Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 5

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “A meetin’ on a Saturday night? What the fuck is goin’ on now?” Sparky moaned.

  “Let’s find out.” I mumbled, beginning to walk away.

  “Hold up,” he called out, catching me up and stepping in my way, “Keep ya cool in there, if we act like nothin’s up then he might slip up.”

  “Fine, have you seen her today?” I asked, wanting to make sure she was okay after last night.

  “I swung by but she wasn’t there, the prospect apparently took her into town, she wanted to do some redecorating, I’ll go by again tomorrow.”

  “Is she coming by tonight?”

  “She said no, c’mon we need to get in there.” he said turning away.

  The room at the back of the clubhouse was open, everyone apart from Sparky and I were already seated around the table, Sparky followed me in and closed the doors behind us. They all looked as confused as us, only Michael sat stoned faced at the head of the table.

  Taking our places, Sparky at my side and mine at Michael’s side. Until I knew what was going on I couldn’t trust him and it hurt.

  “I called you all here because we have a situation.” he started, taking a deep breath he continued, “A couple of hours ago Micky’s body was found next to his bike which has been stripped, looks like he was dumped after being tortured.”

  The table erupted into chaos. Micky was a Lost Souls original, he went nomad a few years back when he lost his wife to cancer. He stopped by every few months, stayed a couple of days and returned to the road.

  Michael brought the table to order and carried on, apparently not finished.

  “I’m having photo’s sent through, but according to Lincoln, Micky was found with RAT carved on his forehead.” he frowned. Lincoln is the president of our supporting club – Devils Bastards.


  “No way would Micky rat, it’s a mother fuckin’ lie.” Oak said, banging his fist on the table.

  Once again, the table was in chaos, all shouting over one another. I sat there stunned, trying to work out what the fuck was going on? Shit was getting crazier every day.

  “Quiet!” Michael stood, resting his hands on the table, “I don’t believe any more than any of you lot that Micky would turn against us, but we have to act as if he did.” That got every man round the table attentions.

  “He was here last week when we were discussin’ the run up north scheduled for Monday. We can’t afford to dismiss the possibility they might have that information. Just to be on the safe side.” he added.

  “The only side we should be on is Micky’s, we should be plannin’ revenge not carryin’ on with business!” Oak said.

  “Until we know what the fuck happened, we stick to the original plan.”

  Michael was calm, too calm. He had a plan of action already in mind and retribution wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “What the fuck do you propose we do then?” Sparky asked.

  “We call in brothers from our northern chapter and make two runs. Instead of the real run on Monday we do a fake run, if Micky did talk and they show up we can finally take them out, then move the real delivery to a different day with a new route.”

  My brothers looked happy with this plan, none of us could believe Micky would hurt the club this way but if it was going to be a set up, then we will finally have our revenge for every attack the Ghost Riders have placed on us over the last few years.

  “It’s the only fuckin’ way we can get these motherfuckers’. Anyone against?”

  Every head around the table shook, this type of plan is what we have been waiting for. If this plan goes in our favour then it means a brother went against us and if they don’t show up it’s all good as a brother didn’t rat but then we are no closer to the Ghost Riders. It’s kind of a win lose situation either way.

  “Good! Be back here tomorrow night at seven and we’ll go over the details. Now, let’s go and drink to our lost brother.”

  The atmosphere was split between the loss of Micky, the possibility he turned against the club and the high of an impending fight. No matter who was feeling what, there was no doubt there wouldn’t be any sober brothers by the end of the night.

  As each brother left the room I remained in my seat, when Michael saw I wasn’t moving he stayed behind and sat in his chair.

  “What’s on ya mind VP?” he asked, pulling out his pack of cigarettes.

  He took one out and pushed the pack towards me. I took one myself and lit up, inhaling deeply before coming straight out with what I wanted to know.

  “Does Alannah have anythin’ to do with all this?”

  He blew out a long stream of smoke and closed his eyes, tiredness and old age creeping around his face.

  “What’s this really about Cas?”

  “I just want to know if there is any more to it where Alannah is concerned?” I asked, again.

  “I’m only goin’ to say this once more, Alannah won’t live this lifestyle, her father didn’t want her around the club and as his blood brother I will honour his wish and give her everything I can to help her.” he paused before adding, “This shouldn’t be your concern.”

  I sat there stoned face, reigning my temper in. I don’t believe that is what Mark would’ve wanted for his daughter. I wasn’t picking up any signs he had another agenda with her, but the feeling in the pit of my stomach still remained and it has never failed me yet.

  “You’re right, I don’t know what I was thinkin’.” I said, rising out of my chair.

  “I admire your concern but it isn’t needed where Alannah is concerned, stay away from her Cas.” he warned again, “C’mon, let’s go and join the others.”

  We left the room to loud music and everyone milling around outside by the open fire, we both walked towards them.

