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by Jan Springer


  Jan Springer

  It’s a case of mistaken identity when identical twin brothers Josh and Jode Midnight, owners of Sexy Toys, show up for an erotic photo shoot of their toys with famous nude model Cammie Creek.

  Cammie believes the two well-hung hunks are the men she’s supposed to pose with. Usually she doesn’t mix business with pleasure but when they’re seducing her right in front of the cameras and delivering the best orgasms she’s ever experienced, she can’t resist turning them into her personal sex toys.

  Josh and Jode can’t get enough of Cammie—hot lust, sizzling toys and the best sex they’ve ever had. But how will she react when she discovers they’re actually her bosses and that they fell in love with her before they’d even met her?

  A Romantica® contemporary ménage erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


  Jan Springer

  Chapter One

  Devin Creek, Massachusetts

  Jode Midnight and and his identical twin brother Josh, new owners of adult toy manufacturer Sexy Toys, stared at the tastefully done photos plastered along the walls of their company’s main conference room. In each of the framed black-and-white shots, an alluring seminude dark-haired woman held provocative poses with some of the company’s original adult toy products. Just looking at her made Jode’s cock swell and push violently against the tight restraints of his pants. Thanks to the emotional connection they’d shared since birth, he could feel his brother’s similar reaction.

  Like a storm, it washed over them. An intensity to dominate her. A craving to double-penetrate her. To claim her as their own.

  It was times like these he wished they didn’t share this intense physical bond. It was rare that they responded so strongly to the same woman. As a matter of fact this woman was the first they’d reacted this sensually to and they were almost coming in their pants.

  Whoa. This girl is hot,Josh whispered into Jode’s mind.

  She’s a scorcher, Jode replied. Just looking into her eyes I’ll buy anything from her.

  “Who is this woman in all these photos?” Jode blurted to the office staff who waited noisily in the conference room for him and his brother to lay out the campaign for putting Sexy Toys back on top of the erotic toy industry.

  At his question, the entire room, all twenty of the company’s office staff, fell silent.

  “That’s Cammie Creek. She was the company’s first model. She was one of the founders too,” replied his forty-five-year-old assistant, Kim Jones.

  Sexy as sin. His brother chuckled.

  “That would make her how old? Forty?” Jode mentally calculated the age based on Cammie being twenty at the time these photographs were taken.

  Kim nodded. His mind began to churn with possibilities. Cammie Creek would be perfect for their new launch. Timeworn meets new in their red-hot waterproof solar toy line.

  “I want her.” And he meant that quite literally. He wanted to meet her. To kiss her. Take her pussy into his mouth and suck on her clit until her cries of arousal filled the air. Man, he wanted her so bad, he was afraid his cock would never be the same. He ached like a son of a bitch. Cripes, he was even perspiring and he never sweated under pressure. And by golly he was under sexual stress.

  Chill, bro. They’re looking at you like you have two heads. Josh chuckled into Jode’s mind.

  “Sir?” Kim whispered. Jode didn’t miss the sudden uneasy look Kim threw Earl, Sexy Toys’ elderly sales manager.

  Earl smiled back at her like the cat who’d eaten the canary.

  Instinctively Jode got the feeling there was some nasty history between Earl and Cammie. Just the thought of this man being anywhere near her made his protective instincts awaken like never before.

  “For the Red Line launch. I want her as the female model.” He needed to find out more about her.

  We need to find out more about her, his brother corrected.

  “She’s way too old for our products,” Earl said quickly.

  He pushed his chair from the conference table, stood and sidled in between Josh and Jode.

  Both Jode and Josh tensed as Earl surveyed the photos. There was something not right in the leering way this man stared at Cammie Creek. The elderly man’s short tongue licked at his chubby lower lip. His pale-blue eyes glared with too much appreciation at a photo of Cammie kissing the tip of a giant black flesh-like dildo. His satisfied smirk irritated Jode and he sensed rage bubbling in his brother as well.

