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Naked Obsession

Page 5

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “When did you paint this?”


  “This painting of Sydney.” Danny held the painting in front of him.

  “I had to beg her to paint this portrait when I first met her,” Jeremy said.

  “When did you first meet her?”

  “Just before you two were married,” said Jeremy and he continued working.

  A feeling of despair shook Danny like an earthquake and left him rattled. He proceeded to ask himself why Sydney and Jeremy never bothered to tell him about their meeting. Danny’s jealousy came out full force. He momentarily felt resentful of Jeremy. He asked himself why they would hide this. Danny thought that it could have slipped their mind—maybe one of them, but both of them.

  He wonders if there were secrets between the two of them that he did not know about. Jeremy was spending a lot of time with Sydney when he had gone on those trips that took months of filming.

  Suddenly Danny became ashamed of himself for thinking such a foul thing about his brother and wife. He had no reason to believe that Sydney would do such a thing. She had been honest with him even from the moment they met and even when she admitted her mistakes with Robert Farrell. He did not question why she married Phillip Cross because that occurred when he proceeded to make an ass of himself with Page and almost screw up his life with alcohol and drugs.

  He was all of twenty when he met Sydney and they had a baby soon after. Now he was older with three children and he and Sydney were having another baby. His thoughts lessened and he began to feel better. Danny decided that he would not ruin their lives by being jealous, especially of his brother. Danny was so elated at the news of Sydney’s pregnancy that he began to sing.

  “I’m feeling good.”

  “Hey, I have that by Nina Simone, “I’m Feeling Good.” Jeremy walked over to his DVD player and put in the disk, brought out some wine, and he and his brother drank. It occurred to Danny that he should not be drinking, he stopped.

  Danny was caught up in the happiness of adding to his family. He would be able to see and raise his child. Because of one drink, he could not hold Sydney’s secret.

  “Jeremy, I’m going to have a baby, no that’s not right. Sydney and I are going to have a baby.” Danny said teetering side to side.

  Jeremy dropped his drink, stood up, and walked to the terrace.

  “What’s wrong? Sydney said you would be upset, I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “It’s not that Danny, I’m just surprised, I’m happy for you.” Jeremy did not turn to face Danny. The excitement and fear was written all over his face. He just stood looking out at the tall Italian Cyprus trees swaying in the summer breeze.

  The music kept playing and the songs made Jeremy sad and lonely. Danny sleepy, collapsed on the couch. Sydney walked out of her home looking for him. She cast her eyes up and there looking down was Jeremy staring at her with a stone expression. Sydney knew at that moment that Jeremy knew about the baby.

  “Jeremy is Danny in there?”

  “Yes, but he had a drink; and he is on the sofa,” Jeremy said with a large smile. As much as he loved his brother, he could not shake the feelings of jealously, loathing for everything that he was not, and for everything that Danny was and had.

  “You should not have let him drink. I’m coming up to get him,” Sydney said full of anger. It took only a few seconds for Sydney to reach Jeremy’s room.

  Jeremy wanted her to come into his room. He stared as he counted every step she took. He even timed her knock on the door and the seconds it took for her to arrive at the door. He walked slowly taking his time and let her steam and wait for him. He even took a few more seconds before he opened it.

  “Why did you let him drink? You know he can’t drink anymore!” Sydney shouted.

  “Am I my…” Sydney’s eyes narrowed and she peered at Jeremy with such hatred that he could not finish the phrase.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re pregnant?”

  Sydney blinked. “You can’t be serious; this is between Danny and me!”

  “I think you forgot something Sydney.”

  “I haven’t forgotten a thing.” Sydney said as she stared into Jeremy’s handsome face and bold green eyes.

  “Jeremy I will not be blackmailed!”

  “I am not trying to blackmail you, but I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

  “Which includes getting me drunk?” Sydney said cutting him off.

  “You knew what you were doing.” He whispered into her ear.

