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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2

Page 22

by Maxim Jakubowski

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Good. Never come to me again wearing any other kind of bra. Reach inside your dress and unfasten it.”

  She reaches down and unclasps the bra, freeing her breasts, feeling the hardness of her nipples against the silk of the dress.

  “Beautiful. Now, what else are you wearing underneath?”

  He still hasn’t touched her. She tries to move over towards him, reaching for a more comfortable level of normal affection.

  “No, Rikki, stay right where you are. I want your eyes on mine while we do this. I want you to be uncomfortable, to find an intimacy that’s so easily bypassed by everyday sex.”

  She sits back down crosslegged, looking directly across the coffee table into his eyes. “Yes, Alex.”

  “Answer my question.”

  “I’m wearing thigh-high stockings, and panties that match the bra.”

  “Stand up.”

  Another pause.

  “Do it.”

  Rikki rises and stands in front of him. She begins to sway to the music, to follow the rhythm as he talks.

  “Lift your skirt up to your waist and hold it there.”

  He sits before her and watches as she gathers the full skirt up around her waist, exposing her ass.

  “Take your panties off for me.”

  She reaches down and slips off her panties, dropping the dress from her waist.

  “No. Lift it back up. And spread your legs.”

  Hesitating only for a moment, she follows his instruction.

  Alex lays her panties aside. “Here are the rules, sweet Rikki.” He finally touches her thigh, stroking gently up and down, never touching her pussy. “You will come to me twice a week, just as you did when we were working on your writing. But you will come in the evening, and you will plan on spending the night. You will bring nothing with you.” Trembling, she stands before him, as he kneels, stroking and examining her.

  “You will never wear panties. You will never wear jeans. You may wear any kind of skirt that you choose. When you enter my office, you will walk over and close the drapes, then come to me wherever I sit. You will lift your skirt, for inspection, without a word. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do.” The wetness begins to flow and she closes her eyes for the moment.

  “If I call you and ask you to dress some other way, you will. You will tell me erotic stories when I ask. You will make them up on the spot if I so choose.”


  “We’re going there, Rikki, we’re going where the couple in your end of the world story went. We’re going to where nothing else in the world matters but our desire for each other. No matter what it takes. And we will give each other everything.”

  His fingers are dipping into her slowly, withdrawing, coming to his lips as he tastes her wetness. He stands up next to her, holding her with one arm, and places one of his wet fingers deep into her mouth, running it around her tongue. “Taste, baby. Taste my finger.” He opens her mouth wider with the force of his finger, running it across her teeth and down into her throat, fucking her mouth with his finger as though it were his cock. Her head drops back, lost in the intimacy of a single finger invading her mouth.

  “Drop your skirt down, Rikki.”

  She opens her eyes in surprise as he withdraws his finger.

  “That’s all for today.” He blows out the candle, walks away, and opens the drapes.

  “I’m so proud of your winning that contest. I’ll see you here on Tuesday at six sharp.” He picks up her white lace panties from where they lay and tosses them in the wastebasket.

  Rikki sits in her car and shakes, feeling her bare bottom touching the leather seat. This is crazy – this is the craziest thing I have ever considered. We both have lives. It was just a story. Just fiction. I’ll write him a note, that’s what I’ll do. I do have it in me to do this, but God, if I do, if let go into this kind of sensuality, I’ll never get back. I’m going to go home, get out my stationery with the roses on it, write him a note thanking him for everything, and then I’ll never see him again. It was just a story.

  By Tuesday evening at 6:30, Alex is sure she’s not coming. He’s debating the virtues of calling her when he finally hears the knock on his door.

  “Come in.”

  Rikki ambles in, obviously a bit tipsy. She dances over to him and poses on his desk, kicks off her shoes and places her feet in his lap.

  “Hi, Alex.”

  “Rikki, aren’t you forgetting some things?”

  She wriggles her toes in his lap.

  “Do as you were told.”

