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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 12

by Ellie R. Hunter

  I necked three shots before I felt the effects start to take over, I was able to relax, everyone I love is here and for tonight I was a part of the club again.

  ‘Travlin’ Band’ came on over the speakers, I knew what was coming and so did everyone else because they moved around the edges of the kitchen to make some floor space. Sparky’s grin grew as the song registered through his alcohol fuelled mind, I was given no choice, he took my hand and began spinning me around. We used to dance to this song every time it came on in the club house when were younger. We had no idea how to dance to it, but we shuffled our feet and carried out a lot of dips and twirls. Everyone, even Pope in the corner clapped their hands to the beat, joining in. Lucky the song only lasts a couple of minutes, he twirled me a couple more times and at the end he dipped me so low, I thought he was going to drop me on my ass. It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop giggling.

  “Okay, I need more tequila if you’re gonna throw me around.” I laughed, escaping back to the tequila bottle. I poured another shot for us and then wished I hadn’t turned around.

  Two club whores strutted into the kitchen, Jilly, I think her name is went and sat on Slade’s lap while the whore I hated most, Danni, went and sat on Cas’s. I told myself to keep my cool, I knew this was a possibility tonight. I forced myself to turn my back on them, necked the shot and poured another.

  “Behave.” Sparky growled low into my ear.

  “I am.” I hissed.

  I couldn’t stop my heart from frantically beating, why couldn’t I be in a normal relationship where I don’t have to hide how I feel?

  After trying somewhat to calm myself, I joined the conversations around me again, well, that’s until I made eye contact with Cas and the whore on his lap, she gave me the dirtiest smirk I had ever seen. Cas was rapidly beginning to piss me off too, I understood we had to keep up a pretence but for fuck sake, he could at least move her somewhere else. It looked and felt too real, a reminder of last year.

  Sparky had never left my side, when he felt me losing control, he asked loudly if I could show him where the fire wood was kept.

  None too kindly, he shoved me out of the back door, the fresh, brisk air hit me and calmed me immediately.

  “I know what you’re gonna say.” I warned him, before he began giving me a lecture.

  “Good, it saves me fuckin’ repeatin’ myself then.” he said, taking my arm in his strong hand and led me around the cabin.

  “If it was any other whore it would’ve been easier to deal with.” I told him, as we reached the front door.

  “I could tell, it was written all over ya face for every brother to see.”

  “Good job you got me out of there then.”

  I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, I pulled it out to find a message from Bonnie, she is coming to visit this Sunday. I can’t wait to see for myself she is okay.

  “Bonnie from college is coming to visit this Sunday.” I told him, feeling much better.

  “The hot one you roomed with?” he asked.

  “The one and only.” I squealed excitedly, “Don’t you be scaring her away.” I warned him.

  He held his hands up in surrender, the glisten in his eye told me different though.

  “C’mon, we going back in or what?”

  “Yeah and I’m not takin’ you back in there, we’ll stay in the lounge from now on.” he said, opening the front door.

  We pushed our way through the hall, as we got to the l door I couldn’t help peek through to the kitchen and I wish I hadn’t. Cas wasn’t at the table anymore and nor was that whore.

  I was forgiving him for last time because of the circumstances at the time, but tonight is different, he said he wouldn’t jeopardize our relationship again for the club, but with him having disappeared with her, it didn’t look good. I wouldn’t be able to forgive this time and he knew that.

  I had to be alone, I can’t keep this pretence up because it hurt too god damn much. I was in a room full of people yet I felt I was the only one here, my vision was crystal clear but I saw no one and their conversations were muffled to my ears.

  “I’m going to bed, wake me up before you go in the morning, I wanna make sure I say goodbye.” I told Sparky, pulling him back so I didn’t get trapped in the room with someone wanting to speak to me.

  He studied me before agreeing to wake me up. I escaped to my room and collapsed against the door in the dark.

  I hated that I was crying, I hated that he was here on this landing doing whatever just to keep our relationship a secret from my uncle.

  “Lana, I’m here, not there.” I heard.

  I scanned the room and saw him walk towards me in the darkness, he sat beside me on the floor and put his arm around me. I could smell her perfume on him. I pulled away unable to stand it any longer.

  He pulled me back in place and kept me there.

  “With everythin’ I’ve put you through, I knew you couldn’t deal about this. Nothin’ at all happened, I couldn’t leave you on your own all night thinkin’ all sorts to tell you that either. I told you, I’m yours, no one else’s.”

  “Where is she?” I asked, not particularly caring but if Cas wanted Michael to think he was still in bed with her and she returns downstairs, he is going to get suspicious real quick.

  “I told her I would give her three hundred dollars first thing if she stayed in the room for the rest of the night, and if she doesn’t then I’ll make sure she isn’t welcome at the club no more. A girl like that needs the club as much as the brothers do.” he explained.

  I sat up straight and stared at him. He would do that for me?

  “I deserve that look you’re givin’ me Lana, but please believe me, nothin’ happened. I love you and that means somethin’ to me.”