  “Now you are trying to rewrite history,” Sydney whispered moving away from Jeremy.

  “Sydney don’t you realize that the baby you are carrying may be mine.”

  “Well you will never know!” Sydney shouted.

  “What is all the shouting?” Danny said wiping his eyes.

  “We were just arguing over what to name the baby if it is a boy.” Jeremy stated surprising Sydney. “I told Sydney that we should name him Jeremy and she said not over her dead body.”

  “You know Sydney that is not a bad idea. We can name him Jeremy.” Danny said caught up in the euphoria of being a father again.

  “We are not going to discuss the name of my baby when we don’t know the sex,” Sydney said as she grimaced at Jeremy and became disgusted with Danny. “We are leaving for the states soon, so there is no reason why I shouldn’t start packing now,” Sydney said as she stormed out leaving Danny and Jeremy drunk and happy.

  * * * *

  Mona Lisa

  Three months passed and finally the move was complete. Danny purchased another home in California, yet he held on to his first property. In the winter they lived in Sydney’s apartment in Manhattan. Sydney appeared to be happy to be home again. She began to smile and laugh. She was happy. She had a chance to talk to and see her friends regularly.

  She missed Steven. He had been a loyal friend and besides, he was loads of fun. Steven knew everyone and everyone’s business. Sydney could laugh for days just from his gossip. Now Steven was calm and secure with a meaningful relationship with his partner Jose’ Espajo. Silly in love again, Steven was determined to have a firm grip on his heart this time.

  Steven purchased the property next to his salon and enlarged it to include a day spa and restaurant. However, Steven displayed a bit of nervousness about the money he allowed Jose’ to invest. At the insistence of Jose’, Steven withdrew every dime he saved plus he put his condo as collateral for the expansion.

  When Sydney walked into Steven’s shop on a bright sunny afternoon, Steven stood proudly beaming, with his friend on his arm, and introduced Sydney to him. “Sydney this is my special man, the love of my life, Jose’. And Jose’ this is my friend Sydney, she’s like a sister and I love her almost as much as I love you,” Steven glowed when he gazed into Jose’s eyes, and squeezed Jose’s hand in gay euphoria.

  Sydney could see why Steven loved Jose. He displayed a sense of assurance and he was an unbelievable good-looking man. Tall about six feet with gray coursing through his dark, silky hair, cut short, dark skin, and a fine nose. He spoke with an accent and a soft voice that could seduce women. Sydney became aware of his charms.

  Jose’ had a confident stride that was more masculine than most men. His cool light brown eyes stood out against the background of his dark skin. His smooth flawless skin and high cheekbones gave him the appearance of an aristocrat, and the clothes he wore were even more expensive and tasteful than anything worn by Steven, and Steven was a clothes horse. The suit had to have cost three thousand or more, Sydney thought.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you Sydney.” Then Jose took her hand and kissed it as he stared into Sydney’s eyes.

  Sydney felt something that was not quite right. She could spot men who were gay and this man didn’t appear to have sugar in his tank. Then why would he risk being with a gay man? she thought.

  Sydney came to the salon to visit her friend and not judge his companion, so she overlooked her feelings, and kept
her concerns to herself.

  “It’s great meeting you Jose.”

  “If you will excuse me I have a salon to run,” Jose said as he meandered in the direction of the restaurant.

  “Isn’t he the best looking man you’ve ever seen? Steven said moving his shoulders to his cheeks as if he was a teen-age girl swooning. “When I first met him I said, I don’t want to meet you, I want to meet your father. Anyone that can create a good-looking specimen like you, need to be knighted, and his sperm preserved for all times.”

  “He is good-looking but not like my Danny.”

  “I knew you could not have a conversation without talking about Danny.”

  “Steven it’s not Danny this time it’s Jeremy. Can we go somewhere and talk?”