  Why do I want to punch his face in? Josh snapped.

  Easy, bro. Take a number.

  Huh, interesting reactions they were having.

  “She was quite famous,” Earl continued. The smug tone in his voice seemed inappropriate. To tell the truth Jode didn’t even want this man talking about her.

  “I’m surprised you’ve never heard of her,” Earl continued. “But then again, the Midnight brothers were barely out of diapers when she was here lovingly stroking all those toys.”

  “We didn’t buy this business based on our knowledge of the history of Sexy Toys but on our experience in turning a declining firm around. Now who is she and why isn’t she available?” Josh asked in a commanding voice that impressed Jode.

  That’s what the Midnight brothers did. They were thirty years old and for the last six years they’d made millions purchasing faltering companies and turning them around until they made hefty sales again—and then they sold them at massive profits. This place was their latest project.

  “I said she’s too old,” Earl ground out between gritted teeth.

  “I said I want her for the campaign,” Jode said with a sternness that had Earl’s eyes widening with surprise.

  “She’s probably not even modeling anymore.” Irritation laced Earl’s voice.

  “Are you saying you can’t get her?”

  “She quit us a long time ago.”

  Interesting. With looks like hers, Earl probably made a play for her, Josh commented internally.

  “What’s the matter? Did she turn you down?” Jode asked, grabbing on to Josh’s idea.

  Anger flashed across Earl’s face.


  “She’s past her prime,” Earl stated coldly.

  “I could say the same about you, Earl,” Josh replied with a frostiness that had the entire staff sitting quiet as mice, their attention focused on the confrontation.

  Red flushed the man’s wrinkled cheeks.

  “We need a young, vibrant model for the Red Line is what I am saying and Cammie is washed-up,” Earl said in a barely controlled voice.

  Jode was about to tell Earl that he was a dirty old man who wanted a young, vibrant model so he could jump her innocent bones. However, before he could retaliate a light touch to his elbow from his brother reined him in. The frowns on most of the older staff members’ faces showed they were not amused. He needed to smooth things over and fast. This early in the game he didn’t want to lose their respect.

  “Sexy Toys is over the hill too,” he stated gently. “Our products are old but they are good. That’s why our sales are still good but they are, as you’ve been informed by the previous owner, declining. This place needs a shot in the arm. We need better sales to keep this company open and to keep you all working. With our idea of making the old toys going solar-charged, we need a familiar face to draw attention to us. In this case being old is to our advantage. We’ll get Cammie Creek to model for us.”

  “Good luck.” Earl guffawed.

  “Translation?” Josh asked coolly.

  Never show the employees you’re pissed. Our number-one rule, his brother warned.

  Fuck off. The guy is an asshole.

  Easy. They’re watching.

  Josh nodded. But Jode could feel his brother’s ang
er despite what he was saying.

  “I’m telling you she won’t give you the time of day, Mr. Midnight.”

  What’s his problem?

  Let me take care of this, Josh.

  Be my guest.

  “Are you saying she’ll be a challenge?” Jode never turned down a challenge.

  Earl gave a short laugh. “Hell, I’m so sure Cammie Creek will tell you where to go with your idea I’m willing to bet my job she’ll turn you down flat.”

  Now there’s a spectacular proposal. Josh chuckled.

  Jode could hear a pin drop. The people in the room were too silent. There was definitely some history between Sexy Toys and Cammie.

  “What you’re saying is if she accepts the job you’ll turn in your resignation?”

  Earl nodded stiffly, appearing to suddenly be not so sure of himself.

  “But I get to keep my company pension,” he said.

  This was too good an opportunity to turn down. Despite the two of them being new here, Earl had been a pain in their ass with his unbelievably smug know-it-all loud attitude. On a couple of occasions they’d talked about firing him but he had a damned good sales record and he really hadn’t done anything wrong except be arrogant.

  And an asshole, Josh reminded him.

