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Rise of Humanity

Page 799

by <unknown>

  Chapter 1138: Tigers Surrounding The Dragon |

  This young man was Consort Tian Si’s husband, Yun Juanshu, who held the Almanac of Six Paths. Hearing this, he smiled, “Senior Martial Brother Mo, I did not come to help, but to give you some advice that may guarantee your safety. I’ve been watching your fight with King Yi and now, it’s time you look for an alternate path as the battle is coming to an end.”

  Mo Yin’s expression changed and he smirked, “Senior Martial Brother Yun thinks that I will be defeated? Even if I lost, His Majesty and Her Highness will not be defeated! If they are still standing, then so am I!”

  Yun Juanshu understood what he meant right away and smiled, “Don’t be so angry. Let me ask you this, who do you think is more outstanding? Heavenly Monarch or Mu Xiantian? Is the Heavenly Monarch a match for Mu Xiantian?”

  Mo Yin shook, “I admit that Mu Xiantian outclasses the Heavenly Monarch and that Heavenly Monarch is no match for Mu Xiantian, but Heavenly Monarch is not the only opponent he has, there is still Queen Goddess!”

  “Fool, there is only one that will become the Heavenly Monarch. This is a fight between Di Ming and Mu Xiantian, so why count Queen Goddess in? They got together only because of profit. Without profit, they would separate from each other. If you know that Di Ming is no match, then you should also know that Heavenly Monarch Di Ming will not win! Mu Xiantian is fitter as a Heavenly Monarch so Di Ming’s defeat is inevitable!”

  Mo Yin smiled, “I understand what you mean, you are merely pointing out the existence of Mu Xiantian’s celestial and demon bodies and that Heavenly Monarch Di Ming is weaker. I believe this is no longer a secret and that His Majesty knew this long ago. However, Mu Xiantian is not the only one with someone supporting him, His Majesty knows all of Mu Xiantian’s secret and is on his way to destroy Mu Xiantian’s innate sacred ground, do you think His Majesty is no match?”

  Yun Juanshu shook his head, “You’ve underestimated Mu Xiantian, not you but also Di Ming and even King Yi underestimated him. Let me ask you this, Mu Xiantian is the disciple of which existence?”

  Mo Yin was stunned slightly and he said, “I heard rumors that his teacher is a terrifying ancient one, even His Majesty’s teacher is very wary of this existence.”

  “Mu Xiantian is the pupil to Innate Dark Monarch, the dark Deity King of the Dark Age.”

  Yun Juanshu said gradually, “What about that ancient one that sealed the Fuxi Celestial Race and banished them into humans? He annihilated the Fuxi Celestial Race, sealed their bloodline and banished the ancient monarch race that ruled an era for so long into the now human race, how is this existence?”

  Mo Yin’s heart skipped a beat right away and he said with a sore voice, “It is Innate Dark Monarch that is behind all these?”

  Yun Juanshu continued, “Innate Dark Monarch is not the only one behind the fall of our ancestors, there are even more scary existences pulling the strings. But the fact that Innate Dark Monarch is capable of doing what others could not tell us that he is more powerful than the other monarchs. Now, as the disciple that was groomed by him, do you think Mu Xiantian will lose?”

  Mo Yin’s head went numb and he murmured weakly, “You mean….”

  “What Mu Xiantian has shown you is merely what he wanted to show you. You saw his Innate Xuan Pin Sacred Ground, his Celestial and Demon Dao true bodies. But did you think that was all he had?”

  Yun Juanshu continued, “Even the Fuxi Celestial Race that possessed the complete almanacs stood no chance before the crisis, as for us, the almanacs we hold are all incomplete and we thought that we knew Mu Xiantian very well, do you think this is even possible?”

  Mo Yin turned quiet, he too, thought that they had been underestimating Mu Xiantian after hearing Yun Juanshu’s explanation.

  “Heavenly Monarch Di Ming had already lost when he targeted Innate Xuan Pin Sacred Ground, that place will only fasten his defeat.”

  A smile crawled up his face, “Which is also why you must prepare a way out for yourself.”

  “Senior Martial Brother Yun, you are trying to talk me into surrendering to King Yi? You work for him now?” Mo Yin smirked, “He helps Mu Xiantian, and he attempts to bring up a puppet ruler, Yan Sovereign Jiang Yiqi, and use this puppet to rule over the human race! I will never surrender to him! Even if I must die!”