  As soon as I sat down at one of the picnic tables with everyone else, Michael as good as chucked one of the club whores on my lap, I caught the brief look in his eye and knew exactly what he was doing. He was testing me. I played along and kept the girl where she was, readjusting her a bit so she wasn’t on my dick. All I could think was thank god Alannah wasn’t here tonight. Aware of Michael’s eyes on us, I rested my hand on the girl’s bare thigh, my first thought was of the contrast between her coarse skin compared to Alannah’s smooth, silky thighs. As the conversation rolled from one memory of Micky to another, I kept up the pretence of showing an interest in the girl on my lap. As soon as Michael leaves, I’m gone. I was caught up calculating how long it would take me to get to my bike and be at the cabin when a fight broke out, it isn’t uncommon around here, give it an hour and the two involved will be laughing and speaking like nothing had happened, that’s what I love about being a part of this club, the bond we share.

  The fight cleared a path as everyone was making room for the brawling brothers and standing on the other side was Alannah. I wasn’t in bed with this girl but from the look on Alannah’s face I may as well be. Michael was watching, always fucking watching, I had to play along acting as if it was just her being jealous and emotional. By the time I looked back to where she was standing, she was gone.


  Clenching and unclenching my fists weren’t enough, there was no way I was getting in that cabin now. Without being obvious I removed the girl from my lap and was about to go in search for a drink, on second thought I grabbed the girl and pulled her with me.

  I made my way back into the clubhouse and saw Alannah by the bar and the prospect getting their drinks, he disappeared and I waited till I saw him go to the bathrooms. Before I could get rid of the girl holding my hand in an iron grip and casually visit the bar myself and explain to Alannah what was going on, a hang around, one I haven’t seen before made a quick bee line for her. I couldn’t blame him, the way her short skirt was riding higher up her thighs every time she leant on the bar was kind of hard not to notice, he probably thinks all his Christmases have come at once, well, until I make it clear to him to fuck off and never go near her again. She caught my eye a
nd quickly turned her back to me, she laughed at something the hang around said and rested her hand against his chest, even though I knew she was only doing it to get a rise out of me, it was fucking working. Where the hell was Sparky to sort this out?

  I saw Michael come in behind us and get caught up in a conversation with Oak by one of the pool tables, I had to play this right otherwise I would be going against Michael’s orders and everyone here tonight would see it for themselves.

  Looking back to Alannah, I saw the prospect still wasn’t back and the guy who had joined her was groping her ass. Becoming angry that she was allowing his hands on her, I kept hold of the girl holding my hand and walked over to the bar. With my back towards the guy with Alannah, I struck up little conversation with my girl keeping a constant ear on what they were talking about. The usual bull shit pickup lines and exaggerated girl giggle in response, it was taking everything I had to stop myself from ripping his face off and out right killing him right here in the bar.

  “So darlin’, you got a man here?” he asked her.

  “I have a lot of men here.” she quipped.

  I knew she meant she had the men here wrapped round her little finger but he took it as her being a whore.

  “Really?” the guy said.

  “Yeah, you see the two guys over by the pool table, ones my uncle by blood, and the other is my uncle through the club.”

  “Ain’t he like the boss around here.” the guy said, sounding a bit worried now.

  “Yeah, he’s the main man around here I suppose.”

  I couldn’t help smirk to myself, she was playing him and now I wouldn’t have to step in because she was doing good on her own, if she did want to get back at me then she wouldn’t have had told him who she really was.

  “But, you see, they never let me have any fun and none of them are allowed to come near me, if you know what I mean?”

  Fuck, she was back to flirting with him again.

  “What about me, am I allowed near you?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure anyone is, they are quite protective over me.” she sighed, still playing with him.

  “But, I’m fed up with their bull shit rules and lies to me.” she carried on, this was definitely for my benefit, “How about we get out of here? We could go back to mine and fuck this lot off.” she said.

  She’s going too far now, this guy had to disappear and I had to tell Alannah to keep her fucking legs shut! This isn’t how she normally acts and I don’t want her fucking this guy just because of me.

  Sparky and Slade staggered into the bar area and I managed to make eye contact with them. I mouthed Alannah was in trouble and they both came rushing over.

  “Who’s this Barb’s?” Sparky asked in a friendly manner but with authority laced underneath it.

  I turned slightly so I could finally see what was happening behind my back. Alannah’s face was stoned over with anger, she threw me a glare before turning her attention to my brothers.

  “This is my friend, Jake or Josh, well, something beginning with a J, call him J.” she said.

  “I think you should move on J.” Sparky said, throwing his arm around the guys shoulder.

  “I don’t want any trouble here.” the guy said, holding his hands up in defence.

  “Move on then, this one is out of bounds to every fucker here. Remember that and you’ll keep legs in working order.” Slade told him before the guy sulked out the bar.

  I hid my satisfaction by swigging from my beer.

  “You didn’t have to scare him away, we were only talking.” she said, arms crossed her chest and very angry.

  “I’m not fuckin’ stupid Barbie, he didn’t want your mouth just for conversation.” Sparky said.

  “Don’t be so disgusting to me, I can handle myself, you’ll do well to remember that the next time you get in my business because it will be you who gets hurt.” she warned him.

  Slade made a quick getaway before he was receiving threats while Sparky chuckled.

  “Okay, calm down. Seriously though, I wouldn’t get in your business if the guy wasn’t such a worthless piece of shit.”

