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Unbelievable Faith (Fated Mates Duet Book 2)

Page 13

by Jess Bryant

  “Then shift.” He commanded as he sat up in bed, finding fresh energy with the knowledge that he’d see Luna’s wolf for the first time, get to run with her and claim her once and for all. When she closed her eyes and stretched her limbs as if she was centering herself, he began to count, “Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

  A burst of power and magic flooded the room and Luna winced as her bones broke. Her body contorted and Michael watched as she dropped to a crouch. In the span of a couple of breaths, he blinked and in the place of his gorgeous mate stood a beautiful black wolf.

  “Six, five, four…”

  She was small, like Luna. Thin but with powerful paws and legs. Her eyes were the same golden brown he’d seen flash at him before only now they glowed. Her coat was pitch black, just like her hair and skin. Glossy and perfect, she was the most beautiful wolf he’d ever seen.

  “Three, two...”

  She made a small sound and moved forward, nuzzling his hand. He grinned and rubbed her head, scratching behind her ears. Luna’s tongue licked across his cheek and he chuckled and pushed her away as he stood from the bed. She backed up a step and yipped, excitement in her tone and he didn’t think he’d ever been happier than he was in that moment.


  Luna took off out the door he opened for her and then Michael shifted and chased after her. The setting sun bathed them in golden light and they ran together. A small black wolf and a gigantic grey wolf, mated and fated for eternity.

  Chapter 18

  Luna stretched and rolled as she came awake but even before she met the cool sheets on the other side of the bed she knew that she was alone. She’d felt it when Michael rose at sunrise and kissed her forehead softly. He’d murmured that he loved her but she’d been so deep in sleep she hadn’t been able to say it back before slipping beneath the darkness again. And now he was gone, again, and she couldn’t help but pout a little.

  After a week of waking up alone, she thought she might start getting used to it but she hadn’t. She wouldn’t. She wanted to wake up with Michael stretched out beside her. Better yet, she wanted to wake up with him wrapped around her. She wanted them to be able to spend their mornings cuddling and talking and making love until they were exhausted and fell back into dreams.

  But Michael didn’t know what the term “sleeping in” meant it seemed. Each morning he woke with the sun to begin his day. When she’d tried to seduce him into staying those first few days, he’d smiled and even relented once or twice, but she’d felt the guilt that swamped him once they were done making love.

  He felt guilty for spending so much time with her. He’d always put the pack first. He’d never had anything that was his and his alone. He’d told her that and he’d also told her that he loved that she was his. He was just still trying to find a way to balance wanting to spend every waking moment with her and running the pack that looked to him for guidance and leadership.

  One of the ways he was trying to make more time for them was to start his day earlier than usual. He reasoned that if he woke up before her and handled as many of his duties as he could then once she was awake they’d have more time together in the evening. It wasn’t a bad plan. She liked the part where she got to sleep in for sure. But she missed waking up in his arms with the feel of his mouth on her neck and his hands on her breasts, his rough morning voice in her ear telling her that he needed her.

  Luna harrumphed and pushed the covers away as her body heated with memories of all the times and ways her mate had loved her in the last week. It had been a good week. One of the best weeks of her life. She’d found her mate and her place in the world, her home, and her life was starting to settle into something resembling normalcy more and more as the days passed.

  Her brother had gone back to the Crescent pack to try and mend all that Maddox had broken and though she missed him terribly, she understood why he’d needed to go. The longer the pack went without leadership the harder it would be to take control.

  The Crescent pack had undergone a violent upheaval and it was up to Leo to set things right. Those that had helped Maddox and survived the Moirae attack needed to be punished. Those that had been imprisoned and injured during the reign of terror needed to be freed and healed. They needed to be reunited and there was nobody better for the job than her brother, the rightful heir.

