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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded

Page 12

by Nikki Brown

  “I told” whap, “yo’ dumb ass,” whap whap, “to back the fuck up.” Whap whap. “You gonnaleave us the fuck alone?” whap. “Huh bitch?” I asked right before I felt myself being pulled off of her. Hell I didn’t know who it was, so I started kicking and swinging trying to get loose. I looked over and saw Kayson pulling Jenacia off her homegirl and I knew we were in some deep shit.

  “Calm the fuck down, Z” Omari growled in my ear. “What the fuck you doing?” He placed me back on my feet.

  “How you tell that bitch about our miscarriage?” I could feel the warm tears flowing down my face.

  “The fuck you talking about, I didn’t talk to that bitch. She got that shit from somewhere else or she overheard me talking but I would never tell her no shit like that.” He grabbed me by my shoulders and slightly shook me because I was still trying to get loose.

  I felt something hit me in the back of the head and Omari let me go to stop whatever was going on behind me and when he loosened his grip I went in on her ass again. This time wasn’t no grabbing hair I straight up boxed that bitch toe to toe, and she couldn’t handle shit that I was giving her. You could hear the licks that I was giving. I cocked back one good time and knocked that bitch clean off her fucking feet. I walked over to where she was and spat on her. Yeah I know that shit nasty, but that hoe deserved that shit.

  “Fuck with me again bitch, and I swear this little ass whopping will be the least of your worries.” Omari grabbed me and pulled me away from where she was laying. Her little friend came and tried to help her up, but she couldn’t, that bitch was out cold.

  “I told yo’ ass that I would handle this shit,” Omari yelled jerking my ass, and I ran up on his ass. If I didn’t know any better, I would have slapped the shit out of him, but I didn’t know if reflexes would make him slap my ass back.

  “You made this happen; I wasn’t waiting around for you to deal with this shit, so I handled it. I’m sure I won’t hear shit else from the bitch.”

  “O, you better get the fuck back before she fucks you up.” Jaako laughed.

  “Not now, bro.”

  “Shit, I’m just trying to help.” He laughed and threw his hands up in mock surrender.

  “Go get in the got damn car, Zemia.” Omari pointed to my car.

  “You too, Jenacia,” Kayson said, and Jen headed in my direction but was stopped. “Nah go get in the black fucking truck, we need to talk.”

  She looked at me and narrowed her eyes and I mouthed the words I’m sorry. I knew we should’ve checked that damn car out before I started acting a damn fool. I knew what they rode in when they traveled so I should have known. Now we both was gonna have to hear this shit. In my defense, I didn’t know this was gonna happen. Either way, I knew she was gonna tear my ass a new one, and I was gonna owe her ass big, and the payment will probably come in the form of babysitting them bad ass chaps of hers. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

  I got to the car and turned around to see if Omari was right behind me and he was over there helping that bitch, him and Kayson.

  “Don’t help that bitch.” I yelled heading back to where they were.

  “Shut the fuck Z, and get in the got damn car, I’m trying to make sure yo’ dumb ass don’t get locked the fuck up.”

  I was taken aback a little by how he was talking to me; he had never talked to me like that before. I really pissed him off. Hell, I was pissed off too. I did what I was told and got in the car on the driver side. I folded my arms and pouted until he joined me in the car. He slammed the door, and I almost cussed his ass out, but I looked at his face, and I quickly forgot about that shit.

  I followed behind the truck. For the first hour of the drive all you could hear was Omari puffing on that got damn vape. His ass was good and fucking high. I guess he needed to calm himself down.

  “What the fuck was that, Z?”

  “I was over that bitch; I needed to show her ass that I was a permanent fixture and that she needed to get somewhere before she pissed me off.”

  “I told yo’ ass I was gonna handle it.”

  “Well I didn’t know what you were gonna do.” I rolled my eyes.

  “What you think I was there for Z, to make sure that we were good.” He raised his voice and then sat back in the seat. “Tell me now if you gonna be able to do this. I’m not going through this for the rest of my life. Are you in this shit or not?”

