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Hero's Bride

Page 10

by C. J. Scarlett

  “I will hunt a huge herd beast. The golugua appreciate fresh meat.”

  “Great. We’ve got enough for a down payment on a shuttle. I’m going to meet with the traders tomorrow and then hit the mines.”

  “I will accompany you. Leaving my hunt until hunt tomorrow evening has advantages. If I bring meat late in the day, Armon will probably invite me to stay for a meal. Then you can dine with your peers in peace.”

  “Those two women don’t rule the world, Jax. I should have just ignored them. You have much right to dine as they do.”

  “We can always ignore them tomorrow, my queen.”

  Chapter 13

  ~ Arac ~

  Music Mix

  Vraden’s insistent voice was gentle and understanding. “I believe you are still in her heart. You would be a fool to give up on such a lovely queen so easily.”

  Arac sipped his hot beverage as the sun crested over the horizon. “Giving up is more for her benefit than mine, father. I have no wish to make her eyes leak again.”

  “You were moving too fast. Take your time and just be friends.”

  “If I could start over, I would.”

  “I think you and the human queen are too much alike. You are both set in your way of thinking.”

  “That might explain why things moved so quickly between us.”

  “I believe the ambitious young queen needs your help. You have two days until your parts are to be delivered. I suggest you spend the time wisely.”

  “She’s probably looking at shuttle designs with the tradesmen as we speak.” Arac loathed the idea of the innocent young queen being taken advantage of by the experience traders.

  “Unless she’s good at negotiating, they’ll eat her alive.” His father’s wise words echoed his own thoughts on the matter.

  Arac grudgingly admitted, “Perhaps, it wouldn’t hurt to offer her my assistance. If she does not wish me to help, I will leave her to her business.”

  “That would be wise.”

  Arac jumped on his transportation device and was on the tarmac in a few microns. Nosing around, he found Tara looking at holographic images of shuttles.

  “I need one with two cargo holds and a master suite.”

  “That’s a lot of space.”

  “It also has to be space worthy. I want something that can make small jumps to the surrounding planets.”

  “I believe you need a starship for that. It will cost you more but in the long run you will thank me.”

  “Beware, my queen. I believe there is a class of ship that may better suit your needs.”

  When she looked up, her face broke open in a huge smile. “Good to see you again, Arac. Come and look at designs with me.”

  The tightness in his chest loosened. She did seem happy to see him, and that small detail gave him hope. Stepping to her side, he murmured, “You may wish to look at C class freighters. They are the largest shuttles and can do everything a starship can except quantum jump. They’re more spacious than a typical shuttle and as fast as a starship. However, the price of a C class freighter is about half that of a lower end starship. There are probably several designs with spacious master suites and some even come with guest suites, for ferrying guests.”

  “That sounds like exactly what I want.”

  The trader pulled up all the designs for the smaller freighters and left them alone to go through them.

  Jax growled angrily. “You are not wanted here drone. You made my queen leak and for that you will suffer a long and painful death.”

  Rolling her eyes at him, she glanced over her shoulder and spoke to her overly protective golugua. “Please leave him alone, Jax. He’s my friend, and it’s not polite to make threats.”

  “I told you he was damaged. You never listen to me.”

  “You know that’s not true. You’re my very best friend. I give your advice proper consideration and we even agree on most things.”

  “Not on this.”

  “If you’re not going to help select a shuttle, why don’t you go outside and burn off some of that excess energy?”

  “Fine, but if the drone makes you leak again I will rend him limb from limb.”

  As the creature stalked out, Tara began flipping through the designs. “Sorry about Jax. He’s a little high strung right now.”

  “Yes. We both know why that is.”

  “Let’s talk designs. What would you purchase in a freighter, if you were buying for yourself?”

  “I would choose something with a spacious master suit with adjoining rooms for an office and nursery. I would wish to keep my family with me when I travel.”

  “Well, there’s no guarantee whatever drone or family unit I end up with will be interested in being on the freighter.”

  “Wherever you are, your males will wish to be. We circle around our queen. It is our way.”

  “That sounds real sweet. I need something with a large extra suite or cargo hold for Jax and his female. Eventually they will have young. I want them to have enough space to enjoy themselves but I don’t want to have to trade up for a while.”

  “I would suggest you choose a ship with dual master suites. The golugua were imprisoned in the belly of our battle cruiser for many generations. They will not like anything that reminds them of such.”

  “Jesus, you’re right. There are three designs with dual master suites, and two of the them have generous cargo space.”

  “I would choose the 9000E model. It recharges in a single pass by a star. If you chose to modify it with a back-up power source, it could conceivably jump from one system to another. It also has a well-designed water filtration system and extra tanks. That can be a real advantage during longer voyages.”

  “How do you know so much about alien ship designs?”

  “The ships in this sector of space are much simpler than most Maruvian designs. I was trained as an engineer and spent the better part of my life on a battleship. I suppose it comes naturally to me.”

  “Well, if there is one thing I’ve learned about you it’s that you don’t care for compliments. However, I have to say that you have a good eye for design and I’m glad you showed up today.”

