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Rise of Humanity

Page 394

by <unknown>

  Shi Buyi knew very well that Zhong Yue posed the biggest threat to him and thus target Zhong Yue the most.

  On the side, Gu Hongzi wielded the serpent spear. Despite his power, he couldn’t see through Shi Buyi’s openings and flaw. Thus, Shi Buyi wasn’t that much guarding on him.

  Whereas for Long Yue, although he was already a True Spirit magnate, he was still the weakest of them all. But the two venomous fangs were too threatening, even Shi Buyi had to guard against them.

  Suddenly, Zhong Yue changed his attack, he suddenly bowed and with the【Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art】as the altar, he himself was the worshipped object, he raised his blood essence to a new level. The sky above turned reddish in color and abruptly, he bowed down at Shi Buyi.

  Shi Buyi roared loudly and mustered all of his strength, the Eight Extreme Slaughtering Array slashed down and clashed with the【Worshipping of Gods】.

  The earth beneath them cracked and a huge rift opened up between them, the rocks crumbled and the stones were pulverized to dust as a huge valley was created just like that!

  Zhong Yue muffled a groan in pain, his eight arms were crushed and he fell backward. Just at the moment he clashed with Shi Buyi, Gu Hongzi dashed over and thrust the serpent spear into Shi Buyi’s chest. Right in the middle through the muscles, Shi Buyi instantly stopped the spear by controlling his muscles and clenched on it tightly.


  Gu Hongzi shouted loudly, he clenched the spear with two hands and pushed Shi Buyi backward with all his might. Feathers appeared behind him and formed into a pair of wings that fluttered quickly as he tried to pierced through Shi Buyi’s body.

  The monster overlord was spurting out blood from his mouth, they were shot out like arrows and perforated Gu Hongzi’s mortal body.

  Gu Hongzi’s wings slashed forward like rolling wheels. In an instant, the two of them were covered in each other’s blood.

  Shi Buyi opened his mouth wide and roared, Gu Hongzi was pushed back and fell to the ground.

  Shi Buyi held on the serpent spear in an attempt to pull it out. However, a Xiang Dragon dashed over and rammed right on the spear, Shi Buyi spurted out another mouthful of blood. Just as the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons were going to be slashed down and kill Long Yue, the two venomous fangs flew over and caused the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons to give up on Long Yue so as to block the venomous fangs.

  Long Yue who turned into the Xiang Dragon pushed forward and suddenly, the tip of the serpent spear pierced through to the back of Shi Buyi!

  Shi Buyi staggered as he moved, just right at that instant, the dragon-like Yin Yang Qi seized the chance and soared around Shi Buyi’s mortal body. They clawed and swung their tails on his muscles, destroying one part of his body after another.

  Shi Buyi’s flaw wasn’t on a fixed point, it was the point where his blood essence was concentrate, and that point would move around his body. In order to injure him gravely, they would to find the flaw and attack it.

  Zhong Yue’s Yin Yang Qi was exactly striking on the point where his flaws were at.

  Shi Buyi’s mortal body was stunned, cracks came within his body and blood spurted out of the wounds like a fountain.

  Meanwhile, Feng Wuji suddenly laughed in a little pavilion located a few thousand miles away. He stood up and flew toward the battlefield while mumbling, “It’s time. Shi Buyi is going to die by his own hands! And this Zhong Yue and Gu Hongzi are also on the verge of dying as well, it won’t take much to kill them now.”

  Although he seemed to be flying slowly, he was actually fast like the lightning traveling toward the battlefield, he was mumbling in a gentle smile, “Biggest winner, this is exactly what I call the biggest winner…”

  At the moment Shi Buyi’s mortal body was stunned, Zhong Yue dashed to the front of Long Yue. At the same time, Long Yue clawed down the Ming King divine eye on his forehead while Zhong Yue cleaved open Shi Buyi’s forehead and plucked out the Ming King divine eye from him.

  In Zhong Yue’s light wheels, an insect magnate flew into Shi Buyi’s forehead and entered his psyche ocean, crawling all over Shi Buyi’s Yuan Shen and entrenching itself within.

  Then, Long Yue flicked his finger and sent his Ming King divine eye to replace on Shi Buyi’s missing Ming King divine eye.

