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Duncan Page 3

by Teresa Gabelman

  Knowing he wasn’t going to win, the officer looked at the other one who shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, but don’t cause problems.”

  Duncan nodded, and then with a slight tug, he broke the handcuffs off his wrist handing them to the surprised officer. “Didn’t want it to look like you took these off me, and they’re not silver.” Duncan patted him on the shoulder before walking around the car to open the door and climb in.

  “Are you nuts?” Pam frowned at him after he slammed the door shut. “You just hit a detective.”

  “After three months, that is all you have to say to me?” Duncan frowned back at her.

  “At the moment…yes.” Pam looked away.

  “Lean forward,” Duncan demanded, but when she ignored him, he grasped her shoulders, moving her in the position he wanted her. Just as he did with his handcuffs, hers were broken and tossed onto the floor.

  Pam rubbed her wrists glancing up at him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Duncan’s golden eyes roamed her face, and his fingers burned to touch the softness of her cheek. “Why did you run?” The deepness of his voice filled the police cruiser.

  Wrapping the too-large jacket around herself like a protective cloak, Pam shivered. “This isn’t the time or place, Duncan.”

  “This is definitely the place, and three months ago was the goddamn time.” Anger vibrated from his voice. “I have been searching everywhere for you. Not a minute has gone by that I wasn’t looking for you.”

  Turning from him, she watched an officer walk toward the cruiser. “Then you wasted your time because as soon as possible, I’ll be gone again.” She finished the cruel words, squeezing her eyes tight.

  “The hell you will,” Duncan growled down the back of her neck. “You are mine, and I will not let you go this time.”

  Her lips curved sadly. “Soon, you’ll be the one tossing me away.” Her words were spoken with such conviction it surprised Duncan.

  “Never!” The word was spoken softly, but with certainty before he moved away as the officer got in the car.


  Pam followed the officer, who had not said a word about her no-handcuffed state, into what she figured was an interrogation room. She sat in the chair Duncan pulled out for her.

  “Mr. Roark, you can’t stay in here,” the officer stated, looking up at the camera, hoping to find some help with the situation.

  Pulling out a chair across from Pam at the small table, Duncan made himself at home. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Listen, sir, I don’t want any problems, but you cannot stay in here. I have the utmost respect for you and the Warriors, but it’s the rules. You hit an officer and have to be processed,” the officer stated, starting to sweat in earnest. Taking his hat off, he swiped his forehead.

  “What is he doing in here?” Detective Ferguson demanded, sounding funny with what looked like two Kotex stuck up his nose. “Get him out of here, now. I’m pressing assault charges.”

  “Then you better bring an army, because I’m not budging from this room.” Duncan stood, rolling his shoulders.

  Armed officers rushed into the room with guns drawn. Pam also stood, taking in the situation. “If you release him and drop all charges, I will tell you everything you want to know.” Pam took a step toward Duncan.

  “Get back.” Duncan nudged her away, his eyes daring anyone to make a move while she was in the way.

  “Shut up, Roark,” Pam growled as she walked forward again.

  “You’re crazy,” Detective Ferguson sneered. “I’m not dropping charges on this maniac. He attacked me.”

  “No, he punched you in the face.” Pam shook her head. “If he would have attacked you, you’d be dead.”

  “Get him the hell out of here.” The detective stepped out of the way so the officers could do their jobs. “I don’t care how you do it, but get him behind bars now.”

  Pam walked forward, her hands outstretched. “You do, and I will go to my grave without speaking a word about what I know, and what I know is something that no one else does.”

  Detective Ferguson’s eyes brightened. With his run for mayor, something like this could boost his votes. He wanted the son of a bitch that killed Sheriff Bowman behind bars, but anything extra could seal the deal on him becoming mayor. “We can make you talk.”

  Pam frowned, shaking her head. “For almost a year I was tortured by the man you’re looking for. You can make me do nothing.”

  The officers dropped their guns slightly at her words, looking at the man calling the shots. “Take him out and drop all charges,” he told the officer that brought them on.