  “Thank you for the kind words. We should make a bid on the freighter, so the tradesman can get on with his day.”

  After watching Tara haggle back and forth, Arac realized she had a real talent for it. The little human queen managed to negotiate the price right down to something approaching reasonable. She even got him to stock medical kits and throw in a small supply of emergency foodstuffs. All in all, it was a good deal. She chose to put the minimum payment down, which communicated that she expected prompt delivery and everything to be in order before rendering final payment.

  When she stepped away from the tradesman, she was glowing with pride. That he had played some small part in helping her be successful this day pleased Arac to no end. He loved seeing her glowing with happiness.

  He stepped forward to meet her. “Would you like to shop with the other vendors?”

  As they walked over a hovercycle, she seemed to be thinking over his request. “I really don’t have time or extra credits to waste. The only thing that matters to me right now is getting a shuttle under me.”

  Climbing onto a sleek new transport device, she looked up at him. “What do you think of it?”

  “It is a nice piece of equipment. I can tell you prefer quality over economy. This vehicle should last you a very long time if you maintain it properly.”

  Grinning, she replied enthusiastically, “I hoped you would say that. I bought it first thing this morning because I liked yours so well. We have something similar on Earth and it didn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Pulling out a safety helmet, she strapped it onto her head.

  “What are your plans for the day?”

  “Jax and I need to spend the next few weeks mining.”

  Arac interjected quickly. “I wish to assist you.”

  Shaking her head, she looked away. “I do
n’t think that would be very appropriate, Arac.”

  “You are allowing Jax to assist you. Do you no longer consider me a friend?”

  “I don’t know how to say this nicely, so I’m just going to come out with it. Digging in the ground for gemstone is exhausting, dirty work. Jax and I are building a life together, so the way I see it when he helps out he’s helping himself as much as he’s helping me. You and I aren’t building a future together, therefore allowing you to help would kind of feel like using you. I don’t want to exploit you in any way, because that’s not how friends treat each other in my world. Does that make sense?”

  “I have never heard of a queen making such distinctions. However, if that is your wish then I will respect the boundaries you set with me.”

  “Thanks for being so understanding. Most people get annoyed with my neurotic need to do things my own way.”

  “I understand your wish to be a decent being. It is commendable. I wish to gather gemstones for myself. May I come today or do you wish me to wait until you are no longer mining there yourself?”

  “You have all the same rights I do to gather gemstone. By all means, dig all you want. It will be nice to enjoy your company.”

  Nodding, he got on his transport and followed her to the mine. Hearing her say they weren’t building a life together had been hard to accept. Why that was, Arac couldn’t say. Their agreement had only ever been for a temporary liaison. Deep down inside perhaps he’d wished for more, but now they weren’t even going to enjoy that much. His verbal attack had forced her to pull back and reassess her initial attraction to him.

  As he was riding along looking at her hair blowing in the wind, something clicked into place. Tara was perfect for him. She was had a kind and decent soul. The lush queen was already predisposed to like him. His little son had started to become attached to her. Arac understood his little one’s feelings on the matter all too well, for the precious queen had unknowingly burrowed herself into his soul as well.

  Arac was young and strong. Why shouldn’t he do everything within his power to woo her? He had demonstrated his worth as a breeder and none could fault him. This queen deserved a queen maker like himself, for she was superior to the other queens in almost every regard. He would draw the beautiful female to him using every weapon in his arsenal of seduction.

  After arriving, he pulled over several crates and elbowed other drones out of the way. He did not care for the fact that they stood gaping at his female again. He ignored their eventual groans of frustration when they realized she was intent on working amongst them again. Assisting her down into the pit, he spoke soothingly. “Sorry, I don’t think my brethren can begin to understand why you wish to mine gemstone.”

  Waving Jax down to a spot in the corner, she shrugged. “That’s what makes you special.”

  Kneeling beside her, he began to dig. “I am special.”

  “Agreed.” Waiting patiently for Jax to dig up the dirt, she asked, “What need have you suddenly found for gemstone?”

  “I honestly have little need for it. I just wished to spend the day with you. Since you will not let me assist you, I will create a rainy day horde of credits. I am certain to find use for it sooner or later.”

  Grinning, she quipped, “You’re a hard man to stay mad at.”

  “I feared you would never wish to speak to me again.”

  “Friend have disagreements. It doesn’t mean they stay mad forever. I really enjoyed the food you sent to me. I don’t know how you intended it, but in my head I made it into a make-up gift.”

  Feeling some of the lightheartedness returning, he relaxed into the conversation. “It never occurred to me that you would forgive such deplorable behavior. I simply heard what happened in the dining hall and did not wish for you to go hungry.”

  “Jax and I stuffed our faces on them.”

  “It is my understanding that you gained the notice of a bunch of other drones. I’m grateful that you still find me interesting enough to spend time with.”

  Sifting through the soft dirt with her hands, she murmured, “You’re definitely interesting. In fact, you’re a pretty complex puzzle. I’m having a hard time figuring you out.”

  Feeling his spirits lift, he asked, “You wish to better understand me as a male?”