  She’d cried when he left. She’d hugged him tightly and made him promise to be careful. She’d insisted he check in with her daily so that she knew he was well. Even still, her nerves hadn’t been soothed until the giant, hulking Enforcer that she now knew as Darius had pledged to keep Leo safe.

  There was nothing getting past that big man in her estimation so she’d let her brother go with the knowledge that he was protected, whether he wanted to be or not.

  It had helped that her sisters stayed with her. She’d been certain they would go back with Leo. They were Crescent wolves. The Crescent pack was their family. But when she’d asked them why they weren’t going home with Leo, they’d both hedged.

  Nova had said something about needing to be here. She hadn’t elaborated. In fact, she’d been downright mysterious about it. Luna could only assume that her youngest sister was working off another vision and since the last time she’d been filled in on one of Nova’s visions it had landed her in a basement she hadn’t pressed for more information.

  Maya hadn’t verbalized her reason for staying either but Luna thought she understood. In the past few days, her sister had stopped giving the Moirae Enforcers assigned as her guard the slip. Instead, she’d begun to train with them. Maya still wasn’t talking about what Maddox and his thugs had put her through but whatever it was, it had been bad enough that she no longer considered the Crescent pack home. It had been bad enough that she was fully dedicated and focused on learning how to defend and protect herself.

  Luna couldn’t say that she wasn’t worried about both of her sisters. She was. She had scars from the ordeal but so did they. She at least had Michael to cling to, to help her push through, and a future to look forward to with him. Her sisters were clinging to what they had, this new life, and she was simply thankful they’d chosen to stay close to her for the time being.

  They were all three settling into their lives here and she was more thankful than she could put into words that Michael not only seemed to understand her need to be close to her sisters, but supported her completely. Instead of moving them back to his house, they’d visited a few times but ultimately moved their necessities to the lodge for the time being. Michael hadn’t complained at all, in fact it had been his idea and she’d fallen a little more in love with him for thinking of her family as his own so easily.

  Thinking of her mate made that now familiar pull in her chest more pronounced and Luna rolled from bed with the mission to go and find him. She dressed quickly but thoughtfully in a simple yellow sundress. She’d always loved the way the color highlighted her dark skin and features so when she’d seen it on a shopping trip in town with Zoey earlier in the week, she’d bought it immediately. With her lack of curves she could wear it without a bra and since she had only one thing on her mind, she didn’t bother with panties either before slipping on a pair of sandals and leaving her room in search of her mate.

  With her enhanced hearing she could make out conversation and voices throughout the lodge. There were grunts coming from the yard out back and she knew that the Enforcers must be training. There was a few people coming and going and she smiled and spoke to each of them as she passed on her way to the business wing of the large lodge. They all returned the gesture along with a small dip of their chin, a sign of deference that she had never imagined would be directed to her.

  But as the mate of the Pack Alpha, she was shown nothing but respect here.

  Luna rounded the corner into the smaller hallway that led towards Michael’s office and jerked to a stop at the sight before her. A big, dark-haired man stood a few feet away but she was accustomed to running into big men around here.
No, it was what he was doing that made her stop, her eyes going wide before she could avert them. Because the big man had a woman wrapped around him and they were kissing as if they were the only two people in the entire world.

  The woman had her legs wrapped around his waist and was rolling her hips. His big hands were on her ass, holding her to him. The woman had her hands tangled in his hair and was moaning softly as their mouths ate at each other.

  Heat flared through Luna and she cleared her throat loudly to make her presence known before the two went any further. She had no doubt they would. It was just a matter of whether it was right here and right now in the hallway or if she interrupted and delayed the inevitable.

  A growl rolled through the hallway as the male jerked back from his female. Hard, intense eyes that glowed gold with his wolf met hers. Recognition struck him only a second later and she had to stifle a laugh when she watched a flush of red stain his perfectly sculpted cheekbones.


  “Wait, what…” The female in his arms twisted her head around and grinned brightly, “Oh, hey sis. Didn’t see you there.”