  “I want to see it in writing.” Pam didn’t back down. “And I want him out of here, but not until I see that you have dropped all charges.”

  “Now wait a minute.” Duncan was stuck between being a proud son of a bitch, watching her call the shots, but annoyed as hell that she was calling his shots. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Then I say nothing,” she tossed over her shoulder at him. “And what I have to say, the Warriors also need to hear. So, it’s my way or no way.”

  “How do I know this isn’t just a ploy for me to drop charges?” Detective Ferguson eyed her suspiciously.

  Duncan watched as Pam’s back went stiff before she glanced over her shoulder at him, an apology in her eyes. Slowly, her eyes lowered as she looked away and faced front, pulling the large jacket off with shaking arms. She held the jacket with one hand, her head down toward the floor. He watched her take a deep breath before lifting her head to a proud angle.

  Detective Ferguson looked down at her stomach then back to her face. “What does your being pregnant have to do with anything?”

  Frowning, because from the back she looked as she always had, Duncan took a step to the side, and sure enough, her stomach was rounded. He lifted his gaze to her face, watching as she lifted her hand. Duncan couldn’t see what she was doing, but when she dropped her hand, every officer in the room gasped and stepped back, as well as Detective Ferguson.

  Duncan grabbed and turned her to face him, her eyes downcast. Slowly, her gaze again came up to meet his. “I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” A single blood tear slipped from her one golden eye.

  Chapter 4

  “Tell me again.” Sid walked next to Jared as they followed Damon and Sloan into the police station. “Because I don’t believe that Duncan ‘Do Everything By The Book’ Roark punched a detective. I mean, I seriously think I have a man crush going on here.”

  “Will you shut the fuck up, Sid?” Sloan growled, stopping at the front window and slamming his hand down hard on the counter. “Where in the hell is the officer in charge?” His growl sent the clerk running for whomever she could find.

  “You know, if you guys don’t start treating me right, I’m putting in for a transfer.” Sid leaned against the wall, arms crossed. “I really feel harassed with all the ‘shut the fuck up, Sid’ comments. I mean, where’s the brotherly love stuff we’re supposed to have for each other, because I sure as hell ain’t feeling it.”

  “Does he ever shut the fuck up?” Sloan asked Damon and Jared, his legendary temper bubbling just below the surface.

  “Nope,” Jared answered, not even looking at Sid, whom he knew was grinning like an idiot.

  The clerk rushed back, breathing hard. “I’m sorry, I can’t find him anywhere. Can I help you with something?”

  Sloan sighed in aggravation. “One of my Warriors was arrested…”

  “Yes, but the charges have been dropped on Duncan Roark.” She hurriedly informed them.

  “Dropped?” Sloan frowned.

  “Yes, Detective Ferguson dropped all charges,” she replied, looking a little more at ease.

  “Then where is Duncan Roark?” Sloan demanded.

  “I swear I’m seeing more of you Warriors today than I have in the whole time we’ve been working with you.” Officer Rosen walked up behind the clerk buzzing them in. “How y
ou doing, Sloan?”

  “Actually, Pete, I’ve been better.” Sloan followed him. “What the hell is going on?”

  Pete actually chuckled. “Now ain’t that the question of the day.”

  The Warriors followed the older officer down the hall to a room where Duncan stood bent with both hands on a table, staring intently into a computer screen.

  No one said a word. By the look of Duncan’s profile, they knew something was seriously wrong. The four Warriors surrounded him, looking over his shoulder. Pam sat; her chair scooted back from the table to make room for her growing stomach.

  Of course, Sid was the first to break the silence. “Son of a bitch. Who’s the daddy?” Jared and Damon grimaced, waiting for Duncan to blow. When Duncan remained silent, not even acknowledging their presence, Sid decided to take it a step further. “At least now you know what kind of woman she is. I mean, you wasted three months of your forever life looking for a woman who screwed-”

  Duncan had him up against the wall with a knife to his throat so fast the others were just now reacting. Nose-to-nose with Sid, Duncan’s eyes flashed black instantly.

