Naked Obsession

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by Rice, Rachel E.


  by Rachael E. Rice

  #2 in the Obsession Series

  Cover copyright ©2012

  by Jimmy Thomas


  Published by Rachael E. Rice

  on Smashwords


  Copyright © 2012 by Rachael E. Rice

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  by Rachael E. Rice

  Book #2 in the

  Obsession Series

  Chapter 1

  Lover’s Moon

  Jeremy’s life was a series of plans. His plans were extensive and detailed. He planned his dinner— steak not chicken. He planned what he wore—jeans not slacks. He planned his sexual positions—oral and missionary. He planned for sunrise and sunset. His plans were executed perfectly—all but one.

  He didn’t plan for the naked obsession that would grab his body and sear his mind and soul.

  “What about the plan?” Jeremy’s mind wandered. “What about the plan?!” he shouted. No answer. Then shaking his head he focused on his thoughts. Jeremy held his hands to his face, and then gazed at the bracelets encircling his wrists. Some were of gold. Some were of silver. He peered at his long fingers—no rings. His mouth turned downward; he made a sigh, then shaking his head side to side, he opened his mouth and blew into the air.

  Pacing up and down the cold wooden floor, looking into the mirror as he passed on his way to the open window to glance into the open sea, he stared long at the large villa. He is a man with a full mind but an empty spirit. His faint footsteps hardly heard over the wind blowing through the trees and cool night air that floated in from the Mediterranean Sea.

  Rubbing his forehead one more time, passing his fingers across his fresh shaven face, he closed his eyes, heard his breath quickened, held his chest, felt his mouth salivate, and took a deep breath. He plopped down on his bed and stared at the painting at the far end of his room. Jeremy reached for the remote, pointing it. He filled the room with music, James Blount. He became calm for a few tortuous moments.

  The plan haunted his thoughts. What about the plan? It filled his mind, yet it remained unanswered. “Will you execute the plan?” he asked himself again and again as he peered into the mirror, which sat across from his white wrought iron bed that stood like a statue in the corner of his room.

  It was a meticulous plan that took hold of his mind for months. Jeremy knew how to work through a scheme and organize it with little effort—he scrutinized every detail. The planning took months. He even made sketches. There could be no mistakes. He had to get it right on the first try because there wasn’t going to be any second chance.

  Being a thief did not come without guilt, condemnation, and loathing of himself, but he would shelve those feelings; otherwise he would be a man sinking in quicksand. He needed to silence his pain; therefore, the plan had to be executed.

  Jeremy remembered where he was when he first became a greedy thief; He was a boy wandering through a market in Glasgow, Scotland, spying a piece of candy he couldn’t afford. His knees weakened and his hands shook, then his hands reached out and snatched what he wanted. There were others looking, but he learned to hide in full sight. This success gave him an intense rush like sexual pleasure.

  Now his heart wasn’t racing and throbbing any longer, but the guilt of his deeds would accumulate year after year like a pile of unwashed clothes, where he would have to make a choice—go naked, or clean up the mess—he chose to go naked. He stood facing himself like a statue—cold, lifeless, with only his passion to warm his heart and give him life.

  Just as it had been when he was a child, stealing a bit of candy, so it was when he became a man—no different. He held his breath, afraid to display any signs of nervousness, yet his heartbeat as if it were a bull kicking to get out of a pen, ready to launch its aggression, but in Jeremy’s case, his anticipation of stealing something priceless.

  He had evolved from a petty thief stealing candy, but now he found himself in the big leagues. He would steal something so precious that could cost him everything. Yet he was willing to take the risk—whatever it took to get what he wanted! He had to satisfy his need!

  He did not know if it was the desire for what he couldn’t have which propelled him into blatant thievery. Jeremy put all thoughts aside and resolved to overcome reality. He had his plan embedded in his mind and no one would stop him from carrying it out.

  The plan made his mind full and so he woke one fall morning and decided to do what it took to ease his ravaged heart. He would wait until midnight, where the full moon would be his companion and partner in crime.

  Jeremy staked out the scene from the first day he coveted his brother’s prized possession—Danny’s wife. He rationalized that he was not a murderer, he was only a thief, and there is a difference in being a thief. Had he been a murderer he could not live with himself. He was just stealing from his brother.

  Jeremy forgot that it was premeditated and that what he proposed to steal was the only woman Danny ever loved. What Jeremy proposed was indeed murder. He would cause the death of a brother’s love, and the death of a family.

  The covers concealing his handsome strong body, and the sheets that were carefully fold and laid on his bed, signaled what had to be done. Sydney touched those sheets, brought them to his room, spread them on his naked bed, tucked them under the mattress, and then laid one over the other with careful thought and love.

  Reaching for the top sheet, he raised it to his nose, and smelled its scent of roses; crushed rose pedals that Anthony may have laid at the foot of Cleopatra’s bed before he made passionate love to her. Jeremy lost his senses in imaginary smells and time.

  Jeremy lost all reason the day he met Sydney.