  With a flounce of her skirt, she hops down and heads for the drapes.

  “And you’re late. Where were you?”

  She pulls the drapes closed and turns to look at Alex. “Oh, you know, I just stopped down at the pub for a minute and had a glass of wine.” She watches him from across the room, feeling rather like a pawn in a chess game, unsure of her next move.

  “Come here.”

  She pauses, then joins him.

  “What are you to do when you enter?”

  “Close the drapes and then come to you.

  “And then?”

  Blushing, she reaches down to the hem of her black cotton skirt and lifts it up to her thighs.

  “Not quite. Keep going, baby.”

  She sighs and lifts the soft skirt up around her waist.

  The tops of her black stockings perfectly match the jet black colour of her pussy hair. He reaches out to caress her soft hair and she moans.

  “Yes, that’s better. Now turn around.”

  She feels shy and slutty all at the same time. The two glasses of wine helped just enough to get her up to his door, but she suspects she needs the whole bottle to carry on much further.

  He bends her over the desk. “Make yourself comfortable there, baby.” She looks back over her shoulder as he starts to caress her legs and her bare ass, talking to her the whole time. Her hands find the far edge of the desk and hold on.

  “Was it hard to come here to me tonight?”

  “Yes. I was scared. I almost wrote you to say I couldn’t do this.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “No. No, I kept putting it off, and then I had a drink downstairs, and here I am.”

  Alex kneels down and starts to kiss her black-stockinged legs from the ankles up, slowly. “I’m glad you were scared. It means you take this as seriously as I do.”

  He spreads her legs a little wider with each kiss rising up her thighs. “You’re all I’ve thought about every minute of the day, baby. I’ve thought about what we’re doing. About where we’re going. About what I need to do to you.”

  Moaning and giving into his touch, she whispers, “It’s all I’ve thought about too.”

  His hands slide up over her ass, slowly exploring every opening. “I have two surprises for you tonight,” he says, with his fingers buried deep inside of her. “First, something for your body. Relax, this won’t hurt at all.”

  She feels something hard and cold pressing against her pussy lips.

  “It’s just something to keep you warm inside for me while we take care of the second surprise. They’re small silver balls, and they will gently roll around inside your pussy while we’re out.” He pushes the second ball in. “How does that feel, baby?”

  “Oh, God. It feels very full and wonderful. Out where?”

  Alex leans hard down on her back as she lies over the desk, pressing his stiff cock up against her ass. “You love it, don’t you.”


  “Good. Then we’re going out to dinner with a friend of mine. Let’s get ready.”

  He helps her straighten up her skirt, keeping his hands on her ass while she catches her breath.

  “I don’t know if I can walk anywhere with these inside of me.”

  “Yes, you can. Let’s go.”

  Walking down the street on his arm, Rikki realizes that although he hasn’t even fucked her yet, she
still feels completely possessed by him.

  Waiting at the table in Sostanza’s, Rikki says, “You know, Alex, there are things in my end of the world story that I don’t want to do.”

  “Yes? Like what?”

  “Some of the more dangerous things . . .”

  She’s cut off by the arrival of Alex’s friend, Jonathan. After greetings and polite chatter, Alex brags about Rikki’s prize-winning story

  “You wrote about sex at the end of the world?” Jonathan asks.

  “Yes,” she answers, “Sex and intimacy and stories and passion.” Give me another drink, she thinks, and I’ll even tell you the ending.

  “Rikki’s a great storyteller,” Alex says. “Some night we’ll all have to get together and let her enchant us with her tales.”

  He leans over, whispers to her, “How do the balls feel deep inside of you?” and watches her blush.

  They continue to talk of her story as though it were a scholarly work, dissecting what could truly happen and what couldn’t. She listens in fascination while Alex keeps his hand high on her bare thigh.

  “I was just telling Alex before you came,” Rikki interjects, “that some of the things in that story are just fantasy, and people don’t really do them.”

  “Like what?”