  Shi Buyi’s blood essence was disrupted, his mortal body and Yuan Shen were on the verge of collapse. But suddenly as his Ming King divine eye been replaced by Long Yue’s, his disrupted blood essence regained its balance and his wounds stop worsening.

  “You’re trying to control me? Shi Buyi was shocked and shouted in rage, he stared at Zhong Yue with a pair of eyes filled in killing intent. The monster overlord laughed in anger and said, “Zhong Yue, you dare to humiliate me…”

  With a change of thought, Zhong Yue ordered the insect magnate to start tearing apart Shi Buyi’s Yuan Shen, causing the lion monster to roll on the ground in the most unbearable pain he ever felt.

  “Shi Buyi, I’m lacking a mount. Zhong Yue was coughing blood out from his mouth as he said, “From now on, you will be my lion mount.”


  Whoa, what the heck? Shi Buyi as Zhong Yue’s mount!

  Chapter 539: The Emperor's Teacher, Big Goose |

  Shi Buyi was in shock, his intent to kill Zhong Yue brimmed through his eyes, but the insect magnate parasite continued to burrow itself in his Yuan Shen. As long as he raised any ill-intent, Zhong Yue would be able to command the insect magnate to tear his Yuan Shen apart.

  Zhong Yue stood beside him, gravely wounded but assured with confidence. As long as there Shi Buyi’s heart had any malicious intent, he would suffer cruel torture.

  It wouldn’t be easy to tame the monster lion, but thankfully, Zhong Yue brought back some of the bizarre insect magnates with peculiar abilities such as this insect magnate who could infect its victim’s Yuan Shen.

  It was Zhong Yue’s true intention from the start to capture and tame Shi Buyi. After all, if he wanted to kill the monster overlord, he only needed to bring the over twenty insect magnates and give them one divine weapon each. That was really all it would take to kill even the mightiest Qi Practitioner, including Shi Buyi.

  But Zhong Yue had his eye on the whole East Barren!

  “Shi Buyi, why struggle and fight back?" Zhong Yue wiped off the blood trickling down his mouth, he handed a few pieces of divine herb leaves to Gu Hongzi and Long Yue to help the two in recovering from their injuries. Then, he laughed and said, “It’s not a shame to be my mount. Not only were you given my divine eye, I will even teach you the complete【Monster God Ming King Art】, the one and only obstacle in your path to deityhood will be lifted and you will become a god in no time!”

  Gu Hongzi and Long Yue suffered grave injuries, it was only because of the divine herbs Zhong Yue brought with him from Swords Gate that they were well on their way to recovery.

  Shi Buyi stopped struggling, he gave a cold humph and said, “A monster god as a mount? I’d rather die!”

  “You sure?" Zhong Yue frowned.

  Immediately, Shi Buyi hesitated. Seeing that, Zhong Yue knew that the lion monster didn’t really mean it. Shi Buyi was selfish and greedy, something Zhong Yue had realized back when the old man battled with him.

  During that battle, Shi Buyi was reluctant to go all out with the old man. But if he didn’t, he would have lost his position as the East Barren monster overlord, thus forcing him to the edge of the precipice, eventually leading to his grave injuries.

  Moreover, the way he treated his disciples was evidence enough of his selfishness.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t exterminate the whole monster race nor will I overtake your position. You are still the monster overlord as before." Zhong Yue smiled, he said, “Furthermore, when you ascend to the deityhood, you might be strong enough to kill the insect magnate in your Yuan Shen and free yourself from my control?”

  Shi Buyi was moved, he was incredibly talented, not inferior to innate spirit bodies. If
he cultivated the complete【Monster God Ming King Art】and fixed the flaw in his cultivation technique, he would be able to strive for deityhood!

  After he become a monster god, wouldn’t it only take the snap of a finger to kill the insect magnate inside of him?

  Zhong Yue took out two flower petals from the divine herb and handed it to the lion monster, he said solemnly, “Don’t feel shame, I knocked my head on the floor and kowtowed to you as a disciple, and now you are here as my mount. We are now even. Furthermore, Long Yue will still be your beloved closed door disciple, at least to the world.”

  Shi Buyi sneered frigidly, he chewed on the flower petals as if it were Zhong Yue in his mouth. He raised his eyebrows and said, “I can follow your orders, but you will have to take good care of my fame and reputation.”

  “Of course." Zhong Yue nodded, he suddenly raised his head up to the sky and said while smiling, “Senior Martial Brother Feng, how are you?”