  “You don’t have the right to do that.”

  “Yes the fuck I do, you either forgive me or not. I don’t want to live without you, but I will if I have to.”

  “I never said I didn’t forgive you.”

  “But you acting like you don’t, what was the reasoning for you coming all the way to Raleigh?”

  “I needed to show that bitch who I was.”

  “For what?” He yelled but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know the answer. “Exactly, you don’t owe that bitch nothing. She ain’t nobody, she already knows who you are. I made sure to let her know every chance that I could. She wanted to be in your position not the other way around, so you had no reason to do that. My heart is with you, I fucked her and that was the worst mistake I could have made, and I swear I’m sorry for that! But that bitch ain’t even worth half the shit you did out there.”

  “She disrespected me, she disrespected our angel, and that’s all I could take.”

  “I get that, but none of that would have happened had you stayed yo’ ass at home.”

  He was right but I wasn’t about to tell him that. Fuck that! She got what she deserved, and I was gonna wear that W! I don’t care how childish it was, I was allowed to be that way considering.

  “I beat her fucking ass though.” I smiled and I could see him looking at me right before he burst out laughing.

  “Fuck yeah you did, hell I saw when you pulled her out of the house. I was gonna stop you then, but I wanted to see what them hands do.”

  “Now you see I don’t play games.” We shared a laugh.

  “I love you Z, I don’t want you out there doing all that for me. You got me, my heart, my dick, hell everything. All that shit belongs to you forever and always, aight?”

  “Aight!” I believed him, and I knew that he loved me. I needed to get that shit out of my system and yes it made me feel better.

  “Hello.” Omari answered his phone. “FUCK MAN!” He yelled. “Yo speed up.” He told me and sped up to catch up to the truck that was pushing 90 easy.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Agent Milgram

  I grabbed my bottle and headed out to the car, tonight was the night I was gonna meet my fate or send someone to meet theirs. My life had turned into complete shit, I was charged with tampering with evidence, which is a felony amongst other things. I was due to turn myself into the Feds tomorrow, but if I was going to jail it was gonna be for murder of someone with the Barnes blood running through their veins.

  I jumped in the car and sped out of the parking lot. I left a note for my wife in the hotel room telling her exactly how I felt about her. I headed in the direction of Kayson’s house that I tried to get taken away, but the house was in his girlfriend’s name and she had a good job and could prove that she could afford it. I knew exactly where the house was.

  When I pulled up, I noticed that Kayson’s car wasn’t there. I got out and walked up to the door with my gun in hand. A pretty little girl opened the door; she kind of looked like Kayson. I pointed my gun at her and pulled the trigger. Her body slumped and I stepped over it. I don’t think I killed her but if I did then, oh well.

  “Kaylin?” A woman yelled out and when she saw she was lying in the floor she screamed, and I shot in the air to tell her to shut the hell up.

  “What the hell is going on?” Ann Barnes came into vision and I pointed my gun at her.

  “Welcome to the party.” I smiled and kicked the little girl that I just shot out of the way and shut the door. “Where the fuck is your son?”

  “You better get your ass out
of here, Fredrick!”

  “Oh, so you know who I am?”

  “Yes, Kayson told me who you were and when he finds out that you are here…” she warned, and I laughed.

  “Do it look like I planned to leave here alive? Them and that bitch lawyer took everything from me, and I want to do the same thing to them.”

  “Oh God, Kaylin.” The older sick looking woman cried.

  “Shut the fuck up before you join her.” I scoffed and then turned back to Ann who just realized that I killed the little bitch whose name I take it is Kaylin. “Where the fuck are they?”

  “I don’t know, they left.”

  “Call ‘em.”

  “With pleasure,” she said with an attitude, and I hit her across the face with my gun.

  “Bitch don’t be smart; I will kill you now. I would rather they get to watch you take your last breath but keep it up, and you’ll take it sooner.”

  I had liquid courage running through my veins. I had killed a pint of E&J before coming here, so I was feeling my fucking self and really didn’t give a fuck about much. It was like I was having an outer body experience, and I can’t say I was disappointed in what I was seeing.