  Sydney hung her own laundry outside to dry when the housekeepers were on vacation. She would wash the cotton sheets, take them to the yard, walking slowly from the weight of the basket lodged on her firm glorious hips; treading along a path filled with Italian Cypress trees that led to Jeremy’s château, and the clothesline, then she hung the sheets in the sun.

  Hiding behind the shutters, Jeremy’s eyes peered down at her from his window.When the sheets were dry, she took them down, held them next to her face, and inhaled the scent of warm sunshine and a cool fresh summer breeze. The smell reminded her of her childhood in Texas. She could spend hours going back and forth to the line to smell the sheets that hung in eyesight of Jeremy.

  Maybe it was that very sheet she once held in her hands he had on his body, which aroused his passion and blinded him to all decency. Maybe Sydney had purposely rubbed her face and body on the sheets meant for him, Jeremy thought. Jeremy watched her ritual many times from his bedroom window, in the little château behind her villa, as she appeared to turn to look into his window with a smile of desire on her bronze face, wanting him and not his brother, he imagined every minute.

  Now, Jeremy lay in bed longing for Sydney. The room could not contain the enormous lust and throbbing of his body, the sexual heat that threatened to devour him. The room
could not contain the love he has for her. The room was large and sparse with only a wrought iron bed with faded white paint and a cedar chest, but it was filled with envy and desire for all that his brother possessed.

  Jeremy wanted it to be him lying next to Sydney, caressing her neck, fondling her hair, slipping his finger into her lips, and pressing his tongue on her nipples to feel them rise. He wanted children with her; he wanted to be rich, and famous like Danny. He wanted to be Danny. He wanted Sydney’s body and soul; he could not contain his lust and greed, his body and mind was too small for his appetite.

  It had been building each day. And each day and night he thought about what it would be like to lie with Sydney, with her flowing soft golden brown hair, and honey brown eyes, lying on soft white sheets covering her naked body. Jeremy wanted to bath in her beauty, float in her smoldering body, and drown in her love!

  All his thoughts were on the day he first met her, and how he wanted her to be his. How he thought that she was unattached and available to only him. His last thought was that she had been his brother’s lover. He was willing to dismiss the idea of her being with his brother and pursue her regardless, but now she was his brother’s wife. Jeremy wanted to possess all that came into his life. He was not satisfied to share anything, especially a woman that looked at him and ignited the most ravishing intense feelings a man could ever want from just a look.

  Jealous racked Jeremy so much so that he wasn’t thinking. He was jealous of the suffering love his mother possessed for Danny, even as she prepared to leave that cold and damp morning, taking only Jeremy, and leaving Danny for his father to raise. The look in her eyes caused Jeremy to realize that it was that sadness of leaving Danny, which made her tearful, and induced her early death.

  He never knew what to do to erase Danny from his mother’s conscience; he would try to make her laugh with his silly sketches of himself and people walking on the sidewalks of Paris, but his sketches only made her weep for her son she left behind.

  Jeremy thought if he lied to her and told her that Danny did not want to see her, she would become angry, dislike him, and never want to see him again, and concentrate on all the love he could substitute.

  Danny and Jeremy were identical twins, in his mother’s eyes there was no substitution. How could she forget a son she abandoned?

  Jeremy could not erase Danny from his mother’s mind and spirit, as much as he could rid Sydney from his soul. If he tried, he knew, just like his mother knew, he would die of a broken heart—and that is what happened to his mother. One day she lay in a chair near the fireplace in their home, and took one last longing breath for a son she left behind. That is why Jeremy loathed his brother. Danny had stolen his mother’s love, and then proceeded to captivate and seduce the women he wanted and loved the most—Sydney.

  Sydney drove Jeremy to unbelievable desires. It was boundless. He craved her every minute of the day until he could not stand being near Danny. He could not even tolerate his own image as he passed mirrors.

  He saw Danny in his face, in his green eyes, his body. He hated every line of his glorious face, every crease of his full lips, every curl of his hair on his head made him incensed and he would pass and fling a sheet over the mirror in his bedroom.

  Jeremy’s conscious and unconscious urge to make love to Sydney swept over him like a tornado—destroying his sense of reason and rendering him useless to any woman that wanted and loved him. How could he understand a youthful, wanton, foolish desire, that ran rampant, and if left unchecked, would deceive and abuse all that he had left in the world—Danny, Sydney, and their children.

  The thoughts racing through his empty sex starved body created a scenario that any thief would attempt. Therefore, he knew what summoned him out of his warm bed in the middle of the night! And it was a pull like no other. Only magnetism could explain the energy Sydney had that attracted him to her in the first place. It was what kept planets in orbit—it was that strong! Jeremy knew, once he approached Sydney, there would be no turning back.

  He jumped out of bed on to the cold lifeless wooden floor, walking like a zombie in the direction of Sydney’s room. He did not feel the chill of the sea air crossing his path. He lumbered down the stony steps, then up stairs to open the door to her villa, then more stairs, and finally he entered her sanctuary.