  Feng Wuji rushed over, he saw the three experts and Shi Buyi standing still on their ground and there was an awkward atmosphere that filled in the surrounding. He glanced around and saw them all, and although the ambience among them was still hostile, the fight somehow stopped.

  Furthermore, Shi Buyi didn’t self-destruct as he expected; and not only that, but Shi Buyi’s prowess and cultivation base seemed to be stronger than before. Although he was strong in the past too, it was like a flame about to die out. But now, Shi Buyi felt like a full moon brimming with full luminescence.

  A rising moon in its brightest and most flawless form!

  This was the sign of Shi Buyi successfully cultivating the Ming King divine eye, it meant that he patched the only flaw in his cultivation technique and was perfect ever since!

  Things developed in a total opposite direction to what Feng Wuji expected!

  “High priest of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race, you care too much of things that aren’t your business." Shi Buyi raised his head and looked at Feng Wuji, he gave a cold sneer and suddenly shook his head, roaring loudly. Billowing soundwaves shattered the clouds in the sky and crashed toward Feng Wuji!

  Feng Wuji’s face changed drastically, the Pan Ao heads extruded out on his neck and roared back. His billowing soundwaves took the forms of totem patterns and turned into two bright round moons.

  The【Pan Ao Whistling Moon】of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race!

  The two kinds of soundwaves clashed together and Feng Wuji muffled a deep groan. He was sent flying into the sky while Zhong Yue suddenly stomped his feet and burst toward Feng Wuji. He was in mid-air behind Feng Wuji, laughing wildly as he bowed and said, “Senior Martial Brother Feng, I been waiting for you! You think I don’t know you are an incarnation also in the East Barren? You can scheme against me, but I do the same to you as well!”

  【Worshipping of Gods】!

  Feng Wuji’s face turned gloomy, he swayed his body and turned into a three-headed celestial being, two Pan Ao heads and the one in the middle remained as a human head. His hands clenched together in front of him and the image of a three-headed Pan Ao gnawing on a moon appeared behind him.

  The two great skills clashed together and pulverized one another.

  Meanwhile, Zhong Yue already rushed to the front, he stretched out his eight arms and lashed out the【Yin Yang Celestial Demon Style】at the craziest speed possible. After-images of his hands could be seen raining down on Feng Wuji!

  This was a great skill he created during the battle with Bi Xie, it was a style of martial arts that focused on speed. It was meant to unleash the attacks at a speed faster than what the opponent could block!

  However, Zhong Yue was not the only one that was fast; Feng Wuji was also incredibly fast as well!

  Feng Wuji’s three heads began chanting, and skills were shot out from the Pan Ao heads. Every word and every sentence he uttered were deadly skills!

  The two of them exchanged attacks at an unimaginable speed.

  Shi Buyi dashed over and Feng Wuji suddenly turned into a three-headed Pan Ao in mid-air. His legs crouched down and shot him back out from the battle circle. Immediately, he galloped away from them without any hesitation.

  Zhong Yue and Shi Buyi were chasing after him, but his speed was incredible in the Pan Ao form. It would take some time to catch up to him, but by the time they could catch him, they would be in the West Barren already. the West Barren was Feng Wuji’s homebase, it was impossible to take him down in his own place.

  Zhong Yue and Shi Buyi stopped together, they exchanged a look and saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

  It was that moment that the four elders, Tian, Di, Xuan and Huang, had arrived. Qiu Jin’er Qingshan’s face changed drastically, and he shouted, “Senior martial uncles, Zhong Yue and Gu Hongzi have two other helpers, I will go and ask the three island lords to help!”

  He quickly bolted away and the four elders were left stunned. Suddenly, the clouds turned and formed the face of Shi Buyi as he said, “Senior martial brothers, capture the traitor Qiu Qingshan right away! He is a spy planted beside me by Feng Wuji, he tried to break the relation between Long Yue and myself, and he plotted with Zhong Yue and also Gu Hongzi to kill me!”

  The four elders were shocked, Chief Huang quickly asked, “Overlord, are you hurt?”

  Shi Buyi gave a cold sneer as he said, “Although they are strong and nearly took my life, my beloved disciple gave me his divine eye in the heat of the battle. The two of us are able to fight back the enemies.”

  “Long Yue gave overlord the divine eye?" the four elders praised, “What a loyal monster!”

