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Unbelievable Faith (Fated Mates Duet Book 2)

Page 5

by Jess Bryant

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, pretty boy.” The harsh voice was back and sounded more deadly than ever.

  Pretty boy? Oh God, Leo was going to take his head off. Luna didn’t know whether she should tell the other man to look out for the swing Leo was no doubt leveling at his head or laugh. Leo was pretty. She and her sisters loved to tease him about how all the girls swooned for his good looks. But she couldn’t remember anyone else ever daring to taunt him like that.

  Whoever this man was, he had a big set of balls on him that was for sure.

  “Enough.” Michael barked, “Darius is right. Not that you can’t protect yourself but that we can use all the protection we can get. If we come across a threat I won’t be able to fight carrying Luna. I’ll need both of you.”

  “But…” Leo started again only to get cut off.

  “I’m not risking the safety of my mate because you two are having some sort of pissing contest.” Michael growled. “Leo, take the lead when Andy gives the all clear. Nova, stay behind him. Darius, you protect my back.”

  “Always.” The other man didn’t seem quite so upset now that he’d gotten his way.

  “Good. Now. Let’s go home.”

  Luna rested her head against Michael’s chest when she felt him start moving. He cradled her to him gently despite his tight hold. He carried her as if she didn’t weigh a thing and she felt like she was floating again. It was the floating that got her, that swept her up and had her drifting away into the darkness that wanted to come.

  She could only hope that when she woke again that all of this hadn’t been some sort of dream. That she was really safe and that Michael had really come for her.

  Chapter 7

  Someone held the door open for Michael as he carried Luna into the pack lodge on Moirae land. He didn’t bother to look and see who it was. He didn’t bother to even say thank you. He was already focused on the older woman heading towards him, her hands out as if she intended to take Luna from him and he growled, stopping her in her tracks.

  Damn it, why did everyone keep trying to take her away from him? She was his. His. And she was hurt. He wanted to fix her. He needed to make her better. And he wasn’t about to relinquish her to someone else’s care.

  Not right now. Not when he’d just found her. Not when he’d come so close to losing her before he even knew she was his.

  “Michael…” Rafe stepped up out of nowhere to put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him, and he barely resisted the urge to bite it off when his brother stepped in front of him and lowered his voice, “The healer. You need to let Andrea take a look at her and while she’s doing that we can talk about what happened at the…”

  “No.” He grit his teeth, “I’m not leaving Luna.”


  “No.” He all but roared and every wolf in the vicinity cringed except for his brother, who stood his ground, “She’s mine and she’s hurt, Rafe. She needs me, my strength, my bond. The bond can heal her. I know it can and until it does nobody else is coming near her.”

  “The pack…”

  “Can wait.” Michael glared at his brother who he was shocked to see flicker a smile before nodding.

  “Of course. I’ll handle any business that comes up tonight. Take Luna to your room and help her heal. I’ll keep them at bay for as long as I can, brother.”

  Michael’s throat felt tight and he nodded as Rafe stepped out of his way. He would owe Rafe another apology and more gratitude than he could put into words for this. Rafe understood his need to keep Luna to himself, probably better than anyone. His brother had just gone through a mating of his own and like the asshole he was, Michael had tried to keep Zoey from him. Still, instead of trying to make Michael see reason and let someone else care for Luna, Rafe had his back and didn’t stand in his way.

  In fact, if he wasn’t so focused on his feelings for Luna right now, he might have thought what he felt coming off of his brother was pride. Rafe was proud of him. Proud of him for finding and protecting his mate. Proud of him for putting her first. Just… a proud big brother.

  For the first time, in a long time, Michael felt like they were truly brothers in that moment. The two of them against the world. The way it should have always been after their parents were taken from them. After Gabe was lost. Only now, it wasn’t just the two of them anymore. Now it was four of them.

  Rafe had Zoey and Michael had Luna. They were family. His family. And family came before everything, even the pack.

  The others that littered the large, open living area of the lodge stared at him but lowered their gazes as he marched through them. He didn’t breathe again until he was alone in the back hallway and he didn’t loosen his hold on Luna until he had her safely placed on top of his bed.

  Letting her go wasn’t easy but he did it and stepped back. His heart thumped in his chest and he felt the bond swell again. His wolf all but purred. He liked seeing their mate in their bed. So did Michael. But he’d like it a lot better if she was awake.

  He stared at her for a long time, wondering why she hadn’t woken yet. He knew she was hurt. He could feel it as the bond grew between them. She was cut and bleeding and bruised and she wasn’t healing nearly as quickly as she should have been.

  What had that bastard done to her? Michael grit his teeth and clenched his fists. He had to fight his wolf’s growl of anger.

  There were marks around her wrists. Burns. He could guess what those had come from. She’d been chained up with silver no doubt. More than likely she hadn’t been allowed to turn the previous night on the full moon. Either of those things would make a wolf weak but combined, they were a serious problem. Add in her limp, thin body and he figured he could add malnourishment to that list as well.

