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Hero's Bride

Page 2

by C. J. Scarlett

  Yet nothing could have prepared him for the horror of being selected as Kabelda’s breeder. Maruvian queens were larger than the males and much more aggressive. The two short years he had been her breeder had been the worst in his life, for she had a penchant for cruelty that was truly unmatched by her peers. She’d visited every hardship upon him, including lashing him with little or no provocation. He’d felt the bite of claws tearing into his tender flesh to many times to count.

  Strong enough to take any physical abuse his queen wished to visit upon him, the act that damaged his soul had been her continual refusal to allow him access to his young. With a wisdom born of being her breeder, he knew why she was so strict in that area. His queen had a bad habit of culling the their eggs, destroying any she perceived as having the slightest flaw. Then she visited the same fate upon any hatchlings with visible imperfections. Killing imperfect young was a queen’s right, but it was an arcane and ruthless practice only embraced by the most heartless queens. She knew that watching her draw down their numbers would provoke his rage like nothing else.

  Such was his life before the three human queens stowed away on his vessel. Penny was the youngest of the queens and not of age to seek a breeder. The eldest was Alexis. She had chosen his brother, Drale. The strongest of the three was Helena, who had become his brother’s queen. Helena was the one who rescued him from the nightmare that was Kabelda’s reign. Though she brought love and tenderness to his brother’s lonely life, for Arac her gift had been freedom. Strange how the small human queen gave them both what they longed for the most.

  Images of the day Kabelda found her way to their new home world burned wild and hot in his mind. The small, defenseless human queens had stood united against her and her warriors. Though Kabelda was twice their size and armed, the small queens slipped through the thin shielding to do battle against her. Kabelda had expected a token resistance by the human female in charge of their new home world. What she got was clawfull after clawfull of human females breaching the shield. No sooner did one fall than another took her place. Their bravery in the face of certain death was something Arac would never forget.

  One had made her way to him and, once freed, he did the unthinkable. He promptly turned on his queen, sabotaging her battle shield and leaving her vulnerable to attack from the males and sentries. Watching as they ripped her apart, he’d felt such relief that his young were finally safe from her endless culling.

  A familiar voice drew him from his internal musings. “What dark thoughts run through your head, brother?” Raec’s voice sounded more curious than worried for once.

  “I was remembering the day Kabelda fell.”

  “Do you miss your mate?”

  Jerking his around to look at his Raec, he pinned the male with an annoyed look. “Never for one moment have I missed her claws.”

  “I did not mean to offend. It is just that after being bonded to a female and spawning young with her, I know how I would feel if she died in battle. Though Kabelda reveled in her power over you and caused you much pain, I thought some small part of her might have cared. It is that tiny part I thought you might miss.”

  “Brother, you must know that Kabelda did not show a different face with me than she did with everyone else. She had no small bit of compassion or caring in her soul to share with a male. I wake every morning and thank the gods she is too dead to harm my young or get her claws back into me.”

  “I am jealous of you over one small thing.”

  Screeching a laugh, Arac’s expression brightened. “It is because I landed a shot during the fight, is it not?”

  Raec gave a trill of amazement. “I did not think you had it in you, to harm a queen.”

  “For killing our young she deserved a worse death than she received. Still, I must admit to some anxiety. Such things are not done our kind. I fear Queen Carolyn will come to her senses and send her sententials for me.”

  “She refers to you as a hero and asks about your welfare often.”

  Becoming agitated, Arac moved back a step. “You have told her that I have no wish to be pressed into service by a queen, did you not?”

  “Have no fear, brother. She has eyes only for her drone. The way she stares at him, one might think he hung the moon and stars just for her pleasure. I have never seen a queen dote on her male in such a fashion. It’s practically indecent.”

  Relaxing, Arac stated teasingly, “You should not speak of doting females. Your beautiful general cannot seem to keep her hands off you. You no sooner spawn than she breeds you again.”

  His brother’s mood shifted in an instant. “Do not call my queen beautiful. She is mine, Arac. She wants only me. Stay away from her.”

  Flaring out his wings with indignation, Arac responded brazenly, “I think all the excess breeding is making you irrational. You know I have no wish to engage with a queen.”

  “She always asks about you and the hatchling you allowed her hold. I believe she is partial to the one you named after her.”

  “She’s human,” Arac argued back. “Human queens are nurturing. They worry about the wellbeing of others. That does not mean she wishes to mate me.”

  Throwing his hand around at all the young, Raec responded hotly. “How can she not be attracted to you? You’re a queen maker, like me. You make gorgeous, flawless young. Any queen would wish to add you to their harem.” Raec had taken a step forward and unfurled his wings in an extremely dominate pose. His hands were fisted at his side. Arac recognized the signs of extreme agitation all too well. Unless he missed his guess, his idiotic brother was about to visit violence upon him. It had been several solars since they last sparred and many more than he could readily count since they last had reason to engage in honest combat against each other. Such was the way of children, not full grown drones.

  Arac stepped back, opening his hands in deference, and folded his wings neatly away. “I do not believe human queens care for harems. I was reviewing the newsfeed and it appears most of the queens have elected to stay with us, but few have elected to join family units.”

