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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 8

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Come on, I’ve had an idea.” I told him, and headed down to the stairs. I turned around to see if he was coming but he was already behind me.

  “This is going to be so much fun.” I beamed.

  After forty minutes of target practice at the back of the cabin we had one bullet each left.

  “Your turn.” I smiled.

  “I think I should be gettin’ lessons from you.” he remarked.

  With each shot he took, he got more wound up, my aim was sharper than his and he didn’t like it.

  He took his last shot and it went wide, I could tell he was trying to reign in his anger for my sake. I laughed quietly.

  I held my position and took aim of the bottle sitting on the cut off tree trunk, I admit, I was showing off now.

  As I squeezed the trigger, my name being yelled from behind made me jump and as a result my shot went wide too. I turned towards the voice and saw Cas running round the cabin holding his gun and searching all around us. Seeing the alarm Billy quickly pulled his gun from behind his back and began looking around.

  He didn’t stop running until he had me in his arms, I thought he was angry by the way he was yelling my name, however, how he was holding me I quickly deciphered he was in fact anxious. I pulled back from him and saw pure terror radiating from him. I couldn’t look away and nor could he, Billy mumbled something before leaving us alone. All I could think of was that whatever has happened, he came to me.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I asked him.

  “What are you doing out here?” he asked without answering my question first.

  “I was bored, I thought I’d get some shooting practice in.” I told him.

  “Thank fuck.” he muttered, searching my eyes intensely.

  I took hold of his hand and led him back into the cabin, he didn’t hesitate.

  Once inside I could hear my own heartbeat in the calmness of the still house, I led him through to the lounge and sat on the sofa, he joined me and this time he grasped my hand. This was a defining moment in how our relationship was going to continue and I planned to make the most of it, because I want him with every ounce of my being.

  “I want to be with you, I want to forget everything that’s happened and I want everything we had last time.” I told him, surprising myself at how strong I sounded. It was good, I want him to know I’m not to be ever treated like that again.

  A stray tear fell as he kissed my hand repeatedly before staring at me.

  “That’s all I want to, I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am but Lana, you’re the best thing ever to happen to me and I’m not goin’ to risk losin’ you again.”

  “I need you to understand I won’t be like the other women hanging onto her man no matter what he does behind her back just so she doesn’t lose him.” I said, meaning every word, “If you want to be with me then there will be no one else.” I added.

  “I promise you’re all I want, I haven’t fucked anyone since you’ve been back.” he urged.

  “I think it’s time you told me what happened last year.” I said, not really wanting to hear it but deep down I knew I had to know so we can move forward.

  His expression soon changed from relief to agitation, he grasped my hand tighter as if he was worried I was about to slip through his fingers.

  He nodded and inhaled deeply.

  “Remember the last day we spent together?” he asked, I couldn’t help roll my eyes and nod. Did he seriously think I could forget?

  “You had gone home and I went to find Michael, I wanted to ask his permission to be with you, spendin’ time together like we did was goin’ against your uncle’s rule, I didn’t want to keep goin’ behind his back. I thought if I could explain to him how I felt about you and he could see how genuine I was he would give us his blessing. I was on top of the fuckin’ world walkin’ towards the garages where he was, only he wasn’t alone. Every brother was there waitin’ for me, all lined in a semi-circle, I knew he knew about us already.”

  My stomach lurched into my throat, usually if all the brothers were in the garages with no big job to work on, it only meant violence.

  “Go on.” I whispered.

  “Michael made a big speech about how a brother had disrespected another brother in the club, a brother who happens to be our president. He had found out about us and asked if I denied it. I didn’t, there was no point in lyin’, I told him I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help havin’ feelins’ for you.”

  He paused again, he was slowly getting to the point, and this time I didn’t want to push him.

  “In the end, I took a couple of hits from each brother, Michael went last and drove home that I wasn’t ever going to be with you. After they had finished, I was a crumpled mess on the floor but I pulled myself up and told him I couldn’t give you up, and they could beat me every day if it meant I got you.”

  I was right to feel sick, I have seen this punishment handed out before. It doesn’t sound so bad taking a couple of hits from each person but when there’s fifteen or so men giving their best shot to your face or ribs, it results the same as getting beaten to a pulp.

  “Half the guys respected I was bein’ genuine after forcing myself to stand and look Michael in the eye, I expected him to hit me again but he spoke. He asked me if I loved you. At the time you had messed my head up so much I couldn’t think straight, I liked bein’ with you but I didn’t know what love was or if I felt that for you, I told him no and he warned me that if he caught me with you again he would strip my VP patch and throw my ass outta the club.”

  Fuck! I couldn’t respond to that, I didn’t know what the hell to say, fortunately he carried on before the silence droned for too long.

  “Like I said, I knew I liked you more to anyone else, but to lose the one aspect of my life that has ever felt right shook the fuck outta me, and to lose it over a girl I didn’t truly know how I felt about was worse. The guys started to leave, and Michael told me to fix it before you left for college, he didn’t want you gainin’ further ideas about us.”

