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Luci's Lullaby

Page 3

by Leaona Luxx

  “Dude, I can’t beat them off!” I say, throwing my hands in the air.

  “Later.” Chord wraps me in a manly hug.

  I pat his back before letting him go. “I’ll be around soon.”

  I met Chord not long after moving down here with Reese. Although he was practically an enemy to Reese’s now husband, Walker, we became fast friends. He’s a great guy and a huge supporter.

  I was seriously happy when he found Sarah again. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a woman love me the way she does Chord. I suppose it’s a lot like Reese and Walker. He went through hell to prove his love to her.

  I release a sigh, shaking my body all over. “Gag, that’s enough of that. Who needs love when you can have them all.” I turn my attention back to the redhead across the room.

  When our eyes lock, she immediately starts walking toward me. Her long legs, perfect for wrapping around me later, are showcased with her barely there silver mini dress.

  “Hey there, good lookin’,” she says with the lick of her lips.

  I step closer to her, checking out the showstoppers between the low-cut halter. “Hey there yourself.”

  “I have to admit, I’m a huge fan.” She bites her lip, trying to impress me.

  The thing is, I’m not impressionable. Looks are skin deep and people are shallow. She’s a dime a dozen and if she doesn’t come home with me, the room is ripe for pickin’.

  I slide my arm around her as I plaster on my country charm. “Darlin’, if you’re not now, you will be.”

  Her face flushes. Exactly as I thought, she’s cherry. “I don’t think I could be more of a fan, Alden Beck. I just happen to be your number one fan.”

  “Even better, sweetheart.” I wink, watching as she melts in front of me. “I tell ya what, you stay here and after this set, I’ll give you the VIP treatment.”

  The light dances off her eyes. “I’ll be waitin’.”

  “Sounds good.” I press my lips to the curve of her jaw as her body shivers.

  I walk away with a smirk, knowing I have her where I want her. At least, for now. Making my way to the stage, I strap up, wrapping my hand around the neck of the only thing I know to be honest and true.

  I take another minute to myself as the warm water runs over my shoulders and down my chest. Honestly, I’m simply trying to waste enough time for the girl in my bed to leave.

  Turning the water off, I reach for a towel, only to be met with long red nails. I pull the curtain back to a naked body that doesn’t include mine.

  “Mornin’.” I wrap myself in the cloth and step from the tub.

  She crowds me as I try to reach for my toothbrush. “If I had known you were showering, I could’ve joined you.”

  “It’s a small space.”

  She brushes her breasts against me as she moves closer. “We’ve been in tighter situations.”

  “Yeah…” Before I can offend her, I’m saved. The front door opens and closes with a slam. Followed by the voice of a saint.

  “Hey, baby. Where are you?”

  The redhead on my left turns a deep crimson. “You’re married?”

  I shrug. “I’m in here, honey.”

  “How dare you!” she snaps, grabbing my shirt from the floor and dragging it over her head. “Let me out.”

  “No problem.” I step to the side as she swings the door wide and runs into the other redhead on the other side. Her mouth hangs as she stares at her before turning to me. “I look just like her!”

  “Not really.” I smirk.

  “I am so sorry, he never said he was married.” She stumbles through to my room, yanking her clothes on.

  “I’m Reese. You are?” She crosses her arms with a smug look.

  The redhead in the bedroom gapes at me when I don’t answer. “Aren’t you gonna tell her my name?”

  “I would… if I could remember it.”

  Her face flames as I struggle not to giggle. “You are disgusting.”

  “Yes, you are.” Reese places her fists on her side, playing along. My body jerks as I fight laughing in her face.

  “For the record, you’ve lost a fan.” She storms past us.

  I jog after her. “Michelle, wait.” She turns to me, glaring. “See, I know your name.”

  “What’s the point now?” she fumes.

  “I was just wondering, are you still my number one fan?” Reese bursts into a fit of giggles as I watch Michelle’s eyes as she plots my death.

  “Fuck you!” She slams the door against the wall as she rushes out it.

