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Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)

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by KD Jones

  “Kat,” he moaned. His cock sprang back to life immediately.

  She smiled looking at his shaft before taking it into her warm hands. “God, I love Katieran stamina.”

  Chapter Four

  Over the next few days there were arrivals coming from Kiljor and the Colonial planet. Prima SandELa and her Earth mate, Leo Carreli, stood on the landing with Leo’s youngest daughter, Lisa. They were awaiting the arrival of Leo’s oldest daughter, Lindsey, who was now mated to the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN.

  “Why am I so nervous?” Leo asked as he paced back and forth.

  SandELa smiled as she rubbed her gently swollen stomach. She was pregnant for a fourth time and it had been a shock to everyone. “I do not know but you have made a new path on the ground from all the pacing.”

  “It hasn’t been that long since you visited Lindsey on Kiljor. RendEL and KydEL have assured me their transport reached the Katieran Solar System without any problems,” she reassured him.

  He walked over to his wife…mate and took her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I know your sons would ensure Lindsey’s safety. I just hate that we live planets apart.”

  “Do you want to move to Kiljor?” SandELa asked. She didn’t want to leave her home or her children. She had three grandchildren here and another on the way. She wanted to stay but Leo was her true bond mate and she had to support him. She could live anywhere as long as they were together.

  “No. Our life is here. This is our home just as Kiljor is Lindsey’s home.” He kissed her soft lips.

  He pulled back to look into her beautiful blue eyes with the strange gold irises. How did he get to be so lucky? His first wife left him with their two daughters. She had left a letter stating that she didn’t want to be tied down with a family. It had been hard on him raising the girls alone, but he managed to do an okay job of it. Lindsey and Lisa were wonderful, strong, smart, and beautiful. He still had Lisa to raise but no father could be more proud.

  He thought his life was set, his death from the cancer growing in him eminent. However, when Lindsey brought him and Lisa to Katiera, all their lives turned around in the most surprising way. The Katierans’ medical technology helped cure him of his cancer. His daughter, Lindsey, met and fell in love with the Kiljorn Leader. And Leo met and fell in love for the first time in his life with SandELa, a beautiful Katieran Prima. Now they were expecting a child together and life couldn't get any better.

  “She’s here!” Lisa yelled out, jumping up and down in excitement as the Kiljorn shuttle hovered and then landed.

  Leo held his mate’s hand as they watched the shuttle door open. An extremely tall man with a bald head came out first scouting the area for any danger. Then Leo watched as his son-in-law came out slowly holding his arm around Leo’s daughter, Lindsey. She seemed even more beautiful to him than before. Love and happiness shined through her face. It eased Leo’s nerves seeing how happy and content his daughter was.

  The moment Lindsey’s eyes connected with her father’s, a smile split across her face. She tried to run to him but KadEN stopped her.

  “Walk, honey. You’re father isn’t going anywhere,” KadEN’s deep voice rumbled.

  She laughed as her little sister launched herself into Lindsey’s arms. She laughed and hugged her hard. “Whoa there, midget. You are almost too big for me to catch like this.”

  “I missed you so much!” Lisa kept her arms wrapped around Lindsey’s waist.

  “I missed you too, honey.” Lindsey kissed her sister’s head. Hard to believe her sister was growing up. It was just yesterday it seemed as if her parents had brought her home from the hospital. Lisa was such a tiny, little baby, barely weighing five pounds. Lindsey had immediately took up the mother role since their own mother was absent most of the time. It was quite an adjustment living on a totally separate planet now.

  “Do I not get a hug from my new sister?” KadEN asked, making his strong firm lips pucker and pout.

  Lisa giggled and launched herself into his waiting arms next. “I love having a brother. Well, technically I have four new brothers in all if you count Ren, Kyd, and Syd.”