  “Oh, just some of the more dangerous things, involving control and possession and physical harm.”

  “Rikki and I have been thinking about trying out some of them ourselves.”

  She looks quickly to see if perhaps she misheard. She didn’t, he’s smiling. She excuses herself and flees to the restroom.

  Alex meets her there in the hallway five minutes later. “Jonathan’s gone.” He pins her up against the wall, kissing her deeply. “He’s an open-minded guy, don’t worry about him.”

  “How could you?”

  “I could.” He whispers fiercely into her ear, “I need to fuck you, baby, here.”

  “No, not here.”

  “Yes, here.” He pulls her out into the dark alley behind the restaurant. “Lift your skirt and bend over.”


  “No? Let me help you.” He does it for her. Pressing her fast up against the railing, he shoves her skirt aside and unzips his pants. “Tell me, Rikki. Tell me you want me to fuck you hard.” He can feel her breathing fast, and reaches for the hardness of her nipples. “Tell me. Tell me how much you want it.”

  His cock is hard against her bare ass. “Oh God, yes. Yes. Yes. I want you.” He spreads her legs and enters her pussy hard and fast, feeling the metal of the silver balls inside her against his cock. The heat builds until he’s fucking her fast and furious and she no longer cares who can see or hear them. His arms are wrapped around her tight and they both come violently into the night.

  As they begin to recover, they straighten each other’s clothes and laugh. “You make me feel like a teenager, Alex.”

  “You are, baby, in your heart. Let’s go home. I need you to tell me a story.”

  Lying on the carpet in front of the single candle, Alex slowly removes all of Rikki’s clothes, and then all of his own. He ties her wrists together with one of his red neckties, leaving her feeling vulnerable but not seriously bound.

  She recognizes this as one of the scenes she has written, and is amazed at his attention to detail, right down to the colour red and the single candle. She’s also amazed that it feels exactly the way she thought it would, purely and wonderfully sensual.

  “Tell me a story, baby.”

  She laughs. “Do you know where I got that whole thing from?” She’s beginning to melt under the slow and gentle massage of his hands on her back.

  “No, where?”

  “It’s a silly rhyme from my childhood –

  Tell me a story and sing me your song

  tend my heart gently to keep us both strong

  make it a tale full of love and romance

  or spin me the truth

  and we’ll each take a chance”

  “That’s not silly, it’s great.” He pours lotion into his hands and starts in on her thighs.

  “Now, baby. Tell me a story. Make it a true one.”

  She sighs with pleasure. “This is wonderful. OK, a story of my past.”

  His fingers press and probe gently as she begins to talk.

  “This is the story of where all my tying-up fantasies begin, I suppose. Once upon a time I had a boyfriend, when I was quite young and neither one of us knew much of anything about sensuality, who liked to play around with tying me up. He liked it, I liked it, it was pretty harmless. Mostly he’d just tie my wrists to the bedposts and fuck me. And he wanted me to do the same to him sometimes.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Oh, probably 20 or so . . . oh, my, that feels great. You are the sexiest man on earth.”

  He turns her over and places her tied hands behind her neck.

  “So what happened?”

  “It was fun, but not great, probably because we weren’t that great together to start with. But then he got a little weird on me. He liked to tie me up and just leave me that way, all evening. He liked to sit me on a hardback chair with my wrists and ankles tied tight and just watch me. It was sexy in a way, but also scary and strange.”

  Alex straddles her waist and begins a serious massage of her nipples. She can feel his cock growing hard at her words.

  “He would come by the chair and tease me every now and then, you know, touching me, caressing me, pinching my nipples. But he wouldn’t say much, and we were so young we could hardly talk about what we were doing. It was like we knew what we liked, but we had no idea where to go from there.”

  “Not like now, where you can write stories that take you straight to the end of the world.”


  He slides up to her mouth and begins to stroke her face with his cock. “Tell me more. And keep your hands right where I put them behind your neck.”