  Looking confused, his brother’s anger clicked down a notch. “I heard most of them were bonded.”

  Tilting his head, Arac smiled. “They chose individual drones.”

  “That makes no sense. Why would they choose one when they could have a group tending their every need?”

  A growly voice came from nearby. “The pair of you know nothing of human queens. It’s truly difficult to imagine a more ignorant pair of queen makers.”

  Turning, Arac dipped his head slightly at the creature spitting vitriol at them. “Zadon, what occasions a visit by the queen’s private sentinel?”

  “I am ordered to retrieve you and all your young. You are to present at the palace immediately.”

  Shock tore thorough him. The queen had promised him that he would left alone with his young. Folding his arms over his chest, Arac responded stiffly. “I do not wish it.”

  Sticking his nose in the air the huge creature replied. “Queen Carolyn told me you would say such. You are commanded to present before the throne.”

  Raec stepped in front of his brother. “Why does the queen force him to her side after promising she would never require such?”

  “Queens command, drones obey. Sentinels are tasked with ensuring obedience. You know this Raec. Since when have queens felt the need to explain their every demand? Since never. Arac will come, now. He will bring all his young.”

  “I’m not breeding her. If that’s what she’s after, she can forget it.”

  Lifting off the ground, the gargoyle-like creature spread his massive wings. “You forget yourself, Arac.”

  Raec looked back and forth between them. A quick flick of his wrist later and his battle spear was in his hand. A sharp twist of the middle forced a massive blade out of each end. “I think it is you who forgets himself, Zadon.”

  As the beast moved toward Raec, another massive form slammed into him. They tumbled to the ground, all wings,
claws, and huge snouts. Two more of the large beasts landed, one with Penny on its back. It was so like young Penny to jump to the rescue without thought or care for her own safety. She had around a dozen of the huge sentinels at her disposal, as the House of Armon had sworn their entire line to her service in gratitude for setting them free. The three she brought with her were enough to ensure their safety this day.

  Rising, Zadon landed in a battle stance. “Armon, you dare to defy you Queen Carolyn’s orders? That is treason.”

  Penny lilting childish voice rang out. “Treason, smeason. Arac’s not going anywhere he doesn’t want to go. Now, run along and tell Queen Carolyn that Queen Penny said for her to go suck an egg.”

  Zadon growled low in his throat as three more of his line landed behind him.

  Arac intervened before things could get ugly. “Don’t harm Penny. I will obey.”

  “Good decision.” Zadon’s growly voice held a note of relief.

  Penny spoke up again, clearly miffed. “We’re coming too, so don’t even think of trying anything cute.”

  Arac stared at Zadon for a brief moment. The Golugua were an ancient race of creatures with an appearance so terrifying threats of involving them were told to small children to gain their cooperation with unpleasant tasks. Raec’s queen had once said they look like demons spawned in the deepest pits of hell. With their huge wingspan, sharp teeth and oversized claws, he couldn’t imagine them trying to be anything approaching cute.

  Penny flew over to him on a pair of small fluttering wings that no human should possess. It was odd and confusing to witness. When she landed, Armon’s young crawled from her back to her shoulder and perched there, blinking at him. Penny reached up, stroking the creature’s side affectionately. “You’re looking at me like I’ve got two heads. What’s up, Arac?”

  Shaking his head, he responded wearily. “It took me a moment to realize the wings were not your own. Why do you think Queen Carolyn wishes to see me?”

  Penny sighed, folding her arms across her chest. “I’ve honestly got no idea. At the risk of pointing out the obvious, you’re a queen maker without a queen.”

  “I’ll not breed her.” The words came tumbling out, though he’d promised himself he was going to stop saying that every time the subject of spawning came up.

  “She seems like a one man kind of woman to me. I think she wants to talk you into looking for a queen. I can tell you’re freaking out about that. Remember, queens rule at our leisure on this world. She can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. If she tries to force the issue, then one of us will pull her right down off that fancy throne of hers.”

  “Queens are not to be dethroned for trivial matters. Our world needs stability.”

  “Our world also needs people in charge that we can trust to keep their word. She said you could have your own place and that you didn’t have to take a mate. I, for one, expect her to keep her word.”

  “I will speak with her. Perhaps she wishes something else of me.”

  Raec spoke up. “If that is the case why force you to bring your little ones?”

  Penny’s determined voice cut in. “Armon, Raec, and I will accompany you.”

  Swallowing thickly, Arac had no wish to drag others into his personal affairs. However, since Queen Carolyn had asked to see his young, he would accept their offer.

  He turned Penny’s words over in his mind. As adverse as he was to taking another mate, he had not forgotten the beautiful injured woman from the great battle. Her lush body, long pale hair and heaving breasts had been enough to provoke his mating scent. She had danced through his dreams on more than one occasion.

  Arac shook his head, unconsciously trying to force the seductive little queen from his thoughts. She needed to remain in his dreams, because queens were too unpredictable to associate with during his waking hours.