  “Dear Lord, will you ever learn?” Reese joins me as I walk into the kitchen.


  “Nope, breastfeeding.” She points to her boobs.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Gross.” I pour my cup of motivation.

  “Whatever, you have more to worry about than the source of food for my babies.” She cuts her eyes at me.

  “What’s that?” My brows fall.

  “You need a new number one fan.” She snorts as she laughs this time.

  “Cute.” I take a big gulp of the black gold. “How are my niece and nephew?”

  “Good. I’m so in love with them and their daddy.” Her eyes twinkle when she talks about them, and it does this cold, dead heart so much good.

  “Ewww, you are so gross anymore. Where’d my buddy go?”

  She grabs her chest, shaking them. “I’m a milk machine now!”

  “I’m… gonna… hurl!” I fake gagging.

  “You’ll be alright, Walker loves them even more like this.” She waggles her brows.

  I cover my mouth. “Please tell me you’re not feeding him too.”

  “Nah,” she rolls her eyes, “he just motor boats ‘em.”

  I close my eyes, banishing the image. “Please stop. I’m gonna puke.”

  “Seriously, asshole? I just caught a naked woman in your bathroom with you and you pretended to not know her name so she’d leave.” She cocks a brow. “Who’s more messed up here?”

  “Touché.” I take another sip from my mug. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “I was on my way to Maisyn’s to help plan Sarah’s baby shower and thought I’d stop by. Ya know, shoot the bull and run off groupies.” She grins.

  “Just like old times.”

  “Keep it up and you’ll have to quit singin’.” She smirks.

  “Why’s that?” I cock my brow.

  “You’ll be all outta fans.” She chuckles.

  Shaking my head, I toss a dishcloth in her face. “You suck.”

  “Walker likes it.” She giggles because she knows I hate hearing about her sex life.

  “I’m so happy you were sent to torture me.”

  “You’re welcome, Puddin’.” She stands, headed toward the front door. “But if you don’t slow down pokin’ that thing into every girl around, it’s gonna torture you with the Herply erplies.”

  “Hardy har.” I wave as she shuts the door behind her. I look down at my crotch, peeking inside the towel. “Don’t let me down, dude.”

  I grab the first parking spot I see when I turn into the lot. I’m running late and can’t waste time looking for anything closer. I jerk my backpack out from the backseat, hurry from my car, and slam the door.

  I slip my arms through the straps and run like a bat out of hell toward the business building on campus. I started running not long after we moved down here and haven’t stopped.

  I pass through the grounds waving at friends as I go. “Hey, y’all!” They all smile, knowing I’m obviously trying to get to class on time. Rounding the home stretch, I see my classmates sitting in the clearing beside the classroom.

  Slowing my pace, I come to a stop when I see one of my closest friends. “Hey, what’s going on?” I pant.

  “Good to see you.” Emerson giggles. “Class was canceled until this evening.”

  I drop to the ground in a pile, sliding my bag off my shoulder. “Freakin’ aye, are you kidding me?”

ope, sorry.” She half smiles. “I’m ready to get this last final done.”

  “So what’s up?”

  She sends rapid-fire texts before looking up at me. “Aksel’s new boss is an ass, but we get free tickets to all the local concerts, so there’s that.”

  “How long does he have to work there before he can leave?”

  “Two more months.” She rolls her eyes.

  “It’s not that long, not like me where I’ll be stuck until the end of time before I can graduate.” I cross my eyes.

  She giggles. “True, but hey, at least you’re halfway there.”

  “At the ripe ol’ age of thirty.”

  “Oh, hush. In case you haven’t heard—age is just a number, baby.” Emerson wiggles her brows.

  “Not when you’re my age and have no job, aren’t married, and have no kids.”

  She shakes her head. “I think you’re looking at this wrong. I see a purpose-driven woman who raised her brother while her mom was sick and helped to put him through college before she decided it was her turn.”