  “Come on follow me.” Steven steps were slow so as not to miss a minute of gossip. He led her down a long hallway, which had glass on both sides of the walls, and into his enormous office. On the walls in the office hung expensive paintings, and Italian leather furniture that was so soft and so expensive set around the office. Sydney thought that Steven may have over reached, better yet, she thought he had lost his mind.

  “Steven those are expensive items,” she said stepping closer to feel the furniture.

  “Yea aren’t they gorgeous? Look at those paintings. Jose picked out everything.” Sydney circled the room to look at the paintings. She stiffened. Her mouth opened and her body shook.

  “How did you get this painting?” Sydney shouted in disbelief. “Look at it Steven, don’t you recognize the woman in the painting?” Steven walked closer to get a better look.

  “Oh shit! It’s you.”

  “How...Where did you get it?” Her hands cupped her mouth and her eyes closed for a moment.

  “Jose bought it while he was in Europe, the same place he purchased this furniture. He said that the person who painted it could be famous if he has any more like this one. Look at the eyes. Look at the expression this woman has on her face. You don’t see anything but that look, and her sad face. It’s like the opposite of a painting of the Mona Lisa,” Steven said waving his hands in the air.

  “Steven come back to earth you are talking about me. That’s me. Jeremy painted that picture.”

  “Where is he? He can become famous if he comes to New York.”

  “That’s what I came to talk to you about. He is coming to New York to stay with us,” Sydney stated with her voice cracking.

  “What is it that you want Sydney? You can get him off your hands. If he’s rich and famous, you don’t have to finance him anymore.”

  “I have a bigger problem.”

  “I should have known it wouldn’t be that simple with you,” Steven said shaking his head. “What is it now?” He fell into the leather sofa under the painting.

  “Listen Steven, you should be the last one to talk. I don’t know how to start. I’m three months pregnant and…

  “And what…say it.”

  “I don’t know who the baby is for; I don’t know if it is Danny’s or Jeremy’s.”

  “Oh shit, Oh shit, I know you are not crazy enough to have had sex with your husband’s brother. That’s just sick.”

  “Can’t you just shut the fuck up for one minute, Steven, and let me finish. I was drunk.”

  “What do you mean you were drunk? You don’t drink. And who is going to believe that story? You’re not a teenager.”

  “Shut up Steven.” It’s a long story and I can’t tell it to you now because the walls have ears.”

  “Can I talk now? This is too much for me honey child. I’m baffled. I don’t think I have ever met anyone with the problems you have and had over the years. But I can’t desert you. We will figure something out. In the mean time, try my spa and have some wine, this may help you to forget. Every time I can’t handle something I think of Scarlet O’Hara in Gone With The Wind. I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

  Chapter 6

  When Doves Cry

  Sydney relaxed for four hours at Steven’s salon trying to forget her problems but that was not enough. The massage didn’t help her to forget. She carried around her pain. It wasn’t fair to her or Danny, yet she would not or could not bring herself to hate Jeremy for the destruction of her life. She never wanted to admit that perhaps she may be responsible also. If only she hadn’t agreed to be painted. The wrong decision has changed her life.

  The only diversion for the day was to take a cab and pick up Sean from school. As much as she loved Manhattan, she did not relish not being able to drive around the city. Danny wanted her to keep a car on call, but she saw that as a waste of money, and he spent money as if it wouldn’t come to an end. Arriving home an hour later, she dreaded the arrival of Jeremy.

  He had stayed on in Italy to hire someone to keep the villa and rent some of the small homes on the grounds. Danny was on his way to pick up Jeremy who had a flight coming into Newark Airport. Danny wanted to send a private jet, but when he checked his finances, he thought it would be a mistake.

  After assisting the nanny with bathing and feeding the younger children, Sydney decided to call her boss.

  She was thinking about returning to work for the magazine. She wondered whether Zack would hire her again now that she was back in the states and her children were older. She wanted to work, but she neglected to tell him about a new baby.

  “Hello Zack this is Sydney.”

  “I was wondering what was taking you so long to get back into the real world.”


