Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)

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Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4) Page 14

by Sharon Cummin

  He stopped in front of her but didn't touch her. Their bodies were so close. She heard her breath catch when she felt the heat from his body against her skin. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered.

  “I'm going to take what I want. I'm going to claim you.”

  She shivered as his breath crossed her ear and her legs clenched together. She wanted him.

  “Did you enjoy teasing me earlier?” he asked, as he walked around her body and stopped in front of her again.

  When she didn't respond, he stood firm with his feet apart and his arms crossed over his chest. The serious tone in his voice and watching him stand like that had her body squirming. She felt the wetness between her legs beginning.

  “Did you?” he asked again.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Did you like being teased?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered again.

  “Did you think about me while they were here? Did you think about what I was going to do to you after they left? If I stripped you naked right now, would you be wet for me?”

  “Yes,” she answered hearing her voice crack trying to get out that one word.

  She had never before felt the way he was making her feel in that moment. In high school and college they had plenty of sex. It was nothing like what they had since they had recently reconnected. John was different. He was quiet and almost shy normally. He was laid back and calm. In the bedroom, he was a different man. He was controlling and demanding. It was so damn sexy. She had only ever been with one other man. There was no feeling with him ever. John was the only one she felt anything with. Since they reconnected, she couldn't get enough of him. He was more than she ever dreamt of.

  “What do you want, Sandy?” he asked sternly.

  She stood still with no response.

  “What. Do. You. Want?” he stretched out each word.

  “You,” she whimpered. “Just you.”

  “I'm going to lick you, touch you, and fuck you until you beg me to let you come. I'm going to bring you to the edge over and over, but I'm going to pull back just before you explode. You're not going to come until I'm ready. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for me to give you everything you've missed? Are you ready for me to claim you?”

  Sandy felt like she was going to lose it right there. She felt her legs and hands shaking from his words. His promise of what was to come had her on the edge of her seat. She couldn't form words. Sex with John had been amazing those last few times. She couldn't imagine how she wasn't going to instantly come. His voice was so deep and commanding, and his eyes were so dark and beautiful. The only thing she could do was nod her head. He leaned in so close and whispered into her ear.

  “Are you ready for everything I have to give you?”

  Her body shook again. His tongue darted out and traced her ear. She moaned and leaned into him, but he pulled away.

  “John,” she moaned.

  “Yes,” he said in the same panty melting tone.

  “Please,” she responded.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I need you,” she moaned.

  He leaned down, threw her over his shoulder, and headed up the stairs. When he walked them into his room, he dropped her onto his bed and stood over her. He leaned down and undid her pants. Then he pulled them from her body. She felt his eyes burning into her skin. He shoved her shirt up as he kissed her stomach and moved his way up. She could feel the weight of his body as he straddled her hips. He pushed her shirt over her head and left it there. She moved to take it off, but he grabbed it and held it still.

  “Leave it,” he snapped.

  His hands moved over her sides. Her bra was still on, but he cupped each clothed breast in his hand. She arched against his palms and her knee came up behind him. He let out a small laugh as she ground against him. His hands pulled her bra down to free her breasts just before his mouth pulled her nipple in. He circled it with his tongue before pulling it through his teeth. She moaned as her body squirmed beneath him. He did the same to her other nipple before moving up and claiming her mouth hard with his. His tongue thrust into her mouth as another moan escaped her. She tried to move her arms, but her shirt wasn't giving her much to work with. His hands slid up her arms as he moved her shirt off of her completely. Then he removed her lacy bra. He sat back and looked down at her.

  “Do you know how badly I want you right now? You are more beautiful than I remember. The thought of you naked and waiting is so sexy."

  He pulled back and stood at the end of the bed with his legs between hers which were hanging off of the bed. John leaned over her and moved his fingers down her bare stomach. He traced over her covered mound and between her legs. His finger slid beneath the fabric and rubbed against her opening.

  “You're so wet. I could bury my cock inside of you right now. I could fuck you so hard.”

  “John,” she whispered, as she moved against his hand.

  He stood up, took her panties in his hand, and slid them down and off of her body. She gasped as she looked into his eyes. He reached behind his head, grabbed the neck of shirt, and pulled it over his head.

  “Fuck,” she whispered, as she looked at his body.

  Sandy wanted to touch him. She wanted to feel his skin against her hands. It took all she had to stay still. He quickly pushed his jeans and boxers down, as his rock hard cock sprang free. Stepping out of his pants, he kicked them to the side. His eyes never left hers. She couldn't believe the way her body was reacting to him.

  John grabbed her legs, pulled her down, and spread them. He stepped in closer and rubbed his tip against her entrance. She moved her hips wanting him inside of her, but he continued to tease her. She couldn't take it. Her body moved against him even more. When she went to move forward, he pulled back. She knew he was going make her pay for teasing him in the kitchen. He moved back to her entrance and looked down at her.

  “Please, John,” she said.

  He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I need you inside of me. Please,” she said again.