  “You will never speak of Pam without respect again, you son of a bitch.” Duncan nicked Sid’s neck with the knife. “I will slit you from ear-to-ear without hesitation. And to answer your question of who the father of her child is, well, he has a knife held to your fucking throat. Any more questions?” The last words were hissed as the knife pressed a little deeper.

  “Ah no, think that covers everything.” Sid’s eyes also turned black, but his tone held no aggression. “Now can you remove that blade from my throat?”

  With one last warning glare, Duncan removed the knife, flipping it easily in his hand. No one was more adept with knives or swords than Duncan Roark was, and when he brought them out, everyone who knew him knew it was serious business.

  Damon was at the monitor, ignoring the drama behind him. He knew Sloan and Jared would not let Duncan kill Sid even if the dumbass deserved it. Leaning closer, he frowned. “Jesus!” His eyes met Duncan’s. “She’s a half-breed.”

  Sloan pushed him out of the way. “That’s impossible.” At that moment, Pam looked up at the camera for a split second as if hearing him and showing him how possible it really was.


  Pam looked away from the fake fire alarm where she knew the camera was, and wondered absently why they tried to hide it - everybody knew they were being taped. God, she felt sick, but she willed it back. She knew Duncan was watching. She didn’t want him to know what she went through. Even knowing it wasn’t her fault, she felt ashamed and didn’t want to see the look of pity in his golden eyes. She loved him, had loved him after he took such good care of her during her recovery from the car accident she and Nicole had been involved in. Her feelings for him had happened so fast, totally taking her by surprise because Duncan was so not her type. He was gorgeous, yes, but he was too subdued for her tastes, or so she thought. Where he was quiet and responsible, she was loud and an in-your-face type of girl…or had been that way before things went bad.

  “Can you turn that off?” Pam nodded toward the camera.

  “No, Ms. Braxton.” Detective Ferguson peered down his long nose at her. “I cannot. From here on out, I will be the one asking the questions.”

  Not comfortable with his attitude, Pam clasped her hands together tightly. The old Pam would have told the arrogant ass to curb his attitude, but that Pam was buried deep. She would find that part of herself again, but today wasn’t going to be the day. Today she felt too raw.

  “Who is the father?” Detective Ferguson stood close to her, crowding her with intimidation. “Is it Kenny Lawrence’s?”

  “What does that have to do with Sheriff Bowman?” Pam frowned, her arm automatically going to her stomach.

  “Answer the question, Ms. Braxton.” He regarded her critically.

  “I refuse to answer that question as it has nothing to do with Sheriff Bowman.” Pam stood her ground, but jumped when he slammed his hand down on the table in front of her.

  “You do not have the right to refuse anything.” His loud tone made her cringe.

  “And that is where you’re wrong detective.” Sloan Murphy walked into the room like he owned the place. “She has every right to refuse to answer any question. As she is a half-breed, she is under the VC Council Protection. I will be sitting in on the rest of this little interview. I suggest you stick with your questions about the murder of Sheriff Bowman, or this interview is over.”

  Detective Fergusons eyes narrowed in disdain. “You have no right barging in here. I’m conducting official business which does not involve the VC Council.”

  “As stated, she is a half-breed and is under our protection, so ask your questions, but be very careful of the subject,” Sloan warned, his eyes also narrowed.

  “I am really starting to not like you Warriors very much,” he spat out in disgust.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Sloan’s lip curled. “At this very moment, three Warriors are holding back one seriously upset Warrior who wants to tear you apart. I believe you’ve already met him when his fist connected with your face. So I suggest you be more polite and respectful to Ms. Braxton with your questions.”

  “When was the last time you saw Kenny Lawrence?” Detective Ferguson touched his swollen nose before he spat his question out, his focus back on Pam.

  “The night of Sheriff Bowman’s murder,” Pam answered, feeling a little more at ease with Sloan in the room.

  “You have not had contact with him since that night?” His eyebrows rose unbelievably. “Not even to tell him about the baby?”

  “Interview is over.” Sloan walked up to Pam to pull her chair out for her.