  “Say it again. Tell me my happily-ever after is out there, Scarlet. That my very own Rhett is coming to sweep me off my feet and give me the vapors.” I fan myself as she clasps her hands, and we gaze into the sunset.

  “He’s out there, Charlee Rae. Your Ashley is on his way, ridin’ a white horse. He’s comin’ to ravish your body and take your virtue,” saying in her best Southern slang.

  “Dear Scarlet, how I wish you were right. My virtue needs to be ridden hard.” Her eyes go wide as we burst into a fit of laughter.

  “I can’t believe you said that.” She slaps at me. “Get ahold of yourself!”

  “But it’s so true, I need to get laid.”

  She twists her mouth to the side. “Yeah, you do.”

  “Oh my gosh!” My mouth hangs open.

  “I tell ya what, you are coming with us tomorrow night.” She sits up on her knees.

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t even know where we’re going.” She fists her hands on her side.

  “I don’t need to know, I have to work until ten.”

  Emerson waves her hand in front of me. “Hush, you’re coming with.”

  “Do people say that anymore?”

  “I just did and you are. So there.” She shrugs.

  I chew my nail, trying to think of how to put this. “What should I wear?”

  “Clothes, preferably something black, tight, and short.” She winks.

  “You know, I said I needed to get laid, but I didn’t mean right now.”

  She nods. “Yeah, I know. It’ll be tomorrow.”

  “You’re so mean to me.” I stand, grabbing my bag.

  She follows me, yanking her backpack up. “I know, but you like it.”

  “Let’s go eat.”

  “I’m already headed that way.” She grins as we walk toward the cafeteria.

  As we make the trek across campus for some food, I decide to ask the one question I’m always in fear to hear the answer. Emerson is younger than me, but I met her when I started working at the local grocery store.

  She came in with her grandma and mom all the time, and we became fast friends. She was in middle school and I had been working at the store for a while when we started talking.

  “Have y’all decided where Aksel will open his business at?”

  She smiles. “Why not just ask me if I’m leaving?”

  “You know I hate it.”

  “We’re staying here. Our families are here, and this is where we want to raise our own one day.” She smiles.

  “I’d love to have all of that one day.”

  “You will.” She bumps my shoulder.

  I raise my brows. “Even a rich dad and even richer mom?”

  “Naw, your man will make bank.” She giggles.

  “And your man isn’t?”

  She half shrugs. “Aksel was set for life when I met him. How about we make our own cash?”

  “Sounds like a plan!” I high five her as we walk through the doors.

  “I have nothing to wear.” I continue digging through my clothes as my frustration builds. “Seriously, I have work stuff and that’s it.”

  “Have you considered your black skirt with a shirt and heels?” My mom scrunches her face up as she stands by the door.

  “I suppose,” I huff, jerking it out of the mound of cloth. “I’m wearing a gray tee with it and my slides.”

  “The ones with the heel?” She points to the pair in the corner.

  “Yes, I’ll wear those.”

  She smiles. “I’ll let you get ready. Come kiss me before you go.”


  I pull my hair back into a loose ponytail and put on a little makeup. I typically go without, but I have a feeling I know where we’re going and I plan to look decent. Or, at least, better than normal.

  I grab my phone and send Em a quick text.

  Hey, where are we going?

  Tin Roof! ~E

  Be there in a few.

  Can’t wait! ~E

  “I can,” I mutter to myself. Picking up my purse, I go in search of my mom. “Hey, lady. Where are you?”

  “Here, sweetheart,” she calls from the back porch.

  I step out and spin to show her my outfit. “Thoughts?”

  “Gorgeous, as always.” I lean in, kissing her on the forehead.

  “I love you, don’t wait up.”

  A wicked grin spreads across her face. “I hope I don’t see you till morning.”

  “Mom! There are killers and STDs out roaming the earth now! I’ll be home unless Prince Charming shows up.”

  She kisses my cheek with a smirk. “I’ll pray real hard.”

  “Crazy lady.” I snicker as I take the steps and walk around to my car.

