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Split Decisions: A Southern Romantic-Suspense Novel - Charlotte - Book Two

Page 25

by Carmen DeSousa

  “I think you need to get a court order for that information,” Sheila said, her chin jutting up.

  “That’s exactly what he wants…what he would expect you to say, Sheila!”

  Jordan cut in, “Ma’am, please. I know you’re upset, but my wife is innocent. And even Caycee… She had an affair a long time ago, but she said she’d realized it was wrong and broke it off. She turned down Ben when he came to her; she hasn’t been seeing him or encouraging his actions. Please,” he pleaded, “we need help.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, dropping and shaking her head back and forth. “Follow me to my apartment. We’ll research the files online and see where all the recent purchases were made.” She walked back toward her Mercedes, and Jordan jumped into his SUV, apprehensive she might try to escape.

  “Can I ride with you, Jordan? I parked on the street and would rather not waste any time,” Corey said.

  Jordan nodded, content to have Corey’s assistance. He clearly cared for Caycee and would be helpful if they got into a desperate situation.

  Once they were inside the vehicle and driving, Jordan voiced his concerns, though. “Corey, I’m not a cop anymore…but I used to be a good detective. What’s the real deal with you? Caycee didn’t mention you, but you seem to know a lot about her. So, what’s your story?”

  “I’m in love with her. I have been for years.” He sighed deeply. “Only, she doesn’t know it. I was the investigating detective on a case involving her years ago, stalker situation, a real weirdo. He’d been sending her threatening letters, breaking into her house, stealing her personal belongings. After I’d apprehended him, I become the infatuated one. Of course, I’m not a psycho, I swear. I’m a homicide detective. I haven’t had much of a life outside of work, so watching over Caycee has become my life. I consider myself her unpaid bodyguard. I come to the restaurant almost every evening because she does. I’d planned to approach her again, but then this happened.”

  Jordan nodded. Had Jaynee not accepted him when they’d first met, he probably would have hounded her for a while as well. As it was, he’d sat at the bar of the restaurant for four hours the first night they met, until she agreed to have coffee with him.

  He wouldn’t have stalked her, but he could see himself hanging around if she hadn’t accepted his immediate proposal. If she hadn’t been willing to move to his state, he would have flown down every weekend until she accepted his proposal. He had all but warned her of that on their second date.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  (Jaynee and Caycee)

  For the second time, Jaynee awoke feeling as if she had a massive hangover, something she had not succumbed to in eighteen years.

  Her captor had drugged her again. She didn’t have a choice; she had to drink. She heard breathing in the ominously dark room and wondered if Ben had been strapped beside her again.

  What was with all the games? she wondered.

  “Ben,” she groaned, shaking his arm lightly; it hurt her head just speaking. “Are you okay?”

  “What?” a low moan answered, a woman’s voice. “I’m not Ben.”

  Jaynee recognized the familiar voice and shivered at what it meant. “Oh, Caycee, not you too.”

  “My head…my head is pounding.”

  “Oh, Caycee, how did this happen? How did she find you?”

  “I’m sorry, Jaynee. I tried. It’s not a she, it’s he… Ben did this.”

  “Ben? He was here. His wife strapped him down beside me”

  “A farce I’m sure. Ben brought me here. After injecting me with something, he led me out of the restaurant. Jordan didn’t even see us.”

  “Jordan’s here?”

  “We were together… We were looking for you. Now look at us. Both of us captured and Jordan is going to be even more ticked than he already is.”

  “He knows?” Jaynee gasped. Of course, he knew. How else would Caycee have been able to explain bringing him to New York? “He’s angry, isn’t he? Will he forgive me?”

  Caycee released a gusty breath, bordering on a chuckle. “Jaynee, you may never see him again, and you’re worried whether he’ll forgive you?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “I’m so ridiculous… I never should have allowed this to happen.”

  “Well, he’s not angry anymore. He was, but then I think he shifted his anger to determination. But yesterday…when he figured it out, he was furious. I thought he was gonna kill me.”

