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His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2)

Page 11

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  She could bring herself much enjoyment, right here in this tub of water. No one was here to keep her from taking her body to a place she hadn’t been in a long time.

  She allowed her mind to drift into a fantasy, memories of a time when it was Declan bringing her body erotic pleasure. She imagined him here now, spreading her thighs, dipping his head and suckling her tender breasts. He once told her how much he loved her chest. Although they weren’t large, they were firm and her nipples responded to his every touch. She’d always been sensitive to his playfulness, loving his mouth licking her nipples, gently nibbling the sensitive nubs until she was submissive to his very desire.

  Gliding her hand into the water she found the throbbing flesh between her legs and slid her fingers along the seam of her pussy, gently spreading the delicate lips and dipping one finger into the aching folds. Her clit was swollen and tender as she glided her finger over the fleshy head, bringing every nerve ending awake throughout her body. Rolling the pad of her finger over the folds, she jerked her hips and sucked in a deep breath. Her muscles quaked alive in need of more caressing. Her fingers were not as skillful as Declan’s when it came to the art of lovemaking and pleasuring her. His large hands had always been her weakness as he explored her every soft dip and curve, making every time feel like the first time. She slipped a finger inside of her body, then two, feeling her coiled muscles clenching and unclenching around the appealing intrusion. She spread her legs wider, bracing her knees on each side of the tub, allowing her body to float deeper into the water, the jets joining her fingers at her core. The combination made the sensation triple in effect.

  If Declan were here now, he’d have his head between her legs, licking her and lapping up her precious juices that her body gifted him. He enjoyed giving her oral pleasure, and in return, she enjoyed going down on him, suckling his erection deep inside of her mouth, watching desire take shape in his creased brow, thin lips, hard jaw as she brought him to the edge, then watched him fly along the release. They’d spent hours giving each other pleasure, exploring new ways to reach new heights. At times, it seemed as though they were trying to outdo one another, to rule the ring of desire, but it never failed that they would end up in each other’s arms, lovemaking until the wee hours of the morning. At times, they would miss out on eating until their bodies could no longer suffice without nutrients.

  She smiled at the thought. That’s what young people do.

  Slipping her fingers free, she again concentrated on her clit and the pulsing spasms racing through the head. The whirling water spread over her, around her and her breathing grew labored.

  She wished she despised Declan, hated his touch, but truth was she craved his attention. Touching herself would only take the edge off the surface of her longing.

  As her fingers moved between her legs, the bubbling water massaged her skin. Many sensations assaulted her at once, on the inside where turmoil built to a crescendo and on the outside where goosebumps still scattered her flesh. She was relaxed though, more relaxed than she had been in forever.

  Cupping her breasts with her free hand, she kneaded the mounds, tweaking the nipples. She rocked her hips forward and back, then side to side, finding the rhythm that would take her above and beyond. She’d never been able to manage to get her body to a complete release, and yet she needed this more than ever.

  She heard a slight sound outside of the bedroom but she was so far entranced in her fantasies and feelings that she didn’t ponder it but a second. She was so close…so ready…

  Opening her eyes, she blinked twice. Her heart took on a heavy beating and she knew she couldn’t be seeing what she thought was there, three feet before her. Declan was standing next to the tub, looking down at her, his eyes so brooding that they could be lit with a match. Danger marred his beautiful features.


  This was no longer a fantasy. He was still standing there, still watching her silently. A flash of humiliation darted through her as scorching heat seeded from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes.

  Pushing herself to a sitting position and snapping her legs closed, sending water over the edge of the tub onto the floor, she crossed her arms over her chest and attempted to cover herself from his view.

  His eyes were blazing, matching the feeling in her core. Then anger trickled down her spine. “How dare you!”

  She hadn’t expected an apology, not from Declan of all people, but she certainly hadn’t expected the warm smile that curved his full lips. It made her angrier. She had an urge to pick up the bottle of shampoo and throw it at his head, but she was still too weak from her semi-orgasm to bring her arm over her head. For all her luck she’d make more of a fool of herself.

  “The door wasn’t locked.”

  “I’m in the bathroom.” Her bottom lip quivered. “Most people expect privacy.”

  “I waited in the bedroom for what seemed like a long time. I started getting worried and then I heard you call my name.” His gaze turned soft, concerned, and she hated that her body weakened under his attention.

  “I’m in the bathtub.” She was fully aware how her words trembled. “I’m ok. You can leave now!” Why couldn’t she sound more demanding?

  He took a step toward the bath. Wrong direction.

  “Not so fast,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the tub.

  “Uhh…naked here.” She held her arms tighter against her chest, keeping her legs tightly together. What she saw on his face made her weak.

  “Relax, bella. I’ve seen it all. Touched it all.” His words caressed her to the soul.

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “A-ah. I touched earlier remember.” His eyes were now deep orbs of heat.

  She was able to wrap her brain around something he’d said. “And I didn’t say your name.” Lord, had he seen what she was doing?

  His eyes glazed in humor. “Yes, you did. I heard it as plain as day.”

  “You could just be saying that.”

  He raised an eyebrow and one corner of his mouth twitched as he wanted to laugh at her. “I wouldn’t.”

