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The Right One

Page 8

by Ariadne Wayne

  I stayed until she climbed the stairs, a little envious of the homecoming she’d receive.

  Hurry up and come home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was a boring two months while Elliot was away.

  I’ll be home today.

  I must have looked at that text message a million times, tension pooling in my stomach at the thought of seeing Elliot again. I’d missed him more than I could have ever imagined. Despite my insistence that we were casual, his absence had left a much bigger hole than I'd thought it would.

  Work dragged. I loved my job. Work never dragged. But, by four I couldn’t sit still any longer.

  “Grace, I’m going home.”

  She smiled, a warm genuine smile, which left me wondering what I’d done to get that. It was pretty rare.

  “Good. You should relax a little more. Take some time to stop and smell the roses.”

  I backed out of the building, a little weirded out. She’d never been quite so nice, though I had to admit she had her moments. Maybe she’d just read Olivia’s last book. That always put her in a good mood.

  “Thanks, Grace. Bye.”

  I jumped in the car. I’d recently bought the Nissan 350Z, and the leather interior smell filled my nostrils. Damn I loved this car. Maybe I could go for a little drive before going home, take it out of the city and onto those long country roads ...

  Whatever. You can’t wait to get home.

  That would have to wait for another day. I wasn’t afraid to admit to myself at least that rushing home to see if Elliot was there was right at the top of my list. I needed his arms around me, and other parts of our anatomy to join multiple times, and …

  Oh holy crap, I need to get home.

  His car wasn’t in the driveway next door, and I frowned as I drove into the garage. Damn it.

  Entering the house, I threw my car keys on the coffee table, sighing as I flopped down on the couch. I guess I could keep myself entertained?

  The problem was that knowing that he was so close to being home, I just didn’t feel like playing alone.


  Oh holy shit, don’t let that be a delivery guy or something. I might jump him.

  I ran to the door, pulling it open, my heart racing.

  Elliot stood on the other side of the door, running his fingers through that shaggy hair and grinning with those damn dimples that made me clench my girl parts and ache for him to touch me.

  "Where did you come from?" I looked around.

  His brows furrowed. "Next door. Where else would have I have been?"

  "Your car's not there."

  He grinned. "It developed an oil leak on the way home. I dropped it off at a garage nearby to be looked at."

  "Oh." I tilted my head. “How did you know I was home? Are you stalking me?” I asked.

  He laughed. “No. Not intentionally anyway. I heard the car, thought you might like some company.”

  “By company, are you meaning roll-around-on-the-bed-naked company?” I asked, raising my eyebrows hopefully.

  Elliot grinned again, making me hotter than the middle of summer. “Doesn’t just have to be the bed.”

  That did it. I grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him in the door and pressed myself against him. Grinding my body to his, I could have just done him in the doorway, but I was way too classy for that.

  “Come on.”

  It would have been one of those really sexy moments if he’d been wearing a tie. I could have just grabbed it seductively and pulled him gently toward the bedroom. Instead I grabbed the waistband of his jeans and practically sprinted to where I wanted him.

  “Someone’s in a hurry.” He sang the words, following right behind me.

  I just wanted him on top of me, in me, all around me. Our dirty little secret. Olivia could keep her big brown bear with the puppy eyes. I had my bronzed musician who turned my legs to jelly whenever he smiled.

  On a strictly casual, no-strings-attached basis, of course.

  I had half my clothes off in the gap between the bedroom door and the bed, stripping off my jeans along with my underwear as I lay down and holding out my arms while Elliot laughed at me, taking his time as he slowly lifted his shirt over his head.

  “Hurry up,” I grumbled, only half serious. Him making me wait had to be half the fun.

  Naked, he climbed onto the bed, sliding himself over my body until he was on top of me, his bare skin against mine. My breathing grew ragged at the sensation, and he laughed as he kissed me, his body shaking as he chuckled.

  “I missed you, Becs. Tell me how much you missed me.”

  “I need you inside me.”

  “That’s not what I wanted to hear.”

  I paused. The grin on his face was a mile wide and he had the erection to match.

  “I missed you, Elliot.”

  His mouth claimed mine as soon as I’d said the words. I wanted this man so damn much. The taste of his mouth was like coming home.

  He trailed kisses between my breasts and down my stomach, before grabbing hold of my thighs and plunging his tongue into me. I squealed as I thrust toward his face, loving the contact, needing him as much as he seemed to need me.

  “This, I missed this,” I moaned, running my fingers through his hair, his head nodding in a rhythm I matched with my thrusts.

  “I dreamed about this,” he murmured, his tongue going about a hundred miles per hour.

  I hit my peak in record time, tumbling over the edge as he moved up and into me in one swift movement. He’d never felt so good as he did right at that moment, filling me, kissing my breasts, his hands caressing my sides, my back, pulling me up to meet him.

  Gladly, I gave my whole self, surrendering to the warmth of his skin, wanting more, needing everything.

  And for the first time, I didn’t ever want to let him go.

  Chapter Fourteen

  There should be a law against anyone making loud noises on a Saturday morning. At least until midday.

