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Ransom: Aces and Eights Motorcycle Club Book 1

Page 6

by Logan Chance

  “Why do you need our help?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “My father’s got a lot of loyal men and those of us who see the need for change are outnumbered. I sent someone to you to set up a meeting.”

  I smirk when I think of the dude and what we did to him. “We didn’t understand why he was there, and he didn’t explain it very well. I busted him up bad. Sorry.” I chuckle, not sorry at all.

  “Taking Fallon wasn’t only to get your attention. I learned that my father had plans to kidnap and kill her. I took her to protect her, but it doesn’t hurt that it got you here.”

  “Vince wants Fallon dead?” I ask.

  “Yes. He’s also the one responsible for Mick’s death.” Fuck. “I was kept in the dark about that, or I would have given you a heads up. Unfortunately, my father’s aware of our differing opinions. He thinks I’ve gone soft. Even though I’m the VP, I know hardly anything.” He shakes his head. “Only what scraps of information he decides to feed me.”

  “Where’s Fallon now?” I hold my breath, waiting for his answer.

  “She’s safe, don’t worry. We have her stashed at a safe house, and she’s being well guarded.”

  “You need to tell us where it is, now. She’s not staying there any longer,” I say between clenched teeth. “We’ll protect her.” My fist bangs on the table.

  “Yeah, you did a great job of protecting Mick,” Tyler smirks.

  “Shut the fuck up. You know nothing you piece of shit. Why don’t you come over here and say that?” Liam shouts.

  The shrill sound of Tyler’s cellphone interrupts. Glancing down at the screen, he frowns then answers. “Black here.”

  A myriad of emotions plays over his face as the person on the other end of the call speaks.

  “What the fuck happened?” He rises from his seat and begins to pace. “Find them now,” he barks before throwing his phone down on the table. His eyes close for a moment and his hands grip both sides of his hair, raking the long black strands back. When his gaze locks with mine he speaks. “Audrey took Fallon from the safe house.”

  “What do you mean she took her?” I ask a scowl on my face.

  “She tricked the guys and snuck Fallon out the bathroom window. Those assholes are half in love with her and think she can do no wrong. They never suspected a thing.”

  “Fuck,” Liam groans. “Now we have to worry about Vince getting his hands on both of them.”

  Silence permeates the space. We’re all lost in our own thoughts as we try to figure out how to get them both back safely.

  I click my tongue against my bottom lip twice. “Here’s what we’re going to do.”



  Fuck Tyler. Rory may be believing his motives for taking Fallon were pure. But, why didn’t he tell us? Whatever the case may be, his merry band of idiots lost her, so now both Audrey and Fallon are wandering around somewhere.

  Why the fuck’s that guy staring at me? I nod my head in Nate’s direction and flick him off with my finger. Nate and I never really got along, and I hate the fact he’s here listening in while Rory devises a plan.

  Nate pushes forward, his angry face making me laugh.

  “Come at me, bro,” I say.

  “Nate, leave him alone,” Tyler says from his chair.

  Rory huffs when we interrupt him, and I laugh again. Thing is, these girls could be anywhere, but if I know my Audrey, she’ll keep them safe.

  She’s not just a pretty face, she’s got the brains and know-how to match.

  Problem with Rory is, he’s too trusting. He believes Tyler and his idiots at their word. I’m a bit more skeptical. Still, it was Vince who killed Mick, and I will stop at no cost to kill him.

  Patrick and Rory continue with a plan that won’t work, when my phone rings from my pocket.

  I spot the caller id, Audrey.

  I quiet everyone in the room. Standing from my seat, I answer the call. “You ok?” I say into the phone.

  “Yeah, Fallon and I are heading to Keegan’s place. I figured it would be the last place anyone would look for us.”

  “Good girl, we’ll be right there.”

  I hang up the phone, sliding it back into my pocket. “Well, this meeting has been very informative. But, we gotta go. Fuck you very much and Merry Christmas.” Tyler seethes as I make eye contact with Rory. It’s nowhere near Christmas, and the summer heat has been killing us all lately, but Tyler can kiss my ass if he thinks I’m going to trust him today.

