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Page 2

by Nell Henderson

  “Give them to me,” he instructed and took the flimsy silk from her outstretched hand. “Thank you – you’ve worn them as you were told to?”

  Jessica nodded and then gasped as he pressed them to his face inhaling deeply.

  “You’ve been sexually aroused at least once today,” he told her smoothly. “Do you want to tell me about it – I hope it was because you were imaging being with me?”

  Jessica shook her head – what was this, what was she supposed to say after a suggestion like that – and, of course, he was right.

  “Oh I think it was, wasn’t it, Jessica?” He decided putting the panties in his jacket pocket. “You spent all day thinking about tonight and you’ve got yourself very wet and horny in the process – haven’t you?” He asked the deeply embarrassed girl. “I bet when I look at them later I’ll find your secretions all over them– won’t I?”

  Jessica flushed – she felt weird – he was weird, she’d never met anyone like him before. And she knew she couldn’t lie because he’d know. So she nodded her lovely head and watched another smirk cross that beautiful face before he cocked a finger and beckoned her to follow him to a sofa by the window.

  He sat down and positioned her standing in front of him.

  “Now, stand with your legs wide open and lift up your skirt up for me.”

  Now Jessica was really horrified. This was even more humiliating than the panties thing and she should stop this right now. He had no right to do these things – ask her to show herself to him like this.

  But he didn’t seem bothered at all he simply sat and watched her – watched the turmoil on her face and casually placed his hands in his trouser pockets. After several, long seconds had passed he nodded.

  “Get on with it,” he growled loosing patience. “Do as I ask or we’ll have to re-negotiate what happened the other night with my car,” he warned.

  Jessica was squirming with embarrassment - but there was no way out. She couldn’t pay for the car repairs so all she could really do now was let him have his moment of fun. She slowly lifted her skirt, slid it up over her thighs until it was bunched around her waist. He was smirking again and leaning forward he took a damned good long look between her legs - at her smooth, pink pussy then, still with his hands in his pockets, he nodded his approval

  Chapter 3

  “So you can obey my instructions after all,” he praised. “I like a girl who can do as she’s told.”

  Jessica closed her eyes, she couldn’t look at him while she was exposed like this. Would he touch her? Part of her hoped he would - he was just so damned handsome in some part of her mind she ached for him. But on the other hand he was still a mystery – and perhaps a dangerous mystery. An enigmatic man who she owed money too and now she knew just how he was going demand payment, didn’t she? Potentially he could do anything to her – anything sexual, she reminded herself - she should be careful. You don’t even know his full name – were the words running riot around her head.

  “Fix your skirt and we’ll eat,” he said rising from the sofa and moving away. He was pleased – she was lovely and he’d enjoyed seeing her submit to his orders like that – he’d savoured her humiliation – it had aroused him. She’d be good – very good once he’d trained her properly.

  Was there to be nothing else? Jessica shimmied down her skirt and felt suddenly cheated. She watched the retreating figure as he went to the table and rang the bell for the waiter as if nothing had happened between them. What sort of man was he? How could he make her do that and not touch her? Darren would have been on her like a flash if she done that in front of him. Darren - his name spun in her head. What was she doing having these thoughts about another man when she should be with him?

  “Come and sit down,” Justin invited gesturing to the seat opposite him. “I hope you’re a meat eater – I ordered steak.”

  “I can’t,” Jessica mumbled softly as she fixed her skirt. This was ridiculous, she shouldn’t have come – she’d done this all wrong. “I can’t stay you see. Darren will be wondering where I’ve got too.”

  “So despite being so late the other night and no doubt disappointing his parents terribly he still wants you?” He smiled and put the napkin he was holding back on the table. “I’m disappointed, Jessica. I thought we’d spend some time together tonight. I know you’d like to spend time with me – wouldn’t you?”

  “Well I can’t – I have a boyfriend, remember,” she pouted at him. “And anyway you bother me,” she admitted. “All the freaky stuff with the underwear and what happened just now. I don’t like it,” she admitted. “So don’t contact me again.”

  “Freaky stuff,” he echoed. “What you really mean is that you’re upset because I didn’t touch you.” He was staring - those deep sapphire like eyes of his were looking right through her. “You’re like all the rest - you’re nothing but a cheap slut. You really wanted me to slip my fingers inside that sweet, wet pussy of yours, didn’t you?”

  His eyes dimmed they’d gone all moody again and Jessica could see a nerve twitch on one of his high cheek bones. He was angry with her and she wasn’t a slut! How dare he say that to her.

  “Well – that would have been more normal,” she flustered brushing back her dark hair and taking her bag from the chair making to leave. “I just don’t know where I am with you. You seem to do and want such odd things.”

  “Believe me Jessica there’s nothing odd about what I want,” he contradicted her. Then rising he returned to the sofa. “Come here,” he ordered. “Come and sit here again beside me.”

  Jessica sighed and flinging her bag over her shoulder she went to him.

  “Lean back and relax,” he told her before sliding a hand up her leg and under her skirt. “Legs apart,” he told the nervous girl. “It’s OK I won’t hurt you – this is what you want – remember?”

