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The Right One

Page 21

by Ariadne Wayne

  He kissed me tenderly. “So, how was your day?”

  “Oh, bit up and down. I’ll tell you all about it later.”

  Elliot slid his hands down my back, hugging me tighter. “Things not for little ears?” he whispered.

  “Something like that.”

  He kissed me again, squeezing my butt. “Well, dinner’s nearly ready and then the munchkin can have a bath and go to bed. There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge we can open later.”

  “Sounds good.” I smiled. No point telling him I wasn’t going to drink wine just yet; it would only pique his curiosity.

  “Hey, can you stay home with her tomorrow? I tried to get her into day-care, but they didn’t have a space. My fault for trying to do it at the last minute.”

  My diary was clear as far as I could remember, and if it wasn't Grace could sort that out. “Of course I can. I know it’ll take us a while to get into a new routine.”

  “Have I told you lately just how amazing you are?” Elliot grazed his lips against my neck and I sighed with the promise of things to come.

  “You can tell me like that any time you like.”

  “Oh, I intend to.”

  * * *

  We’d skipped the wine anyway, and headed to bed. Living together was still a novelty, and part of me wanted to have wild, crazy sex with him—the other part was so tired, I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

  I yawned as I climbed into bed.

  “Am I boring you?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “No, just really tired. I think I need a good night’s sleep." I lifted my hand to my neck, rubbing my tired muscles. "Today was a bit crazy. I had to make a huge decision about a client, and things have been so good. It was pretty stressful.” That much was true. After my emotional visit to Olivia, I had another company I'd had to decline finance for. It still sucked.

  His lips met mine as he kissed me softly, lovingly. I could kiss this man forever, it was so good.

  “Then it’s my job to relax you. Roll over.”

  I screwed up my nose. “Why? What do you have planned?”

  “A back rub. What did you think?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve been in all kinds of positions with you. Just wondering what you were up to.”

  “I’ll be up in you if I have my way. But first, a massage for my lady.”

  Pulling my T-shirt over my head, Elliot unhooked my bra from behind and I flopped on the bed. His warm, strong hands landed on my shoulders, gripping and squeezing while I moaned because it felt so good. It was funny how much tension could build in your body without you even knowing it.

  I closed my eyes, Elliot’s hands continuing to rub my bare skin. Maybe I could convince him to make this a regular thing. Yet another reason to love him.

  I need to tell him about the baby.

  My eyelids were so heavy and I began to drift off, fighting it all the way, but I was so comfortable and relaxed and groaned as Elliot rolled me onto my back.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, with another yawn.

  “That was part one.”

  I laughed, so tired but still needing his hands on me. I’d never loved so much, never wanted so much to be so close to someone as him.

  He reached for the waistband of my skirt, pulling it down along with my panties.

  And then for a most glorious part two, he went down on me, making me gasp as I struggled to catch a breath. I was still so warm and relaxed, my eyelids grew heavy again. He was so good at what he was doing, his hands gripping my thighs as I closed my eyes, breathing deeply, feeling myself drifting off.

  So tired.




  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I rolled over, opening my eyes to see Ruby in the spot where her father slept. The bed was still warm from him; he couldn’t have been out of it long.

  “Hey,” I croaked, still half-asleep.

  “Daddy’s gone to work.”

  I reached over, pulling the sheet tight to me and stroking her hair. “I guessed that. Is his side of the bed snuggly?”

  She nodded, grinning.

  Somewhere in the distance, I could smell bacon. It made me smile how Elliot still maintained that tradition. Only the smell wasn’t as nice as it used to be. In fact …

  Oh crap.

  I grabbed the mink blanket that sat on a chair beside the bed and rolled out from under the sheet, stumbling to the bathroom. Ruby watched as I lost the limited contents of my stomach in the toilet.

  I guess this is what morning sickness is all about.

  “Becca. Are you sick?” She patted me on the back, which was irritating, I hated being touched when I felt ill. But at the same time, it was soothing that she cared about me.

  “Just a little upset tummy. Are you hungry? Want some breakfast?”

  She nodded, her eyebrows dipping as she frowned.

  “I’ll be fine. Let’s see what’s in the kitchen to eat.” I stood, twisting the tap in the vanity basin, and splashed water on my face. Grabbing a towel from the rail, I dried it and looked at myself. My skin was pale, with barely any colour in my cheeks at all. Probably caused by my still aching stomach. And yet I was ravenous.

  “Why don’t you go and turn some cartoons on while I get dressed.”

  Ruby nodded, skipping away. Returning to the bedroom, I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the night before and how I’d have to make it up to Elliot for falling asleep.

  The tiredness had been overwhelming. Yay for pregnancy hormones.

  Making my way out to the kitchen, Ruby joined me. In the fridge, encased in plastic wrap were two bacon sandwiches. I grinned, taking one out for Ruby. “Want this?”

  She nodded and I unwrapped it, threw it in the microwave for a few seconds to take the chill off, and placed it on a plate, putting it on the table in front of her.