  “King Yi’s situation is a little different, I will explain to you when the time is right.” Yun Juanshu smiled, “I’m not here as King Yi’s representative, I’m here to work with you to fight him.”

  Mo Yin’s eyes lit up right away, “You want him dead too?”

  With a shook, Yun Juanshu rebutted, “Fighting him is helping him, as long as there are still formidable enemies out here, Mu Xiantian will leave him alone, the more Mu Xiantian needs him, the safer King Yi is. However, with only me alone, I stand no chance against King Yi. But with your help, we can hold him off and secure his safety.”

  Upon hearing this, Mo Yin’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief while Yun Juanshu smiled before getting up, “I will excuse myself for now. You best get yourself another route to take. It’s best to make it quick and avoid being stalled by the war, if Di Ming and Mu Xiantian are going to have a battle to the death, you will not be able to walk away anymore.”

  Mo Yin watched as Yun Juanshu walked away and he murmured, “Best to make it quick… Why is he helping King Yi? Could it be…. Could it be!”

  His body trembled under the great shock, I must get out before the final war in Heaven Court happens!


  Outside of Southern Heaven Gate.

  The gods from the Heaven Court looked towards the outside with an empty mind and shivering hands, as an army with no end marched forth, warships, chariots, fortresses, giant beasts, monarch weapons and siege weapons closed in steadily.

  The world’s strongest master strategist, Xian Tian Palace’s King Yi, has arrived with his army!

  14 of the Heaven Court’s 36 army divisions were wiped out, out of the remaining ones, five were currently under Mo Yin, leaving 17 divisions garrisoned in the Heaven Court, which outnumbered Zhong Yue’s men.

  But the majority of these men were nothing more than mere decorations, for example, the Yi Zhang Army, this army division was filled with those good looking members of noble families and they would only be dispatched when the Heavenly Monarch roamed his land.

  There was also the Tian She Army, an army division responsible for security, dealing with whoever caused trouble in the Heaven Court.

  Yu Nu Army, which was Queen Goddess’s private army, was an army formed from the court ladies in the palace, an army of ladies.

  The ones that possessed real strength were the Si Shao Guards, Si Fu Army, Qi Gong Army, Tian Qiang Army, Xuan Fa Army, Yao Guang Army, Kai Yang Army, Yu Heng Army, Tian Qian Army, Tian Ji Army, Tian Xuan Army, Tian Shu Army, Bei Dou Army, San Tai Army, Tian Li Centre, Wen Chang Centre, Tian Yi Centre, Tai Yi Centre, San Shi Centre, and Di Zuo Centre.

  Among them, the six centers, Tian Li, Wen Chang, Tian Yi, Tai Yi, San Shi, and Di Zuo were not real armies but divisions where the generals and strategists handled official affairs. However, to be able to become one with position in the Heaven Court meant that these guys were all outstanding. Hence, these six places were condensed with the top-tiered gods, making them powerful forces not to be ignored!

  But now, with Zhong Yue standing right before the doorsteps of the Heaven Court, the gods residing in the Heaven Court second-guessed their decisions to side with them. As for now, how many were willing to die for Heavenly Monarch Di Ming became a mystery.

  After all, the feeling of invading someone and being invaded was entirely different.

  “Order! Set up the tents and start praying!”

  Suddenly, the Heaven Court’s soldiers heard shouts coming from Southern Heaven Gate. Just as they were surprised by the sudden changes, gigantic divine wood ascended into the air, and right in front of these woods were the monarch weapons acting as
a defense to prevent any harassment from the enemies. Seconds later, the woods plunged deep into the dimension, circling around the camps.

  Countless gods took out a bamboo case following after that and opened it up. Suns started rising into the skies, shined brightly and raising the temperature around.

  Yuan Shen secret realms emerged from another batch of gods before massive objects flew out, turning into the parts of a fortress, castle, siege weapons, and towers, assembling in the air and in no time, they all turned into massive silver fortresses just right outside the Southern Heaven Gate. There were palaces condensed within this fortress, compounds, and watchtowers everywhere, just like a miniature Heaven Court!

  Heaven Breaching Fortress!

