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The Western Romance MEGAPACK ®: 20 Classic Tales

Page 166

by Zane Grey

  Hers always then the mutable and immutable desert, the leagues and leagues of slope and sage and rolling ridge, the great canyons and the giant cliffs, the dark river with its mystic thunder of waters, the pine-fringed plateaus, the endless stretch of horizon, with its lofty, isolated, noble monuments, and the bold ramparts with their beckoning beyond! Hers always the desert seasons: the shrill, icy blast, the intense cold, the steely skies, the fading snows; the gray old sage and the bleached grass under the pall of the spring sand-storms; the hot furnace breath of summer, with its magnificent cloud pageants in the sky, with the black tempests hanging here and there over the peaks, dark veils floating down and rainbows everywhere, and the lacy waterfalls upon the glistening cliffs and the thunder of the red floods; and the glorious golden autumn when it was always afternoon and time stood still! Hers always the rides in the open, with the sun at her back and the wind in her face! And hers surely, sooner or later, the nameless adventure which had its inception in the strange yearning of her heart and presaged its fulfilment somewhere down that trailless sage-slope she loved so well!

  Bostil’s house was a crude but picturesque structure of red stone and white clay and bleached cottonwoods, and it stood at the outskirts of the cluster of green-inclosed cabins which composed the hamlet. Bostil was wont to say that in all the world there could hardly be a grander view than the outlook down that gray sea of rolling sage, down to the black-fringed plateaus and the wild, blue-rimmed and gold-spired horizon.

  One morning in early spring, as was Bostil’s custom, he ordered the racers to be brought from the corrals and turned loose on the slope. He loved to sit there and watch his horses graze, but ever he saw that the riders were close at hand, and that the horses did not get out on the slope of sage. He sat back and gloried in the sight. He owned bands of mustangs; near by was a field of them, fine and mettlesome and racy; yet Bostil had eyes only for the blooded favorites. Strange it was that not one of these was a mustang or a broken wild horse, for many of the riders’ best mounts had been captured by them or the Indians. And it was Bostil’s supreme ambition to own a great wild stallion. There was Plume, a superb mare that got her name from the way her mane swept in the wind when she was on the ran; and there was Two Face, like a coquette, sleek and glossy and running and the huge, rangy bay, Dusty Ben; and the black stallion Sarchedon; and lastly Sage King, the color of the upland sage, a racer in build, a horse splendid and proud and beautiful.

  “Where’s Lucy?” presently asked Bostil.

  As he divided his love, so he divided his anxiety.

  Some rider had seen Lucy riding off, with her golden hair flying in the wind. This was an old story.

  “She’s up on Buckles?” Bostil queried, turning sharply to the speaker.

  “Reckon so,” was the calm reply.

  Bostil swore. He did not have a rider who could equal him in profanity.

  “Farlane, you’d orders. Lucy’s not to ride them hosses, least of all Buckles. He ain’t safe even for a man.”

  “Wal, he’s safe fer Lucy.”

  “But didn’t I say no?”

  “Boss, it’s likely you did, fer you talk a lot,” replied Farlane. “Lucy pulled my hat down over my eyes—told me to go to thunder—an’ then, zip! she an’ Buckles were dustin’ it fer the sage.”

  “She’s got to keep out of the sage,” growled Bostil. “It ain’t safe for her out there.… Where’s my glass? I want to take a look at the slope. Where’s my glass?”

  The glass could not be found.

  “What’s makin’ them dust-clouds on the sage? Antelope?… Holley, you used to have eyes better ’n me. Use them, will you?”

  A gray-haired, hawk-eyed rider, lean and worn, approached with clinking spurs.

  “Down in there,” said Bostil, pointing.

  “Thet’s a bunch of hosses,” replied Holley.

  “Wild hosses?”

  “I take ’em so, seein’ how they throw thet dust.”

  “Huh! I don’t like it. Lucy oughtn’t be ridin’ round alone.”

  “Wal, boss, who could catch her up on Buckles? Lucy can ride. An’ there’s the King an’ Sarch right under your nose—the only hosses on the sage thet could outrun Buckles.”