  “Of course I do.”

  Digging in his small area, he tossed gemstones into his crate. “Ask me anything you wish. I will answer honestly.”

  Dusting off her hands, she waited for Jax to run his large claws through the dirt again. “Let’s see, I’ve got a good one. If you had to identify your one super skill what do you think it would be? The one quality that sets you apart from all the other drones.”

  Pondering the question for a few moments, he answered with conviction. “Surviving against impossible odds.”

  A look of surprise jumped onto her face, prompting him to explain.

  “I was under Kabelda’s claw for two long solar cycles. She tormented me relentlessly, teased with the promise of release, only to double down on the pain. She deprived me of food and water and dug into me with her claws over and over again. Though I wished for death many times, I somehow managed to survive.”

  Tara’s hand flew to her chest. “I’m sorry, Arac, I knew you once had a queen, but I never knew you were favored by Kabelda.”

  “You think I was simply the one she favored among all the drones? No, my new queen. I was her only breeder, the one she used to slake her lust for domination. She touched no other than me while we were together. I lived in constant fear that she would kill all my young in a fit of rage or that her roaming eye would land on one of my brothers. To be forced to watch her do to them what she did to me would have been a fate worse than death.”

  Reaching out to him, her dirt covered hands grasped his arms. “That must have been horrific. Are you okay?”

  Swallowing thickly, he nodded ever so slightly. “I never thought that I could stomach being around another queen. Then I met you and began to dream of having a soft and loving queen in place of the one I hated enough to kill.”

  “No wonder you thought I wasn’t being honest with you. I feel terrible for freaking out instead of talking to you. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “You will not ask for forgiveness, when I am the one who transgressed. I will not have it, my queen.”

  Her lips turned up into a sexy smile. “I’m glad you’re calling me yours again. I thought you were kicking me to the curb there for a minute.”

  Looking down, he dusted the dirt off his uniform. “I did not think I deserved you.” Looking into her eyes, he spoke from his soul. “I sometimes still think I am broken beyond repair. Yet, I wish to have our temporary arrangement back. Being near you means much more to me that you will ever know.”

  Suddenly, Drale kneeled beside him. The smaller drone appeared agitated. “I am elected to tell you something important.” Swatting Arac on the antenna, he frowned. “You are courting your queen in a dirt pit and it is unseemly. That is the message from the other drones.”

  Tara slapped him lightly on the arm. “I don’t know who you are but you all need to butt out of our conversation. Arac’s talking to me the only place I agreed to let him. If you all don’t like it, go find another spot to dig.”

  Drale frowned. “I am Arac’s brother, Drale. My Alexis would never dream of coming to such a place. What is wrong with you, little queen? Are you unwell?”

  “That’s damn insulting, little dude. Wait, are you the one making the harvester droid?”

  Nodding, he asked. “How did you know about that?”

  “I saw it in your father’s garage. Let me tell you what I’m going to do. The minute you get the harvester droid up and running, we’ll start replicating them. Then I won’t come here anymore. How about that deal?”

  Huffing out an exasperated expression, he opened his mouth and then shut it. It left Arac with the impression he’d been unable to come up with an appropriate response.

hile, Arac and I are busy planning our temporary future together, so butt out.”

  Arac laughed at her absurd speech. His younger brother would certainly not know what to make of her. That he alone understood her antics, pleased him to no end.

  “You must excuse my young brother. His queen is very much like Queen Carolyn.”

  Grinning, she asked, “All fancy gowns and lounging in luxury?”

  Nodding, he leaned over to kiss her on her dirty forehead. “You are so much more interesting.”

  “When we’re finished, do you want to grab something to eat with me in the dining hall?”

  “I thought you were boycotting the dining hall because the women did not want Jax to dine there.”

  “Jax has other plans for the evening.”

  “I would prefer that you come to our home for dinner.”

  “That went bad fast last time.”

  “We understand each other better now. I’ll teach you to make the bread you liked so much.”

  “I can help roll it out and everything?”

  “I’ll let you share all my chores, since you are allowing me to assist you in collecting gemstone.”

  Her eyes fluttered up to his. “I did tell your brother we were making a temporary future together, didn’t I?”

  “Hearing those words pleased me greatly. It feels like getting another chance.”

  “For me, too.” Looking down shyly, she murmured, “The gemstone you sent me was really pretty. I’m going to keep it forever to remember our first day together.”

  Cupping her chin in his palm, he turned her face up. “Selling those gemstones was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I wanted to keep each and every one as a memento of our time together.”

  Arac watched her rise up on her knees and realized at some point she was preparing to make the human kiss with him. Though his mating scent was multiplying exponentially, he couldn’t seem to stop it or pull away. In this one moment, Queen Tara owned him mind, body and soul. It was terrifying and thrilling and wondrous when their lips met.

  Arac became vaguely aware that the other males were gagging on his mating scent and pride surged through his chest to know they were even now running away. Unsure how long the human queen had been in his arms, he finally pulled back. “We aren’t mining gemstone anymore, my queen. I fear my brother is right about this being no place for love.”


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