  “Why would he be angry with you?” But then she knew. She knew exactly why Jordan would be infuriated. She’d felt it; she’d felt the connection, as if he was with her. “Never mind… I don’t think I want to know.”

  “Jaynee, it wasn’t—”

  “Seriously, Caycee…I don’t want to know!”

  Caycee held her tongue, then. She must have been able to see how much she was reeling from this, trying to understand how her husband could be with another woman. A woman whom she’d pushed into his bed, allowed to enter her life. Jaynee deserved whatever pain this caused her, welcomed it even; it was penance for her offenses.

  “Well, it looks like it’s just the two of us. I can’t imagine how Jordan will find us now.” Caycee’s voice became a mere whisper. “I have an idea, though, so you’ll have to simply go along with it.”

  Jaynee nodded.

  “Do you think he’s still here?” Caycee continued in the same hushed tone.

  Jaynee shrugged, then whispered as well. “He’s been here twice a day, but now that he no longer has to keep up his act. I don’t know. What are you thinking?”

  “Don’t worry; it’ll be better if you’re surprised.” Caycee took a deep breath, then a torrent of words spilled out unexpectedly. “I’m so sorry, Jaynee. I’m sorry for everything. Sorry this ever happened to begin with because of a lifestyle neither of us ever wanted that I’d chosen to hunt down. Sorry that I found you and forced you to change lives. I don’t know…I’m just sorry.”

  “It’s all right, Cay, it’s not your fault. There’s a reason for everything. We might not always know what it is when we are going through it. In fact, we might never know, but God knows. And He will see us through.”

  “Humph,” she uttered without malice, just a product of her life choices. “You know I believe, Jaynee, I just don’t think God is personally involved. I think He lets us make our choices and allows the consequences.”

  “That may very well be. I believe we have free will to do good deeds, just as Ben has free will to commit sinful acts. I believe that He won’t interfere with anyone’s free will or else He wouldn’t be a righteous God. But, I know He carries us through our trials, and if we trust and lean on Him, trials that bring down the weak will not be able to harm us. I also believe He causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him.”

  “But why did this happen? How can I ever understand how God could split us in two?”

  “Cay,” she laughed without humor, “God didn’t split us in two… We split us in two. You chose one path; I chose another. Evidently our different desires were so powerful that we were able to actually separate.” She smiled. “And then…you came back, Caycee. Don’t you see? You realized you made the wrong decision and you went looking for your other half.”

  Despite their situation and the impossible odds of their predicament, Caycee couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you realize how crazy that sounds? Do you realize they would lock us both in a rubber room? Jordan was afraid to even go to the police, terrified they would commit me before we could find you.”

  “I know. I’ve thought about it over and over. I swear I’m making this all up or dreaming it. I’m happy when other people admit you’re here. I don’t think I could be making up everything, so I have to believe everything will work out for the best.”

  “I’m glad you can be so positive,” Caycee grumbled.

  “I am,” she said. “And you know what? As sad as I am that you’re here, I’m really glad to see you again. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you or
anyone else again.”

  Their heads jerked up in unison at the sound of a door closing in the other room. Game on. For a moment, Jaynee had forgotten their surroundings, engrossed in her conversation with Caycee. Now, Caycee had a plan she didn’t want to share. Why? Because she wanted her to be surprised? That didn’t really make sense.

  The door opened, and an unwelcoming bright light flooded the room when he flicked on the light switch. “Well…I only wanted one of you, but now I have two. I never have been greedy. I don’t know what I’ll do with two of you.” Ben’s eyes were wild and anxious. He’d been so calm earlier, not a hint of aggression.

  Jaynee realized he was trying to see how she really felt about him, seeing if she would accept him, and if so, he probably would have found a way to escape. But then, she’d screamed at his supposed wife that she didn’t want him. Of course, he knew she was Jaynee and that he’d messed up and wouldn’t be able to win the affection of a woman who didn’t know him.

  “Ben,” Caycee’s voice was instantly soft, not overly seductive, but gentle and reassuring. “I didn’t realize. I thought you just wanted an affair again. I didn’t realize you really left your wife for me after all this time. Why would you spring it on me, come into my apartment that way? You should have taken me out, swept me off my feet.”

