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Marriage by Proxy

Page 19

by Cathy Duke

  Arden galloped behind Jeb who was also in a hurry to reach Sarah's House. His rage ran its course and he started to feel the relief of knowing Amy was alive and safe. Time to be thankful and calm his nerves. He would be no use to Amy in an uncontrollable rage. But it was a trial. One that took all his reserves. Rage was not common to Arden and he did not like the emotion. It left one empty, with little control and, as he reasoned, it was not productive whatsoever. It distracted him from reason and reasoning was crucial at this time.

  Arden trusted Sarah. His brother had sold the property to her and she turned out to be a good neighbor. She had saved many a lost soul. He discovered that Sarah did not have as many male customers as one would think. She was more a mother and protector of wayward young women. He found himself giving anonymous gifts to help now and again. Once he sent a carriage and horses that he was retiring for a new carriage he had purchased with his family crest on it. Of course, Sarah knew these things were from him, but did not want to embarrass him with too many thank yous. It became a joke between them. Sarah and her girls raised their own vegetables, knit, embroidered, cooked and taught each other history, writing and reading. Some married and left and others were content to stay. They were like a family.

  Arden experienced a rush of happiness. Like a moment in time where life felt perfect. A small instance generated such intense giddiness that a man could shout. But instead he rode his large stallion faster toward Sarah's House. Since galloping was not conducive to conversation, the silence was welcomed. Both men seemed to have a lot to think about. As the horses tired and they slowed their pace, Arden pulled alongside of Jeb.

  “You are a third son of a Viscount and educated. Why settle for the life of a body guard?” Arden asked. Arden made it his business to know all about Sarah's House and its inhabitants.

  Jeb turned and gazed at Arden for several moments as if deciding how to proceed with an answer. “I am surprised you would think there is some value in being a third son to a title. I have the luxury to do as I please. I like it that way.”

  “I was the second son to a Duke and had the same philosophy until I was yanked from my chosen vocation with little ceremony to honor my duty. I was of no consequence to any of my family until the moment I was needed to carry the line.”

  Jeb nodded his understanding. “Titles. A burden in my opinion. I am over five decades old. There is little chance I will carry a title.” He smiled then. “I came to Sarah's House to satisfy an itch…” He laughed in thought of it. “But Sarah needed some help and I've decided to stay.”

  “You love her.” Arden stated hardly loud enough to be heard.

  Jeb at first appeared to be surprised and then finally nodded. “I guess I kind of do. She isn't a bad sort. I've watched her with the girls. She is good to them. I remember one girl…named Lizzy. She wanted to go to a girl's school. Sarah sent her to one. Paid all the cost. She has a heart…Sarah is unique to say the least.”

  “Why don't you marry her?” Arden glanced at Jeb for a response.

  “She has a bad opinion of men in case you haven't noticed.”

  “Surely not you, my friend.” Arden said.

  Jeb smiled. “Maybe…not me,” he chuckled as they urged their mounts on. “She has on occasion looked at me. I mean really looked at me. There is some interest I think, but I do not press things. Better to let things come as they may…naturally.”


  Millie sipped her perfectly prepared tea and smiled at Bea. “I have much to be happy about. I am most fortunate to have found true friendship with Amy, a very pleasant and satisfying situation as a companion…”

  “But what of love, children…your own family?” Bea asked taking another cake from the platter. “Every woman has needs…”

  “Until several hours ago, I had no family I knew of. I have little prospects for marriage unless perhaps a vicar or…”

  “Nonsense, child. I would sponsor you for a season in London.”

  “But that would be ridiculous. I am not a lady by London's standards.”

  “You are my daughter by my first marriage,” Bea insisted putting her empty cup down on the tray.

  “You said yourself that your parents covered that up…what would it sound like to have a mysterious daughter show up from America, of all places? From what I understand the ton is not very forgiving.”