  She squirms under the caress of his cock. “So, I often found myself sitting on this very uncomfortable chair, tied up for hours, just to please him. After the first hour or so like that, the stiffness of my body overcame any erotic feelings I might have had.”

  Alex slides the tip of his cock into her mouth, watching her close her eyes and run her tongue deliciously around it. “More story,” he says, and withdraws.

  “God, yes. Then, one night, he got kind of cruel about it. He not only tied me to the chair, he blindfolded me. Then I heard him leave the apartment. I was terrified. What if something happened? I think about it now, and I think it could have been sexy if we could have talked about it, if I had any idea what was going on.”

  His cock is hard in her mouth now, halting her words. She sucks him until he is ready to withdraw again and hear the rest.

  “So, he left. And I admit, I was turned on in spite of it all. But I was angry too. It’s dangerous to play too fast and loose in the realm of the senses like that. He came back hours later and I was exhausted from crying. But . . .”

  Alex’s cock is fucking her mouth hard now, stopping the story, his fist wrapped in her hair. “Finish,” he says finally, withdrawing.

  She takes a deep breath. “But . . . I admit we had the hottest sex we’d ever had that night. It was like he owned me. He left me blindfolded and held me on the ground and fucked me every way possible. I learned some amazing things about my body that night.”

  The story stops as he buries his cock deep in her throat, coming with force. “Yes, baby, yes.”

  She takes her time and licks her lips and swallows all of his come, and he leaves his cock near her lips so that she can lick him clean also. Untying her wrists, he holds her tight and begins to rock her towards sleep in his arms.

  “That was a great story, Rikki.”

  “But you never heard the end. I left him the next week. It was all too much.”

  “You will never leave me, baby. You are the bridge to my darkest desires.”

  “But what happened to stoppin
g whenever we wanted to.”

  He holds her close. “We can. But you will never leave me. Never.”

  Tuesday and Thursday nights come and go in the fog of sensuality. Rikki starts showing up on time without the previously required glass of wine. Some evenings she even shows up early. They experiment with schoolgirl clothes, with candle wax, and with spanking. Meetings stay as planned, but the phone calls begin – two, sometimes three times a day.

  “Rikki, I want you to wear your prettiest dance clothes tomorrow night,” Alex tells her one day on the phone.

  She shows up in a deep purple chiffon skirt and black leotard, long black hair down and flowing, with no idea where they’re going. She enters, closes the drapes, and comes to him for inspection. Lifting the swirling skirt and hopping up on his desk, she spreads her legs wide and tucks her toes around his waist.


  He thinks perhaps he could die right here, watching this lovely woman be so free and open and sexual with him, so far into their intimacy that she no longer has any hesitations.

  “I love you, Rikki.”

  “Oh, Alex.” She’s speechless beyond that. This is not exactly in the story they are supposed to be acting out. “Where are we going dancing?”

  He runs his hands up over her legs, stroking her pussy through the leotard. “I don’t even mind that you’re not quite accessible in this, you look so beautiful.”

  She slides down onto his lap, holding him close, feeling the hardness of his cock beneath her.

  “We’re not going anywhere, Rikki. We’re staying right here.” He lifts her back up onto the desk and opens the bottle of champagne he has brought for them. “No glasses, we’ll just share.” He takes a long swig and then kisses her, delivering champagne directly to her mouth.

  She laughs at the idea of being all dressed to go out and having only their own private dance. He lights the single red candle, they pick out music together and begin to dance slowly, wrapped around each other. He steps back from her.

  “Dance for me, Rikki.”

  “A little more champagne, please.”

  More long kisses deliver the champagne.

  Rikki begins to dance, swaying, swirling her skirt, trying to remember every move she’s ever seen in strip shows. More kisses bring better moves, until she is standing right in front of him as he sits in the armchair. She removes her leotard completely, leaving only the long chiffon skirt and her black high heels. Her breasts move freely as she dances, over him, on him, for him, for her own sensuality, full of passion and power.


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