  “I noticed.” She didn’t bother holding back her giggle now because Zoey was completely unfazed while her mate blushed adorably like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, “Rafe.”

  “Good morning.” He cleared his throat as he lowered Zoey to the ground, “Are you looking for Michael?”

  “Of course she is. Look at her.” Zoey snorted giving her an eye wag as she waved at her, “Good lord woman, you look gorgeous in that dress. I knew you would.”

  “Thank you.” She smoothed down the skirt, making sure she wasn’t actually as naked as she felt in that moment.

  “Michael’s in his office, ” Rafe pointed over his shoulder, “we just finished up a meeting but he still has Darius in there giving a report on the Crescent pack.”

  Her eyebrows winged up and for the first time she glanced past the beautiful couple towards the shut door at the end of the hall, “Darius is here?” She looked back to Rafe, “Is Leo with him?”

  “No, he stayed behind this time.”

  She frowned, “Darius left him there alone?”

  “Uh oh.” Zoey elbowed her mate, “Now you’ve upset her and I’m gonna have to keep your brother from killing you. Again.”

  Rafe snorted, “Like he could take me.”

  “I don’t want to find out.” Zoey harrumphed.

  “Shh.” Rafe pulled his feisty mate into his side and then glanced back at Luna, “I didn’t mean to upset you. Your brother isn’t alone. He’s taken charge of his pack and he’s formed a small team of trusted Enforcers. He’s not unprotected because Darius isn’t with him, I assure you.”

  It didn’t calm Luna’s worries, not even a little bit. She’d seen the way the big Moirae enforcer watched her brother. She wasn’t oblivious. She trusted him with Leo because it had been clear to her that for some reason or another, the hard-faced man that argued with Leo at every turn, did so because he cared about him. Yet he was here and Leo was back with the Crescents and she didn’t like it, not at all.

  “Can you please excuse me?” She was already stepping past the couple and they moved aside with soft, knowing smiles.

  “Of course.” Rafe dipped his chin and Zoey smirked. “Give them hell, Lu.”

  Rafe said something low that Luna didn’t catch and when Zoey giggled she knew that it probably hadn’t been meant for her ears anyway. The couple was cuddling again when she shot a look over her shoulder and when Zoey squealed she shook her head. Rafe had hoisted his mate over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, no doubt intent on continuing their rendezvous somewhere they were less likely to be interrupted.

  Luna had to admit, the two of them made a great pair. There was no guarantee with fated mates. Some fought like cats and dogs and never found the balance they needed to solidify the bond. Others, like Rafe and Zoey melded their lives and personalities seamlessly. She liked being around them, seeing their love and affection for each other and for their family members and pack. She liked that she was part of their inner circle now because of her own bond with Michael.

  Speaking of Michael, she could hear him now as she edged closer to his office door. His tone was low and solemn. She could feel the intensity coming off of him without even seeing him. He was worried about something and she didn’t like that so instead of knocking she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

  The conversation stopped instantly and two sets of intense eyes turned on her. Michael’s softened instantly and he stood from behind his desk. Darius had already been standing, pacing from the looks of it, but he paused and met her gaze before dropping his chin in acknowledgement.


  “Darius.” She shut the door behind her and gave him a serious once-over, noting the exhaustion that seemed to set just beneath the surface of his hard, handsome features, “Where’s my brother?”

  His lips quirked slightly, “He insisted on remaining behind to deal with a Crescent pack matter when I was summoned to give my report. I left him in highly capable and trusted hands, I assure you.”

  There was a softness in his dark eyes that convinced her of what Rafe’s words couldn’t. Yes, this man cared. He might threaten and bark and argue with Leo at every turn but he cared, probably more than he was willing to admit. He hadn’t left Leo behind easily, of that she was sure and she wasn’t surprised at all when he shot a look at her mate and excused himself.

  “If there’s nothing else, I’d like to return to the Crescent pack.”