  He grabbed her hips, lifted her slightly, and thrust into her. She cried out before she could stop herself. He pulled back and stopped, and she let out a groan. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he filled her again and again. She was moaning his name as he took her just to the edge. Her hands gripped tight on the sheets and her legs tensed. It was right there. She was about to explode when he pulled out of her and let go of her hips.

  “John,” she snapped. “Don't stop.”

  “Up on the bed,” he commanded.

  She took a deep breath but didn't move.

  “Up,” he said, as he pointed.

  She let out a groan and pulled her body up the bed. It was hard for her to think. Her legs were shaky as she made her way up and put her head back on the pillow. John grabbed something out of the nightstand drawer and Sandy's eye quickly looked over to see what he had.

  “What” she began, but he cut her off.

  “Quiet,” he said.

  “Are you going to cover my eyes?” she asked quietly.

  “I am,” he said. “You'll have to feel everything I do to you. When you can't see, it'll feel that much better.”

  He must have seen the worry on her face. John sat on the bed, took her face in his hand, and looked into her eyes.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “I do,” she said.

  “I would never do a single thing to hurt you. I promise you that. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll take it off right away.”

  She nodded. John covered her eyes and tied the silk behind her head. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs next. She jumped when she heard the clink of the metal.

  “Hands up,” he said.

  “John,” she whispered.

  “I only want to give you pleasure, Sandy. I will not ever harm you.”

  She lifted her right arm, and he slid one hand up her arm and put one side of the cuffs around her wrist and the other around
the headboard rung. He hadn't made it super tight. She still felt comfortable with it on.

  “Other arm,” he said.

  She lifted it and he repeated the same steps.

  “Pull on them,” he said. “They aren't tight. If you tell me to stop, I'll take them off. Feel the cold metal on your skin.”

  She tugged on them and then let her arms relax.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  Her body moved by itself, and her legs parted at his command.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look ready and waiting for me. With your hands tied and your eyes covered. I want you just as much as you want me.”

  John leaned down and kissed tiny kisses across her neck before he claimed her mouth. Then he kissed down to her breasts. His hands went to her nipples, as he pinched and rolled them through his fingers before taking each of them into his mouth. Her back arched and her breasts pushed against him. Slowly, he moved the kisses down her belly. He rubbed her clit with his fingers, and she moved against his hand as she moaned. The clink of the cuffs echoed through the room when she pulled at her arms. His tongue licked her and he sucked every bit of juice that left her body. He moved his body down between her knees.

  “Do you know what you do to me, baby?” he asked. “I could sit here and watch you all day long. It is the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life. My dick is so hard right now. You taste so damn good.”

  He thrust his tongue into her and she cried out his name. He grabbed the back of her legs and buried his face in her pussy. Her hips moved in time with his tongue as she ground against him.

  “That feels so good,” she said with a gasp.

  His fingers spread her and rubbed her clit while his other hand felt up her stomach to her breast. He rolled and pulled her nipple, as he thrust his tongue into her. Her hands pulled against her restraints, as she cried out over and over and ground against his mouth.

  “Fuck, John,” she yelled. “Don't stop, please.”

  Just as her legs began to shake, he pulled back from her.

  “No,” she cried out.

  “What?” he asked.

  She could hear the smirk on his face. He moved up her and covered her mouth with his.

  “John,” she said. “I am begging you. I need you inside of me. I can't wait. My body is going to explode. Please.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want you inside of me. I need you,” she cried out. “Please, let me come.”

  John took the cuffs off and rubbed her wrists. Then he untied the silk and removed it from her eyes. She reached forward to wrap her arms around his neck, but he stopped her.

  “On your knees.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “On your knees,” he repeated.

  Sandy turned over and got on her knees.

  “Hands on the headboard,” he snapped.

  She reached forward and held the headboard. His hand nudged her back so she would arch it. He grabbed her hips and lifted so her ass was in the air. She didn't expect him to pull back and smack her ass. Her body jerked as she cried out. She moaned when he rubbed the sting.

  “John,” she moaned.

  He hovered over her as he spanked her ass several more times. Each time he swatted a little harder than the last. She loved the feel of his large hand rubbing the sting away.

  “You're so perfect,” he said with a groan. “Hold on tight.”

  John grabbed both of her hips and thrust into her moving their bodies forward against the bed. Her breasts brushed against the cool wood of the headboard and she moaned. John moved into her deep and hard. She pushed back against him as she called out his name. He continued to fuck her, as her body rocked forward against the wood. With her hands holding on, she thrust back harder.

  “Fuck, John,” she called. “I need you. It feels so good. Fuck me. Oh, John.”

  He reached up, wrapped his hand in her hair, pulled her head back, and took her mouth with his. His tongue entered her lips, and he thrust his cock into her deep. She moaned into his mouth as her body exploded into the most amazing orgasm she had ever had. Her breathing was deep. Everything was black. Her pussy pulsed around him, as he continued fucking her hard and fast. She screamed out his name over and over. Her orgasm continued, as she rode it out. John didn't stop. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back toward him, as he filled her completely. His body shook as he burst inside of her. She pushed back against him and came just as hard as she had moments earlier. Both of their names mixed together in the air.