  Why wasn’t he leaving and letting her scoop herself off the floor of humiliation? That would be the right thing to do, but no, instead he slowly skimmed his gaze down her body, coaxing her pussy to tremble. Although she was covered decently by the water, his heated gaze stripped away all protection and she was exposed. She should be raging, but instead she was nothing but soft bones. In years past, he had witnessed her pleasing herself, many times. On many occasions he’d even encouraged her to touch her body so that he could watch. She’d found it sensual and had enjoyed watching him lose control to the desire raging through him. Back in the early days, she would have done about anything he’d asked. She’d trusted him. Loved him. Needed him more than she could have ever imagined possible. Indeed, she’d been a young fool.

  And yet, here now, she was overcome with a desire that made her defenseless.

  “You don’t listen very well, Declan Knight.”

  His grin could have lit the sky and it did funny, stranger things to her body. “What would you like me to do, bella?”

  “Leave,” she whispered.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Damn, even she didn’t believe it herself. To deny how much she wanted him was useless.

  He dipped his hand into the water and splashed it gently. “Maybe there’s something I can do to help.”

  “Help?” She gulped air.

  He brought his hands to her knees that she held tightly together and he easily spread them, opening her body, the whirling jets again swirling across her sensitive flesh. She quickly felt her body growing toward release again. His naughty grin didn’t help matters.

  “Just relax,” he coaxed. His fingers glided along her inner thigh, as her heart pounded her ribs.

  She should turn him away, deny these irrational emotions building within her, but she couldn’t. They felt right. Felt like they belonged in her body
. When his fingers reached the apex of her thighs, she jolted and tightened her bottom, what little resistance it was, it quickly dissolved.

  “Declan…” his name oozed from her trembling lips.

  “Don’t think, bella, just feel.” His soft words urged her deeper into the water, her legs to spread wider.

  Although she anticipated his touch at her seam, when it finally came she jerked and a moan slid from her. She was already sensitive, primed, from her own touch—swollen and ready. His large fingers glided over her swollen clit, tugging at the fleshy head, gently rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. The nerve endings were on high alert, aching for release, and yet she wanted to enjoy his touch longer.

  Laying her head back and closing her eyes, she reveled in the magical blanket sliding over her. He sunk one finger inside of her and she bucked her hips, pressing against his palm and riding his hand. There was no shame in her unabashed need, just a rush of emotions begging release to come. Her toes curled and her body became a mass of nerves as he continued to slide in and out of her at a pace that made her happily dizzy.

  Her breathing was labored and she forced air in and out of her lungs, focusing on the gamut of sensation swirling between her legs, her heightened senses and overwhelming need to have more—to have him inside of her. Her inner thighs quivered and she arched her back, drawing closer to a place she hadn’t been in so long. A place where she forgot all logic, forgot the demons buried within her.

  Soon, he pushed two fingers inside of her, stretching her muscles, and caught up in her emotion, she no longer pressed her arms over her breasts, but was clutching the tub, gripping the sides like they were a lifeline. His touch came on her breast, sliding his finger over her erect nipple, sending a wave of tingles through her. Charged and consumed, her body shook as she stumbled upon climax and the unexplainable warmth draped over her, spiraling through her like a honeyed feather, prickling her every nook and cranny. Spasms rocked her body, one after another until she was nothing but skin and melted bones.

  She barely registered that the bubbles had stopped.

  His hand moved and a popping sound brought her eyes open. Declan had pulled the plug to the tub and the water was emptying down the drain. She wondered if she’d slide down the drain too because she was spent.

  She watched him stand, reach for a towel and he slung it over his shoulders. “Come, bella. You’re nothing but a shriveled raisin.” His smile kicked up her blood pressure a few points.

  She laid her hand into his and allowed him to help her from the tub. She stepped out onto the thick rug as he wrapped the fluffy towel around her. Half expecting him to leave her to dry off, he didn’t. Instead, he dragged the towel down her body, rubbing the wetness from her arms, stomach and legs, before wrapping it around her body and securing it at her chest.

  Before she knew what was happening, he lifted her into his arms, close to his chest. She was engulfed with his masculine scent of soap and musk. His warmth seeped through the towel and her nipples tingled, excitement building in her as they moved into the bedroom toward the bed. She could only believe that he would make love to her.

  He placed her on her feet, keeping her close, which she was grateful for because her knees were weak and her legs felt like jelly. He removed the towel, dropping it at her feet, then he turned the beside lamp on. “Lay down, bella,” he urged in a husky voice as he pulled down the covers.

  Without hesitation, she did as he asked, climbing into the luxurious sheets that felt heavenly against her naked body. What happened next surprised her. He didn’t join her. Instead, he pulled the cover up over her, tucking her in. Her mind screamed, “Why aren’t you joining me?”, but she couldn’t form the words on her lips.

  “I came into the bedroom tonight to tell you that we have plans tomorrow. I’ll be gone most of the day and will be back by eight to pick you up.”

  Her mind wrapped around his words, soaking them up like a sponge as logic took shape. “What? Where are we going?” She clutched the soft cover.