  He smiled at her, a smile that lit up his beautiful face and she couldn’t take her eyes of those full, sexy lips of his. She felt his hand move up her leg – her knee – her thigh. She gasped but he didn’t hesitate and within a split second he’d gently spread her labia and pushed two fingers deep inside her.

  Jessica uttered a small pleasurable moan and put her arms around his neck kissing at his mouth and moving for him so he could work his fingers deeper. This was glorious, blissful and he was so good. She writhed on him, spread her legs wider for him, closed her eyes and shrieked as he worked her soft, quivering flesh until moments later she felt the delicious wave of orgasm start. Finally she could do nothing but call out his name and give herself up to the sexual pleasure that engulfed her.

  When it was over she fluttered her big brown eyes open to see him holding his sticky fingers in front of her pleasure spent face for her to see. “Lick them clean, Miss Hall. Take them into your mouth and suck.”

  Jessica blinked and looked at his hand with deep embarrassment – her juices clung to his fingers all shiny and thick. She flushed, first her knickers and now this. She transferred her gaze to his eyes. They were cold, hard and dark navy again – he meant it – he really did intend that she’d do this.

  “No,” she heard the rebellious tone and wondered if it had really come from her. “You can’t make me,” she asserted. “I’ve had enough of all this. I’ll just contact my insurance company tomorrow and we’ll sort out all this car business properly

  “No we won’t – because they’ll refuse to get involved. Your insurance has lapsed – remember. So you’ll just sit here and do as I tell you. Now lick,” he ordered thrusting his hand under her nose and teasing her lips open with his thumb.

  Jessica could smell her scent – her arousal and it seemed to fill the room with its musky female aroma. He nodded – he could smell it too and Jessica flushed, pushed out her pink tongue and obediently tasted her own wetness.

  “It’s time you ditched Darren,” he told her as she licked. “You don’t need him and he won’t be able to satisfy you sexually anymore – not now I’ve touched you,” he
smiled smugly. “You liked me touching you too much – don’t you? You climaxed so quickly,” he tut tutted. “I must teach you some control, Miss Hall,” he winked at her before pushing his fingers further down her throat and watching her gag.

  It took several minutes to remove her stickiness from his fingers. He used her mouth like he’d just used her sex pushing them in and out and watching as she rolled her tongue around them and sucked sexily. He felt himself stiffen – soon he’d make her use that very same technique on his cock, he decided.

  Chapter 4

  Ditch Darren – she couldn’t do that, he’d be mortified. Jessica lay in her bed and thought about what Justin had told her to do. He’d been so sure – so damned confident that she wouldn’t be satisfied with Darren’s lovemaking anymore. She shivered - he was right.

  But how to do it - above all she had to be kind, she couldn’t hurt him, they’d been so close for months now. But of course it would hurt him she told herself scornfully. How can it not? You’re going out with some sort of sexual freak who you prefer over him – how won’t that hurt!

  Two days later a parcel arrived for her by special courier. The same woman as before - the one wearing the chauffer’s uniform handed it to her and said she’d wait outside the door for Jessica’s reply. Inside the package was a note from Justin.

  He wanted to take her away – this coming weekend – somewhere lonely and very private where they could be together with no interruptions. Jessica felt the tingle again – all through her body but she particularly felt it there – deep inside her sex - where his fingers had been.

  She wanted to go but what about Darren? She’d seen him since her interlude with Justin but she’d wimped out of dealing the final blow to their relationship. She couldn’t hurt him, it wouldn’t be fair. He was in love with her and she’d loved him – once – before Justin. But if she didn’t tell him she couldn’t go away for a dirty weekend with Justin – could she. Because that was what it would be – gloriously dirty and deliciously carnal – she couldn’t wait.

  She carefully unwrapped the parcel half expecting more sexy underwear but no - two simple large brown boxes. They weren’t heavy – she shook them – then like an excited child she tore them open. Inside each was a brightly colour latex vibrator, beautifully fashioned facsimiles of the male phallus and one considerably longer and fatter than the other. She was to choose and then send the other one back with the courier. How very odd and how very Justin, she thought to herself with more tingling and an electric shiver flying down her spine.

  The note said she was to keep the one she chose safe and bring it with to their next meeting - which was to be tomorrow. Jessica carefully put the unwanted vibrator back in its box, re-taped it and took it outside to the woman who was waiting by a large, black limo. She handed it over and smiled but the woman just shook her head and climbed into the driver’s seat. Did she know what was going on – because she obviously didn’t approve. She was small and dumpy and not at all attractive – was she jealous – did she imagine she might have a chance with Justin? Jessica wondered but she just couldn’t imagine that.

  The following evening after bathing Jessica put on her sexiest underwear. A skimpy bra cut so that it lifted her breasts and made her cleavage deep and round and a matching tiny thong. She’d shaved again too, Justin seemed to be really picky about that sort of thing. She put the box containing the vibrator in a plastic bag and went out to the taxi he’d sent for her.

  This time he greeted her with a kiss. First a chaste one on the cheek then after staring into her deep, brown eyes for a few moments he followed it with a hard slaking of her mouth – tongues and all.