  Caycee was good. She wasn’t throwing herself at him. She was behaving like herself, the same old Caycee, explaining to him how he should have gone about this, how he could still fix it. It was time for her surprise, she realized.

  “Caycee, what are you talking about? How could you go with him after—”

  “You don’t know anything about Ben,” Caycee cut her off. Evidently, she’d done exactly what Caycee wanted. “He was there for me when no one else was. You had your husband, the family loved you, but I was an outcast. Ben loved me. He started my career for me and helped me through everything for the last sixteen years.”

  Ben walked closer to the bed, to where he knew was Caycee’s side and knelt next to her. He picked up her free hand. “I still love you, Caycee. I’ll always love you.” Unmistakable tears filled his eyes.

  “Why would you do this, Ben? What took you so long? I’ve been waiting sixteen years for you. I’ve had to find others to fill my needs.” He cringed, and Caycee quickly continued, “They weren’t you, Ben. They could never be you…that’s why they never lasted.”

  Jaynee knew she was thinking of Jordan. She knew he was her inspiration, and it pained her from both sides. One, to see she suffered because she still loved him. The other, because another woman loved her husband as much as she did.

  He lowered his head on the bed beside her hand. “It kills me to see you with other men.”

  Jaynee wanted to scream, grab the gun, but while she remained handcuffed, she wouldn’t be able to wrench the weapon from him and get the key without someone getting hurt.

  Caycee ran her hands through Ben’s blond hair. “Ben, nothing has happened. We can still be together…if you still want me?”

  This remark clearly surprised Ben. He lifted his head, gazing at Caycee, as though attempting to determine if she was sincere.

  “You don’t want me as a slave, do you?” She launched right back into the aggressive, but soft mode, a small smile playing on her lips. “If this is to work, you have to win me fair and square. You can’t keep me captive.”

  His eyes narrowed; he wasn’t a stupid man. “You could still want me? After all I’ve done?”

  “Ben, I’m not happy about this to be sure…but my sister is okay.” She glanced at Jaynee, her eyes taking on a suspicious glower. “He didn’t touch you, did he?”

  Jaynee was back on again. “No! Of course not, but still, Caycee…how could you ever love—”

  “Good,” she interrupted her again. “I don’t know if I could ever forgive either of you if something had happened.”

  “Caycee…I would never. The moment I realized she wasn’t you…I had to fix things. I haven’t even slept with my wife in sixteen years. She tried to throw herself at me again the other night when I told her I was leaving, just as she did sixteen years ago when she tricked me and got pregnant. But, there’s been no one but you. I love you.”

  Caycee had won him. Hook, line, and sinker, as her father had always said. Now to reel in her catch.

  “Thank you, Ben. I just wish you’d told me. I wish I’d known…then none of this would have happened. But it’s not too late; nothing has happened that can’t be undone. You can let Jaynee—”

  Ben started shaking his head. “No… Her husband, he’s a cop. He’ll bring the authorities. I’ll go to prison.”

  Jaynee interrupted before Caycee could comment. “No, he won’t. I won’t. Not if this is what Caycee wants.”

  Ben returned his eyes to Caycee. She smiled, executing her role without a hitch. So much so, Jaynee wondered if maybe she was willing to accept this man. Yeah, Ben might think he’s in love, but it definitely wasn’t a healthy kind of affection.

  Jordan might be controlling when it came to her safety, but he’d never hurt her or try to govern her. This man could go off the handle any moment. He could see her talking to someone and kill them both in a jealous rage.

  Ben was clearly unstable. Jordan was jealous, madly jealous, but he wasn’t insane. He might get in a fight, but if she’d chosen to leave him, he would have let her go. He’d admitted it to her one night when he thought that was the case. Heartache was evident in his eyes, but he wouldn’t have stopped her. Ben on the other hand, when Caycee had turned him down, he kidnapped her and then tried to get her to admit how much she loved and wanted him.