  Chapter 3

  ~ Arac ~

  Music Mix

  Entering the modern palace, Arac marveled at the sleek architecture. A sprawling throne room covered most of the first floor, with a spacious reception area, private meeting rooms and, of course, restrooms. The palace was at least fifty stories high and housed the royal family in modern luxury.

  Wrapping around one side of the throne room were glass cases built into the wall, displaying a growing collection of Maruvian artifacts. It was pleasing to see the human queen so enthusiastically embracing Maruvian culture.

  The only time he’d seen Queen Carolyn she had been doing battle with Kabelda. The quality that stood out in his mind was her ferociousness in defense of her rather ordinary drone. Though she was clearly not trained as a warrior, she fought with cunning and valor. One could ask no more of a queen. Until now, he had considered himself fortunate to be her subject.

  As they arrived Raec’s mate, Helena hurried up his brother, all smiles and kisses. They were cute together, but not cute enough to make him consider taking a human queen. She wore the smartly tailored uniform of a general, since she was responsible for coordinating the different branches of military for their new home world.

  With the large number of people milling about it was difficult to get a line of sight directly to the throne, but Arac assumed Queen Carolyn awaited him there. He hated the idea of walking into her throne room, as it brought back all the abuse he’d suffered in such an environment.

  Pulling a floating hover board along, filled with his young, he endeavored to make the best of the situation. Arac had taken the extra precaution to tether his little ones to the unit, lest they fly off to investigate some curiosity that caught their attention. Several were sitting quietly, looking around. A couple were peering over the edge looking at the underside of the hover board. Yet more were flying around limited only by the tether around their small ankles.

  As they walked, he tried not to panic. Ever the protective brother, Raec asked his mate, “Do you know why Arac has been summoned?”

  “I have no idea. Your father is with Queen Carolyn now. We must go.”

  Steeling his resolve, Arac followed her lead. Soon they were sailing past dozens of curious eyes. Arac tried his very best to avoid looking at them, because being summoned made him feel conspicuous.

  As the bodies parted, he saw the queen speaking quietly with his father. Their conversation seemed amiable enough. The queen’s drone was at her side as always. The green-hued drone had several newly born tucked securely along one arm. Their hatchlings flew around the throne, playing wing hider. They were beyond adorable.

  Arac stiffened when the queen’s admiring eyes turned on him. He intentionally kept his expression blank.

  “Welcome, Arac. It is nice to see you and your young at court. Come, we have prepared a meal.”

  It was time for the high sun meal, Arac realized with alarm. Half the day had slipped by already. Pulling his young along with as much dignity as he could manage, he followed them into the dining hall. He was ushered to a long table and a dozen caregivers stepped forward to see to the children. It was considerate of their new queen to follow the old ways. Without assistance, there would be little opportunity for him to eat or speak with her.

  Arac pulled his most troublesome child into his lap and fed the hatchling from his plate as he waited for the queen to address him. He felt the same burning sensation in his wing base he always did when he was anxious. It made sitting uncomfortable, though the seats were backless, giving him ample space for his wings to rest without being crumpled.

  His father began the conversation. “We are pleased receive an invitation to the palace today, Queen Carolyn. It has been a difficult transition to think of you as our new queen, after being sworn to Helena for months while we were on board our vessel.”

  “We are fortunate that Helena brought you to our world. We were few and now we are many. You also brought over a hundred queens to our world.”

  “Being surrounded by so many beautiful queens is both pleasing and confusing for us.”

  Looking more pleased than Arac w
ould have thought possible, she responded proudly. “I am delighted that human women have taken such a liking to our drones. The Krylons, Shardon Clones, and Sylons are all making trade deals with Earth to secure brides. Our drones are the only ones fortunate enough to lure brides without resorting to purchasing them. Just last week, a group of five hundred Earth women pooled their resources to purchase passage on a Terrilian freighter to our home world.”

  The older man made a shocked sound. “We are indeed fortunate. I wonder what lures them to us in such numbers.”

  The queen’s drone spoke up. “I believe my queen sent gifts of thousands of tiny heart stones to her world. They captured the interest of their curious queens.” Arac studied him as he spoke. Igor was fairly nondescript for a drone. His huge wing span and variegated mostly green skin marked him out as being a drone from the lowest cast of warriors. He would have been considered highly expendable by a Maruvian queen, yet Queen Carolyn considered him valuable above all others.

  Vraden replied, “That was a bold move, my new queen. It seems your cunning ploy paid off.”

  “Unlike all the women that came before them, these were also drawn by the promise of having more than one male. On Earth there are so few males the majority of women will never find love. The thought of having a small harem of three or four males must have sounded alluring to some.”

  Helena added, “Women are all different. Queen Carolyn and I prefer one male in our lives. Some human women are a little bolder, I suppose.”

  Penny chimed in with her two cents worth, reminding Arac that she was still present and paying attention to his plight. “Well, I think they’re biting off more than they can chew.” Steeling a glance at the queen’s actionator, the look on her face turned interested.

  Vraden was quick to point out the obvious advantage to single pairings. “The more women who choose single drones, the more young we can spawn. Our world needs inhabitants. It is good they are willing to accept us, whether it be individually or in family groups.”


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