  Rory understands my silent words spoken in my glare and starts moving. Patrick and the gang get up as well, and we all head toward the door.

  “This isn’t over. I’d still like to discuss plans to take my father out,” Tyler says, following us out.

  “We’ll be in touch,” Rory answers.

  Thing is, we may need Tyler’s help in getting Vince, even if I just want to go in guns blazing and fuck shit up. It’s nothing my Kimber can’t handle. Or my S&W.

  I smirk to Tyler, shaking my head, as he runs like a pussy-whipped ass after us. Right now, my only thoughts are on the girls.

  We hop on our bike’s and speed off down the road. Riding down the road, Rory and I in front with Tyler’s gang bringing up the rear, Keegan’s house comes into view, and my heart pumps a little faster. We pull up in the patch of dried, brown grass and park our rides.

  Keegan rushes past us first, opening the door. The girls aren’t inside, and I see Fallon’s light brown hair first peeking from behind his shed outside.

  Rory is already off and running like the pussy-whipped boy he is.

  Audrey heads toward me, and her eyes mesmerize me as she draws near. “Are you ok?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I tried to stay off the main roads with her. We came straight here. It was the only place I could think of.”

  I grab her tight, holding onto her. “You’re a smart girl. Thank you.”

  Pulling her close to me, I crash my lips to hers.

  Keegan rushes everyone inside to get in from the heat. About twenty guys fill his tiny living room. I glance at Rory, and he must be breaking the news to Fallon about her father, because she cries softly on his shoulder as he holds her close.

  Poor girl.

  Tyler starts in again about his father, and I kind of want to tell him to deal with his own problems. But, the fact is, Vince came after our club. He brought this onto our turf by killing Mick.

  “What are you thinking in that big brain of yours?” Audrey whispers near my ear.

  “It’s not the only thing that’s big,” I say to her.

  She smiles, wide. “Oh, I remember.”

  I crack a smile and then lean closer to her. “Actually, I’m thinking of the best way to come out on top in this whole fucked up situation. Play the dead man’s hand and beat them at their own game.”

  “I like the way you think. Anything I can do to help?”

  Having Audrey at my side makes me feel like I can do anything. I’ve missed this girl.

  “Well, any info you have on Vince can always help.”

  Our private convo is broken up with Keegan suggesting we head back to the club.

  “Hey, can we come and continue discussing stuff?” Tyler asks.


  Better to have these guys under my thumb than to let them off running around doing God knows what.

  Tyler walks away from me to tell his buddies the news, and Rory and I exchange a glance. Yeah, things are fucked up.

  “Lo, I’m gonna stay here. I have that blonde sinkhole coming over,” Keegan whispers to me.

  I bump fists. “Sounds good, Hollywood.”

  Keegan wants to get laid, fine by me. The kid needs to get laid more often.

  Fallon hops on the back of Rory’s bike as Audrey pulls up next to me on her ride. “Race you back,” she says before pulling away.

  Oh, game on.

  Who do you think won? Of course I did, and if you doubted me, well, shame on you. We all pull into
the courtyard of our complex and park our bikes.

  Audrey wraps an arm around Fallon, probably to console her as we all head inside. I nod my head to Six behind the bar and grab a much needed beer.

  One of Tyler’s guys bumps into the back of me as he tries to get Six’s attention. I turn around and spot Jasper right before he elbows me again.

  I know Jasper, hell we went to high school together, and let me say…he’s a fucking dick. Always has been.

  “Jas, watch yourself,” I clip out.

  “I need a beer.”

  “You need to fuck off and stop crowding me, man.”

  “Oh, Mr. New President thinks he can boss everyone around,” he grunts.

  Six stands perfectly still, watching the exchange between us. Jasper’s beer belly leans over his pants and is inching closer into my personal bubble.

  Let me tell you, I hate people encroaching on my personal space. Unless, of course, it’s a fine ass woman, and she’s about to touch my cock. But, this guy isn’t, so I push his shoulder to back him up. “Back up.”