  “I’ll get you a juice. I might just have some toast.”

  Dry toast—the breakfast of champions, or something like that. It lined my stomach, but the ache still sat there. I’d just have to fight my way through it.

  My mobile sat on the kitchen counter, and I picked it up, smiling at the text message that was waiting for me.

  Can’t believe you fell asleep like that. Must have been relaxing.

  There was a huge smiley face emoticon after the words.

  It was. I didn’t know I was so tired. I’m sorry. Promise I’ll make it up to you.

  I sent the message back and dialled work.

  “You’re not coming in?” Grace didn’t even say hello. Next time I'd have to work out how to suppress my number so it didn't pop up on her caller ID.

  “No, I’m with Ruby. I think I’ll just take the day off. Call me if anything urgent pops up, but I’m going to spend the day with her.”

  The end of the conversation was as abrupt as the start, and I rolled my eyes. At least she was nice to customers.

  My phone buzzed.

  I’m counting on it. Love you. Have a good day with Ruby.

  There were boxes in Ruby’s room that we needed to unpack. Today would be a good day for that.

  * * *

  Toys were scattered all over the living room. I think Ruby had brought out every single thing she had to show me and I hadn’t made her put it all back.

  I’ll sort it out later. She’s having fun now. It was too hot for me to care, all the doors and windows were open and it was still stupidly hot. I just sat watching her.

  Now she sat on the floor, playing with two dolls. They were having an animated conversation about the new house they were living in, and I couldn’t help but smile at her imagination running wild.

  “Hey, Ruby. Want to go for a swim?”

  She frowned. “I don’t have any togs.”

  “It’s just us girls. You don’t need togs.”

  Her little lips quivered as she frowned. Clearly this was something that bothered her.

  “Tell you what. How about we go and buy some togs and then we’ll come back and go for a swim before lunch?”

  She lit up, beaming as she threw herself at my leg. “Really?”

  I laughed. “Sure. We’ll need to get you some for school anyway, so let’s go find something now.”

  All the way to the mall, she sang the alphabet, bouncing in her seat. I sang along with her, loving how close we were growing. She still had her moments from time to time when she cried for her mother, but I’d hold her tight and rock her until she stopped crying or fell asleep.

  I loved her, just as I loved her dad. My heart was finally fulfilled, as if the two of them were what I’d been waiting for.

  The drive was short, and as soon as we walked in the door of the store, she headed straight for what she wanted. I sighed, shaking my head as I looked on.

  “Fine. If those are the ones we want, we’ll get them. Just don’t blame me when your father doesn’t like them.”

  Ruby giggled, grinning up at me with that big Elliot-like smile. She was so much like him. “I want these ones.”

  “Okay. Is there anything else we need while we’re here? Let’s take a look.”

  She held my hand all the way around the store as we picked her up a new school bag and lunch box. It wasn’t long until she would start, and even I was excited to buy them. Ruby was growing up.

  We had to stop at the Thomas ride so she could play for a few minutes before heading home and I stood, my hand on Thomas’s stack as she laughed and pressed the buttons, her bag and clothing in my hand.

  Smiling at her excitement and waiting for the ride to stop, I looked around the food court. Nearby, Alexander sat, having lunch with another lawyer I recognised from his firm. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised, and for the first time since our break up, he had no effect on me whatsoever. In the past, no matter how much I’d thought I was over him, seeing him stirred something in me, even if it was just a residual bit of resentment. This time, nothing.

  That realisation made me smile even more, and I cocked my head as I looked back at Ruby. She pouted as her ride finished.

  “Want to go home for that swim?”

  She nodded and I took my hand off Thomas and held it out to her. Ruby grinned, grabbing hold of my hand and leaping from the ride, landing beside me.

  “That was a big jump.”

  “I went wheeeeee.” She giggled again, clapping her hand across her mouth, thinking she’d made the funniest joke.

  “Yes you did.” I grinned, squeezing her hand tight.

  She tightened her grip in response, and I led her back out of the mall and to the car without looking back over my shoulder. My life was better than perfect right now. Nothing was going to get me down.

  * * *

  We’d played in the pool for an hour before having sandwiches for lunch, and Ruby lay on the floor, still wearing the togs which she refused to remove, drawing pictures for me.

  “Becca, look.”

  Ruby held up her latest work of art. This time there were four people in the picture.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “Me, Mummy, Daddy and you.”

  My head swum as tears threatened to overwhelm me. My heart belonged to both Elliot and Ruby now, and this showed me just how much Ruby loved us all.

  “It’s beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Can we put it on the fridge?” She had a grin so big and cheesy on her face, showing off all her tiny white teeth, and I laughed.

  “Of course we can. We can show your dad when he gets home.”

  She nodded slowly, crossing her eyes as she did it.

  “I love you, Ruby.”

  “Love you too, Becca.”

  I scooped her up and into my arms, hugging her tight. “I’m so glad you came to live with me.”


  Elliot stood in the doorway, one eyebrow raised at the sight of us.