  Lindsey frowned. How strange and wonderful her life was. Just a few years ago she accepted a position with the Katieran nation as their legal advisor. She also had a small crush on Prime Leader RendEL. Now she was happily mated to KadEN and RendEL was her stepbrother. Her father was mated to RendEL’s mother and they were expecting a baby. Who would have thought things would turn out like this? But she wouldn’t change a thing. Everything that happened had led her here today, mated to the most wonderful man in the universe.

  Leo could not stand still any longer. He rushed forward and took Lindsey in his arms. “I have missed you so much, my Lindsey girl.”

  She kissed her father’s cheek with tears running down her face. “I missed you too, Dad.” She turned to SandELa and gave the older woman a hug. “You look amazing, Prima SandELa.”

  “ call me SandELa. None of this Prima stuff. You’re family.” SandELa nodded at KadEN as he grasped forearms with Leo.

  Lindsey couldn’t stop herself from rubbing her step-mother’s rounded stomach. “I still can’t believe it. The baby is growing so fast.”

  SandELa took Lindsey’s arm and started leading her toward the Prime building. The men and Lisa followed a few feet behind them deep in conversation. “Our pregnancies normally only last seven months, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Our daughter is strong. She kicks like crazy.”

  Lindsey laughed. “I think it's the Carreli genes. Both Lisa and I were very active when our mother was pregnant. She complained about it to us for years before she left. Have you picked out a name yet?”

  “We have a few picked but I wanted you here to help us decide.”

  “What are the options?” Lindsey slid the door to the Prime building open, letting SandELa enter first.

  “Well, we really like the names LeELa and RayELa. Lisa had picked a name that was good too. She liked AngELa.” SandELa and Lindsey waited by the blue elevators for the men to catch up.

  “All the names sound great, but I do kind of like AngELa.”

  “Then that’s what it will be,” SandELa pronounced.

  “What will be, love?” Leo asked, pulling her into his arms.

  “We have chosen the name,” SandELa told him.

  They all got into the elevator. “What is the name we have decided?” Leo asked with a smile.

  “AngELa. Our daughter will be called AngELa.” She rubbed her belly and the young kicked, as if already answering to her name from within the womb.

  “A perfect name,” Leo agreed. He smiled at his daughters and mate and felt everything was right in the world.

  Chapter Five

  A few minutes later Lindsey and her family arrived at her Dad’s suite. SandELa had moved in there right after her and Lindsey’s father mated officially. Truth be told, she had been staying there most of the time anyway. The suite was larger with three bedrooms.

  “We don’t want to crowd you guys. We can see if there is another suite available,” Lindsey offered as her father helped carried their luggage to her old bedroom.

  “Nonsense. We will keep this room available for you whenever you come to visit,” SandELa reassured her.

  “What about the baby? Shouldn't you have a nursery set up for her?” Lindsey looked at her old room and nothing had been changed at all.

  Leo shook his head. “Lisa wanted the baby to share her room. She is thrilled about being a big sister.”

  Lisa grabbed Lindsey’s hand and pulled. “Come on. I want you to see how we have mine and AngELa’s room set up.”

  “Okay.” She and KadEN followed the enthusiastic little girl to the next bedroom.

  “Wow. This is beautiful.” Lindsey walked in and glanced at how the room was divided. One side was painted purple with a pretty white daybed with pink and purple pillows, a full dresser, and a desk. That was Lisa’s side. The other side was painted pink with
a white crib, changing table, a smaller dresser, and a rocking chair with a pink and purple pillow on it.

  “I love it. I have my own desk and everything. Dad says when the baby gets older he’ll get her a desk too,” Lisa said proudly.

  Lindsey almost laughed when she turned back to see the horror on KadEN’s face. “What do you think?” she asked him.

  “It’s…so pink…and purple.” He was almost afraid to step into the room. It was feminine to the max.

  Lindsey laughed, “You might have to get used to pink and purple sooner than later.”

  Her father immediately picked up on what she was saying. “Wait, are you…”

  Lindsey nodded her head. “We just found out when we left to go on the transport.”

  “That’s great!” Her father took her into his arms again. “I’m going to be a grandfather. But should you be traveling in your condition?”