  “I have an evening planned. Wear the red dress, please. You looked amazingly beautiful.”

  She swallowed against the constriction in her throat. He hadn’t given her enough details, and yet her body was in a cloud and she couldn’t do anything but lay there as light as a feather.


  Shit! Declan had done his share of fucked up things in his lifetime and he’d thought he’d outgrown being stupid—that was until he walked into the bathroom and caught his wife masturbating. Not one woman he’d seen naked over the years compared to her beauty—her soft, sensual curves. Her bright eyes were innocent, but he knew what sexual desire lingered behind those violet windows.

  He walked to his bedroom just down the hall and concentrated on keeping his breaths even. It had taken every sliver of control he had in his body to walk away from his naked wife. After bringing her to orgasm in the bathtub, then carrying her to bed, he’d witnessed a change in her expression. She was willing to allow things to unfold and, damn, had he wanted it as well. So, then why had he ripped a hole in his libido by leaving her, in bed, and willing?

  Stepping into his room, he closed the door and sighed, but it came out more as a disgruntled growl. He’d never been one to falter when having a beautiful woman at his fingertips, ready and eager. He’d always followed through, pleasuring a woman, but that was the problem. Ash wasn’t just any woman. She was his wife. They had history together. She’d been the first, and only one, to find a way inside of his heart.

  He paced the room and practically tore his hand though his hair. Images of her beautiful smile that could knock him for a loop spiraled inside of his head. Her mouth was delectable whether she was smiling or frowning, and her lips tasted so good. Her eyes had held such warmth, such welcome intensity. He compared it to the sun rising on a cold, wintery day, melting away his doubts. He experienced something he hadn’t in a long time—emotion.

  Stopping at the tall dresser, he braced his hands on the edge and stared back at himself in the mirror. “You’re playing with fire, bro.”

  Admittedly, he had several reasons why he brought Ash here. Yes, he did need her for the Hannigan business deal. But there was something more, something far more sinister. As punishment for leaving him. No, he didn’t want to punish her. Maybe somewhere deep inside he hoped she would see what she had left, maybe stroke the history between them, wrestle with old feelings, and new feelings too. He was crazy for hoping. Five years had passed between them, and she’d only agreed to this because she needed the money and wanted the divorce.

  So, how then did he keep the professional lines drawn? Well, going into her bedroom and helping her bring herself to orgasm certainly wouldn’t be the recommended start.

  He blew out a long breath. How was he supposed to keep his brain in working order and his dick locked away behind his zipper?

  He pushed off the dresser. He was sure he crossed many boundaries since she’d been here. And looked like an idiot husband who didn’t understand limits. Tugging his shirt tail from his pants, he unbuttoned it and laid it over the chair. Then came his pants. A quick flick of his wrist sent them down his legs and he stepped out of them.

  Undressed, he strolled into the adjoining bathroom and turned on the shower. He adjusted the temperature to warm, but thought better of it. What he needed was a splash of cold to turn off his thoughts to his southern parts and wake his brain up.

  Even though he wanted her more than he ever had, he was a strong man. He could control himself.

  Unless she asked him to sleep with her.

  Damn. True. He wouldn’t be able to resist that temptation

  Stepping under the spray, the cold water made him jerk, but the colder the better. Little did he know how his life was changing.

  It was. And fast.

  And unfortunately, he wasn’t sure he could put up a fight to resist. Instead, maybe he was debating the wrong fight. It was time he got his priorities in order and figure out what was
worth fighting for.

  Could he win her heart back?


  Ash fluttered her eyes open and apprehension skittered through her, until she remembered where she was. She felt rested, better than she had in a long time. This mattress wasn’t anything like the twin sized-lumpy one back in her apartment that had several springs popping through. The sheets here were luxuriously soft and silky, and she could have stayed here in her dreams forever.

  Her dreams! Her cheeks warmed remembering how her sleep had been filled with a fantasy of making love with Declan. Her toes tingled. What had she expected? After he’d given her an amazing orgasm in the bathtub, then carried her to bed, she’d been one wound up nerve ending needing stroked for another release or two. She’d wanted him, more than ever. And why wouldn’t she? Declan was an amazing man, had the ability to make a woman feel special, like she was the most wanted woman on earth. She’d fallen before for his charm, and five years later, he’d honed those skills into lethal weapons. He was self-confident, assured and fatal.

  She should be angry with him for walking in on her in a private moment.

  Yet, it wasn’t anger nestling into her veins. It was something entirely palatial, and wonderful. She could have easily resisted his touch and he would have left her, but she hadn’t. She’d accepted it with the exhilaration of winning the lottery. In fact, she’d wanted things to continue beyond the bathroom and into the bed. But he’d walked away.

  She moaned and snuggled deeper beneath the warmth and protection of the covers. She closed her eyes and willed her body to stay here, but her muscles were urging her to get started.

  Throwing off the covers, she heard a bird chirping outside of the window. Sunlight was drizzling in through the sheer curtain and it shone light upon every tiny detail of why she was here and how dangerous her emotions were becoming. She was here for a business deal. That’s all this could ever be. Nothing more. No possible way of reigniting the past. If things didn’t work out then, how would they now?


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