  This time I couldn’t stop myself, I knew exactly what I wanted to ask.

  “So, how does that whore fit into this?”

  “With you knowin’ the ways of the club, I knew I would have to do somethin’ drastic for you to believe I didn’t want to see you again, that nothin’ more could happen between us and if you saw the bruises I’d received you wouldn’t let it go.”

  This time he inhaled so deeply I didn’t think he was going to release his breath.

  “Thinkin’ like a prick, I grabbed the first girl I saw in the clubhouse when I got back and took her to my room, just her presence in there made me sick, I wanted it to be you like we planned. Just before you were due, well, you know what I did.”

  Once again I was speechless, his betrayal wasn’t what I thought it was, it was because of my uncle, although Cas choose how to act. After I left for college I hurt badly, that night continually on replay in my mind but I couldn’t understand why after how close we had become that summer, at the time I knew it didn’t make sense and now it does.

  “So, you didn’t do it on purpose?” I asked, not justifying it but making sure I understood.

  “There was a purpose Lana, and it’s haunted me ever since.” he admitted.

  It still hurt remembering that night but now I know the reasons, it didn’t hurt as much. Will I forget the scene I saw, hell no! But it didn’t hurt as much knowing it would have been me if it weren’t for my uncle playing God.

  “What’s changed from then to now?” I asked.

  If he slept with that whore to keep me away from him and his patch then why risk it now?

  “Everything’s changin’, the club is becomin’ somethin’ I don’t recognise and not in a good way and I feel you have somethin’ to do with that. Last year I thought the club was all I lived for but since you’ve been back, I want to live for you.”

  Wow, he certainly knew what to say to get me weak not only at the knees but all

  “Does you knowin’ this change anythin’?” he asked, looking sheepish waiting for my reply.

  I didn’t need to think about it, although I had a few stipulations for him if this is going to work.


  He visibly relaxed and went to pull me on his lap until I stopped him.

  “But, I know to share you with the club and by club I mean club business and the brothers, not the whores throwing themselves at you. If you truly mean what you say then I should more than enough for you.”

  “You are.” he said, I finally let him guide me onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.

  He thought he was home free and began kissing along my jawline, however I wasn’t finished.

  “Just so we’re clear, you’re not my vice president, to me you’re just Cas and if you betray me again, I will kill you.”

  He gripped my chin and forced me to look at him.

  “I don’t need a fuckin’ incentive not to hurt you again, trust me.”

  “I will, I’m just letting you know the consequences.” I smirked, leaning in to claim his lips as he came forward.

  The bedroom wasn’t close enough, I ripped my top of as he was pulling at my bra. He took my nipple in his mouth, biting down and sucking it hard, moving across to my other nipple and doing exactly the same, he kneaded my breasts roughly as I whimpered with pleasure he was exerting. My need to feel him inside me matched his need to feel me, we both tackled our jeans and fell on top of each other on the floor.

  It started as a serious longing to be as close as possible but crashing to the floor like a movie cliché, I couldn’t help giggling.

  “That sound makes me harder.”

  His animalistic growl and warm breath against my neck sobered me up, he is so fucking hot, I was burning up.

  He rolled me to my side and laid down pushing himself to my back, I arched my back out, pushing my ass into his groin, I needed him and he was all too willing to give me himself. He pushed into me, giving me all his desire, clamping down on my breast as he slid in and out, slow, soft then fast and hard was making spiral out of control. The more he carried on, the less I could think, I doubted I would know my own name soon. Craning my head to his, he met me halfway, kissing him as he was inside me was the icing on the bloody cake. I never had to tell him what I liked or how I liked it, he just knew and he took great pleasure in doing so.

  There wasn’t time to change position, he started rubbing my clit, adding the right amount of pleasure, never ceasing his tirade of internal torment. He wasn’t going to last much longer but he wanted me to finish too. His hands working their magic everywhere tipped me far over the edge and into fucking bliss.

  Laying in each other’s arms, he explained how the clubhouse had been attacked while they were on their run and when he heard Billy and I practicing out back, he assumed the worst.

  “Until this is under control I don’t want you leavin’ this cabin, I’d fight for you any day but I’d rather you not to be in danger in the first place.” he said, stroking my hair as I lay on his chest.

  “I don’t have anywhere to go at the moment, so that works for me.” I assured him.

  “That was easier than I thought it would be.” he chuckled.

  “What are we going to do about us?” I asked, choosing to ignore his dig.

  I didn’t want him losing his place in the club for me, I also didn’t want him having to choose.

  “I don’t know baby but I’ll think of something.” he promised.

  My post orgasm high began dwindling away and gave me room to think about my plans for redecorating.

  I moved off of him and leant on my elbow so he could see my face.

  “I have to leave the cabin one more time actually, I want to redecorate in here too and for that I need to get to the hardware store again.” I told him, frowning.

  If I was going on a secret cabin lockdown then I damn well wanted something to occupy my time while Cas wasn’t here.

  “Write a list and I’ll get one of the other prospects to go shoppin’, I’m serious Lana, I don’t want anything to happen to you because you wanted to fuckin’ paint.”