  “You underestimate my power, my dear. The ton has leadership…let us just say…I have influence. There is no reason not to give my daughter all advantages within my power. I have not had that privilege until this moment. You have suffered greatly for not having protection from those who were responsible for your birth. I cannot let that go.” Bea starred at Millie as if to challenge her.

  Then she smiled. “Ah, to be young again. You are so beautiful Millie.” Then she laughed. “What am I saying? You look like me. Am I not beautiful…for my age, that is?” She shook her head as she watched for Millie's reaction.

  Millie seemed confused and dazed by all that was going on. It was just too much. This woman was so confident and vivacious. How could she be related to someone so certain of herself?

  Millie had never even dreamed of what her mother was suggesting. It was so far beyond what seemed reasonable to her. Coming out meant new gowns, parties, balls and courting young eligible men…even titled men. Rats. What to do? “You have caught me at a bad moment. With Amy missing, I can't even think about myself,” she whispered under her breath. “There is so much to think about.”

  “Do forgive me, child. I was selfish myself speaking of such things when your dear friend is in trouble. Please…we will speak of this another time. That was so distasteful of me. I am embarrassed. Please forgive me.”

  “No. Please do not be embarrassed. I do hope we can always be honest with each other.” With that, mother and daughter hugged each other.


  Bradley caught up to Gavin and they rode side by side for several miles before speaking. It was cloudy and overcast. An icy breeze promised snow. Both men buttoned their coats and tightened their wool scarves around their necks. Their hands were protected by leather gloves.

  “That is quite a likeness you recognized. That would be difficult to ignore.” Gavin said glancing at Bradley. Bradley's golden blond windblown hair gave him an unkempt appearance. His beard was heavy after two days, disproving the assumption that blonds had less facial hair. Bradley gave a wide tooth-filled grin that made him look boyish for his thirty years. His white teeth were part of his perfect smile that had women fanning themselves.

  “It was quite a shock I can tell you. I guess I made a fool of myself staring at the unsuspecting woman, but I admit I was confused and troubled by the resemblance. It was my hope to be there at Brightmore Manor to introduce you to each other, however, this…”

  “No need to explain. I was glad I was here to help. Gave me an opportunity to show off a bit with my tracking skills. Good to see I haven't lost my touch.”

  “I am very happy to have Amy safely found. Arden is quite attached to his new wife.”

  Gavin glanced at Bradley in thoughtful consideration. “As it should be, Bradley. Culture and custom has the titled marrying for money, position and power. It makes for a disappointing life sometimes. I hope you will decide to marry for love. I have nothing to regret. Love makes life interesting.”

  I am not even thinking of marriage at this time. There is too much I have yet to do.”

  “It can include love my boy. No need to rule that out.”

  “That is because you are in love with your wife. It is easy for you to say these things.”


  “What do you think of Millie, Uncle? She is beautiful is she not?”

  “What a silly question to ask me, my boy. She is the living double of my beloved wife.” They both laughed.


  Jeb and Arden pulled up in the front of Sarah's House. A young boy ran out to take the reins of their horses.

  “Thanks To
by. Take good care of Duke Brightmore's fine horse.”

  “Yes, sir.” Toby eagerly said as he walked the horses to their stables adjacent to the house.

  “Come. I will get Sarah for you,” Jeb said as they climbed the steps to the front door. The door opened and Sarah stood there assessing her visitor.

  “Ah. Your Grace. It has been some time since I have seen you. You must have been quite upset with the disappearance of your lovely new wife.”

  “I hear that Dodd is dead and buried. I curse him for depriving me of the pleasure of killing him.” Sarah nodded her understanding.

  Sarah ushered them into her entry and reached for coats and hats to hang them. Arden handed her his great coat and ran his fingers though his hair after removing his hat. It had been some time since he had been to Sarah's House and yet it was always clean and decorated in good taste , smelling of lemon oil and spices.

  “Forgive me for being rude and impatient, but where is my wife? I need to assure myself that not one hair on her head is harmed.”