  Quietly opening the door, he gazed into her room. His eyes darted around the room and lay on the beautiful paintings, one of Miro, one Picasso, and artwork that adorned the walls and tables; he turned his head to see her expensive jewelry lying on the table next to her bed. He looked at the bed with its towering posters and silk, ivory, cushioned headboard, the kind you see in black and white movies. Setting on a Chinese chest, stood a priceless blue and white Ming Vase. Jeremy’s heart began to race and he forgot that he was in his brother’s room, and not a gallery or museum. He stood thinking about what wonderful taste in art Sydney possessed, forgetting that he was standing in a forbidden zone because his impulse seized hold of him.

  He braced himself for the flow of emotion, the rise of his penis pronounced in the bottom of the black silk pajamas Sydney had given him as a birthday present. His well-developed body, hard, rippling chest with full developed arms, fell at his side. Jeremy cherished his pajamas, and when he wanted to imagine Sydney lying close to him, he put the soft silk bottoms on to help with his illusions and ease his nights of loneliness.

  He knew he could lose everything, yet he did not care, and that youthful drive told him, fooled him, encourage him, and he continued his slow stride in the direction of Danny’s bed! He knew this had to be the night, because Danny was on a movie shoot and would not return until tomorrow night.

  Jeremy strode straight to Sydney’s massive mahogany bed, then stood and gazed at her lying asleep. He never even had second thoughts once he saw her lying there on those creamy, silken, ivory sheets. Her tan skin glistening in the moonlight that streamed through the window. She lay half-naked with only a top that could not cover the beauty of her breast; he thought that only he and Danny had ever seen her looking so serene and seductive, like a flower opening up to replenish itself from the dew of the morning.

  He salivated looking down at Sydney, as the heat of his body flushed his face and pumped the blood through his penis. His eyes flinched from hunger in the moonlight, but her naked body fed them.

  The chill air brushed against his face and woke him from a dream that only he shared, which could have become a nightmare that he could never wake from.

  He turned and walked quietly back to the door, out of Sydney’s room, down the stairs and back to his small room.

  Jeremy felt that if he didn’t find him a woman soon, he would go crazy and do something he would regret his entire life. But he needed Sydney.

  It was not the sex. He could get sex anywhere. It was his need for her love. He watched the love that his brother received from her; he watched her children as they surrounded her and begged her to kiss them.

  What was he to do? He thought.

  The thing that would bind her to him was to reveal that Danny cheated on Sydney. He knew that would do it. There would be no way she would remain true to him, he thought.

  The next morning Jeremy woke early and made breakfast for Sydney. The nurse happily fed the children in the large breakfast room. Jeremy knew how Sydney loved to eat breakfast in the kitchen and he took advantage of that information.

  “Good morning, Jeremy. That smells wonderful.” Sydney walked to the pot and took the cover off. “Where did you learn to cook like that?”

  “I spent time in Paris as a cook to pay for my art lessons. And speaking of that, I want to put them to good use. You promised me that you would be my model when I needed one remember, he said spying on her face from the reflection coming from the hood of the large kitchen stove.

  Sydney turned glancing at Jeremy, walked around the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand, and sat down on the stool. “Jeremy, you promised me that you wouldn’t ask again.
I think Danny is unhappy with me having posed as your model before we married.”

  “My brother loves me and I need the money. Your pictures have been selling fantastically. If you don’t want to have to carry me for the rest of your life you would do this little favor. Please Syd.” Sydney notice that his voice made sounds like Danny when he wanted something from her and she could never turn him down. He even held her hand when he begged her to reconsider.

  Raising her head to look into his eyes, his eyes seduced her the same way Danny first encountered her and held her heart. “Please come to my studio about twilight. There are colors I’m experimenting with, and it is the time that the sun is most brilliant when the dark and the light meet.” Sydney did not know why she agreed but she did.

  * * * *

  The humdrum of the day was usual, but to Sydney the day appeared endless. Sydney could not wait to see Jeremy. It was like waiting for a long lost lover to come home, she was full of anticipation, full of desire, full. She could have had a sexual climax at seeing him. That’s how she once felt about Danny. But what had happened to her and Danny’s marriage? All the mystery had washed away. What was going on? Was it her, she asked herself ? Is this what happens when you have what you want?

  Her friend Heather mentioned something called the Laws of Diminishing Returns. The more you have of something the more you become satiated with it, then soon you don’t want it anymore, and you are on to something new and pleasurable. As Heather summed it up, “It’s like eating ice cream, you like it and you eat some more. If you eat it everyday, the very thing that you love will make you sick. You will not be able to stand it any longer.” Sydney dismissed Heather’s words as bull, but could it be true and could she be so weak as to succumb to that Law? No one but Heather would think of something like that, she thought.

  The sun began setting on the sea as she spied through her window. Sydney suddenly became panicky and rushed out of her villa and down the walkway to Jeremy’s small studio apartment on Danny and Sydney’s property. Her heart beat fast and loud. She felt as if she was rushing to meet a lover instead of a family member.


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