  Immediately, the four elders rushed out in anger, their hearts were burning in anger as they thought, This Qiu Qingshan, a spy planted in the monster race by the Xiao Mang Celestial Race! This Xiao Mang Celestial Race has crossed the line, how dare they infiltrate our East Barren monster race! This Qiu Qingshan mustn’t be allowed to escape from the East Barren. His existence is a walking humiliation to our monster race!

  On the other side, Shi Buyi looked at Zhong Yue, his eyelids throbbed as he said, “Zhong Yue…”

  “What do you mean, teacher?" Zhong Yue said indifferently.

  Shi Buyi forcibly repressed down his anger, “Master Zhong, can I return to the Xian Kong Saint City?”

  Zhong Yue nodded softly, he said while smiling, “When you return, it’s about time for you to go into a closed door cultivation and pass down the affairs of monster race to Long Yue.”

  Shi Buyi broke into laughter out of anger, “You want to overtake me?”

  Almost immediately after those words escaped his mouth, the monster lion was already rolling on the ground and grovelling in pain. He quickly shouted, “Stop, stop! The East Barren will be handed over to you!”

  Zhong Yue smiled and said, “Shi Buyi, so long as you don’t disobey me, we will still be on good terms. I can still treat you equally but if you have even the slightest thought of betrayal, then I suppose there is no need for you to exist anymore…”

  Shi Buyi roared in his heart, he pressed down the anger in him with all his might and bolted away toward the Xian Kong Saint City together with Long Yue.

  Gu Hongzi watched as they left, he slowly furrowed his brow and asked abruptly, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, are you going to wipe out the monster race and conquer the East Barren?”

  It was true, Gu Hongzi often came in aid to the Great Wilderness human race, to help Swords Gate. But there was no doubt there was part of him was siding toward the monster race as well as he was a half human, half monster. Zhong Yue knew that Gu Hongzi would be the first to stand against him if he decided to annihilate the whole monster race.

  “Senior Martial Brother Gu Hongzi, be at ease. I will not exterminate the monster race. My goal is to just let the humans in the East Barren to enjoy a better life than what they have now. Senior martial brother, you and I ambushed Shi Buyi, your reputation and fame here in the monster race has been completely tarnished, why don’t you follow me back to the Great Wild

  Zhong Yue suggested, “Although you are a monster, a part of you still belongs to the human race. It’s about time for you to come back and visit the other half of your heritage.”

  Gu Hongzi hesitated for a second before he slowly nodded his head.


  Two silhouettes arrived at the doorstep of the palace. Inside, Shao Dian and Fu Bao were teaching little Xuan Yuan the ways of cultivation. One of the silhouettes knocked on the open door and said while laughing, “Senior Martial Brother Shao Dian, I came to introduce you to a good teacher. This is Gu Hongzi.”

  Shao Dian and Fu Bao quickly greeted them but Gu Hongzi did not greet them back. He was a prideful individual himself, like a freely flying goose that didn’t concern himself over others.

  Little Xuan Yuan was hopping over, the divine sword hovered behind him like a footman. He stared at Gu Hongzi who had the body of a human, head of a bird and a pair of wings on his back. Little Xuan Yuan was entertained and he hopped on the ground happily, while he shouted, “Great goose, great goose!”

  Gu Hongzi frowned, he looked at Zhong Yue and said, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, I never taught kids, nor do I like kids in the first place!”

  Zhong Yue laughed and replied, “Just teach him like how the old man taught you before. Well, you are free and have nothing to do for this period of time, why don’t you give it a try?”

  Gu Hongzi nodded softly, he said, “The old man was quite strict in the past, he will suffer a lot under my teachings.”

  Seeing that Gu Hongzi was such a peculiar character, Fu Bao and Shao Dian were worried, they thought, This teacher Elder Zhong brought doesn’t look like a good man, if little Xuan Yuan is taken under him…

  “A strict teacher trains a fine student." Zhong Yue comforted them from the side.


  West Barren, Xiao Mang Celestial Temple.

  Feng Wuji’s face was dark and gloomy, he pondered for a long time and suddenly, he sighed and mumbled to himself, “This Zhong Yue has really become the biggest thorn on my side. His rate of growth is too quick and his intelligence is not inferior to mine. His sharp intuition has been able to see through my plans time and time again. If he is given just a few more years, even I won’t be able to defeat him anymore…”


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