  Farlane knew how to mollify his master and long habit had made him proficient. Bostil’s eyes flashed. He was proud of Lucy’s power over a horse. The story Bostil first told to any stranger happening by the Ford was how Lucy had been born during a wild ride—almost, as it were, on the back of a horse. That, at least, was her fame, and the riders swore she was a worthy daughter of such a mother. Then, as Farlane well knew, a quick road to Bostil’s good will was to praise one of his favorites.

  “Reckon you spoke sense for once, Farlane,” replied Bostil, with relief. “I wasn’t thinkin’ so much of danger for Lucy.… But she lets thet half-witted Creech go with her.”

  “No, boss, you’re wrong,” put in Holley, earnestly. “I know the girl. She has no use fer Joel. But he jest runs after her.”

  “An’ he’s harmless,” added Farlane.

  “We ain’t agreed,” rejoined Bostil, quickly. “What do you say, Holley?”

  The old rider looked thoughtful and did not speak for long.

  “Wal, Yes an’ no,” he answered, finally. “I reckon Lucy could make a man out of Joel. But she doesn’t care fer him, an’ thet settles thet.… An’ maybe Joel’s leanin’ toward the bad.”

  “If she meets him again I’ll rope her in the house,” declared Bostil.

  Another clear-eyed rider drew Bostil’s attention from the gray waste of rolling sage.

  “Bostil, look! Look at the King! He’s watchin’ fer somethin’.… An’ so’s Sarch.”

  The two horses named were facing a ridge some few hundred yards distant, and their heads were aloft and ears straight forward. Sage King whistled shrilly and Sarchedon began to prance.

  “Boys, you’d better drive them in,” said Bostil. “They’d like nothin’ so well as gettin’ out on the sage.… Hullo! what’s thet shootin’ up behind the ridge?”

  “No more ’n Buckles with Lucy makin’ him run some,” replied Holley, with a dry laugh.

  “If it ain’t!… Lord! look at him come!”

  Bostil’s anger and anxiety might never have been. The light of the upland rider’s joy shone in his keen gaze. The slope before him was open, and almost level, down to the ridge that had hidden the missing girl and horse. Buckles was running for the love of running, as the girl low down over his neck was riding for the love of riding. The Sage King whistled again, and shot off with graceful sweep to meet them; Sarchedon plunged after him; Two Face and Plume jealously trooped down, too, but Dusty Ben, after a toss of his head, went on grazing. The gray and the black met Buckles and could not turn in time to stay with him. A girl’s gay scream pealed up the slope, and Buckles went lower and faster. Sarchedon was left behind. Then the gray King began to run as if before he had been loping. He was beautiful in action. This was play—a game—a race—plainly dominated by the spirit of the girl. Lucy’s hair was a bright stream of gold in the wind. She rode bareback. It seemed that she was hunched low over Buckles with her knees high on his back—scarcely astride him at all. Yet her motion was one with the horse. Again that wild, gay scream pealed out—call or laugh or challenge. Sage King, with a fleetness that made the eyes of Bostil and his riders glisten, took the lead, and then sheered off to slow down, while Buckles thundered past. Lucy was pulling him hard, and had him plunging to a halt, when the rider Holley ran out to grasp his bridle. Buckles was snorting and his ears were laid back. He pounded the ground and scattered the pebbles.

  “No use, Lucy,” said Bostil. “You can’t beat the King at your own game, even with a runnin’ start.”

  Lucy Bostil’s eyes were blue, as keen as her father’s, and now they flashed lik
e his. She had a hand twisted in the horse’s long mane, and as, lithe and supple, she slipped a knee across his broad back she shook a little gantleted fist at Bostil’s gray racer.

  “Sage King, I hate you!” she called, as if the horse were human. “And I’ll beat you some day!”

  Bostil swore by the gods his Sage King was the swiftest horse in all that wild upland country of wonderful horses. He swore the great gray could look back over his shoulder and run away from any broken horse known to the riders.