  His unibrow lowers, and his mouth turns down. “What are you gonna do, pres?” He laughs, a nasty noise which is more a snort mixed with a growl.

  Everyone else in the bar is hovering around the other end of the bar, some chatting with each other. My brothers are scattered throughout the room, but Rory catches sight of the situation I’m dealing with.

  He steps closer as I make a snap decision. My right fist connects with Jasper’s jaw, sending him barreling back a few steps. “That’s what I’m going to do about it, motherfucker.”

  He holds his jaw. “Yeah, I fucked your mother last night.” His crooked teeth attempt a smile.

  But, Rory’s too fast for it to fully form, striking him with his beer bottle on the back of the head. At the sound of the crash, everyone is on their feet.

  Jasper, however, leans over. This big asshole isn’t going down.

  I grab a fistful of his beer soaked hair and hit him square in the nose. Rory steps to the side as Jasper falls back.

  “Fuck you,” Rory says on his way to the floor.

  Tyler grabs at Rory’s arms, holding them in a lock hold behind his back. Rory resists, and I get one kick in before Finn has my arms behind my back.

  I spit toward Jasper on the ground, and Finn moves me backwards.

  The bar erupts into chaos as I calm a little. This is my club now. I don’t need to be losing my shit all the time.

  “I’m fine, Finn,” I shout at him.

  He lets me go, and I put two fingers to my mouth. Whistling loud, everyone stops shoving and pushing and turns toward me.

  “Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Tyler hang out with your boys for a minute. I need a moment alone with all my patched members. Prospects, make sure these boys behave.” I walk to the meeting room, with my brothers and other members following behind.



  We all take our seats, eyes glancing at the empty chair Mick has occupied for as long as we’ve been a part of Aces & Eights.

  Liam sits in his usual seat at the large, rectangular table. “Emotions are high with everything that’s happened. I think we all need to let off some steam tonight.” He drums his fingers on the wood. “We can regroup tomorrow when we’re all thinking more clearly.”

  “What about Vince?” I ask, a scowl on my face.

  He flicks his eyes to me. “He’ll still be there tomorrow. Fallon needs you tonight.”

  I nod at Liam. Hearing Fallon’s name is a reminder that I’m going to have to help her through this. If she’ll let me.

  “With Vince and his boys still on the loose, I want everyone staying here tonight,” Liam mentions, then rises to his feet. “Colin, give Keegan a call and tell him to hit it and quit it and then get his ass here.”

  “Will do. I’ll tell him to finish in 3 pumps instead of four.” He smirks while we all laugh. It’s just what was needed to break up the solemn feel in the room.

  I’m about two steps from the door when Liam calls my name. I step to the side and let the guys all pass by while I wait to hear what my brother needs to tell me.

  “I think it’s important that you know what Mick’s last words were.”

  Grimacing, I run my hand through my hair and wait for Liam to fill me in.

  “His final words were have Rory keep her safe. He gave you his blessing, bro. There’s nothing standing in your way now.”

  I shake my head, a small smile on my lips. “I never could keep anything from that bastard. He always saw right through me.”

  Liam chuckles. “Yeah, he did. He busted us on more shit over the years.”

  “Right. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he had bugs planted around this place. He always knew what nefarious plan we’d dreamed up before we did.” Crossing my tattooed arms over my chest, I glance at his empty chair. “I’m sure gonna miss his know it all ass.”

  Sitting at the clubhouse bar downing beers with my five brothers by blood and my other brothers by choice has always been my favorite thing. But now I’m realizing my priorities are starting to shift. I can’t keep Fallon out of my thoughts for long. She disappeared with Audrey when we first got here and I haven’t seen her since.

  Gulping down the rest of my beer, I slam the mug down on the bar. “Well gentlemen, it’s been fun, but it’s time for me to turn in,” I say, sliding off the bar stool.

  “Who’re you calling gentleman?”

  Patrick slurs.

  I give him a hard thump on the back. “Not you. Have a few more, bro. It’s nice to see you letting loose.” He drunkenly smiles at me.