  “Your offer is too tempting, Earl. I’ll take you up on it,” Jode stated.

  Surprise splashed over Earl’s face and Josh chuckled.

  He’s an idiot, Josh commented.

  Yeah, but the bastard has been with the company since the beginning. He has a shitload of contacts. He knows his stuff and we may need him to keep this company from going under. I shouldn’t have accepted the bet. I was irresponsible.

  It’s your call.

  Thanks for your help, Jode replied snarkily.

  You’re welcome.

  Jode squashed the urge to glare at his brother. Instead, he looked at another picture of Cammie.

  There was something vulnerable in her looks and in the sweet way she seduced the camera. There was an innocence about her that cranked up Jode’s protectiveness, despite the photo of her being twenty years old. She would have changed in the meantime, especially if she’d given up the strict regime required to be a model. But he was going to take a chance on her. He was so crazy about her or maybe he was just crazy, falling for a photo of a woman.

  Join the club, Josh said softly.

  “Okay, start packing your stuff, Earl. I’ll have the photos of Cammie Creek posing with Sexy Toys’ new Red Line by the end of this week.”

  Earl’s frown turned upside down a little too quickly for Jode’s comfort. Maybe the prick had set him up?

  “Not so fast, Mr. Midnight.”

  Uh-huh. Should have known this was too good to be true, Josh commented.

  Let’s hear what he has to say.

  Let’s not.

  Just relax.

  Before his brother could retort, Earl spoke.

  “If I’m putting my job on the line, then I’ll expect the same from you two.”

  “That’s fair.”

  Like hell. I’m not supposed to be in on this. This smells fishy, his brother complained.

  We’re in this together. Let’s hear what he has to say.

  Earl chuckled with that familiar smugness that irritated Jode.

  “Perhaps the both of you should start packing, Mr. Midnight. I’m betting Cammie will say no to a photo shoot and if she does, you give me the company. No strings. Free.”

  Fuck! His brother’s curse echoed painfully in his mind.

  Jode caught his brother’s gaze. His face went red with rage.

  Quiet. I’ll handle this, he chided Josh.

  Shit! What if Earl knows something about Cammie that we don’t? What if she’s some hausfrau with a shitload of kids and she is totally out of modeling?

  Jode gazed back at a photo of Cammie with a string of pearl-shaped anal beads lying across her perky breasts.

  “Was she a runner?” he asked as he cast a glance at his assistant, Kim. She didn’t look too worried. She’d been here as long as Earl and she must know something about Cammie.

  “Yes, she was, but we’ve lost touch over the years,” Kim answered.

  Where are you going with this? his brother asked.

  Serious runners tend to stick to it, especially once they encounter runner’s high. Running is hard to give up after that. Besides, it keeps one in shape. Am I right?

  Both Josh and Jode ran seven miles every morning before indulging in a high-protein breakfast at a local health food restaurant.

  Yeah, but anything could have happened to her in the meantime. She may not even be seriously into it like us, Josh warned.

  She’s a runner, that’s all I need to know. And with our combined reaction to her, trust me— we’re going to be a perfect fit.

  Damned if his assistant didn’t suddenly give him a slight nod to go ahead. At least he hoped that’s what she meant as she smiled along with that nod.

  Unless it’s her way of placating you and letting you know you’re fucking insane, Josh chided.

  Then we’ll have to move fast on this before someone tips Cammie off to the bet.

  He didn’t want to lose.

  But we do want to lose Earl, his brother reminded him.

  “Okay, we have a deal,” Josh suddenly said. To Jode’s surprise, his brother shook the older man’s hand.

  What the fuck? Shaking hands with the enemy, bro? he said to Josh.

  You know what they say. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.

  Earl laughed and then he shouted to the staff members, “You are all my witnesses. Remember what you heard here.”

  Some of the employees whooped for Earl whereas others frowned, appearing as if they didn’t think the bet was such a good idea.

  His brother slapped Earl on the back.