  Bostil himself was half horse, and the half of him that was human he divided between love of his fleet racers and his daughter Lucy. He had seen years of hard riding on that wild Utah border where, in those days, a horse meant all the world to a man. A lucky strike of grassy upland and good water south of the Rio Colorado made him rich in all that he cared to own. The Indians, yet unspoiled by white men, were friendly. Bostil built a boat at the Indian crossing of the Colorado and the place became known as Bostil’s Ford. From time to time his personality and his reputation and his need brought horse-hunters, riders, sheep-herders, and men of pioneer spirit, as well as wandering desert travelers, to the Ford, and the lonely, isolated hamlet slowly grew. North of the river it was more than two hundred miles to the nearest little settlement, with only a few lonely ranches on the road; to the west were several villages, equally distant, but cut off for two months at a time by the raging Colorado, flooded by melting snow up in the mountains. Eastward from the Ford stretched a ghastly, broken, unknown desert of canyons. Southward rolled the beautiful uplands, with valleys of sage and grass, and plateaus of pine and cedar, until this rich rolling gray and green range broke sharply on a purple horizon line of upflung rocky ramparts and walls and monuments, wild, dim, and mysterious.

  Bostil’s cattle and horses were numberless, and many as were his riders, he always could use more. But most riders did not abide long with Bostil, first because some of them were of a wandering breed, wild-horse hunters themselves; and secondly, Bostil had two great faults: he seldom paid a rider in money, and he never permitted one to own a fleet horse. He wanted to own all the fast horses himself. And in those days every rider, especially a wild-horse hunter, loved his steed as part of himself. If there was a difference between Bostil and any rider of the sage, it was that, as he had more horses, so he had more love.

  Whenever Bostil could not get possession of a horse he coveted, either by purchase or trade, he invariably acquired a grievance toward the owner. This happened often, for riders were loath to part with their favorites. And he had made more than one enemy by his persistent nagging. It could not be said, however, that he sought to drive hard bargains. Bostil would pay any price asked for a horse.

  Across the Colorado, in a high, red-walled canyon opening upon the river, lived a poor sheep-herder and horse-trader named Creech. This man owned a number of thoroughbreds, two of which he would not part with for all the gold in the uplands. These racers, Blue Roan and Peg, had been captured wild on the ranges by Ute Indians and broken to racing. They were still young and getting faster every year. Bostil wanted them because he coveted them and because he feared them. It would have been a terrible blow to him if any horse ever beat the gray. But Creech laughed at all offers and taunted Bostil with a boast that in another summer he would see a horse out in front of the King.

  To complicate matters and lead rivalry into hatred young Joel Creech, a great horseman, but worthless in the eyes of all save his father, had been heard to say that some day he would force a race between the King and Blue Roan. And that threat had been taken in various ways. It alienated Bostil beyond all hope of reconciliation. It made Lucy Bostil laugh and look sweetly mysterious. She had no enemies and she liked everybody. It was even gossiped by the women of Bostil’s Ford that she had more than liking for the idle Joel. But the husbands of these gossips said Lucy was only tender-hearted. Among the riders, when they sat around their lonely camp-fires, or lounged at the corrals of the Ford, there was speculation in regard to this race hinted by Joel Creech. There never had been a race between the King and Blue Roan, and there never would be, unless Joel were to ride off with Lucy. In that case there would be the grandest race ever run on the uplands, with the odds against Blue Roan only if he carried double. If Joel put Lucy up on the Roan and he rode Peg there would be another story. Lucy Bostil was a slip of a girl, born on a horse, as strong and supple as an Indian, and she could ride like a burr sticking in a horse’s mane. With Blue Roan carrying her light weight she might run away from anyone up on the King—which for Bostil would be a double tragedy, equally in the loss of his daughter and the beating of his best-beloved racer. But with Joel on Peg, such a race would end in heartbreak for all concerned, for the King would outrun Peg, and that would bring riders within gunshot.

  It had always been a fascinating subject, this long-looked-for race. It grew more so when Joel’s infatuation for Lucy became known. There were fewer riders who believed Lucy might elope with Joel than there were who believed Joel might steal his father’s horses. But all the riders who loved horses and all the women who loved gossip were united in at least one thing, and that was that something like a race or a romance would soon disrupt the peaceful, sleepy tenor of Bostil’s Ford.