  Jessica loved the feel of his arms, the taste of him and he smelled divine – expensive cologne – very masculine. He’d met her in the foyer of an up market city hotel and after the greeting led her to the lift and up to the room he’d hired for the evening.

  “You’ve told Darren,” he asked once he had her inside and he’d locked the door. “I don’t do complications, Jessica,” he warned her. “And I will monopolise your time from now on so you won’t have any left for him.”

  Jessica nodded – a small lie that’s all, she reassured herself.

  “You got my present,” he smirked. “And you chose the largest, I said you were a slut,” he smiled. “I hope you haven’t tried it?” He watched her eyes widen innocently and the shake of her lovely head. “OK give it to me and come here,” he ordered sitting on the bed.

  Jessica felt strange. The tingling – yes but combined with a hard hungry ache deep inside her – inside there – she wanted him, needed him quite desperately,

  “Take of your clothes for me,” he asked removing his suit jacket, his tie and opening his top tow shirt buttons. “Your top first and then your bra. I want to see your breasts.”

  Jessica had no intention of refusing him anything so she pulled the tight fitting top over her head and undid her bra allowing her full, round breasts to fall free. He looked – stared and his eyes darkened. Did he like them, she wondered? Then he nodded for her to continue. First her skirt, her lace topped stockings one at a time then finally the only garment left clinging to her body – her thong.

  She heard him sigh and watched the smile curve on those luscious lips.

  “Put your hands above your head and turn around for me,” he asked softly.

  More Justin freakiness – the hands thing but she obeyed nonetheless and pirouetted around naked for him while he watched.

  “You are quite beautiful Miss Hall, quite beautiful and I think I’m going to enjoy tormenting you a little now.”

  He took the vibrator out of its box, fitted batteries from his jacket pocket then tapped on the bed.

  “Don’t worry that’s for later. Now come here and lie down beside me,” he invited.

  Jessica climbed on the bed beside him. She felt wonderful as he reached for her body clasping her to him and kissing her mouth passionately. His tongue slid between her lips as he explored her – tasted her properly for the first time. He was gentle, giving and as he kissed he feathered her breasts lightly tracing around them with tender finger tips and rubbing against her nipples awakening them – making them swell as arousal sparked through her body. Finally he cupped and kneaded – like he’d imagined doing that first night he’d seen her. This embrace was harder, fiercer as he massaged and moulded her breasts as she whimpered her response. Finally he took a nipple between his finger and thumb and pulled and pinched until it elicited a small cry of pain from her.

  “Did that hurt, sweet Jessica,” he asked still rolling the reddening nub of flesh between his fingers. “Because I used hardly any pressure at all – nothing like I will use once we understand each other better, so your breasts must be very sensitive,” he allowed going for them with his mouth and biting softly.

  Jessica jumped – it did hurt and what did he mean by that comment?

  “More pain, sweet girl – do you like it? I hope you do. I hope you will come to like it a lot because it’s what I like to do. Does it hurt here,” he asked gently holding her breast in his hand? “Or does the pain travel a sensuous little route and upset you in here,” he asked placing his hand between her legs. “I would be very pleased if it did – very pleased indeed.”

  He didn’t stop he rubbed her sex gently spreading her labia apart and then used one finger to very gently stroke her clitoris. Jessica screamed out with pleasure she couldn’t hold back and drew her knees up high and spread her thighs wide.

  “Slut – you love it, don’t you. I knew you would and brace yourself because I’m going to hurt you here too – hurt you until you shriek and scream and climax like never before,” he whispered darkly in her ear.

  Jessica groaned she was beyond being able to stop him. He moved, slithered down the bed until he was kneeling between her thighs. She felt his fingers touching her sex – he was readying her – spreading her again.

  “Should I pinch or perhaps you’d prefer me to bite,
” he asked sexily.

  Jessica moaned and rolled from side to side – those lips, those delicious lips were closing in on her sex. She felt his tongue slide from her entrance to her clitoris with one slow, glorious sweep and screamed again. He flicked at the growing bud for several seconds before pushing a finger deep inside her. Jessica groaned with delight and still he licked – he explored every part of her intimate place with his tongue – tasting and flicking and all the while thrusting in and out of her with his finger. Finally he withdrew and replaced it with his tongue making deep stabbing movements and swirling it around inside her passage.

  Jessica rolled from side to side and howled with pleasure – never had sex been anything like as good as this. This man was magic – an expert lover. She knew she wouldn’t last, the pressure was building and she’d climax very soon. All she could feel was his tongue, his hand and then a moment later his teeth as they gripped her labia and bit down. She yelped in pain and then he had her clitoris between his lips – she shrieked – he gently sucked then bit again. The pain – the pleasure it all combined and swept her away on a tide of orgasmic pleasure that momentarily knocked her out.

  “You’re a natural,” he said between heaping light kisses on her mouth. “I’m really going to enjoy tormenting you, Miss Hall. Tie you down, perhaps whip you a little then fuck you until you beg me to let you come. What do you think,” he asked his voice laced with hunger.


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