  “If I find out you are lying and have seen Kenny Lawrence, I will lock you up to where you won’t see the light of day for a long time.” The detective pointed at her.

  Pam stopped in front of the detective. “If I see the bastard, you will be the first to know.” Pam took a step closer with a hiss. “I will have his bloody corpse brought to your doorstep.”

  Feeling a tug on her arm, she let Sloan Murphy lead her away and out of the room. Turning the corner, she came face to face with Duncan. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, her eyes automatically went to the floor, shame flaming across her face.

  “Bring her back to headquarters…soon,” Sloan said from behind her, before walking away.

  A large hand gripped her chin gently making her flinch. “Never look away from me in shame.” His deep spoken words penetrated her fear. “And know, I would cut off my own hands before they would ever bring you pain.”

  Raising her mismatched eyes to his, she couldn’t hold back the flood of tears. She swiped them away angrily, hating them. She was sick of tears. She was just so sick of it all. “Are you just going to be something else I have to try to survive? Because in all honesty, I don’t think I can survive much more.”

  Duncan’s eyes darkened slightly at her words. “I will remove myself from you if I ever cause you pain of any kind.” He backed away slightly as if waiting for her to make the final decision - if she was going to accept him.

  For the short time she had known Duncan Roark, the one thing she truly knew about him was that he was a brutally honest and honorable man. If there was anyone she could trust, it was him. Knowing the only way to find her way back to herself, she had to take the first step in healing. Holding in the sobs of fear, anger, wanting and pain, she rushed to him. Wrapping her arms around him tightly, she let everything go.

  Duncan held her just as tight, absorbing her sobs of pain, all the while keeping his own emotions in check. Never had he wanted to kill anyone more than he wanted to kill the son of a bitch who had broken this woman. “I’ve got you,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”


  He didn’t know how long he stood holding Pam in his arms. It was as if time stood still. His large hand cupped her head to his chest while his other rubbed small
comforting circles on her back. He had never been a sensitive man, but with her, this felt so right. She was where she belonged, in his arms.

  Feeling the presence of someone, he glanced up to look into Sid’s eyes. “What do you want?”

  Sid actually seemed to be without words as he shuffled from one foot to the other, his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans. “I just wanted to apologize.” Sid slid his gaze from Duncan to Pam. “Sometimes things just come out of my damn mouth before I can pull them back. I never meant anything…”

  “It’s forgotten.” Duncan nodded, but frowned when Pam started to pull away from him. He wasn’t ready to let her go. “Can you drive my car back and we’ll catch a ride with Jared?”

  “Not a problem.” Sid caught the keys Duncan tossed at him. Taking one last glance at Pam, Sid looked like he wanted to say something more, but he turned and walked away.

  Duncan kept his eyes on Pam who had wiped her tears away, and stood staring at his chest. He gave her a minute to compose herself, but as soon as Jared walked up, she stiffened, and her composure crumbled.

  “Hey, Sid said you wanted to ride with me.” Jared spoke to Duncan, but his eyes were on Pam’s back.

  Before Duncan could say a word, Pam turned so fast and was in Jared’s arms, hugging him so tightly, it surprised both Warriors. “I’m so sorry,” Pam pleaded. “Please don’t hate me.”

  Jared’s eyes met Duncan’s briefly before he pulled Pam away from him so he could look down into her face. “I could never hate you, Pamster.” He smiled when she snorted at the nickname he had started calling her before all hell broke loose. “You saved lives the night at the Sand Trap and that of my mate, so if anything, I thank you.”

  Duncan watched Pam fight with her emotions. “Come on.” Duncan wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Pam nodded, still not looking either of them in the eye.

  “You want me to take you to your place?” Jared let them pass.

  “Yes.” Duncan opened the door, but stopped when Pam shook her head.

  “No.” Pam answered right after. “I heard Sloan say he wanted me at headquarters, and the quicker I can get this over with, the faster I can get my life ba-” Pam looked down at her hand resting protectively over her protruding stomach. “Started.”


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