  Michael gave a stiff nod, “Of course. Continue to inform me of any developments and we’ll keep the security sweeps up for the time being.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Darius dipped his head and started to leave the room, only pausing for a moment at Luna’s side and touching her shoulder slightly in a brotherly gesture, “Nobody will touch a hair on his head for as long as I breathe, I swear to you.”

  With that Darius continued on, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Once they were alone, Luna turned her attention back to her mate. He still stood behind his desk but he looked tired and worried. She moved towards him instantly.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s nothing.” Michael reached for her when she got close and tugged her closer, nuzzling her neck, “Mmm, you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you but don’t change the subject.” She pulled back enough to look him in the eye, “What’s wrong? You seem tense.”

  Michael sighed, clearly sensing that she wasn’t going to let it go, “Darius reported that a few of the Maddox loyalists have been picked up during sweeps of the woods.”

  “That’s a good thing though, right?”

  He fingered one of her curls absentmindedly, “It is, but there are still more out there. Someone snuck into the infirmary overnight and stole a bunch of supplies. The bandages and herbs seem to indicate whoever is left out there isn’t healing properly which would be good, because they’d be weak and easier to track down.”

  “But…” She prompted, knowing there was more.

  “But the person also broke into the armory and took a crossbow.”

  Luna frowned, “Only a crossbow?”

  Michael nodded.

  “Well, maybe they’re injured and thought it would help them scavenge for food? If they only took one weapon maybe there’s just the one left, right?”

  “I love how you still manage to hope for the best.” Michael smiled softly, pressing sweet kisses to her forehead, nose and then her lips, “I want you to stay close to the lodge until Leo figures out who it is and ultimately, what they’re after.”

  “Okay.” She agreed easily, knowing it would soothe some of his tension.

  “Thank you.” He nuzzled against her jaw and ran his hands down her sides to her hips and around to her ass before he paused, his breath catching, “Luna?”

  She smirked against his shoulder, “Yes, mate?”

  “What are you we
aring under this pretty little dress?”

  His tone said he already knew the answer but she tiptoed up and whispered near his ear anyway, “Nothing.”

  A growl tore from his throat, “Luna.”

  She giggled, “You’ve been so stressed worrying about me and the family and the pack. You always take care of everyone else. I wanted to take care of you for once. I wanted to distract you.”

  “Mission accomplished.” He gripped her hips and spun her to face the desk, “Grip the edge.”

  A shiver of awareness skated down her spine as she did what he said. This was what she’d wanted. This was what she’d known would happen. The heat between them hadn’t waned and she was beginning to think it never would. She wanted him, all the time, and when his hands shook slightly as he squeezed her ass and then pushed up the skirt of her dress, she knew he felt the same way.

  “Jesus, baby… you’re so damn sexy.” His voice was rough and reverent, causing goosebumps to rise on her naked skin, “You know I’ve had dreams of taking you like this? Here, in my office, bent over my desk.”

  “You have?” her voice was breathy.

  “Mmm…” Michael traced her crack and hissed when he reached her core and found her wet, “In all of them, you’re so damn loud the rafters shake and the whole pack knows I’m pleasing my mate. Think we can make that dream a reality?”

  Luna leaned over further, getting more comfortable on the desk and pushing her ass out towards this incredible man that was hers. All hers. She grinned as she shot a naughty look at him over her shoulder. She was pleased to see the tension lines around his eyes and mouth had lessened with her presence and she smiled.

  “Hell yeah.”

  Chapter 19

  “Where are you going?”

  Luna paused mid-step at the sound of Michael’s voice. She hadn’t been sneaking out, per se, but she definitely hadn’t made a point of stopping by his office to let him know she was leaving the lodge. She’d thought his head would be buried in papers or else he’d be stuck in meetings and she hadn’t wanted to bother him. Of course, she also hadn’t wanted him to give her a lecture about staying on pack land or insist on sending someone with her.


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