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Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)

Page 8

by KD Jones

  Katierans Body Covering

  Their skin coloring is a golden bronze, very similar to Earth’s Native Americans. They have very little body hair. The hair is mostly found on their head and some males will have facial hair like beards.

  Cultural Beliefs

  The Katieran people believe in ditheism. Ditheism is the belief in two equal Gods. The Katierans worship the female Goddess KatieRI and the male God KiljOR. The Goddess and God are a mated pair. The Katierans’ whole culture is centered around the mated pair of Gods. They believe mating is for life.

  Story of the Star Mates

  The big star represents the God KiljOR. The little star beside it, represents the Goddess KatieRI. Together they are known as Star Mates. It is said the God KiljOR took one look at the Goddess KatieRI and knew she was the one for him. The two Gods fell in love and became mates. They were happy together and their happiness spread to the Katieran people. Blessings were granted and bond mates were found all over.

  Eventually KatieRI and KiljOR wanted to have children. In order to do this, each one had to give up some of their Godly powers. They had twins—KiljAN and KajAN. The first set that ever born on Katiera. The twins were demi-gods, weighted with mortality.

  KiljOR was a warrior God. As were his twin sons. They were battling another warring nation and the twins fell. KiljOR took his sons back to their mother who was devastated by the loss. To honor his sons and to help his mate deal with her grief, KiljOR used all of his Godly powers to turn his sons’ bodies into the two Suns of the Katieran Galaxy. IljAN the small red sun and AjANs the large yellow sun. No other set of twins have been born on Katiera since.

  It is said that KiljOR lived the rest of his life as a mortal and KatieRI stayed by his side. At his life’s final moment, KatieRI used all of her Godly powers to transform the two of them into the two stars that circle Katiera. They are called Star Mates. KatieRI did this so they would remain by one another’s side for all eternity.”

  Political System and Laws

  The Katierans have what would be considered a truly Republic Monarchy. A selected group of men are chosen to serve on the Katieran High Council. Their responsibilities are to handle the day-to-day decisions and to make recommendations to the Prime Leader on changes to the laws.

  The Prime Leader is the leader of the Katieran Nation. He comes from the Prime Family, which is the ruling family. Usually the first born is the Prime Leader but not always. As is the case today. The first born, Prime Commander KydEL, gave his position to his brother, RendEL. Unlike Earth’s monarchy, the Prime Leader has ultimate decision making abilities.

  All citizens of Katiera are subject to follow the Five Primary Laws of Katiera.

  The Five Primary Laws of Katiera

  First Law: Protect all females and young—Abusers of a female and/or young are punishable by banishment from Katiera. Violators who cause the death of a female or young are punishable by death.

  Second Law: Protect the Prime family—Failure to protect a member of the Prime family is subject to banishment from Katiera. Violators causing harm to a member of the Prime family is punishable by death Third Law: Serve the people of Katiera—Refusal to uphold the laws or to serve the Katieran people could lead to banishment.

  Fourth Law: Honor the Goddess KatieRI and the God KiljOR as a mated pair—Violators who disregard a mating after it has been made official, is subject to banishment.

  Fifth Law: Protection of all Natural Resources—Violators who refuse to practice conservation of resources are subject to banishment. Violators who purposely contaminate natural resources are subject to banishment.

  Remaining Natural Born Primes

  The Prime Leader of Katiera RendEL—second born

  Prime Commander KydEL—first born

  Prime Medic SydEL—third born

  Prima SandELa—mother to RendEL, KydEL, and SydEL

  Prime ConEL—father to AriELa

  Prima AriELa—cousin

  Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN

  Leader LarIS of the Colonial Planet

  Morin Prime Leader ThorAN—(Enemies to Katierans)

  Technology in Science and Medicine

  Medical Advancements

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses, including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds


  IHI: Instant Hologram Imaging; 3D view of video streams and pictures

  IHM: Instant Hologram Messaging; 3D view video phone messaging

  Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone

  Military Technology

  PhaseRay: hand held weapon; looks like a remote control that sends out a directed burst of energy Transport Ships: large ships used to travel great distances

  Shuttle: smaller ships that usually carry eight to ten people; transports people from planet locations to the larger transport ships orbiting in space.

  Warships: small one man war planes used in outer space or within a planet’s atmosphere.

  Katieran Clothing Style

  Typical Warrior Shirt: Usually Kimono-style

  Typical Female Clothing: Usually Toga-like outfits/dresses

  Non-monetary System

  They had a non-monetary system. Almost like a barter or gift system. If you found something that you wanted, you would exchange something you had. The human women were advised to bring spices with them before traveling to Katiera. If you didn’t have anything to barter or exchange, you could get it on credit.

  There are usually six main careers that are available. The careers are: political, military, medical/science, historical/education, bartering/trade, and service/hospitality. In each family there is someone who takes on one of the six main careers.