  Seeing this, the soldiers and generals of the Heaven Court all had a shock. Their expressions changed as Zhong Yue’s men actually cultivated the fortress into an item so that it could be brought around!

  In just a blink of an eye, a striking fortress appeared just right outside Southern Heaven Gate and delivered a spectacular impact to them all!

  The many army divisions quickly sent troops to the gate, but none of them were brave enough to commence an attack. Meanwhile, the many commanders and generals headed to the palace under Heavenly Monarch Di Ming’s order and they all shouted, “What is this Mo Yin? What is he doing? He continuously got defeated and now, the foolish Yi is here!”

  “Mo Yin is just a puny human, he must be plotting something against Your Majesty! Your Majesty, may I have permission to execute Mo Yin!?”


  The commanders were causing a scene and that was when another divine general came reporting, “Monarch Qing He’s army is marching at Heaven Court!”

  The commanders were stunned by the news and another one came reporting, “Monarch Yang Zun’s clan is coming right at us, with the monarch weapons and the name of purging the evils around Your Majesty, says that they are here to help Your Majesty to fortify your reign!”

  The expressions of the commanders changed and they scowled, “These two monarchs did not come in peace! They are clearly after the throne!”

  “Monarch Chang Sheng raised an army and they are on their way here from the Heavenly River! They said that Your Majesty had lost your mind being influenced by ladies and they are here to clean things up for Your Majesty!”

  “Report! Lilu Clan, Shuilong Clan, and Bohuang Clan came together, claiming that they are protecting His Majesty, saying that His Majesty is in danger! They are now requesting permission to garrison the Eastern Heaven Gate!”

  “Tianyuan Clan, Lilian Clan, and Zunhu Clan are trying to enter the Western Heaven Gate!”


  “How dare they! What are they even thinking!”

  Humiliated and angered, everyone present in the court roared and scolded these clans for their betrayal, but deep down, only they knew that they were all feeling uneasy at this dire situation.

  The arrival of Zhong Yue’s men at the Southern Heaven Gate drastically crushed the Heavenly Monarch’s almighty reputation, and at this crucial moment, if the many monarchs and their races did not show up, then there would be no place for them to take part in the war anymore.

  Hence, soldiers were sent out, surrounded Heaven Court, like tigers trapping the dragon, as the Heaven Court was now a huge cake that they all want to take a bite at!

  With a smile that definitely did not look like a smile, Heavenly Monarch looked at his angry servants while they were all acting so loyal and angry, he knew that there was a second thought in them all!

  “Rest assured.”

  Heavenly Monarch Di Ming finally opened his mouth, “They are all nothing but foolish thieves, they will all scatter if their leaders are struck down. All we have to do is take down their leaders and the world will be back to order again. Men, send news to the world, I will be challenging Mu Xiantian to a fight to the death right on the Heavenly River!”

  Chapter 1139: Hero or Coward |

  “Heavenly Monarch Di Ming is challenging Mu Xiantian to a deathmatch in half a year?”

  This news spread out quickly, not only did Zhong Yue learn about this, but the others also learned this news. In an instant, an uproar rose across the universe.

  This news was just way too shocking, the battle between two monarchs, one being the current Heavenly Monarch, the other being a monarch innate god. Both sides were now on horrible terms after the war had lasted so long.

  And now, Heavenly Monarch Di Ming was forced into the dead end, left with no other option but to fight Mu Xiantian head-on. From this, everyone could tell that Heavenly Monarch Di Ming had no more tricks up his sleeves anymore.

  “Half a year later, Heavenly Monarch Di Ming will be able to open the seventh secret realm?”

  Outside Southern Heaven Gate, inside Heaven Breaching Fortress, Zhong Yue was a little surprised. Back then, Zhong Yue crushed Heavenly Monarch Di Ming’s chance of opening the seventh secret realm by using the pressure coming from Mu Xiantian as a drive. Such a chance was beyond rare, and Heavenly Monarch Di Ming would have to wait countless years for such chance, not to mention the difficulty increased by fold when he wanted to achieve seventh secret realm with his queen, Queen Goddess at once.

  Would the duo be able to achieve the seventh secret realm in just half a year’s time?

  “Senior Martial Brother Zi Gang, where is His Majesty?” Zhong Yue asked, “Any news from His Majesty?”