  “I love you too.” I went to kiss him but leant back, “But, you reek of that whore’s cheap ass perfume and it’s making me feel sick.” I told him.

  I got up and went and sat on the edge of the bed. He shrugged out of his cut and took his tee off, dumping them on the floor and joining me.

  I leant against his bare shoulder and sighed.

  “Much better, I couldn’t think straight, I shouldn’t have overreacted like that.” I said.

  “It’s understandable after what I’ve put you through.” he said, quietly.

  “I hate this, we shouldn’t have to keep quiet about us.”

  “I promise, as soon as we get back on Sunday I’ll talk to Michael and every mother fucker will know you’re mine.” he said, kissing the top of my head.

  “You looked sexy as hell shakin’ ya ass earlier, I admit, I was jealous you were dancin’ with a brother and not me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, climbing on his lap. I straddled my legs around his waist and began kissing the top of his chest.

  “No need for jealousy, I’m yours, always.”

  “Fuck yeah you are woman.”

  He fell back on the bed and I followed, getting rid of my top, I chuckled quietly and unbuttoned his jeans, releasing his already full erection.

  “You’re gonna have to keep it quiet tonight baby, don’t want anyone thinkin’ you’ve got someone in here.” he said.

  “I’ll try.” I chuckled.

  Chapter Ten


  I left Alannah sleeping just before sunrise. I was right to go to her last night, it broke me to see her crumble to the floor in tears. Knowing my track record caused her to doubt me brought home how much making up I still need to do, and I’m going to enjoy every part of gaining her full trust again.

  I checked in on Danni before making my way downstairs to make sure she was still in the room, she was. As quietly as I could I entered the room, left the money I promised on the pile of her clothes on the floor and left again.

  Finding a free chair, I made myself comfortable and tried to grab a few hours’ sleep. I didn’t want to get caught oversleeping in Alannah’s room and there was not a fucking chance I would risk falling asleep in the r
oom Danni is in.

  I kept reminding myself that this time next week I wouldn’t be on no fucking arm chair, I will be in bed with my girl with her soft warm body sleeping against mine, listening to her little whimpers as she slept, and the way she always woke before I did and woke me in the most sexual ways.

  Fuck! The temptation to go back upstairs and not care about the consequences was too much to bear.

  I must have drifted off because it felt like no time at all before I woke up to the sound of people moving about and a smell that could only be breakfast was ready.

  Through the lounge door you could see partly into the kitchen. Alannah was sat with Sparky and she looked worried, whatever they were talking about Sparky was saying something right because a small smile crossed her face before she hugged him and disappeared from my line of sight. She was back instantly with two plates of food. Deciding to stretch my legs, I walked into the crowded kitchen. I tried not to look at Alannah and failed, I saw her go to get up but then thought twice, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve guessed she was going to go get me my breakfast. Checking no one was looking, I gave her a sly wink, her blush turned me on as she lowered her head to hide it.

  I couldn’t trust myself to eat with them at the table, I grabbed a bacon sandwich and leant against the wall as Michael showed his face.

  “Eat up boys, we’re leavin’ soon.” he said.

  Kitty whipped him up a breakfast plate and he sat where I desperately wanted to be, next to Alannah. It was like I was on the outside looking in, something I haven’t felt since I joined the club and I hated it. I had everything on me so I left through the back door and escaped to my bike. I had already said good bye to Alannah last night.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I looked round to see Sparky following me out.

  “All good brother.” I lied.

  “If you hang on a minute, I’ll ride with ya.”

  “No, stay. Leave when Michael does and make sure Alannah is okay.” I said, then remembered her earlier expression.

  “Is she okay? She was fine when I left her then with you she looked worried.”

  “She’s good, just worryin’ we ain’t comin’ home like Micky. I take it she doesn’t know what we got planned?”

  “No, she knows shits goin’ down but nothin’ else, keep it that way yeah, I don’t want her knowin’ about that shit.” I told him.

  “Sure, I’ll see ya back at the club house.” he said, jogging back to the cabin.

  Tonight better fucking be the end of this, at the age of twenty-nine I already feel too old for this shit.

  After going over the plan again, we bundled into the back of two separate vans and was on our way to the Ghost Riders compound.

  The effects from the lack of sleep last night were beginning to take over, their compound is a couple of hours away so I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the side of the van. Sleep didn’t come but the burning in my eyes eased, I listened to Oak and Michael talking quietly opposite me, Sparky sat beside me with his ear buds in listening to his iPod while everybody else sat excitedly, waiting for the impending attack.

  Stretching my legs as much as I could in the cramped space between us all, I thought of what Alannah would be doing now, I know she’ll be worried but luckily she’s got the old ladies to keep her occupied and Billy. A part of me hated she was close to him, that he gets to spend time with her continuously without being questioned about it by Michael, my ego is big enough to know that she loves me and wouldn’t do anything behind my back though.

  The buzz of knowing she is mine feels intense, before last summer I never thought I would let myself feel like this about a woman, to give her the power of me was a concept I couldn’t comprehend. To me, women were there to warm my bed on nights I choose, to look good on my arm at parties and make me temporarily feel good without having to have that constant need to please each other all the time, with Alannah I want nothing more than to spend all my time pleasing her. It feels slightly dangerous giving her power over me but knowing I hold the power over her too takes us deeper than I would have imagined.