  It was a wonder she was still alive, still breathing, but it worried him that he couldn’t sense her wolf at all. She hadn’t tried to rise. Not once. Not when she’d first seen him or when he’d first touched her or when the bond had begun to form. She should have been there with them just as his wolf was, but he couldn’t feel her and he worried that she was hiding too deeply, even from her mate, instead of helping Luna to heal.

  Michael rubbed a hand through his hair and scowled. He needed to do something. He needed to feel like he was helping her in some way. So instead of standing there like a useless idiot he retreated to the bathroom. He rinsed himself off the best he could in the sink, soaping his hands and then running water over his hair and face. He changed out of his stained and sweaty clothes and then he ran a hand towel under the faucet and hurriedly returned to his bedroom.

  Luna was still there. Thank God. But she was also still unconscious.

  He sat beside her on the bed and brushed her matted hair from her cheek. She was going to be so damn pretty when she was back to full strength. He could barely stand not touching her even now. When those full lips blossomed pink and her dark eyes were bright, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. He’d give her the world if she asked him for it. Hell, he’d try to give it to her even if she didn’t. Because that was what she deserved.

  His woman. His mate. His other half. She was his queen and starting right now, he was going to treat her as such.

  Carefully, Michael picked up the rag and began to clean her up. He started with her hands. The scrapes there were healing at least which was a good sign. He swiped away the blood, little by little, trying not to aggravate the injuries. Her nails were also broken which confused him even further.

  Had she tried to claw her way out of the basement? Why hadn’t she shifted? She was a born DeLuca wolf. With her blood, and at her age, she could have controlled a half shift easily and used her claws.

  He added that to the list of questions he had for her when she woke up and then moved on to her other hand.

  As he worked to take care of her, he hummed a song he remembered from his childhood. He didn’t know the words. His mother had sung it to him when he was little but the memory had faded over time. Now all he had
left was the tune itself, one he’d caught himself humming time and again over the years when he was feeling stressed or worried. It was soothing and he hoped that Luna would feel the same way.

  The memory of his mother still stung as it always did. He’d lost her too early. He’d lost them all too early. His father and mother and Gabe to those hunters. Rafe to his loneliness. He’d lost his entire family and then, tonight, attacking the Crescents and being pulled into that house, into that basement, he knew it was because he’d come so close to losing him mate too.

  Michael dropped the rag to his side and took deep, calming breaths. It was okay. She was okay. She was going to wake up and she was going to be fine.

  A soft knock sounded at the door and Michael hesitated only a second before moving towards it. He already knew who was going to be on the other side. If he’d been listening he would have heard the soft footfalls but the knock was just as telling. Besides, after the way he’d snapped in the main room none of his men would dare interrupt him now. But she wasn’t one of his men.

  He opened the door and managed what felt like his first smile all night, “Zoey.”

  His best friend in the world grinned at him and he chuckled. She looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. Her pale cheeks were flushed pink and her green eyes practically glowed. She bounced on the balls of her feet, trying to peer past him, but he was too big for her to see around and she dropped back to her heels with a sigh.

  “Rafe said you… that she…” Zoey’s eyes got even bigger and he couldn’t help but smile back at her in return.

  “Yeah, she’s mine.”

  “Oh my God, Michael.” Zoey squealed, “I want to hug you but I won’t. I don’t think you should smell like me when she wakes up. She’s not awake yet is she? Rafe told me she was unconscious. Is she hurt badly? Is she…”

  “Zoey.” Michael shook his head as she rambled on, “Zo. Take a breath.”

  She squished her nose up adorably, “Sorry.”

  Michael felt a familiar warmth in his veins. God he loved this girl. He always had.

  He’d wanted to protect her and keep her close and he’d mistaken the feeling for a different kind of love than it was. He’d thought he was in love with her but now, now he could see how ludicrous that had been. He didn’t love her the way a wolf loved a mate. He loved her the way a brother loved a sister and that’s what she was.

  His sister. Rafe’s mate. And she would be Luna’s sister too.

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m more than okay.”

  Zoey’s head tilted and her smile eased, “No. You’re not. Not yet. But you will be when she heals and wakes up.”

  “You know me well.”

  “I do. So tell me what I can do for you. What do you need?”

  He sighed and said the first thing that came to mind, “Time.”


  “I need more time with her. Alone. Can you keep the others away?”

  Zoey frowned, “Michael, you have to know her family is already pushing to see her. Nova went to check on Maya but Leo is throwing a fit about seeing his twin and I’m not sure even Darius can hold him back for too much longer.”

  “I know. I know.” He ran a hand through his hair, “But I can’t let them see her yet. Not like this. Nobody else needs to see her like this.”

  “Michael…” Zoey started but he shook her off.

  “She’s my mate, Zo. She’s going to be my queen. She’s going to help me lead the Moirae pack and I’m not letting any of them see her until she’s awake and coherent. She needs to get back on her feet and then, once she’s feeling better I’ll present her to the pack. Not until.”

  Zoey gave him a soft smile, “You’re a good Alpha, Michael. You’re going to be a good mate too.”

  “God I hope you’re right.” He snorted.

  “Oh come on, have you ever not been good at anything?” Zoey smirked.

  “Fly-fishing?” He joked and she rolled her eyes just like he knew she would. “Thank you for coming to check on us. I appreciate it.”

