiasm bouncing around but what Michael said earlier kept running around my head.

  Beginning to feel the Tequila kicking in and my party mood completely evaporating, I slipped out of the clubhouse and quietly climbed the old stairs to the club roof. The one place I am able to think in peace, I could still hear the music but up here I could pretend no one was around. I knew it would be awkward on my first night back with Cas around, at college it was easy to forget about him, but here I was fooling myself that I could escape him. Promising myself there and then, I would do my damn best to stay away from him, I had to. I love the club, I’ve grown up not knowing any different, but I’m not stupid, I know my place and as a woman, even the niece of the notorious Michael Blake, my place is way down in the ranks, even below the old lady status. It doesn’t mean I’m not loved as much or respected and treated well, I just know that if my uncle decides to send me somewhere for my benefit and the good of the club, I would have to go and that would absolutely kill me. His constant digs about having more than the club were screaming at me, it was the only ending I could think of, is he trying to prepare me for something?

  Sighing, I look up at the stars, pondering what my fate will be.

  “It’s good to have you home Barbie.”

  Sparky was climbing the ladder up to me. I nodded and he came to lay beside me.

  “Might not be my home after tomorrow.” I mumbled, not bothering to look at him.

  “This will always be your home, don’t be worryin’ about it.” he assured me.

  “Do you know what’s going to happen to me?” I begged.

  “You’ll know when you need to know.” he said, regretfully.

  I knew he wouldn’t tell me, that’s how the club worked, everyone working on a need to know basis.

  The smell of his leather cut and beer on his breath was a comforter, I remember my first year at college, I felt weird because I missed the smell of leather and oil and any other aroma that reminded me of home, college didn’t smell of a
nything remotely the same.

  “Thanks for coming to visit me while I was away.” I told him, I valued each time he came to see me, he gave me a piece of home in a place that resembled nothing of here.

  “It was nothin’, couldn’t leave you too long on your own, you might have come back in a Prius or somethin’.” he shuddered at the prospect.

  I laughed at the thought, no one could make me laugh like Sparky.

  “As if jackass.” I mocked him, bumping my shoulder to his, “Are you sure you can’t tell me what’s going on with Michael?” I pushed.

  “Barbs, I’m under gossip lockdown I’m afraid.” he said, slightly frowning. Great, so there is something occurring I’m not going to like.

  “You should go back down to the party, your fans will wonder where you are.” I told him, it sounded mean but if he wasn’t going to tell me anything, then I wanted to be alone.

  “Hey, you have fans too. You’re the guest of honour and you’re not there either.”

  I shrugged, not knowing how to get rid of him.

  “C’mon, I’ll get you a drink and then you owe me a dance.” he said, making to stand up. He lowered his hand for me to grab and reluctantly I accepted.

  “I don’t owe you anything.”

  “Oh yes you do.” he murmured quietly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

  “It means you don’t own a fuckin’ Prius coz’ I dragged my ass to come and see ya.” he said, quickly. “Just, trust me. Have a drink, a dance, you know fun and don’t be worryin’ about the future, it always works out in the end.” he said softly, taking my hand back in his.

  He hadn’t said anything specific, but I trusted him enough to know he was telling me something. I let him guide me back to the bar and downed the shots pushed in front of us.

  “How about that dance now Barbie?”

  He didn’t give me no choice, he pulled me to where the make shift dance floor had been made and pulled me into his arms.

  The song was slow and I relaxed against him. It was a lot quieter in the clubhouse now it was getting late, people either drunk and passed out, or off somewhere with their old ladies or with one of the club whores. They might not behave in a gentlemanly way but I can’t imagine my life without these men being a part of it.

  As I looked around, the clubhouse hadn’t changed at all. The bar still ran along the far wall where the stairs to the dorm rooms were housed on the first floor, the huge Lost Souls badge hung covering half of one of the walls, pictures of Harley Davidsons covering the wall space that was left. Three pool tables pushed around the sides to make space for the dance floor, reclining chairs and couches littered about.

  The only difference since the last time I was here, is Cas standing at the bottom of the dorm stairs, scowling at me. He must be taking a break from his whoring fuck fest, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth and his jeans hanging low with his bare chest slightly covered by his cut, he truly is a painfully beautiful sight. Closing my eyes to him, I turn and bury my head into Sparky’s chest. Remembering what he said about not having to worry about tomorrow, I begin to relax and before I know it the music is being turned down, we had danced for hours and my feet were killing me.

  Ever the big brother to me, he walked me to my Uncle’s house and made sure I was in before he turned and walked away.

  Chapter Two


  It could be the Tequila still lingering in my system from last night, or it could be the impending ‘talk’ with Michael I have later today that has me feeling like I want to throw up. For the first time in my life I wish I had a normal family, where coming home didn’t have so many different outcomes.

  The only guarantee in my life today was the fact the heat was already stifling as expected, I threw back the covers and slid out of bed. Choosing a pair short shorts and a tank top and underwear, I head towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.