  I hit the car alarm and yank on the door. My 2006 Scion still runs good and there’s not a mark on the white body. I’m proud of it. We didn’t get a car until after my brother went to college. We used public transportation for years.

  Pulling out, I crank up the music. I prefer pop so when Ariana’s Love Me Harder comes on, I’m in heaven. Besides, we’re going to a place that plays country and old rock, not really my thing.

  “I loathe country music.” I shudder. “Gag.”

  I park on a side street, easier to get out when I want. Grabbing my phone, I text Emerson to let her know I’m here.

  Where r u?

  Table in the rt corner. ~ E


  I take out my driver’s license and some cash. Aksel doesn’t allow me to pay for anything even though I try. He’s such a good guy, just like his dad. I met One not long after moving here.

  I flash my ID at the bouncer and go in search of my friends. Tiptoeing, I scan the room finally seeing Emerson waving from the corner table. I wave back with a smile.

  Until I hear his voice.

  Slowly turning my head, I come face to face with my teen heartthrob. My heart stutter steps as butterflies take flight in my belly. Is there any way for him to get more beautiful?

  “Oh my god. I’m sixteen again.” I squeeze my eyes shut, admonishing myself for every dirty thought that keeps playing out in my mind. I open them to find him standing in front of me. “Shit.”

  He blinks. “Excuse me?”

  “Ummm, I hate country music. I had no idea that’s what was playing tonight.”

  His eyes flutter. “I. Play. Country. Music.”

  “I suppose you’ll need to win me over.” I smirk.

  He cocks his brow, and my stomach sinks. “Game on.”

  “O-okay.” I spin on my heels, getting the hell away from him. “What in the hell are you doing?” I mutter as I wade through the mass of bodies.

  “Huh?” Emerson’s brows knit.

  I shake my head, sliding into the seat next to her. “I can’t believe I didn’t check to see who was playing tonight.”

  “Why? What’s going on with you?” S
he turns to me, staring.

  I swallow past the knot in my throat. “When I was in high school, I had the biggest crush on this guy…”

  “So we meet again.” I slowly close my eyes as the deep voice behind me sends chills all over me. Fuck.

  “Hey, Alden.” Emerson stands, wrapping him in her arms.

  “Watch it.” Aksel chuckles.

  Alden steps back with his hands up. “She grabbed me, dude.”

  “Humph,” I mumble, squirming in my seat.

  “Excuse me?” He places his hand on the table, leaning into my line of sight. “Have we met before?”

  I gape in disbelief until I realize, he means it. Not like, from a few minutes ago but as in ‘I’ve never met you.’ “Nope.”

  “Are you sure?” He searches my eyes as I stare into his perfect blue gaze.


  “Woman of few words, I see.” He smiles and I think I come, right here and right now. Son of a bitch.

  Emerson and Aksel watch our strange exchange, with brows quirked and in amazement. “So you ready for tonight?” Aksel breaks his silence.

  “I am.” Alden straightens. “I-I’m thinking of playing some old rock. Not just country.”

  “Country’s your sex and candy.” Aksel cuts his eyes at me as I half shrug.

  Alden nods. “I’m gonna change it up a bit.”

  “And that’s how you plan to do it?” I raise my brows.

  Alden cocks his head, narrowing his eyes at me. “Are you sure we haven’t met?”

  “We haven’t,” I assure him. “I’m not a fan… of country music.”

  “So you said.” He glares. “Twice.”

  I smirk. “Yes I did, didn’t I.”

  “I’m gonna go get ready.” He fist bumps Aksel before turning to me. “I hope you enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure.” I grit my teeth knowing I’m being ugly, but I can’t help myself. He’s the reason I hate country music.

  Emerson bumps my shoulder as she sits back down. “Girl, what in the world?”

  I sneer in his direction as Aksel talks to him away from us. “I know him.”

  “Your crush?” She gapes.

  “Yeah, I was sixteen. Almost seventeen. He was a freshman.”

  She gives me a lopsided grin. “Why didn’t you say something to him?”

  “He doesn’t know me, then or now.”


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