  In addition to Bostil’s growing hatred for the Creeches, he had a great fear of Cordts, the horse-thief. A fear ever restless, ever watchful. Cordts hid back in the untrodden ways. He had secret friends among the riders of the ranges, faithful followers back in the canyon camps, gold for the digging, cattle by the thousand, and fast horses. He had always gotten what he wanted—except one thing. That was a certain horse. And the horse was Sage King.

  Cordts was a bad man, a product of the early gold-fields of California and Idaho, an outcast from that evil wave of wanderers retreating back over the trails so madly traveled westward. He became a lord over the free ranges. But more than all else he was a rider. He knew a horse. He was as much horse as Bostil. Cordts rode into this wild free-range country, where he had been heard to say that a horse-thief was meaner than a poisoned coyote. Nevertheless, he became a horse-thief. The passion he had conceived for the Sage King was the passion of a man for an unattainable woman. Cordts swore that he would never rest, that he would not die, till he owned the King. So there was reason for Bostil’s great fear.


  Bostil went toward the house with his daughter, turning at the door to call a last word to his riders about the care of his horses.

  The house was a low, flat, wide structure, with a corridor running through the middle, from which doors led into the adobe-walled rooms. The windows were small openings high up, evidently intended for defense as well as light, and they had rude wooden shutters. The floor was clay, covered everywhere by Indian blankets. A pioneer’s home it was, simple and crude, yet comfortable, and having the rare quality peculiar to desert homes it was cool in summer and warm in winter.

  As Bostil entered with his arm round Lucy a big hound rose from the hearth. This room was immense, running the length of the house, and it contained a huge stone fireplace, where a kettle smoked fragrantly, and rude home-made chairs with blanket coverings, and tables to match, and walls covered with bridles, guns, pistols, Indian weapons and ornaments, and trophies of the chase. In a far corner stood a work-bench, with tools upon it and horse trappings under it. In the opposite corner a door led into the kitchen. This room was Bostil’s famous living-room, in which many things had happened, some of which had helped make desert history and were never mentioned by Bostil.

  Bostil’s sister came in from the kitchen. She was a huge person with a severe yet motherly face. She had her hands on her hips, and she cast a rather disapproving glance at father and daughter.

  “So you’re back again?” she queried, severely.

  “Sure, Auntie,” replied the girl, complacently.

  “You ran off to get out of seeing Wetherby, didn’t you?”

  Lucy stared sweetly at her aunt.

  “He was waiting for hours,” went on the worthy woman. “I never saw a man in such a stew.… No wonder, playing fast and loose with him the way you do.”

  “I told him No!” flashed Lucy.

  “But Wetherby’s not the kind to take no. And I’m not satisfied to let you mean it. Lucy Bostil, you don’t know your mind an hour straight running. You’ve fooled enough with these riders of your Dad’s. If you’re not careful you’ll marry one of them.… One of these wild riders! As bad as a Ute Indian!… Wetherby is young and he idolizes you. In all common sense why don’t you take him?”

  “I don’t care for him,” replied Lucy.

  “You like him as well as anybody.… John Bostil, what do you say? You approved of Wetherby. I heard you tell him Lucy was like an unbroken colt and that you’d—”

  “Sure, I like Jim,” interrupted Bostil; and he avoided Lucy’s swift look.

  “Well?” demanded his sister.

  Evidently Bostil found himself in a corner between two fires. He looked sheepish, then disgusted.

  “Dad!” exclaimed Lucy, reproachfully.

  “See here, Jane,” said Bostil, with an air of finality, “the girl is of age today—an’ she can do what she damn pleases!”

  “That’s a fine thing for you to say,” retorted Aunt Jane. “Like as not she’ll be fetching that hang-dog Joel Creech up here for you to support.”

  “Auntie!” cried Lucy, her eyes blazing.

  “Oh, child, you torment me—worry me so,” said the disappointed woman. “It’s all for your sake.… Look at you, Lucy Bostil! A girl of eighteen who comes of a family! And you riding around and going around as you are now—in a man’s clothes!”

  “But, you dear old goose, I can’t ride in a woman’s skirt,” expostulated Lucy. “Mind you, Auntie, I can ride!”


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