  Thirty minutes later I was making my way downstairs to the kitchen as I heard my Aunt Kitty talking to Michael, they hushed as I entered the room and joined him at the table. Their silence only caused my nausea to worsen.

  “After you’ve eaten, meet me in my office and we’ll talk.” he said, rising from the table and immediately leaving the house.

  Once we heard the front door slam shut, my aunt shot across the kitchen.

  Her flaming red hair fell around my face and her thin yet very strong arms enveloped me in a bone crushing hug, she wasn’t a big woman but she had the strength of a man three times her small size.

  I laughed nervously and hugged her back. It dawned on me that my aunt would know what my uncle had in store for me, but as a loyal old lady she wouldn’t open her mouth, her reaction now convinced me I wouldn’t like what my uncle had to say.

  I barely touch my eggs and bacon, deciding to get this over and done with.

  “I’ll see ya later Kitty.” I yelled, escaping out of the door before she could reply.

  It was still pretty early as I crossed the compound to the clubhouse where my uncle’s office is. Inside, it wreaked of booze, smoke and women. A couple of prospects were on cleaning duty and by the looks on their faces, they weren’t happy about it, but being a prospect, they get all the grunt work.

  Cas was coming out of the office as I was walking down the hall, I hated my body for reacting at the sight of him in his jeans and a black tee that showed his tattoos snaking up and down his arms. Sticking to my plan of ignoring him, I moved to the side and waited for him to pass, he stood there staring at me.

  “Hey, you’re the one who said to stay out of your way, now can you do the same, I need to go in there.” I said gesturing to the office door, surprising myself at how strong I sounded.

  He blinked and moved to the side, he stayed there until I knocked and waited for permission to enter. When my uncle called me in I didn’t look back and shut the door behind me.

  “Hey darlin’, take a seat.” Michael said, nodding to the chair opposite his desk.

  It felt like I was back in high school being called in to the headmaster’s office instead of my uncles.

  His office wasn’t as large as some of the other rooms, a large wooden desk took most of the space up with his large chair on one side and two smaller chairs on my side. The wood panelled walls made the room darker than it should be for this time of day with the sun shining as bright as it is. Once I was seated he came round and sat on the edge of the desk, this is bad, it was the same scene around me when he told me my father had died. My father was the first president over The Lost Souls MC, he always managed to give me his full attention while never abandoning his brothers or the club. In this world we live in, it’s more expected to die during club business or from an accident on the road, however, my father suffered the last year of his life from testicular cancer. To this day, the pain from missing him is still raw, I long ago tired of trying to get over his death knowing I never would, I’ve just learned to keep it to one side of my heart.

  My uncle looked like he was trying to find the right words to tell me whatever he had to say. He wasn’t a man with a wide vocabulary, but I knew him well enough to know even though he didn’t know how to tell me, his decision would be final.

  “Before I say what I gotta say, I want to say how fuckin’ proud of you I am, the first in our family to graduate college, fuck, you’re the first to actually go to college.” he smiled, fondly.

  I only went because he gave me no choice, and while I hated every minute of it being away from home, I am glad I went.

  “Thanks, what’s this about uncle Mikey?” I asked, the longer he stalled, the more I dreaded what he had to say.

  “While you’ve been away, the club has been through the shit, you were safer at college than here and now you’re back, I’ve made the decision to move you to our house in town, it’ll keep you away from the club.”

  “Excuse me!” I shrieked.

  I know I sounded like a spoi
lt brat but I couldn’t believe it. I have to leave!

  I knew it was a possibility but I never thought he would actually make it reality.

  “This life isn’t for you Alannah, you deserve so much better. The place I chose for you is in a safe location, it belongs to the club so you needn’t pay rent. I’ll cover the bills for a while. You’ll be fine.”

  “And what if I don’t want to go?” I asked, stubbornly.

  “You have no fuckin’ choice girl, you’ll do as you’re told.” he snapped.

  “I’ve always done as you asked, I went to college when I didn’t want to, but I don’t want this. Please, there has to be something I can do for you around here?” I begged.

  “Alannah, your father left you in my care, I’m only doing what he wanted for you. He never wanted this life for you, I let you grow up in the club because it was easier for me, but now you’re an adult, you can look after yourself.” he said softly, he knelt down in front of me and held my hands.

  I knew if my father was still alive he wouldn’t push me away, he would keep me close.

  “Please, business is gettin’ bad around here at the moment, I don’t want you to be a part of it, don’t you understand, this is your chance to be free from the club.”

  As his words sunk in, I wanted to vomit. I didn’t want to be free from the club, he was making out this was something I wanted when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Then it dawned on me, people who left the club couldn’t come back.

  “Are you banning me from the club?” I whispered.

  “Not as such, but you won’t have free range anymore. This is for the best Alannah. You have an hour to pack your things up, one of the prospects will help you and drive you into town.”

  An hour? That’s all I get?

  I honestly didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. The look in his eyes told me I wouldn’t change his mind, there is no point in arguing. I stared at the man who has raised me since my father died when I was six years old, his greying long hair, and dark beard covering his handsome face so much like my fathers, he was barely recognisable to me now. How could this be happening?


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