  Definitions/Katieran Sayings/Proverbs

  Asi: Yes

  Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods

  Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities

  IHI: Instant hologram imaging; 3D imaging view

  IHM: Instant hologram messaging

  Katieran Juice: Similar to Earth’s wine

  Key: Be

  Kitana: hell

  Kitasa: hell no

  Mate: spouse

  Mating ceremony: wedding

  Medic: similar to a doctor

  Medic Room: an exam room

  Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds Mile: Still

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold Sa: No

  Sayer: Don’t

  Scent marking: exchange of sexual fluids intending to mate

  Stada: us/all of us

  Talle: female

  Token: Fear

  Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds Young: child or infant

  Katieran Sayings

  By the Fires of Kitana

  By the Goddess

  By the Lunas

  The Goddess knows

  Katieran Proverbs

  “A Katieran that practices patience is greatly rewarded.”

  “All wormholes do not lead to home.”

  “Feeling is a part of living. If you are not feeling it then you are not living it.”

  “Love the Goddess KatieRI with all your hear
t and your heart shall be filled with Joy.”

  Common Questions and Answers on the Katierans and Their Culture

  Q: If I have sex with a Katieran, does that mean we are mated?

  A: No. You have to both agree to the mating. Most Katierans will withdraw at the last moment to prevent the exchanging of scent markings during intimacy.

  Q: Why can’t I send out e-mails or purchase new applications on my digital tablet while on board the transport ship?

  A: It is unsafe to have a communications trail that could lead enemies to your location while on the Katieran transport ship.

  Q: Why do the Katierans grab each other’s arms?

  A: Clasping of forearms is the Katieran form of hand shaking. To take someone’s hand is a sign of intimacy, forgiveness, and/or love.

  Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Series

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander

  Prime Medic

  Kiljorn Prime

  Prime Deliverance

  Prime Salvation

  Colonial Prime

  Katieran Prime Celebration – Coming Soon

  Galactic Cage Fighters







  Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunters Series Coming Soon

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  Excerpt from Rage

  Galactic Cage Fighters Book One

  by KD Jones

  The recorded fight they had just watched was one with which Rachel was familiar. She had actually watched the match with her friends and co-workers at the local Galactic Pub. Rage had been her uncle’s favorite.

  “I am not sure I understand what the mission is. Did you want me to investigate the fighter?” Rachel asked, not taking her eyes off Rage. Even covered in alien blood, he was hot. He stood over seven feet tall and was reported to weigh two hundred fifty pounds. His body was all muscle.

  “We want you to start your investigation with the GCFA circuit. It may lead to individual fighters.” Marks handed Rachel a personal electronic display, a PED, with a beautiful woman’s image on it. She had long, sable brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She had mixture of a Hispanic descent, and she was human, at least in appearance.

  “Her name is Lucinda Stamos. Her uncle is Senator Jon Stamos of the Eastern Quarter of the Omega Region. She went missing a little over two months ago,” Marks informed her.

  “What does her disappearance have to do with the GCFA?” Rachel asked as she studied the image of the young woman.

  “She was celebrating her college graduation with friends. They went to one of the GCFA matches and according to her friends, she started an affair with one of the fighters. She followed him on their circuit tour, but somewhere along the way, she just disappeared. Her friends and family haven’t heard anything from her and the GCFA released a statement saying she left the spaceport hotel on her own.”

  Rachel looked again at the image of Rage. Was he involved somehow? Could he be the boyfriend? A part of her hoped that he wasn’t as she asked the question, “Who was the fighter she was involved with?”

  “Talon, according to the friends’ reports, but this is bigger than just her. She’s the eighth human woman to go missing in the last six months. They were women of different ethnicities, from all over the eight regions. The one common thread linking them is that they were all last seen at a GCFA match before they were reported missing. I’ve downloaded a report on each woman for you,” Marks stated.

  She quickly scrolled through the summaries of each case. Each woman had last been seen in one of the regions on the GCFA circuit. The circuit covered eight regions—Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Kappa, Theta, and Zeta. Each region was also separated in four quarters—Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern, with each quarter containing a million galaxies. That was a lot of ground to cover, and it was only a small piece of the enormous universe.

  The young women had gone missing from almost every region on the GCFA circuit. The first girl, Lauren Crabtree, was reported missing from the Alpha Region. Then two girls, Sandra Tate and Melissa Dearling, went missing from the Delta Region. Barbie Vent went missing from the Beta Region. Two more, Robin Teros and Vanna Jones, were from the Theta Region. Candy Simmons had gone missing from the Gamma Region. The final girl, Lindy Stamos, went missing from the Zeta Region.

  As Marks was explaining the disappearances of the other women, Rachel looked at their images on her PED, one right after another. They were all young and beautiful. “Did you quest
ion the fighter, Talon?”

  “We tried, but the GCFA lawyers have been giving us grief about harassing their fighters. It’s been hard to get answers from him or anyone associated with the GCFA. The statement their publicity team released stated that each of the women in question left of their own accord.”

  “So you want me to question them?” asked Rachel as she continued to stare at the girls pictures on the PED.


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