  “Good luck, my man,” he said to the elderly man.

  Earl looked stunned and for a moment his smile dropped into a frown, but he quickly smiled again and sat back down in his chair.

  “Wish I could say the same.” He laughed and looked at the rest of the group, an arrogant smirk on his pudgy face.

  No one fucks with a Midnight man, Josh commented to Jode as he went to sit on his chair at the head of the table so they could get their meeting started.

  Not unless a Midnight man wants to be fucked, Jode replied, feeling excitement tear through him at the bet and at soon meeting Cammie Creek.

  He definitely didn’t want to be fucked by Earl. Cammie Creek, on the other hand…

  * * * * *

  “What do you mean you don’t think she’ll go for it?” Jode snapped as Josh walked quietly down the deserted hallway toward Jode’s office. It was long after quitting time and everyone had gone home. The only ones left in the building were Josh, Jode and their assistant Kim.

  Desperation whipped off Jode and seared into Josh as he neared his brother’s office. Quietly Josh peeked into the open office doorway and discovered Kim sitting in the chair opposite Jode’s office desk. Her shoulders were stiff with tension and her hands were knotted in her lap. From the frown marring her perfectly shaped lips, this was the last place she wanted to be. And from the severe scowl etching Jode’s face, he didn’t like what Kim was telling him.

  “Like Earl said, Cammie doesn’t model anymore. At least I don’t think she does. We lost touch when she left here,” she replied.

  “Then why in hell were you nodding in the conference room?”

  I misread her signals, Jode’s voice echoed in his mind as he caught sight of Josh.

  Don’t jump to conclusions. Let’s just see what she has to say.

  Jode sighed heavily.

  Kim shrugged.

  “I was caught up in the moment. I was thrilled you were sticking up for Cammie and I was just trying to reassure you that you were doing the right thing.”

  “And the right thing is?” Jode prodded.

  Her voice lowered. “Cammie won�
��t come back as long as Earl is here. They have…a history. And I am sorry but I won’t betray Cammie’s confidence by saying anything else.”

  Like hell she won’t. She’ll tell us everything. Jode’s thought snapped in Josh’s mind.

  Josh tried hard to push away Jode’s anger but it wasn’t working. It slithered through him like an angry serpent. Their instincts about Earl doing Cammie some harm had been spot-on.

  “The only way we can get rid of Earl is to get Cammie into our camp,” Josh said as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

  Jode didn’t bother to look up. Hell, he always sensed when Josh was around, so it would be no surprise to him that Josh had been listening at the door. Kim on the other hand just about jumped out of her chair.

  “Why so nervous, Kim?” Josh asked as he came to stand beside her.

  “You startled me, that’s all.” She kept her gaze down at her clenched hands.

  Jode frowned.

  Something’s spooked her.

  You mean someone.

  Earl, they whispered in unison.

  “What’s Earl got on you?” Josh asked. Might as well get straight to the point.

  Kim’s face crumpled and to Josh’s shock tears glistened in her brown eyes.

  What the fuck? You made her cry? Jode teased.

  “I can’t say. I don’t want to lose my job. My husband died years ago. I have no family besides my two kids. They love it here. All our friends are here. This job is the best-paying one available in this small town. I don’t know where else we can move. If Earl wins this bet, I’m gone. He’s…” Her lower lip trembled so badly that Josh instantly grabbed a tissue from Jode’s desk and handed it to her. She dabbed at the sides of her eyes.

  “He’s one of those men…” she sobbed.

  Josh stared at Jode looking for an answer. His brother shrugged.

  Don’t look at me. I don’t know what she means, except for what I can come up with in my imagination. And those scenarios are all bad, Jode said.

  “It’s why Cammie left…or rather why she was forced to leave.” She blew her nose into the tissue.

  Forced to leave. I want to kill Earl, Jode growled.

  Back down. She’s on the verge of hysteria. We can question her tomorrow when she’s feeling better.


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