  “It is what I want,” Caycee responded to Jaynee’s comment. Again, Jaynee wondered if this was an actress, flawlessly playing her role, or what she really wanted. Well, she wasn’t her mother; technically, she wasn’t even her sister. They were more…she was her, and Jaynee wondered if something were to happen to Caycee if she would be hurt as well.

  Ben reached for Caycee’s hand again. “Will you go away with me, Caycee? We have enough. Your account and mine, we have enough saved to live a very comfortable life.”

  “Of course I will. Now, will you unlatch me?” she said a little sterner. “And let Jaynee go?”

  “Yes,” he paused, looking at Jaynee’s side of the bed, “after I make the arrangements. After we’re gone, we’ll call her husband and let him know where she is.”

  Caycee’s eyes widened. “But…what if something happens to her? What if…God forbid, the cabin catches fire?”

  He smirked. “The cabin isn’t going to catch fire. Just give me a couple of hours. I’ll grab a few things, make some preparations, and I’ll be back. Then we’ll be together, and you can call and let them know where she is.”

  “Will you unlock me now then?” she whispered.

  “In a little bit, baby,” he muttered.

  Jaynee noticed that Caycee winced at the endearment. She still hated it as much as Jaynee did.

  “Oh…that’s right…you don’t like baby, I forgot.” He stood upright immediately. He didn’t act as though he were sorry. It was almost as if he’d said it on purpose, to gauge her reaction. She’d acted the same as she always had, Jaynee was certain. But was that a good thing? Would he take her reaction as though she were sincere because she’d not faltered from her previous stance, or would he think that it shouldn’t have bothered her if she really cared? Ben leaned over and kissed her once on the lips. Caycee didn’t as much as budge. Jaynee wondered if she could have played the role so well. “I’ll see you later, only a few hours and we’ll be gone.” He turned and left the room.

  Neither of them uttered a word for a few seconds, and then Jaynee thought that maybe they should play their role a little more. She was positive he’d still be listening, and then a thought occurred to her, maybe he’d heard what they’d said before he entered the room. Maybe he knew it was all an act.

  Jaynee peeked at Caycee and winked. “So, you really want to leave
with him? Aren’t you afraid?”

  “Afraid?” Caycee shot back. “I’m afraid of being alone. I’m afraid of never finding someone who loves me the way Ben loves me. I’m afraid of a lot of things…I’m not afraid of Ben.”

  Jaynee tilted her head in confusion…was she serious? Her mouth dropped open and she mouthed the word, “Really?”

  So quickly it surprised Jaynee, Caycee shook her head and rolled her eyes. Her nose and forehead crinkled up at the same time. “No…not really,” she mouthed back then pursed her lips in a look of frustration.

  “But…” Jaynee lifted her one hand in confusion, “he’ll take you…” the words barely escaped her lips.

  “I’ll be fine.” And with that, Caycee closed her eyes.

  She knew Caycee was scared, but she also knew it was their only chance. Caycee would get away from Ben afterward, but she needed to get them free first.

  “Caycee,” Jaynee whispered a decimal higher. It wouldn’t matter if he heard these words. “Don’t let him leave me restrained. What if something happens? What if I’m never found?”

  Caycee opened her eyes again. “I never planned on it, Jaynee. I’ll never let him hurt you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Jordan followed closely behind Sheila’s Mercedes as he listened to Corey describe what he knew about Ben.

  Corey had assumed that Ben had been the guilty party from the beginning, from the first time he’d recognized that she’d gone missing. Jordan was silently thankful for his watch. If it weren’t for his obsession with Caycee, his need to watch and protect her as he had put it, then he might not have known about Jaynee’s abduction.

  He wondered if and when Caycee would have ever admitted what had happened. She’d said she was going to go back the next day…that she’d been worried about Jaynee as well. But Jordan wondered if she would have let her disappear and taken over her life.

  It didn’t seem like something she’d be capable of doing. She was Caycee, but wasn’t there a few vestiges of Jaynee in her as well? Jaynee would never do something like that. And he knew Jaynee better than he knew anyone in his life, maybe even better than he knew himself. Jaynee would protect the weak, fight for them if she had to; he could easily see her putting herself in harm’s way if it meant protecting someone she loved.


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