  “That’s what I questioned as well,” KadEN spoke from behind her.

  “It’s early and I am fine. I will go to the Medic Wing tomorrow for a check-up just in case.”

  “Oh, congratulations!” SandELa told her, giving her a hug.

  “I’m going to be an aunt!” Lisa jumped up and down on her bed.

  “Let’s let Lindsey and Prime Leader KadEN get settled in. I’ll order some food to be delivered,” SandELa called out.

  KadEN and Lindsey went to her room and closed the door. She sat on her bed and felt drained of all energy. “Wow, what a day.”

  He knelt on the floor in front of her and took her hands in his. “Are you feeling well? Do I need to call for a medic?”

  “I’m just tired. I think I’ll take a little nap while we wait for dinner.” She scooted back on the bed and laid her head on the pillow. KadEN made a spot for himself next to her, taking her into his arms, spooning her.

  “Um…it feels good to be in your arms.”

  “It feels good to have you in my arms,” KadEN whispered in her ear. He cupped her breast through the thin material of her silky shirt. He wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and make love to her for long hours. But she was tired more and more these days because of the breeding. He had to remember to take it easy on her, but Lindsey didn’t want to take it slow.

  She reached behind with her hand and stroked him through his pants. She loved that he always seemed ready for her. Lindsey wanted him inside her as deep as he could go.

  “I need you, KadEN,” she whispered.

  He pulled on the hem of her skirt, raising it up her long legs and smooth thighs. He loved that she wore clothing that gave him easy access to her. Unfortunately it caused him to be constantly aroused. He got her skirt up over hips and froze.

  “You are not wearing your underthings?” his voice thickened with desire.

  “You have destroyed most of my panties. I decided to just go without.”

  KadEN growled. How was he supposed to get anything done knowing that his mate walked around with nothing covering her lovely mound. He cupped the mound in question. His thumb caressed her lower lips and he felt her arousal.

  “Please,” Lindsey begged, pushing her hips up enough that his thumb entered her.

  “You’re ready for me?” KadEN asked as he moved to open the clasps to his pants. He didn’t want to stand or waste any time trying to get them unclothed completely. He needed his mate now.

  “Yes.” She tilted her ass backward and lifted her leg to lay over his.

  Some of KadEN’s seed leaked from the tip and he placed himself at her opening. He didn’t prolong their need. He thrust forcefully into her from behind. Her moist heat surrounded him. He almost lost all control at the constriction within her tight heat. It was the best feeling in the world.

  He pumped his cock in and out of her. One hand gripping her hip keeping her open for him as his other arm reached underneath and strummed her nipples. He drilled into her over and over.

  Lindsey reached an arm up over her head and clasped hold of KadEN’s neck drawing him closer. She moved her ass back against him and thrilled at how deep he was going. She would never get enough of this, never get enough of him.

  “Look at me,” he growled.

  Lindsey turned her head back and watched the love and passion for her on his face. He bent to kiss her and she couldn’t hold back her release. She cried out his name as her body bucked against his and heat shot threw her entire body in fierce waves of pleasure.

  “Oh God, KadEN!”

  Once, twice, three more thrusts and KadEN gave in to his release as well. He held her tight not wanting to leave her warmth. It was after a few minutes that he felt Lindsey shaking. He panicked.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Is it our young?” He pulled out and turned her onto her back. He looked down into her laughing face.

  Lindsey was giggling, which then turned into a full out laugh. “Sorry, just realized that we just had amazing sex and are still both mostly dressed.

  His fear faded and he smiled down at her. “I can take care of that.” He began to take her shirt off slowly, admiring the swells of her breasts.

  Chapter Six

  “Will it be a while before the meal is brought up?” Lisa asked SandELa.

  “An hour I think.”

  “Can I go over to TorEL’s? I’m bored.”

  “If it’s okay with your father.” SandELa looked over at her mate.

  “Please, Dad,” Lisa begged.

  How could he say no to that sweet face. “Okay. Let me call Prime ConEL first to make sure they are home.” He went over to the comm link. Such a strange piece of equipment. He spoke into the comm link, “Please connect me with Prime ConEL.”

