Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)

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Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4) Page 15

by Sharon Cummin

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Of course,” she said with a smile.

  He shook his head and looked back at Sandy. Julie came back to the table when she was finished cleaning up.

  “I can't believe how different you and Kyle look,” Julie said to Kelly.

  “He looks like my dad, and I look like my mom,” Kelly said. “I think I got the better deal.”

  “Don't let your brother hear you say that,” Sandy joked.

  Eric and Sarah wanted to go back to playing on the computers. Julie walked up with them to announce them before they entered. She wasn't sure what game Ethan would be showing Kyle. When she got back downstairs, John noticed a nervous look on her face.

  “Julie, Can you help me in the kitchen for a minute?” he asked.

  She followed behind him. As soon as they were through the door, he turned and looked at her.

  “What's going on with you?” he snapped.

  Her mouth opened to speak, but he cut her off.

  “Don't tell me nothing. I am learning so much about you. The wheels are spinning. What is it?” he asked.

  “I just can't believe how different Kelly and Kyle look for having the same two parents. I know it happens all the time. If you think about her birthday, she could be yours. Don't you think so?” she asked.

  “You need to drop it. She's not my daughter. Sandy slept with someone else not long after I left. She was drunk at a party. I've heard the whole thing. Sandy said she is his child. He told her they didn't use protection. I know you always want to fix everything, but you can't fix that. I've forgiven her. I just want to travel and enjoy life. We have a good time together. That's all I want. Can I tell you something?” he asked.


  “I haven't told anyone, not even your man,” he said.


  “I'm giving a two week notice at work. I just have to figure out when to do it. I'm going to look at houses in Hawaii and a few other places. I'm still going to live here. I just want someplace to relax. I definitely want it on a beach.”

  “Oh, John. That's so awesome. Are you really going to stop working? I can't believe it,” Julie said, as she hugged him.

  “I am,” he said. “I realize how much time I wasted thinking about her. I don't want to get married or start a family. I just want to relax and have fun. Ethan is grown and on his own. You can watch him now.”

  “Thanks,” she laughed. “I don't have to watch him. He takes care of me. You've done an amazing job with him. He's a great man and would do anything for you.”

  “Yes, he is,” John said. “Drop the stuff about Kelly. I've come to terms with all of it. I don't want to think about it anymore. I just want to move forward.”

  They went into the living room with Becky, Sandy, Kelly, and her husband Eric. There was a game on the television.

  “Who turned the game on? You wouldn't let me do it,” John asked, as he sat down next to Sandy with his hand on her knee.

  “Eric did,” Becky answered. “He's company.”

  “I see,” John said. “I'll remember that next time I'm over your house, mama.”

  She shook her head and laughed. The women started talking about babies. John stood up and walked over to Kelly.

  “You can sit by your mom. Let me sit with your man. I don't want to hear what you ladies are talking about.”

  Kelly laughed as she stood up and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

  “Thanks for letting my brother come here. You have no idea how happy he is right now. Thanks for being so nice to my mom. She told me that you knew each other in high school. I know that you went out a few times.”

  “I was happy for your brother to come here. If he worked with either of those guys, he would learn so much. He could be closer to you and your mom as well.”

  Kelly smiled at him and sat down next to her mother. Conversation flowed through the room. The men talked sports and the women talked babies. A few hours passed when Kelly stood to go and get her kids. She needed to get them home and ready for bed and was sure they would need some time to tell her about what they had played.

  The two kids came down the stairs laughing and talking. They went on and on about how much fun they were having. Kyle came down and hugged his sister before she left. He would still see her for breakfast at Sandy's apartment before he headed home the next day. Gavin and Ethan followed Kyle down the stairs. John could hear them both talking about getting Kyle on their teams. For best friends they were very competitive.

  The three of them sat at the dining room table to talk. Ethan and Gavin rattled on about what they could do for Kyle if he came to work for them. Kyle looked up at John with a nervous and overwhelming look.

  “Kyle, come outside with me for a minute,” John said.

  As soon as they were away from everyone else, John began to talk.

  “Don't let those two make you nervous. They're both passionate about their work and compete like crazy. If you don't want to leave where you are now, then don't. Don't let them talk you into something you don't want. This is your life. You are a grown man and need to decide what's best for you. Don't think about what your mom or dad would want. Don't think about Ethan or Gavin. You need to think about all three situations and decide what you want. I know from experience that you don't want to live your life with regrets.”

  Kyle's shoulders relaxed and he looked up at John with a smile.

  “My dad will be pissed if I leave. He says that I'm all he has left. I love him, but he has major control issues. Nothing ever comes free with him. There is a price for everything. I still don't want to upset him. I would much rather work with Ethan or Gavin than at the school,” Kyle said.

  “You need to do what is right for only you. If you stay there with your dad, will you be happy?”

  “No,” Kyle answered. “It's the same boring thing every day. Ethan and Gavin seem excited about their work. That's how I feel. I want to learn. I love development.”