  I might not have been hungover, but I was still half-asleep when the pounding on the front door started. I staggered out to answer it, in my track pants and baggy T-shirt. The phrase “bed hair” could have been invented for me. In the mornings I could be a bit of a disaster area.

  It had worked to my advantage sometimes. Staggering out of bed to answer the door with bleary eyes, my hair sticking up like I’d stuck my finger in a light socket—I was sure it had scared off unwanted visitors more than once.

  Not this one, but then he wasn’t unwanted.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Elliot was far too chirpy for this time of the morning. It was, after all, 10.32 am. On Saturday and Sunday, it might as well have been dawn.

  “What are you doing here? Don’t you need to sleep or something? It’s daylight.”

  He grinned. “Get dressed. We’re going out.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Elliot hooked his finger in the loose waistband of my track pants. “It’s a surprise.”

  I sighed, trying so hard not to show my delight and failing. He always had a way of making me smile. With our 'friendship' renewed, it’d be so good to go and do something out of the house.

  “Fine.” I pecked his lips and turned to go to the bedroom. “What am I wearing?”

  “Just jeans and a shirt. It’s nowhere fancy, but I bet you'll like it.”

  “Hmm.” I tried my best to sound suspicious, but inside I was excited. I was ready for that, if not a little more.

  My life was so confusing. Elliot’s absence and return was making me see casual wasn’t all I wanted.

  I pulled on a pair of jeans and changed my T-shirt, then ran a brush through my hair and tied it up in a ponytail, off my face but still a bit messy. That’d have to do.

  Elliot stood in the doorway, shuffling from foot to foot, twisting his mouth.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  He looked up, and for a moment his expression was really serious, as if he wa
s seeing me for the first time. I didn’t know what it was, but this was something new, something stronger than we'd had before.

  Baby steps. One thing at a time.

  “Is this a date? I just ... well, it feels like one to me.”

  His question caught me by surprise, especially when I didn’t know the answer. Going out in public with him was a first. Asking me that made it kinda weird.

  “I don’t know. Can’t we just be two friends spending the day together and see how it goes?”

  Now he grinned, tilting his head to look at me. “Can’t even commit to the word date.”

  I laughed, grabbing him by the waist and kissing his nose. “Is that what you're calling it?”

  He shook his head. “Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t think I’ve been on an actual date in years.”

  Elliot reached out his hand for mine. “Come on then. Let’s go on a non-date date.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  He laughed as we stepped out of the door. I squinted in the bright light.

  “I know it’s hard being outside when the sun’s up. I’m sure you’ll manage to get through the day without disintegrating, or whatever it is vampires do.”

  “Oh, ha ha ha.” I poked my tongue out at him.

  “Have you got sunscreen on? You’ll need it. I’ve got some in the car if you don’t.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t put any on. It’s hard to plan when you don’t tell me where we’re going.”

  “Big day outside with lots of fresh air. Sound good, Rebecca, vampire queen?” He stuck out his top teeth over his bottom lip, doing some lame vampire impersonation. All I could do was shake my head.

  I followed him out to his car. It was a beaten up old Toyota Corolla that had seen better years, but it suited him somehow. He opened the passenger door for me, and I grinned at him as he closed it behind me.

  “You are being a gentleman, aren’t you?” I said as he opened the driver's door.

  “Just making sure my lady is taken care of.”

  His lady.

  He got in and turned the key in the ignition. The car croaked to life, and spluttered a bit.

  "Is your car okay? We can take mine."

  Elliot grinned. "Nothing major. One day I'll learn to take care of the small things myself."

  “So where are we going?” I asked.

  “I told you. It’s a surprise.” He backed down the driveway and out onto the road. “Ready?” he asked.

  “For our non-date date? Sure.”

  Elliot laughed as he accelerated, and we drove halfway across town to a very familiar-location.

  “The zoo?” I burst out laughing as the big outer building loomed. There were cars everywhere, children being pushed in strollers, and holding hands with their parents. And us.

  “I used to love coming here when we visited Nan. Mum and Dad would bring me and we’d spend the day. I haven’t been in years.”

  “What made you decide to come here today?”

  He pulled into a park, the engine coming to a stop as he turned the key and paused to look at me. “I thought it was time for us to spend the day together.”

  I grinned.

  “I also thought it would be good for you to get some fresh air. What have you been doing while I’ve been away? Working or staying in the house, right?”

  Puzzled, I tilted my head, as if asking what he was on about.

  “I know you, Rebecca. If you’re not at work, you’re at home. Unless something’s changed dramatically in the last few weeks, you don’t get out a lot.”

  I shrugged. “I spent time with other friends. It was at home, though.”

  Elliot pulled out the keys. “Come on then. Let’s go.”

  He took my hand in his as we got out of the car, and he led me toward the gate, squeezing my fingers.

  “This is such a great idea,” I said.

  As we reached the ticket booth, I reached into my bag for my purse.

  “I’m paying.” Elliot pushed in front of me.

  “Yes, boss.” I snuggled in closer, squeezing his butt.