  Her body fell onto the bed, as John collapsed on top of her. Their sweat mixed, and their heartbeats raced together. Neither of them moved. Sandy loved the feel of his hard body against her back. For some reason it made her feel protected and safe. John moved next to her and wrapped her in his arms. She didn't say a word, as she thought about their day and how much she enjoyed spending time with him and his friends. His breathing slowed. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 24

  Two weeks later, Ethan was on the phone with John to set up a time for Sandy's son to visit. Julie and Ethan found the house they wanted only three houses away from Chris. They were thrilled. It had only taken them a couple of days to figure it out. The rest of their time was spent on the beach. John was happy for his brother. Ethan mentioned that the house next to theirs was for sale. He was telling John all of the positives about it. John didn't tell Ethan, but he was seriously considering it.

  John picked up Sandy and her son right at noon. It was a Saturday, so Ethan would have plenty of time to talk Kyle into working for him. Kelly and her family were going as well. Gavin and Becky would arrive a few hours later. Ethan wanted time with Kyle before Gavin came in to try and steal him away. Kyle opened the door to Sandy's apartment as soon as John knocked. He looked completely different from Kelly. John knew he looked exactly like his father. The two guys talked the whole way to Ethan's. Sandy never said a word, but John could feel her watching him.

  When they got there, Ethan came out to greet them. He looked like a kid in a candy store. John could tell how excited he was. Ethan shook Kyle's hand and started talking a mile a minute. Kyle lit up as he answered Ethan's questions.

  “Come with me,” Ethan said. “I want to show you my office.”

  Kyle look back toward his mom for her approval. She nodded, and the two guys were gone.

  “They looked like two teenagers talking about video games,” John joked.

  Julie came out and looked around.

  “They're already gone to the nerd room,” John said.

  Julie rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “Kyle will love it up there. Ethan loves finding someone passionate about what he does. They'll be gone for hours. Where's Kelly?” Julie asked.

  “They are on their way.”

  The three of them went into the living room. Julie turned on the television and looked over at John with a smirk.

  “Oh no you don't,” he said. “It has to be something neutral. I'm not watching some mushy movie with you two.”

  “You can always go upstairs with them,” Julie joked.

  John shot her a dirty look.

  “I've heard enough technical talk to last a lifetime. Remember, he started that company in my house.”

  A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Julie ran to answer it. She came back into the room with Kelly, her husband, and her two kids. The two little ones ran to hug Sandy. Julie asked John to listen for Gavin and Becky while she took the kids upstairs. John liked how quickly the little ones took to Julie. They were laughing with her as they walked out of the room.

  “Are you sure Ethan isn't going to mind the kids up there with him and Kyle?” Kelly asked.

  “He'll be fine. That way they can visit with their uncle as well. Ethan will set them each up with games they can play. He has a few that are for younger kids,” John answered.

  Kelly sat down next to her mom, and her husband sat next to John. The two
guys began talking about sports. Julie was on her way back when the doorbell rang again. Becky and Gavin followed her in. John stood up to say hello. He hugged Becky and rubbed her belly. She gave him a dirty look and shook her head.

  “I know that I'm even bigger. I don't need you to tell me, John,” she snapped.

  “I wasn't going to say a word. You look wonderful,” he said. “You are radiant and beautiful.”

  “Smart ass,” she said, as she turned around.

  “Where are Ethan and Kyle?” Gavin asked.

  “They went upstairs,” Julie answered with a smirk.

  “Bullshit,” Gavin yelled. “That punk took him up there before I could get here. We'll see about that.”

  Gavin took off and everyone burst into laughter.

  “What a bunch of kids,” John said.

  “Those are your brothers,” Becky said.

  “Listen here, big mama,” Julie began. “I'm going to be standing there laughing when your pushing that enormous baby out.”

  Becky let out a growl.

  John noticed Julie watching Kelly. He shot Julie a look. The wheels in her brain were spinning, but he couldn't figure out what it was about. Julie got up to finish dinner. Sandy and Kelly offered to help her. She told Sandy to stay and get to know Becky while Kelly helped her. The two of them went off to the kitchen.

  They called out when dinner was ready, and everyone met up at the table. The three guys upstairs brought the two kids down with them. They all made plates and moved around the house. The three guys went right back upstairs as soon as they were finished. The kids stayed at the dining room table with their parents. Julie, John, Sandy, and Becky stayed with them.

  When they were all done, Julie brought out the cheesecake. Sandy laughed when she saw it. John gave Julie the biggest hug.

  “Maybe I am your favorite brother,” John said.

  “I just like the same dessert as you,” Julie remarked. “Don't get a big head over it and don't let Gavin hear you say that.”

  Julie put three pieces on plates and took them upstairs. Everyone else served themselves. John watched Julie. She was acting strange, but he couldn't figure out what was going on with her. When they were finished, she quickly grabbed John's, Kelly's, and Sandy's plates and silverware before coming back to get the rest.


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