  “Gavin and Ethan do different things. Ethan does the same stuff as Gavin, but he does games as well. How do you feel about games?”

  “That's my favorite part. It's the reason I went to school and the reason I study so much. I want to develop my own game. I've dreamt about that since I was young.”

  “Are they both offering you good money? What about benefits and stuff?” John asked.

  “They are offering me the same thing,” Kyle said. “They are both really into what they do. I like them both. I feel horrible deciding between them.”

  “They are best friends. They built their companies together. Neither of them will be mad at you or each other. It doesn't matter who you pick. They'll still be best friends tomorrow. Ethan started his business in a room in the house I live in. He's built it into what it is today. Gavin's Uncle Chris helped them. I can tell you that both of those guys will help you. Which company interests you more?” John asked. “Be honest. It's about your future.”

  “I like the gaming. It's what I love and what I want to do,” Kyle replied.

  “Then you know what you need to do. You can live with your mom or Kelly until you save up for a place. Everything will be fine. We can all help you. Take some time to think about it if you need to. Just make sure you do it for you and nobody else,” John said.

  “I don't need time,” Kyle answered. “Thank you for talking to me about it.”

  The two of them walked back into the house. Gavin and Ethan were still at the table. Sandy walked over to stand by John.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  John nodded.

  “If I do this, can I move in with you for a few months?” Kyle asked Sandy.

  “Of course,” she said. “I would love that.”

  Kyle turned to look at Ethan.

  “I would love to join your team.”

  “Yes,” Ethan yelled, as he jumped and looked at Gavin.

  “Shut up,” Gavin barked at Ethan.

  “Are you
going to let your brother talk to your man like that?” Ethan asked Julie.

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. Kyle followed Ethan up the stairs to talk about the job.

  A few hours later, John dropped Sandy and Kyle off at her apartment. He could see how happy she looked knowing her son would be closer to her and Kelly. John hugged her goodbye and drove home.

  When he got home, he checked his phone and saw a text from her.

  Sandy: Thank you for talking to him. He said you helped him so much with his decision. You have definitely won him over. He thinks you're amazing.

  Chapter 25

  The next couple of weeks passed by quickly. Sandy spent more time at John's than her own apartment. He liked coming home from work and finding her there. She started leaving things behind when she left. It was easier then dragging it all back and forth. Kyle had gotten everything moved into Sandy's apartment. He didn't have much since the place he shared with some guys back home wasn't furnished by him. His computers and personal things were the only things he had to bring.

  Gavin and Becky decided to have dinner for everyone Sunday. They hadn't had everyone over in a long time. John asked them if it would be okay for Kyle to join them. He had just moved in and John didn't feel right excluding him for the day. Becky was more than happy to have him there.

  When John went to pick Sandy and Kyle up, she pulled him aside to show him a piece of mail. It was announcing the date she needed to appear in court for her divorce. It was only three weeks away. She wasn't sure if she wanted to show her kids. John could tell she was nervous about it. He assured her that he would be there for her in any way she wanted. There was no way she needed to go alone. He let her know that he understood if she didn't want him in court. It wasn't the easiest of circumstances and could piss her husband off. She just wanted the day over with. Kyle walked out of his room, and their conversation stopped.

  The house was full by the time John, Sandy, and Kyle arrived. Julie, Lisa, and Becky were in the kitchen. Sandy went to talk to them. Ethan, Josh, baby Jack, and Heath were in the living room. Gavin walked in to rejoin them with John and Kyle. He introduced Kyle to Josh and Heath. John walked over to Heath.

  “You finally decided to join us. We thought you didn't like us anymore,” John said.

  “I've been swamped with work. There's a house I recently started working on with my crew. It's going to take up so much time,” Heath said.

  “You're working on the house yourself?” John asked.

  Heath nodded but didn't say a word.

  “Who's house is it? You haven't taken on a job yourself in a while. Is it someone we know?” John asked.

  “No,” Heath answered. “You don't know her.”

  “Oh,” John said. “It's for a her.”

  “What?” Heath snapped.

  “Nothing,” John said with a smile. “I'm just surprised.”

  “It's a big job,” Heath snapped. “It had nothing to do with the fact that the house belongs to a woman. I'm going to the kitchen.”

  “What's going on with you?” John asked.

  “Nothing,” Heath said, as he stormed out of the room.

  The ladies set the table and announced dinner was ready. The guys each gathered around the table with their women. Heath was the only one there alone besides Kyle. John looked around the table, happy to be surrounded by family and friends. He made a mental note that Kelly and her family needed to be there next time. It felt like something was missing without them.

  John looked over to see a huge smile on Julie's face. He gave her a questioning look. She smiled and shrugged with a wink. He shook his head and narrowed his eyes.

  “Becky and I want to say a few words before we start eating,” Gavin said, as he stood. “We want to thank you all for coming to our house for dinner. It's always so nice being surrounded by our closest friends. We also have some news we want to share with you. Becky had an ultrasound this week. Julie was there with us.”