  Sarah smiled. “Ah. A love match. I admire those when I see them.” See looked in the direction of the stairs. “She is resting…room five. Oh, and Your Grace, do not be alarmed. She has some bruises. ”

  Arden cursed under his breath. “The wretch.”

  Arden wasted no time taking two stairs at a time hearing Sarah chuckle as he did. His heart was pounding nearly out of his chest. He imagined all kinds of things and nothing would calm him but seeing Amy unharmed. When he stepped onto the second floor landing he looked for room number five. One, two…it was down the hall near the end. Then there it was. He only paused a moment…no knocking…just burst into the room unannounced. Then he saw her and his mouth hung open in surprise. A gasp escaped his month and then he closed his mouth and a bemused smile turned his sensual lips up just a notch.

  Arden closed the door gently and turned the key in the lock and then took another look at his innocent wife. His gaze was intense on her as if he could capture her soul.

  Amy was on her knees in the middle of the bed. She wore her long white blonde hair down where it waved and curved all the way to her waist. She wore a red corset laced in the front with black laces that were cinched too tight. Her ample breasts were spilling over the laced trimmed top. Although Arden admired the erotic poise and costume, he immediately noticed her bruises and a frown conflicted with the other emotions crossing his face. Amy shook her head slightly back and forth as if telling him not to look at the bruises. She wanted his attention elsewhere and would accept no less. He buried his anger for later. She reached one arm out asking him to join her on the bed. Her expression was inviting him to come to her. The veneer of his control was nearly broken.

  Arden stood before the bed dirty, unshaven and confused. His wife was a siren. He had never thought of her this way…so exotic, sensual and wanton. Lust over took all reason as he advanced toward her.

  “Arden. I need you. I have thought a thousand times how much I would thank God to be in your arms again…safe…loved and treasured by you. How fortunate I am to have my wish come true.” She whispered in a throaty voice that caused his breath that he held to exhale. Tears were swimming in her eyes. They were tears of happiness. She was grateful to be alive and to have the opportunity to tell Arden of her love for him.

  Arden noticed a confidence in her sexuality that had not existed before and although he mourned the innocent girl he married, this new Amy was intriguing and desirable in a way that shot fireworks into his unsuspecting brain. He leaned over the bed and with one finger gently traced a bruise along her temple as if to erase it with a magic touch. His finger crossed her full lips as she kissed that finger watching his face for some clue of what he was thinking.

  “Oh, Amy, my love. How I have worried for you.” His hand reached for her neck and pulled her head in for a gently brushing of the lips. “I was out of my mind with anguish at the mere though that Dodd had you…and what he was doing to you. Did he force you to….” Arden's voice was a mere whisper as if he was afraid to say any of this too loudly. Spoil the moment perhaps.

  “No. Luckily I was spared that. He was demented and not of a right mind. I was only victim of his anger. I am fine and well cared for. You must not worry any further over this, Arden. I want to forget it too. It is not a pleasant memory I care to treasure,” she responded.

  He nodded his agreement as he reached in for another kiss. His lips were like velvet, and he was in no hurry to rush the moment. It was fragile and he didn't want to scare her from her wanton attempts at seduction. She was taking the lead and he wanted to encourage her. Playing the role of harlot was driving him mad with lust. He must control his urges. He must allow her some freedom to explore.

  Her eyes were filled with lust for him and she seemed ravenous for his love. Not so surprising with what she had been though. Wanting to put another memory in place to distract. Arden followed her lead. He wanted to hold her, feel her body against his and make everything right again for her. He had failed to protect her and even though he was feeling that guilt, he was distracted by her sensuality and her sexual invitation. Amy had done nothing but support him and worry about him, for bloody sakes. To have someone care for his well-being was new to him and brought a burst of happiness to his mood.