  “ConEL here,” a gruff man’s voice came over the comm link.

  “Prime ConEL, it’s Leo Carreli. Lisa wanted to see if it is okay for her to come over and spend time with TorEL. Just an hour or so.”

  “Yes of course. We are home.”

  “We’ll be right there.” Leo hung up.

  “Yay!” Lisa rushed to the door.

  “Wait, Lisa!” Leo ran after his daughter. SandELa laughed. He was going to have his hands full with a new young. She couldn’t wait.

  TorEL was already in the hallway waiting for Lisa. Leo waved at ConEL before heading back to his and Sandy’s suite.


  ConEL closed the door. He smiled as he watched his son and little Lisa run off to TorEL’s room. The two children were practically inseparable. He had a suspicion that when the two grew older, they might come to find themselves true bond mates. They were already drawn to one another so early and Tor was very protective of Lisa. He frowned. His son suffered so much and ConEL hated that he had been helpless to protect him.

  “What’s wrong?” his mate, Lucy, asked.

  “Just…feeling regret.” He wouldn’t lie to his mate, ever.

  “About what?” She was sitting on the sofa and patted the spot next to her. He sat down beside her and she climbed into his lap, straddling him, and hugged his neck. “Tell me.”

  He wrapped his muscled arms around her waist. “Just thinking about how I failed Tor for most of his life.”

  She tsked. “You did no such thing. You were a prisoner. There was nothing you could have done short of escaping without him, and you were never going to do that.”

  “I just feel that he was cheated out of a childhood.”

  “Maybe he was by the Morins who kept you and him, but you are doing everything you can now to ensure that he has some kind of childhood. It doesn’t change what’s been done but it will hopefully give him a balance.”

  “But is it enough?” he asked, looking into her beautiful dark brown eyes.

  “It is all anyone can do so it will have to be enough. TorEL knows he is loved by you and our entire family. He has a friend his own age to play with. He has cousins that he adores. And he is safe. In time, the wounds the Morins caused will heal and hurt less. Doesn’t mean it will erase what happened, but he will learn how to deal with the bad wit
h the good in life.” Lucy stroked ConEL’s strong jaw.

  He nuzzled her neck. “How did I get to be so lucky to have a female such as you?”

  “You don’t know just how lucky you are. Wait until tonight when TorEL is fast asleep,” she whispered with a husky voice.

  His eyebrow lifted. “What do you have planned?”

  She gave him a sexy half smile. “First I will put on my new lingerie that I just bought.” She was evil for teasing him like this. She found that ConEL had a real thing for her wearing lingerie. Most nights she would walk into the bedroom and find one of her lingerie already chosen for her, laying on the bed.

  “Lingerie?” his voice deepened.

  She licked her lips and tried not to laugh when his eyes went immediately to her mouth. She wiggled her ass feeling the signs of his arousal hard pressed against her, which caused him to moan.


  “I also bought some oils.” She knew he didn’t understand what the oils were for. “I will use the oils to massage your body all over.” She rubbed her hands up and down his muscular arms. “You seem tense all the time. A nice thorough body rub will loosen up those tight muscles.”

  “Mmm…sounds good.” He rubbed her pants covered thigh. “Tell me more.”

  “I will straddle you while you are laying on your stomach completely…naked. I will pour the oil into my hands and rub them together to get them warm. Your shoulders are usually the most tense, so I will start rubbing your there.” She rubbed his shirt covered shoulders and neck.

  “Then I will slowly work my way down, kneading your shoulder blades. I will press each side of your spine but I will gently stroke up and down it.” She pushed her breasts against his chest, rubbing her nipples through their clothes. She felt him shiver and he then growled.

  “I will move my body down and grasp your buttocks with both hands. They are firm but I will knead them until you relax. Next will be the back of your thighs down and further until I get to your calves. I’ll give a little bit of friction on the soles of your feet before I work my way back up your body.”


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