  “You are gonna pay for this.” She said through a bloodied mouth.

  “Yeah well, they killed the love of my life, cost me my job and got me a jail sentence so I owe them way more than they could ever owe me.” I staggered a little but caught myself. My tolerance was decent, so I wasn’t where I couldn’t function, but I was definitely feeling that shit. “Are you calling or not?”

  She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. “Hey baby, we gotta problem.” She started, and I snatched the phone from her hand and pushed her down on the couch and pointed the gun at her head.

  “Kayson Barnes,” I said and laughed.

  “Who the fuck is this?” He growled, and I could hear the venom in his voice, and I laughed even more.

  “You don’t recognize my voice? It’s me, Fredrick.”

  “What the fuck you doing in my house?” he asked.

  “Well I’m waiting for you and your bitch ass brothers, but while I’m waiting I’m just killing a few folks.”

  “You better not touch my got damn family.”

  “Or what?” I raised my gun at Ann, but I wanted to wait until they got here before I did that so I pointed it at the other lady that was there and I fired a shot and went straight through her skull, and her body slumped.

  “Kayson, hurry,” Ann yelled but I hit her again, and she passed out. I heard crying from upstairs.

  “Oh, I didn’t know your little bastards were here.”

  “I will murder your whole fucking family if you touch my kids.”

  “I don’t kill kids, well I did shoot the shit out of the little bitch at the door she looked to be about 18, so that don’t count.” I shrugged like he could see me.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I want you to suffer like I did, and no worries that lawyer bitch is on her way and she gonna die too, so your brother can hurt just like us,” I said to piss him off; I didn’t know if she was coming or not but I would love it if she did.

  He didn’t say anything else he just hung up the phone, so I walked up the stairs to get the brats. I wanted to be holding them when he walked in just in case he tried some tricky shit. Today was gonna be interesting, and when I died, because I’m sure I would, I would die knowing I took someone special from them.

  “Let’s wait on Daddy.” I laughed and sat back on the couch and waited.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  All the shit that had gone down the last few days was draining me. All I wanted to do was cuddle up with Sharon and stay that way until I got tired of it. From the sound of Kayson’s voice though it looked like we were about to put in more work.

  “Kayson what’s up?” I asked as soon as he put down the phone.

  “That nigga Milgram at the house and he shot Kaylin and somebody else, and he got my kids.” I could hear the pain in his voice.

  “What do you mean he has the kids? Oh God!”

  “You wasn’t worried about the kids when you were running around with Zemia fighting like a fucking chap now were you?” Kayson barked and I knew he didn’t mean that shit, but he was mad and taking that shit out on anybody he could.

  “He ain’t built like that, he bluffing.” I tried to reassure him.

  “Yo Jaako drive this shit, I gotta get to my kids.” He ignored me.

  Jaako threw on the blinkers while Kayson called Omari to let him know what was going on. We weaved in and out of traffic. We had made it to Greensboro, so we still had to drive like an hour but Jaako cut that shit down to like 30 minutes and thank God no cops were out.

  When we got to the neighborhood Kayson jumped right out, and I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. I knew that going through the front door was a bad idea, but all he could think about was his kids.

  “Kayson!” Jen yelled, and he stopped for a minute, long enough to tell her to stay put, and he took off around the back of the house. I let go of the breath that I was holding and then took off behind Omari and Jaako.

  By the time I got through the back of the house, they were already in and headed up the stairs with their guns drawn. My ass was big as hell, and I couldn’t get around like they could, plus I wanted to be a surprise for my buddy Fredrick.

  “Ray.” I heard Tate whisper. Shit, I almost forgot his ass was with us.

  I turned to look at him and then opened the door, so I could see what the hell was going on. I could hear my sister crying, and I didn’t like that shit at all. I looked out, and this nigga had a gun pointed at my grandbaby and laughing about it. I was gonna let Kayson handle it, but I couldn’t contain myself. I eased out of the door and into the room. Ann saw me, but I put my hands up to tell her to be quiet.