  “Great, well that leaves no one in town for me then does it? Never mind, I shouldn’t have come, I want to leave, have you seen my bodyguard?” she asked.

  “Wait here, I’ll go find him.”

  Once Sparky was gone, I turned to face her full glare.

  “That was down to you wasn’t it?” she spat, trying to keep her voice low.

  “Don’t know what you’re on about babe.”

  “Fuck you, don’t ever do that again. Stick to your club whores and leave me the hell alone.” she said.

  “This isn’t what it looks like…” I started.

  “It’s exactly what it looks like, the only difference is it’s a different whore on a different day.”

  I knew she would be thinking about last summer, about what I did to her and there was no way I could talk to her now about it and tell her the truth.

  “And don’t be thinking I came here for you tonight, as far I’m concerned what happened the other night was nothing, I could fuck anyone the way I fucked you, don’t think it was anything special to me because it wasn’t.”

  Well, that would be a fucking slap to the face if I believed her. I leant in close to her and whispered,

  “You finished spewing shit to me now babe, coz’ there wouldn’t be a man left alive in this town if they went near ya, this isn’t what it looks like and if I ain’t fuckin’ ya then no man is.”

  I leant back, all the while keeping hold of the club girl for show to everyone else.

  “Everything good here?” Sparky asked, coming up beside us with the prospect.

  “All good here brother.” I smiled, feeling good about getting my point across.

  Each of us looked to Alannah and found her scowling. I meant what I said, if I couldn’t have her then no one would. She’s too good for the men in this town and I might not be any better but I trust myself to protect her and give her everything she needs.

  “Are you ready? There’s nothing here for me.” she said to the prospect and they both left.

  No one has ever made me feel like shit the way Alannah does sometimes, with everything she was going through it wouldn’t take much more for her to never return here again.

  Watching the door hoping she would walk back through it, Michael caught my eye, nodded and smiled.

  Satisfied, he left the party and once the door was closed I got rid of the girl on my arm, she may think her pout looked cute but to me she was being childish and pathetic.

  All I could think about was going to the cabin, finding Alannah and explaining what she thought she saw, then hopefully taking her to bed again. Actually, if only to have the door slammed in my face as I explain through the wood what happened, I can’t leave her thinking anything was going to happen tonight.

  I was already at the garage before I had made the final decision to go, wrapping the bandana round my face and clasping my helmet in place, I rolled my bike out into the open.

  “Where ya goin’?”

  Sparky said stepping in front of me, blocking my way out, I hadn’t realised him following me out of the bar.

  “For a ride.” I mumbled.

  “You’re goin’ to see her aren’t you?” he said, crossing his arms across his chest, “I saw what happened earlier and just now in the bar, you still gonna tell me fuck all is goin’ on with you two?” he asked.

  “I’m not gonna say nothin’.” I said, meeting him eye to eye.

  “Have it your way then.” he relaxed his stance and took a seat on one of the crates to our side.

  “I kept my eyes open tonight and I saw more than I thought.”

  He had my attention now, I yanked the bandana around my neck, took off my helmet and stood waiting for him to explain.

  “For starters, I ain’t fuckin’ stupid, I know somethin’ is up between you and Barbie and it’s not about the shit you pulled last year, you�
�ve not been yourself since she got back, and tonight she didn’t look pissed, she looked wounded.”

  His balled up fists didn’t go unnoticed. I remember the damage they caused to my ribs last time, he would be a perfect candidate for Alannah’s brother, no one could get to her through him if he didn’t like you.

  I wanted to explain, out of every brother here I’ve always been able to tell him anything but Alannah has always been out of bounds and because of that, I kept it to myself.

  “What else did you see?” I asked.

  “I saw Michael’s face as he saw everything too.”

  I thought back to only an hour ago, most of my attention was trained on Alannah, I wasn’t aware Michael would see anything, when I saw him I could barely see his face.

  “And?” I urged him to get to the fuckin’ point.

  “He was smilin’, the only time I see him smilin’ like that is when something is goin’ his way and nothin’ can stop him. Barbie has more to do with this then he lets on, whatever it is. It can’t be fuckin’ good.” he finished.

  I pulled out my cigarettes and took a seat beside him, pulling out one for both us and lighting mine up, we sat there silent.

  The bad feeling I had in my stomach just exploded throughout my whole body. What the fuck are we missing?

  “We have to do somethin’.” I tried to say, but it came out more of a croak. I cleared my throat and carried on, “I can’t let anythin’ happen to her, I know what I did was wrong but you know what would have happened otherwise…” I thought about what I was going to say next, thinking I should choose my words carefully but I realised I didn’t give a fuck. I am my own fuckin’ man and what I wanted I was going to have.

  “I ain’t bein’ told nothin’ anymore, what me and Alannah had last summer wasn’t what it was made out to be, my actions and love for this club tore her apart and only I can fix that.” I stood and began pacing the garage, “This is all bull shit, whatever Michael’s not tellin’ us we have to assume she is in this whether we like it or not and we have to protect her, because he sure as shit isn’t.” I paused, trying to calm down.


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