  “Okay,” I relented, “I’ll get Billy on it before you go.” I said, settling back on his chest.

  “Who the fuck is Billy?” he asked, non-too happily.

  “Surely the vice president knows the names of his prospects?” I teased, feeling his breath return to normal.

  “Oh, I didn’t actually.” he laughed, “Okay, I should get back, I kinda left not knowin’ what actually happened and if anyone was hurt.”

  It is completely selfish but I’m glad he came straight to me.


  We both got up from the floor and salvaged our clothes from all corners of the room, neither of us taking our eyes of each other the whole time.

  He found his phone and cursed. Whatever it was, he wasn’t happy.

  “Get the prospect on that list, I really need to go.”

  “His name is Billy.” I said, leaving to go and find him.

  Within five minutes Billy had asked me the colours I wanted and had added extra equipment we would need and handed it over to Cas. I listened to Cas tell him that we weren’t to go anywhere and that my uncle doesn’t need to know these new arrangements or the fact that he will be around more often now.

  After he finished giving him his new orders, Billy left us alone on the front porch.

  It felt great knowing he really did need to leave but took the time to say good bye to me without it feeling rushed.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” he promised.

  “You better be.” I smiled.

  “We’re gonna have to keep this between us for the time bein’.” he said, flicking his finger between the two of us.

  I nodded.

  “Then when all the Ghost Rider shit is sorted, I’m gonna tell everyone you’re my old lady and anyone who has a problem with us can go fuck themselves.” he grinned menacingly.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  We shared one last kiss and he left on his bike. I stood on the porch long after he left. There is no way my uncle is going to run my life anymore, he already pushed me out here, I’m not going to lose Cas because of him to.

  I don’t doubt my uncle loves me, he has only wanted the best for me since he took me on as a grief stricken six year old but to say who I can fall in love with is going overboard.

  One afternoon is all it took for my life to completely change and going back would destroy me.

  Chapter Six


  Sparky was waiting for my return as I rode towards the compound, he closed the gate behind me as I rode through and parked my bike in the garage.

  “Michael’s pissed with you for disappearing.” he said, as soon as I cut the engine.

  “I don’t give a fuck, I’m back now.” I said, seriously.

  “I take it you’ve been with Barbie?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yeah, and I need to talk to you once I’ve seen Michael.”

  “Sure, she alright?” he asked, as we strode into the clubhouse and through to the back room where church was held.

  “She’s more than good.” I grinned, he didn’t have time to ask what I meant as we’d arrived and everyone was already seated.

  “Nice of you to fuckin’ join us Cas.” Michael sneered from the other end of the table.

  “I’m here now.” I said, as we took our seats. “Do we know what happened?” I asked.

  “One of the prospects on lookout saw Ghost Riders ride pass, pull out guns and open fire…” as Oak was explaining, the table turned into chaos.

  “I say we have a drive by of our own.” Slade said, smirking at the possibility.

  “Yeah, take them all out.”

  This was no good, my brothers were out for blood and revenge and not thinking properly. We would probably have the same amount of luck they did, too many bullets wasted and no liv
es lost.

  No, what we needed was a better, well thought out plan that wouldn’t impact the club but bring down the Ghost Riders once and for all.

  I called for quiet and waited for them to listen, once I had everyone’s attention I spoke quietly and precisely so they would understand what I was saying, I didn’t want to repeat myself.

  “Instead of exposin’ ourselves like that and let’s face it, they’ll be waiting for a retaliation drive by, lives could be lost on our side too. What if we could take them out without wasting a single bullet on them?”

  I had their attention now.

  “What are you thinkin’ Cas?” Michael asked, leaning forward on the table.

  “I’m thinking we use Sparky’s expertise and take them out in one swoop, they don’t allow any women in their compound so we don’t need to worry about innocents.”

  Sparky’s expertise was playing with explosives.

  “Fuck yeah, I haven’t been able to play in ages. What a comeback that would be.” Sparky cheered, banging his fists numerous times on the table top in excitement.

  I looked to Michael to see what he thought about it, his mouth pulled up at the corner told me he liked it.

  “This is why you’re my VP ya brainy shit.” he said, letting a full blown grin spread over his face.

  “Everyone agree?” he asked, looking around the table.

  No one was against. They weren’t getting the blood how they wanted but none of them could refuse a blowout.

  “Slade get whatever Sparky needs to make this happen,” he said, before adding, “You have one week, we’ll hit em’ next Saturday.” he finished.

  “We should go on lockdown until we take them out.” Oak said, coming up with a pretty good idea. If we were on lockdown it would mean Alannah would be here, close to me and safe.

  “No.” Michael snapped, he didn’t give any thought to it, a straight out refusal.

  “Look what happened while we weren’t around, imagine what they could do if we are around, no one is safe until they’re dealt with.” Oak argued.

  “There’s no need for lockdown yet, we’ll keep our eyes open and if, and I mean if anythin’ happens over the next few days, we’ll re-evaluate.”


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