  I eased up behind Fredrick and shot him in the shoulder that he was waving the gun around in and caused him to drop the gun. I grabbed him around the neck and wrestled him to the ground. Once I had him down, he looked up at me like he had seen a fucking ghost.

  “Remember me?” I asked as I punched him in the face. “You fucked with the wrong family! I’m gonna make sure you suffer before I send you to hell, muthafucka.” I smiled remembering the acid tub I put in there a while ago that we never got to use because all that shit went down.

  I looked up at my sister's face and noticed a bruise on her face, and I almost lost it and went to work on his face. Tate pulled me back because Kayson and Kyndon were watching me and I didn’t want them to see that shit.

  “Kaylin!” Kayson yelled as he ran over to where she was laying. “Call an ambulance she’s still breathing.” He yelled.

  “Let’s get his ass out of here before they get here. Help me, Tate.” Me and Tate got Fredrick out of the house and into his car and drove to the old warehouse. I was told to wait until they got there before we did anything. So we got him in there and tied up to the chair in the middle of the old warehouse.

  About four hours later Kayson, Omari, and Jaako walked in the warehouse. Kayson was mad as hell; I could tell by the way his feet met the ground. He was ready to do some terrible things, and I was ready to join him.

  “How’s Kaylin?” I asked him.

  “She’s gonna be okay, she lost a lot of blood, but they were able to stop the bleeding. Chelley’s gone though.” He said that last part kinda low.

  “Damn, I thought I killed the little bitch.” Fredrick bitch ass said. Kayson walked over and picked up his foot and kicked his ass dead in the fucking mouth. All you saw was blood and teeth spew out. Kayson kicked him so hard that the chair flew back.

  “Say something else you bitch ass muthafucka and I’ma cut ya got damn tongue out. Matter a fact.” Kayson reached in his back pocket and grabbed the knife that he had and walked over to where Fredrick laid on the floor and kneeled down and attempted to pry his mouth open.

  “Ah fuck this muthafucka bit me, he
ll I didn’t think he had any teeth left,” Kayson yelled and then stood up and stomped him in the mouth.

  “Fuckkkkkkkk!” he moaned out. “Just kill me.”

  “In due time muthafucka, you thought it was okay to bust up in my shit and put your hands on my moms and shoot my sister and her moms. Waving guns around and shit while my kids in there.” Kayson fussed while he attempted to get to his tongue again too. “Aye come hold this muthafucka’s hands.” He said to his brothers, and they did, and a few seconds later Kayson was coming up with a fucking tongue. “Talk now, bitch.”

  “Pick his ass up and bring him back here, I got this tub I wanna try out.” I smiled, and they carried him to the back.

  “I was wondering what the fuck this shit was,” Omari said as we were getting him back to the back.

  I walked over and got the shit together and added the acid to the tub. That way the acid would get rid of the body, and we wouldn’t have to worry about nobody finding this nigga. We picked him up and began to lower him into the little seat thing, and he started that squirming shit.

  “You fucked with the wrong family, have fun in hell.” I stepped back and hit the button for the seat to lower into the acid. He tried to scream, but you couldn’t really hear him that good because Kayson cut his fucking tongue out.

  We all stood there and watched for about an hour until we were satisfied with the results. I made a call for them to come and get rid of this shit.

  “I’m glad this shit is over,” Omari said looking around the warehouse.

  “Me too bruh, me too,” Kayson said.

  “Let’s get out of here; I gotta get home to my woman,” I said smiling.

  “Before you go, can I holla at you?” Kayson said and shocked the shit out of me because just a few days ago he wanted to take my head off. But he was like me; it took something tragic to make you realize the importance of a situation.

  “Of course.” Everybody headed out because we all rode together; our cars were at the new warehouse. “What’s up son?” He stopped and looked at me like he didn’t know how to take me calling him son. I didn’t give a fuck because that’s what it was gonna be from now on. Life was too short for secrets and bullshit, so we gone live in our fucking truth whether he liked it or not.


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