  “But I’ll get lost now so you can go back to bonding.”

  “Thanks.” He started to shut the door and then paused, “Oh and Zo…”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She waved over her shoulder without turning around, “I’ll keep everyone away for as long as I can.”

  Michael smiled and shut the door. Yeah, he loved that girl. He turned back to face the woman on his bed and his heart squeezed in his chest. But he didn’t feel a single spark like he did when he looked at Luna.

  She was his mate. The other half of his soul. And with her here, in his room, in his space, he finally felt whole.

  Chapter 8

  Luna felt it before she even opened her eyes. She felt him. Not just his presence beside her, the heat from his body or the delicious scent of musk and power that radiated off of him. She felt him. She felt the bond. The link between them was there, having formed whether she was conscious or not. Her body had undergone a huge strain, shifting to accommodate this man, this wolf, in her heart, and she couldn’t help but wonder how long she’d been out.

  How much time had she lost? How many hours or days or weeks this time? All she remembered was the darkness, the way it had swallowed up the light that seemed to glow from her mate when he’d walked down those stairs and found her. He’d saved her. He’d saved them all. Her whole family, even…

  “Leo.” She jerked awake at the memory of hearing her brother’s voice, of finding out he was alive and free.

  “Easy, baby. Easy.” A big hand caught her by the shoulder, keeping her in place, keeping her from leaping up and running to find her twin, to be sure that what she’d heard hadn’t been a dream. “Your brother is safe. Your sisters are safe. You’re safe. Nobody’s ever going to hurt you again, Luna.”

  She became instantly aware of the man when he touched her. Aware of him in every sense of the word. Her heart thumped too hard in her chest. Her body warmed and her breasts swelled and with one sweet, knowing, dimpled smile, that place between her legs ached in a way it never had before. Ached for him. Only him. Her mate.

  “Michael.” His name came out as barely a whisper, the reverence and longing in her own voice surprising even her.

  Intense, hazel eyes studied her face for a moment and then he smiled again as he moved his hand from her shoulder to her cheek, softly holding her in place as wonder filled his own voice, “You remembered.”

  “How could I forget? You’re…”

  “Yours.” He confirmed with a nod, “I’m yours.”

  Oh God, her heart thumped again and the pulse vibrated between her legs. Attraction and magic and safety. He was everything she’d ever needed all rolled into one gorgeous, sweet, protective Alpha. And he was hers.

  She squeezed her eyes shut tight because looking at him made her desire turn painfully sharp. He was beautiful. Short, spiky dark hair and those intense hazel eyes that she’d have sworn were brown in the basement but now looked green and flecked with gold. He had a chiseled appearance to him, as if he’d been carved from stone, granite, but then he touched her with the softest caress and smiled and everything about him lit up like the sun.

  A tear squeezed between her lids and slid down her cheek but he caught it quickly and swiped it away.

  “Luna? Baby, what’s wrong?”

  She forced her eyes open and tried not to melt when she saw the concern in his gaze. He was worried, about her. He was looking at her like she was something beautiful and fragile that he was scared would shatter and she couldn’t remember anyone looking at her that way and not seeing it tinged in pity. But there was no pity in Michael’s gorgeous eyes, only worry and bond or no bond, she felt her heart slip a little out of her reach when she realized her mate was a good, kind man on top of everything else.

  How? How was it possible he was actually hers? He was perfect and she was…

  Luna cringed away from him w
hen she remembered how nasty she was. Dirty and unshowered for God only knew how long. She was caked in her own blood. She could smell herself and every bit of heat that had begun to sizzle inside of her turned to embarrassment and she was certain she was blushing right through her dark skin.

  “Luna.” Michael refused to be deterred when she turned her head and he captured her chin between strong fingers and turned her back towards him, “Tell me what’s wrong. I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “No. Don’t do that.” He pinched her chin to get her to look him in the eye, “Don’t lie to me. We’re mates and I can feel your discomfort. You’re mine and I want to take care of you. Talk to me.” His lips pursed and he sighed, “Please?”

  Her heart squeezed in her chest at the request. He could have ordered. He could have made her answer him by using his Alpha voice. But he didn’t. He asked. Nicely. He all but begged her with his eyes, which only confirmed what she was already thinking.

  He was too good for her.

  He was gorgeous and sexy. Kind and gentle. Sweet and patient. He was the kind of man that she’d always dreamed of having as a mate. But on top of all that he was also an Alpha, a Pack Alpha, and she wasn’t.

  She wasn’t good enough for him. Even before Maddox had tainted her with his nastiness. She wasn’t the kind of mate a wolf like Michael Hudson needed.

  “Luna?” He prodded again and she gave him the only answer she could right now.

  “I need a shower.”

  “Oh…” The furrow between Michael’s brows instantly eased, “Well that’s an easy fix. There’s a bathroom right through that door. I’ll…”

  Luna hissed when she tried to turn towards the edge of the bed to get up. Michael instantly caught her as she crumpled forward. Oh God it hurt. She tried to suck in a steadying breath but that only made her ribs hurt worse.

  “Easy, now.” Michael soothed gently, “You’re healing but it’s slow going.”


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