  “Before you ask, yes, I would be more than pleased if you return to your job. We have not had the type of sales since you married Danny. You know you and Danny sold more magazines just from your antics. I want to start a digital magazine, which would be perfect for you. You can work from home.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid we had our share of scandals, but don’t count on that anymore. I’m a happily married woman and Danny is the best. How is Allison? any children yet?”

  “I don’t think she wants any and that’s ok as long as she loves me, I’m good.”

  “Zack you have a lot to offer, so don’t sell yourself short. Does she love you?”

  “I’m just not sure Sydney, but I love her so much. I would die for her,” Zack said with a sad tone to his voice. “Look Sydney, you can start working as soon as you like and you can make your own hours. Sydney, I will talk to you later. I have to go. I promised Allison that I would take her to this party. I have to travel to Long Island. This traffic, it will take hours. Talk to you later.” Sydney could not help thinking that some was wrong with Zack.

  * * * *

  Sydney hadn’t seen Jeremy in three months, and she wasn’t sure how she would feel once she did, and especially since he would be living in her home. She hoped he would be civil and not try anything, because she couldn’t take anymore from him.

  She considered telling Danny about Jeremy. God knows that was the last thing she wanted to do. As she prepared to relax with a cup of tea, she heard the keys in the door and in walked Jeremy and Danny. Sydney lay in a day bed dreading the future.

  “Sydney give me a kiss,” Jeremy said to anger Sydney and satisfy his longing for her.

  “I’m tired Jeremy, I can’t walk because my feet are swollen.”

  “Don’t worry I am coming to you,” he said as he walked into her room and gazed at her while Danny was putting Jeremy’s suitcases in the guest bedroom. He bent to kiss her and touched her stomach. “How is little Jeremy doing? Danny said you’re having another boy and he wants to name him after me.”

  “I don’t care what Danny wants, I will never name him Jeremy,” and she turned and got out of bed and walked to where Danny was standing.”

  “What is wrong Sydney? I thought you would be happy now that Jeremy is here to help you. Now is a good time to tell you.” Danny kissed her on the lips. “I start filming in Brazil in a week.”

  “What! You promised me you weren’t going to leave me,” Sydney said trying to convince D
anny to stay.

  “You have the next best thing,” he said happily, as he pointed to Jeremy. “My brother will take care of you,” Danny insisted as he looked in Jeremy’s direction to get him to help calm Sydney.”

  “Don’t worry Sydney you won’t know that Danny is gone.” Jeremy lowered his eyes to meet Sydney’s eyes to express his sincerity, and the absurdness of his statement.

  Sydney pulled from Danny, walked onto the balcony of her enormous fifth avenue town house. The November wind and the sound hammered the terrace as she stood looking into the night. Then she decided to walk back to the room and into the middle of a conversation about her.

  “Danny, I’ll be ok. Go on your shoot and don’t worry about me.” She quietly stated with her head down and her heart aching from the thought of being left alone with Jeremy.”

  Danny turned to Jeremy, “Jeremy I’ve made arrangements with a curator to take a look at your paintings and I’ll help sponsor a showing of your portraits.” Danny exclaimed.

  “I forgot to tell you but Steven bought one of Jeremy’s paintings and he said that there was talk that if he had more like it Jeremy could become very rich,” Sydney stated in passing, looking up at Jeremy.

  “Which one are you talking about Sydney?” asked Jeremy.

  “You know the portrait,” Sydney said in a whisper as she crossed in front of Jeremy.

  “You must be talking about a portrait of you Sydney. You don’t have to whisper, I know all about it.” Danny said as he stepped away from Sydney not showing any signs of displeasure.

  Sydney looked in Jeremy’s direction with eyes that had shown him love as one would for a brother, but now her eyes had the intentions of loathing. “I coerced Sydney into posing for me.” Jeremy explained to Danny.

  “That doesn’t bother me because she’s not posing for anyone but me from now on.” Danny stated emphatically.


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