  King Zi Guang nodded, “His Majesty has received my words, don’t worry, for too long he has waited for this battle. Now that Heavenly Monarch Di Ming requested a fight, he had just delivered what His Majesty wants into his hands. What I’m worried about is that Heavenly Monarch Di Ming has always kept a low profile so why is he doing this right now? This is definitely not his style, I fear that he has something up his sleeves.”

  Zhong Yue kept quiet and suggested, “Can His Majesty’s celestial true body head out? Without his celestial true body, it will be difficult to fight against both Di Ming and Queen Goddess at once.”

  King Zi Guang too, frowned, Mu Xiantian’s demon true body ascended as a monarch first, which gave it the power to seal his celestial true body. Without becoming a monarch, the celestial true body will not be able to get out. But with this battle just around the corner, how could Mu Xiantian let his celestial true body continue to cultivate?

  “Mo Yin is here!”

  Zhong Yue summoned the ancient ship and smiled, “Do you want to come and take a look at Mo Yin’s formation with me?”

  King Zi Guang boarded the ship and replied, “You, as the commander-in-chief of the armies, are brave enough to risk yourself, so what else do I have to be worried about?”

  All of a sudden, Zhong Yue caught a glimpse of Di Xiuluo, who was always following behind King Zi Guang and he had a migraine upon seeing Di Xiuluo. He did nothing however and proceeded to control the ship, sailing out from the fortress. Somewhere about five stars’ distance away, Mo Yin’s army was in a formation. They were setting up camps and their speed was still incredibly quick albeit not as fast as the Heaven Breaching Fortress’.

  “How secure, there is no opening at all.”

  King Zi Guang praised and he transmitted a message to Di Xiuluo, “King Yi wants to kill me just now, yes?”

  Di Xiuluo nodded softly and King Zi Guang continued, “Just as I thought. If I came out alone with him, he would throw me to Mo Yin and have him deal with me.”

  Zhong Yue arrived at about four stars’ distance away and continued pressing forward. Just as he was about to check on Mo Yin’s formation, there were innate gods entering his sight and enlarging quickly along with their terrifying presence.

  Their aura was so condensed that it turned into an invisible wall that blocked the thousand winged ancient ship. Zhong Yue immediately felt that they had rammed onto a wind wall, creating a loud crashing noise.

  “Such powerful strength… Sign of Nine-Five is really spectacular!”

  Zhong Yue praised befo
re he activated the ancient ship once again, cutting through the wind wall created by Sign of Nine-Five with ease. The Sign of Nine-Five, however, remained expressionless but they did not plan to stand aside. Energy started sparkling in their hands as they charged up their attacks but they quickly stopped for they saw Di Xiuluo standing at the front deck. The Sign of Nine-Five bowed right away and allowed the ship to pass by them.

  “Heh, Senior Martial Brother Di seems to hold quite a high position.”

  Zhong Yue smiled, “Even the Sign of Nine-Five had to bow before you.”

  Di Xiuluo, on the other hand, still kept a cool expression and not a single word was spoken.

  King Zi Guang smiled, “That’s who he is, please don’t get angry at him, King Yi.”

  Meanwhile, a warship ascended into the air with Mo Yin onboard and Zhong Yue bowed, “Mister Mo.”

  “Mister Yi.” greeted Mo Yin, “What do you think of my formation?”

  Zhong Yue praised, “Like a spiderweb, like a web, layer after layer, deep like the abyss, dangerous like the volcano, solid like the mountain, one part moves, and everything follows suit instantly, it really is gorgeous. But, heh, there is always a but to everything, not even this can help you, for the Heaven Court’s reign is coming to an end, there is nothing you can do. In the near future, everything you built right here, your men, your formation, will all fall before my stampede.”

  His words provoked the generals under Mo Yin, but when they wanted to attack, Mo Yin halted them, “Have you forgotten that the five great monarch spirits failed to defeat King Yi? There is nothing you can do about him. King Yi, you are here to take a look at my formation and here it is, lying right before you. Half a year later, however, you will know who is the final winner when Mu Xiantian dies. I’ve already prepared a perfect position for you, it will only be yours if you surrender, King Yi.”

  Zhong Yue burst out laughing, “Mister Mo, how about that stone tablet that you prepared for me several times? Will I be able to see it half a year later?”


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