  The fire in the fireplace crackled and a log dropped. A light steady rain tapped on the window in a rhythm sounding like a clock ticking. It was cozy in the room and Amy was a miracle. Arden decided there was too much heat between them and he would not be able to take this slow. Was he crazy?

  Arden slipped his waist coat off and without looking or turning around, slung it on a chair behind them. Next he untied his cravat and it followed the waist coat. He pulled his white shirt off over his head. His broad chest, sprinkled with dark hair, caught her attention and her fingers were suddenly stroking his chest in a circular motion.

  He was tanned from his time outside, his chest muscular and defined in a way that sent her pulse racing. She wasted no time in touching his skin and caressing his chest, settling her hands on his broad shoulders. Her pale hands were small compared to his tanned broad shoulders. She pulled him toward her and rested her head on his chest. She could hear is heart beating. A huge sigh escaped her lips. This felt so right. It felt good to be wrapped in his warm tender embrace. He held her close to his body and gently rubbed her back in comfort. She placed a kiss on his chest.

  Arden kissed her neck behind her ear, and continued a slow path down her throat using his tongue to swirl the soft skin before placing a gentle kiss. When he reached the lace of her corset, he slowly unlaced the front and pulled it apart to expose her breasts. They were perfect. They filled his large hands.

  Then something magical happened. Heat speared both of them with intense need and lust. Amy was working at his britches trying to take them off as Arden was ridding Amy of her corset. Their hands worked feverishly as they both panted in their efforts to rid themselves of their clothing. Everything got quiet for one instant when they both found themselves naked. Neither took a breath. It was an incredible moment suspended in time. When Amy broke the suspended moment reaching her hand out to touch Arden's chest, he grabbed both her wrists and pulled them above her head and held them there with one hand. With the other he gave a slight push to land her on the mattress with his body following. With her hands restrained above her, she struggled to set herself free so that she could touch him. But he would have none of it. He slowly moved his head back and forth to signal “no.” He was now in control.

  Arden looked down into her expressive face. Amy was flushed a bright pink. He smiled but her expression did not waiver. Then he tasted her breast, licking a path around her nipple that was now erect. He sucked on the taut nub holding her against him. She ran her fingers through his thick hair holding his head to her breast. She moaned as he grazed at her nipple with longing. Next he nipped the other one to give it equal service.

  “I can't get enough of you, Amy. You taste so sweet,
like peaches on a summer day.”

  Her hands were all over him seeking some kind of satisfaction she couldn't find. Suddenly it was a heated frenzy with both seeking each other's bodies.

  “Please, Arden…I want…”

  “What do you want, Love?” He held her breast in one hand and used the other to stroke her back, kissing her cheek, and then her mouth. “This? Or this?” Kissing her down her throat. She was squirming beneath him. Twisting her body to find a position that would satisfy her need, but to no avail. With her thrashing around, Arden was losing his patience, something he prided himself as having.

  “I need you now, Arden.” Amy used her nails to claw his back and show her frustration. With that he lost all hope for control. He thrust into her with no warning, experiencing her wet welcome. He moved with steady thrusts, his balls slapping her bottom with a regular rhythm that made her wild.

  “Oh, Amy…I cannot be gentle now.”

  “I don't want you to be gentle. I want hard and rough….I need it too.”

  That was all he needed to hear. His skin was moist with perspiration as his muscles flexed and worked with the steady beat of an internal drum. He was out of breathe and panting, as was she. He loved the noises she was making deep in her throat. They were half between a groan and a moan.

  Something was building and she didn't think she could bare it another second. Was that her voice screaming? It was quickly swallowed in a kiss as Arden's mouth covered hers smothering the sound.

  When Arden felt her vaginal wall vibrate with her orgasm, he could hold it no longer and his seed burst into her womb with a growl deep within his throat. He rolled to the side to let his weight off of her. He let out a deep breath laying on his back staring up at the ceiling. He put his arm beneath his head and turned his head to better see the woman that had just given him heaven on earth. Amy curled on her side and laid her hand on his chest.


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