  Gavin stopped and looked down at Becky. She smiled up at him, as he took a deep breath.

  “We love you all so much and are so happy to know that you are always there when we need you.”

  “Why are you sucking up?” John asked.

  Sandy reached over and tapped his arm.

  “Because we're going to need you. We found out that we're having twins. We're having two baby girls.”

  The look on Gavin's face was one of fear. John burst into laughter.

  “Two girls,” John said. “That explains Julie's silly grin over there.”

  She laughed and Gavin shook his head.

  “Yes,” he answered. “I'm going to need all of you guys behind me when they are old enough for boys.”

  They all burst into laughter. All of the ladies hugged Becky, and all of the guys joked with Gavin. As soon as the congratulations settled, Josh laughed and Lisa smacked him on the arm.

  “What's that about?” Becky asked.

  “We just found out that we're having a baby,” Josh said. “I'm sorry, I can't keep it in any longer.”

  Everyone jumped back up and began the congratulations again. John looked over at Heath. He seemed on edge before the news. Nothing was any different after Josh's reveal. Maybe he was getting over Lisa.

  Ethan let out a laugh, and Julie shot him a dirty look. Everyone stopped and looked at him. John couldn't help but notice the look of fear on his face. It was worse than Gavin's. Julie leaned over and whispered something in Ethan's ear. He took a deep breath.

  “You too?” John asked.

  Julie shook her head as she held her arms around Ethan.

  “You didn't tell me that I'm going to be an uncle,” John said, as he looked at Julie. “You want to dig into my life so deep. I talk to you all the time. I can't believe you didn't tell me.”

  John got up and grabbed Julie into a hug. He let her go and pulled in Ethan.

  “I'm so happy for you,” John said. “Everything's going to be okay. I'm here for you two. I always will be. I love you. Congratulations, dad.”

  Once the excitement was finally over, they all looked over at John.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You don't have anything to tell us do you?” Becky asked.

  “No babies for me,” he said with a shake of his head. “I will love all of yours. My boy is all grown up.”

  Chapter 26

  John had to work early Monday morning. It was pretty quiet like most days were. The more he thought about his conversation with Kyle weeks before, the more he realized he wasn't following his own advice about doing what was best for him. He pulled into his driveway after work and was surprised to find Sandy's car there.

  When he stepped through the door, she had two plates of food waiting on the table. She walked out to join him with a smile on her face.

  “Kyle had a great first day at work. Some of the guys invited him out. I wanted to see you. I hope you don't mind,” she said.

  “Of course not,” he said, as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly.

  They pulled away from each other to eat the dinner she picked up on her way.

  “I was thinking,” John began. “I've been considering resigning for a little while now. I think I'm going to do it.”

  Sandy looked at him with a shocked expression.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “I sat in my car today. All I could think about was my talk with Kyle and the things I said to him. I'm ready to make some changes. I really like certain parts of my job. There are other parts I don't want to do anymore. I want to travel and relax. There's no reason for me not to. What do you think?”

  “If that's what you want,” she said. “You should do it. You've worked your ass off to give Ethan a good life. I think it's time you live for you.”

  He nodded, happy that she was on board with his decision. His phone buzzed just as he went to speak.

  Julie: Are you home?

  John: Yes. I'm having dinner with Sandy. What's up?

  Julie: I was wondering if I could talk to you about something. Is she staying all night?

  John: No. She's going home in a bit.

  Julie: Can I come over later and talk?

  John: Is everything okay with Ethan?

  Julie: Yes. It's not about him. I'll be over later.

  John: I'll text you in a bit.

  “Is everything okay?” Sandy asked.

  “It's Julie. She wants to come over and talk to me about something. It's probably something about my brother.”

  “Do you want me to leave?” she asked.

  “No,” he said. “She's not coming by until later.”

  They finished eating and moved to the bedroom. She wasn't going to be with him much that week. They decided Kyle should have her around for at least his first week in town. John went into his bathroom. When walked back into the room, Sandy looked up at him with a sad look.

  “Who's Kara?” she asked.

  “A friend I made in Florida. Why?” he asked.

  “Why did she just text you?”

  “I don't know,” he said, as she grabbed his phone and looked at her text. “We became friends while we were both there. She had just finished going through a divorce, and I had just seen you again. She met a guy while she was there. We've kept in touch since I got back. Don't be jealous. It's nice to see you care.”

  She let out a breath that seemed filled with relief. John pulled her closer to him and laughed. They spent the next hour together in his bed before she left to go home to her son.

  John picked up his phone as soon as Sandy left.

  John: You still want to talk?

  Julie: Yes. I'm on my way.

  She must have run out the door. It seemed like she was knocking minutes later. John saw that her hands were shaking as she walked passed him to his living room. She had an envelope in her hands and appeared to be holding it like her life depended on it. He saw sweat on her forehead, as he sat next to her.


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