  I worry about Patrick. He’s so controlled and orderly. One of these days he’s going to crack in a big way. I just hope we can keep the damage to a minimum.

  My boots feel heavy on my feet as I walk toward my room. Today’s events weigh on my mind as my hand turns the knob, and I push the door open. Flipping on the lamp, I’m surprised to find Fallon curled up in a ball on her side in the middle of my bed. Her face is tear streaked and the smooth cadence of her breathing is interrupted by an occasional jagged sob.

  Standing still in the silence of my space, I study her unimaginable beauty. Her long, light brown hair is spread out on my pillow underneath her cheek. Her full lips are relaxed in her sleep and slightly parted. Seeing her like this brings up memories of the last time she was in my bed and my dick twitches, wanting my hands on her again. I know that’s not what’s best for Fallon. She needs the friendship we’d developed when she first came here a year and a half ago, before I fucked it all up.

  Eighteen months ago

  “I know you want me,” she cries leaning into my chest. Her hands, tightly grip my shirt.

  I shake my head. “No, Fallon. I don’t. We’re friends; that’s it.” I pry her fingers from the white material. “We’ll never be more than that. I’m not the kind of guy you should be with.” I catch her hands in mine before she can touch me again. Every second her hands are on me has me weakening. I don’t want to push her away. I want to pull her to me and never let go, but I need to do what’s right for Fallon. I’m not what she needs.

  She’s new to this lifestyle, having just moved here a few months ago to attend college. Mick and her mother haven’t been together since she was a baby. Every summer Mick would take a trip to Montana to visit her for two weeks. He always kept her away from this lifestyle. Even now, she’s only here for dinner with him three times a week.

  “I can tell you feel something for me.” She stares up at me, her blue eyes filled with tears.

  Better she cry now, than later, I remind myself. I need to get out of this before it’s even begun.

  “I do feel something for you. I feel friendship for you, Fallon. You’re like the little sister I never had.” The words are barely out when I notice the devastation what I’m saying is causing her. I chuck her on the chin and take a step back. “I’ll see you in a couple days.” I smile and wink as if nothing is wrong, be
fore I turn to walk away. Fuck. I know this isn’t going to be the end of this. I need to do something to make her never look at me the same again.

  Two hours later

  I’ve been downing a steady stream of my old friend J.D. since my conversation with Fallon. I need to be drunk for what I plan to do. At least then I’ll be able to blame it on the alcohol and not my own stupidity or cowardice.

  Grabbing the hand of Sylvia, one of the sinkholes, I pull her down the hallway to my room. Her eager hands are already reaching for my dick, and we haven’t even made it inside. I don’t usually fuck around with the girls here. She probably thinks she’s special.

  I lean back against the door as her fingers undo my belt. I doubt I’ll even be able to get it up. All I want is Fallon’s warm mouth around me.

  You’re an idiot, I curse myself as she undoes my pants.

  I think about Fallon and wish it was her about to suck my cock. Now I’m getting hard.

  Sylvia lowers to her knees in front of me. Closing my eyes, I pretend it’s Fallon’s tongue licking up and down the length. I imagine it’s Fallon’s long, soft hair my fingers are buried in as she swallows down my whole cock and hums when I start to fuck her mouth.

  A startled gasp followed by a sob has my eyes flying open. I turn my head and find Fallon standing at the end of the hallway, a hand over her mouth as tears run down her cheeks. My mouth opens, but no words come out before she spins, running off.

  My head falls back against the door with a hard thud and my eyes squeeze shut as I focus on the mouth still tightly wrapped around my dick.

  This is the kind of guy I am.

  Gripping the back of her head I thrust in and out as she sucks me off with her talented mouth. When I look down, I wish I saw Fallon on her knees in front of me. Instead, I watch Sylvia moving up and down my thick cock as I fuck her mouth for all I’m worth. I don’t deserve to think about Fallon. When I come with a shout inside her mouth I remind myself that what just happened is for the best. Doing fucked up shit like this is what I do best.

  Fallon deserves a white-collar man who doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. Mine are permanently stained with the spilled blood of our enemies.


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