  “Two adults please,” Elliot said, handing over the money.

  He took my hand in his as we walked through the gate together, heading toward the enclosures, stopping when we got to the lions.

  “These are what I came to see,” Elliot said. He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close.

  “Are you getting all sentimental about that movie?” I asked.

  “Is that a crime?”

  “No. I think it’s kinda sweet.”

  I turned, and he moved his arms to around my waist as I kissed his cheek.

  “So, I drive you wild with hot sex, and now you think I’m sweet? Must be winning.”

  “Winning what?” I hooked my arms around his neck.


  I thought my heart was about to explode, and for once I didn’t have any kind of comeback at all.

  * * *

  I couldn’t sleep despite the day out in the sun, and our big dinner full of carbs, and all the physical exertion after that. All I could think about was what Elliot had said. Was he seeing this as more than just a casual sex thing?

  I didn’t want to ask him. As much as I wanted to know, I didn’t.

  If he wanted some kind of commitment, the idea still scared the hell out of me. As much as I wanted to trust him, the memory of throwing ice-cold drinks at Alexander still played on my mind, seeing him pull out of the woman he was screwing behind my back when that morning he’d told me just how much he loved me.

  Elliot and I had never exchanged those particular words, but the thought of him being with anyone else tore a hole in my gut. Sometimes I just wanted to curl myself around him and never let him go, but the threat of being as hurt still seemed to hang over me.

  I turned onto my side to watch Elliot sleep. He was always so scruffy, even when he smelled soapy and clean. I’d never been with anyone quite like him before. Our lives were almost complete opposites, but we connected on a deeper level than I had with anyone else I'd ever been intimate with.

  He made me laugh, and he laughed with me. He hadn’t made me cry. Yet. Being with him was so easy, almost too easy at times.

  It scared me. He scared me.

  Falling in love with him could be the best thing that ever happened to me, but that couldn’t happen. At least, not yet.

  Baby steps.

  Elliot stirred as the phone screeched beside the bed.

  He opened one eye, looking at me as I fumbled to get hold of it.

  “Who is it?” he mumbled as I flicked on the bedside lamp

  I grinned at the name on the screen. “Olivia! It’s midnight, what’s going on?”

  “You did tell me to call you when the baby was born.”

  Elliot groaned as I squealed loudly. “Rebecca.”

  “Who’s that?” Olivia asked.

  “A friend.”

  “Sounds like a very sleepy friend.”

  I laughed. “Only just gone to sleep actually. But enough about me. The baby is here?”

  “Yes, I’ve just been moved to a room. She’s beautiful, Rebecca. Logan and I are totally in love with her.” She sounded tired, content, and I wanted to jump out of bed and get to the hospital to see her, but it’d have to wait.

  Elliot rubbed my leg, and I grinned down at him. His face was full of questions.

  “Olivia had the baby,” I whispered, holding my hand over the phone.

  “Who are you talking to?” Her tone told me she knew exactly who.

  “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” I giggled, running my fingers through Elliot’s hair. He stroked my thigh and I blew him a kiss.

  “We are catching up when I get home. You need to come and see our little girl.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” I said.

  “Good night.”

  I sighed as I lay back down. Elliot wriggled closer and flopped his arm over me.
r />   “Good news, then?”

  “I’m so pleased for her. She’s got everything she could have ever needed. A loving boyfriend, a big house for them all to live in, and now they’ve got their first child together.”

  He raised his hand to my breast, stroking my nipple. “Come here.”

  I grinned, rolling toward him. He leaned forward, kissing me softly.

  “I thought you wanted to get some sleep,” I whispered.

  “Well, now I’m awake. You weren’t exactly celebrating quietly.”

  “Whoops.” I grinned.

  Who needs sleep?

  Chapter Fifteen

  At the end of the following week I stared at the ceiling, Elliot's hands roaming my body. So many things were going on in my life, the best one of all was in bed with me.

  I closed my eyes, wriggling down the bed to get more comfortable.

  The hands stopped. “What are you doing?” Elliot said in a teasing tone.

  Oh. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy what he was doing. My head was in some other space. But I couldn’t tell him that.

  “It’s just so relaxing,” I said, as seductively as I could.

  He laughed, moving over on top of me and pushing my hands above my head, pinning me to the bed.

  “Got you.”

  He’d been more caring since our non-date date, less of the wham, bam, thank you ma’am kinda deal we’d always had. More gentle. More loving …

  Snap out of it.

  His knees parted my legs further and he entered me, inch by inch, ever so slowly, all the while maintaining eye contact. This was weird and good and weird.

  I sighed, thrusting my hips toward him as much as I could, restricted by his weight on top. We lost eye contact as his gaze swept across my face, and he dipped his head, latching his lips to my neck and gently sucking.

  “You’re not really into this, are you?”

  He’d lifted his head and was looking at me again, his eyebrows twitching as if he was unsure whether to be concerned or not. His thrusts slowed to match the mood.

  “It’s not that. I just have a lot of distractions at the moment.”

  “Are you going to tell me that you’ve met someone and this is it?”


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