  Michael speaking on the phone broke me from my thoughts.

  “Okay…do you see anyone else?” he asked, I imagined he was speaking to Slade or Pope in the other van.

  “Okay, stay where you are, we’ll drive up and take a look.” he said, before hanging up and sliding the phone back in his pocket.

  “Right, everyone load up just in case, Slade says it’s quiet in there, looks like no one’s home. Sparky, Cas you know what ya gotta do?” Michael spoke.

  Sparky searched his bag once more, checking he had everything, satisfied he zipped it closed and grasped the handles. Like the warehouse explosion, Sparky and I were going in and if we needed it, everyone would come running with weapons in back up.

  Thanks to Slade and his expertise on the computer, we have already found the safest spot for us to sneak through on the satellite picture he printed off. Michael slid the side door open as we pulled our balaclavas down, covering our faces to any potential witnesses, not that we planned on having any. We jumped out of the van and ran to the side of their compound, we stopped by the back fence while Sparky cut through the wire fencing. I made sure my gun was in place and followed Sparky as he nipped through the hole he made, Slade was right, the place looked deserted. We were supposed to go no further than the back of the main clubhouse, hide the bomb somewhere and leave, but with no one here we both took advantage. Treading carefully in case someone did come out, we edged our way round to the side and then to the front, even in the dark the place was a shithole. There was only a couple of spot lights turned on so we were mostly in darkness as long as we stuck to the side of the building.

  “Put it down here.” I told him, I wanted this done and finished.

  You didn’t need to see his grin to know he was excited, you would be able to see it in his eyes from miles away.

  I’ve never understood his fascination for explosions and fire, all I know is Michael took him in after he found him trying to light a fire near one of his warehouses when he was sixteen years old, I don’t know what possessed him to trust him, I suppose he saw something in him like he did with me.

  I let Sparky do his thing while I scanned the area around us, I’d put money on it that there was nobody inside either, it’s not what we were hoping for but it would send a big fucking message not to fuck with us again.

  “Ready, let’s get outta here.”

  I went back to where he was crouching and picked up his now empty bag. We made our way back to the van without being seen.

  Michael slapped our backs as we climbed in the back to our seats.

  “Done?” he asked, once we were seated.

  “Your doubt fuckin’ wounds me boss.” Sparky chuckled, handing him another phone.

  My adrenaline was pumping on full force, we fucking did it.

  “Drive on a bit, don’t wanna get caught up in the blast.” he laughed.

  The van rolled up the road and stopped again, Michael opened the side door again but didn’t move to get out.

  His smile had never been so menacing, he pushed down on the phone and their grounds were blown apart.

  “BOOM!” Sparky roared in delight, “Makes my fuckin’ dick hard.”

  “Hopefully there are some fuckers’ in there.” Michael mused, more to himself than to us, “Let’s go.” he told the driver, and pulled out his phone.

  He called Slade to tell him to get the hell out of dodge and our van as well as theirs tore out of their pit of a town.

  “One hell of a fuckin’ warnin’ boys.” Michael said, grinning like a kid on Christmas day morning.

  Never before I have seen him this hyped for a fight, it’s what makes me anxious about him now, he was becoming a loose cannon and I’m not sure the ending will be what he’s expecting. Maybe that’s what Oak meant when he babbled on about changes in the club?

  “We’ll be ready when they next attack, mark my wo
rds boys, this will all be fuckin’ over soon.” he promised, yet again though, it was more to himself than to us.

  My chest flipped and sunk into my stomach, it was meant to be over tonight.

  It is going to be a long ride back to Willows Peak and I’m dreading every mile of it.

  Chapter Eleven


  Apart from Kitty, Lila and Jackie, I don’t really know the other old ladies, I recognised the club whores but didn’t know them either, they kept themselves out of the way, avoiding the old ladies whose men they’ve slept with and the old ladies acted like they weren’t here at all.

  Danni steered clear of me too, she no longer wore that smirk after being discarded by Cas last night.

  Since everyone left yesterday, my heart has constantly been beating frantically, to my ears it sounded like an army marching with heavy boots on. Kitty and the other women are used to their men being away, they used these times to catch up properly with each other. Most of the time, I spent my pacing hours with Billy and the other prospects, through spending time with Billy, I found I didn’t mind getting to know prospects.

  Jack and Ricky were okay guys, I heard the club whores having a good time with them last night, if this ever happens again I will definitely be investing in ear plugs.

  I found Billy on the back decking area with a coffee, it was so peaceful out here I joined him on the swing seat.

  “You comin’ out to hide too?” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, feels like we’ve been invaded don’t it.”

  He nodded his head in agreement and sipped his coffee.

  “You heard from ya friend yet?” he asked.

  I shook my head, I have been messaging her all weekend asking what time she’ll be getting here and if she needs any help, but she hasn’t replied once.

  “Have you heard anything?” I asked.


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