  “Daddy!” Ruby wriggled to be free, running and flinging herself into his arms. He lifted her up, swinging her around.

  “Look at you, fancy pants. Have you been swimming?”

  She nodded. “Becca got me some togs.”

  “I can see that. Frozen togs?” He shifted his gaze to me, his eyebrow still raised.

  I shrugged. “I let her pick what she wanted. The sun was so nice this morning; it was a good day for a swim.”

  “But Frozen? You know what kids are like, Becs. It starts with one thing and next thing it’ll be Frozen lunch boxes and school bags and—”

  “Daddy! Becca got me a new bag. For when I go to school.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress the laughter just begging to come out. Elliot smiled at his daughter. “Did she, sweetie?”

  “It’s got a snowman on it.”

  “Don’t tell me …”

  “It’s Olaf,” she said, giggling and pressing her nose to his.

  “Rebecca,” Elliot growled. Ruby laughed louder and reached out for me, pulling me into a kind of awkward three-way hug.

  Elliot sighed. “I guess I can forgive you. Whatever monster you create will be your problem.”

  “It’s a deal.” I winked at Ruby. “Right, Ruby monster?”

  She nodded, with the biggest grin I’d ever seen on her face. This was what made my heart sing—the loving family we’d created for her. She still talked about her mother, and drew pictures of her. I’d encouraged her to do it. My mother was very much alive, but there was that distance that I just couldn’t close.

  Ruby still felt that closeness to her mum through her drawings.

  Maybe I’d try that too.

  * * *

  Elliot and I stood in the doorway to Ruby’s room, watching her sleep. Snowflakes danced around the walls and a soft blue light covered the entire room.

  “I can’t believe you bought her the duvet and the nightlight too,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, nuzzling my neck.

  “They made her happy.”

  “Rebecca, you can’t do everything to make her happy. The last thing I want is for her to think she can get everything she wants.”

  I unclasped his hands, turning around. “Are you telling me off?”

  “How can I when she’s so happy?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I snuggled into his chest.

  “I love her, Elliot. Just as much as I love you.”

  “She loves you too. Very much.”

  “I think she’ll make a great big sister.”

  I raised my face to see his reaction. His eyebrows were arched as he gazed at me. “I’m sure she will.” He broke the silence, and my heart beat faster as he just kept on looking at me, as if he was waiting for something more.

  “We’ll find out soon.” I pursed my lips, cocking my head.

  His lips spread into a grin, his dimples twitching.

  “So I was right?” he asked.

  I nodded, squeezing him tight. “You were right.”

  Anything else I might have wanted to say was lost as his mouth met mine.

  A celebratory kiss.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  One pregnancy later …

  “What do you think of the name Nala?” Elliot asked, stroking the baby’s face.


  “From The Lion King. You know, that’s what Simba’s mate was called.”

  My heart was touched by him remembering that fact, but I wasn’t so sure about the name. “I feel like I should be telling you not to be so stupid, but that is so sweet. And no.”

  Elliot grinned, and I pressed my finger to the dimple on his right cheek. “I hope she gets those.”

  “Gets what?”

  “Those damn dimples.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “Do they do something for you, Ms Wallace?”

  “Ordinarily yes. Right after I’ve given birth? No. Apart from wanting our child to inherit them.”

  Elliot leaned over and kissed me. He’d been at hospital with me for the night
, sleeping in the chair beside the bed after I’d given birth just before midnight. Once I got the all clear from the doctor, I was out of this place. I couldn’t get home fast enough with my family.

  “I’ll go and get Ruby while you’re waiting. She’ll be excited about meeting her little sister and driving Olivia’s boys crazy right about now.”

  I laughed. That’d be right.

  He kissed me again. “I just want to get you both home with us.”

  “I want that too. I want to sleep in my own bed. One night in this place is enough to drive me bonkers.”

  “Can’t have that.”

  He handed me the baby, grinning as he left. This was the most amazing feeling in the world. In my arms was the bond we’d always share.

  I clucked at her as she looked at me with big, blue eyes, taking in as much as she could.

  “Hello, little baby. Your big sister will be so excited to see you. Yes she will.”

  Thoughts of being home gave me pangs, although that could have also been twinges of afterbirth pain. This little one would be happy in the home Elliot, Ruby and I had made together, full of love and laughter. At one time I’d thought that would never be a thing for me.

  I picked up my phone and flicked through Facebook. Elliot had made a birth announcement for us and right at the top of his wall was a picture of the baby and I. I hadn’t even realised he’d taken a photo, I’d been so engrossed in our daughter. There were so many messages of support, of love.

  Dialling my father, I held back the tears when he answered. We’d sent him a text and a picture at stupid o’clock, and it felt so good to hear his voice.

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you’d seen the picture.”

  “I did. She’s beautiful, Rebecca. So much like you were.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, and I rocked my daughter in my arms, wishing like anything my father was with me. Wishing like anything my mother could be here. I was almost afraid to call her too—she’d probably be hungover and missed the messages I’d sent. At least I'd be home soon and Dad would visit us there.


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