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Duncan Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Are you sure?” Duncan and Jared asked at the same time, both sounding protective and wanting what was best for her. Duncan frowned at Jared.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Pam replied, sounding a little more like herself. “It’s time I face this. I’m tired of running.”

  As soon as the three walked out the door of the police station, bright flashes and a rush of reporters pressed forward with cameras and microphones, all shouting at once.

  “Is it true you’re a half-breed and pregnant?” One man asked, shoving his microphone past other reporters and almost hitting Pam in the face.

  “Ms. Braxton.” Another reporter yelled over the group. “Are you keeping the baby? Is it going to be human?”

  “Who’s the father? Is he human?” A woman reporter, not caring she was being shoved and pushed, shouted above everyone else.

  Duncan shielded Pam, pushing her behind him. Just behind the reporters, Duncan spotted Detective Ferguson standing a few feet away. Their eyes met, and with a salute of his hand, the bastard turned away, getting into his car wearing a smug grin that Duncan swore one day soon he would be wiping off the bastard’s face.

  Chapter 5

  Finally, they made it to headquarters. Jared had sped, ran red lights and broke every traffic law known to man to get away from the reporters. “I think we lost them.” Jared parked, glancing at Pam and Duncan in the rearview mirror. “What the fuck was that?”

  “It was the detective. He’s trying to flush out Kenny.” Pam answered, looking at Duncan. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Duncan cursed but nodded. “That’s exactly what the bastard is doing.”

  “I have to get out of here.” Pam went for the door, struggling to get it open, but Duncan stopped her. “He’ll find me here. I have to go.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” Duncan held her tighter when she struggled. “You’re safe. He’s not going to get anywhere near you.”

  “No, you don’t understand. He swore to me if I went to you, he would kill you.” Her whole body shook. Her eyes, wide with fear, looked from Duncan to Jared. “All of you.”

  “I hope to hell the son of a bitch tries.” Jared smirked, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “Why won’t you listen to me?” she pleaded with Duncan. “He can and will kill you.”

  Anger slashed across Duncan’s face. Did she have such low confidence in him to keep her safe? “You’re wrong, Pam.” Duncan tried to keep the anger out of his voice. “Kenny comes anywhere near you, he’s as good as dead.”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.” Pam gritted her teeth with frustration. “He won’t kill me now, not with me being pregnant, but he will kill anyone who helps me.”

  “What makes you so sure the bastard can take us out?” Jared had turned to look at her, his tone angry.

  Pam swallowed hard, glancing away. “Because, he almost did.”

  “What?” Jared shared a look with Duncan.

  Rubbing her stomach, Pam nervously glanced out the back window. “I left him when I found out what he had been doing, but he caught me. I was coming to you to tell you what I had found out.” Pam stared at Duncan, her eyes caressing his face. “He warned me that if I ever betrayed him, he would kill every Warrior as well as their mates. He had pictures of you all.”

  The silence in the car was deafening. “What were the pictures, honey?” Duncan reached out and squeezed her hand gently.

  The pained expression on her face wrinkled her forehead “He had pictures of all of you with a red laser mark on your head. He said that if I left him or said a word about what I had found, he would kill you all. I couldn’t let that happen.” Her eyes finally met his. “I couldn’t let that happen. I had to stay.”

  Jared’s black eyes met Duncan’s once again before he climbed out of the driver’s seat, slamming the door.

  Pam jumped at the noise. “I’m sorry.” Her head bowed before his. “I wanted so much to come to you, but…”

  Duncan grasped her chin bringing her face to his. “Listen to me.” He waited until she looked up. “Nothing is going to happen to any of us. We are going to find him, but until then, you are safe and you are not going anywhere.”

  “But…” Pam’s eyes once again widened with fear.

  “You have protected us, even saved our lives once.” Duncan stroked her chin with his thumb as a small smile tilted his full lips. “Now it’s time for us to return the favor.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Pam shook her head in disbelief. “After everything that’s happened, how can you even stand to look at me?”

  “You are burned into my memory. Everything I look upon, I see you.” Duncan leaned closer, slowly so not to frighten her. “Not even removing my eyes would take your image from me. I love and have loved you, Pam Braxton. I was a fool to let you walk away from me.”

  Pam’s hand reached up to his face, but stopped before touching. “I’m not the same.” Pam pulled her hand back. “I’ve changed. I don’t know if I can love again.” She caught the sob that escaped her trembling lips.

  Duncan reached out and grasped her hand, placing it on his cheek. “I don’t care.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Her voice was pleading. “I’m so afraid. I don’t want to be afraid anymore.”

  “I’ve got you.” He repeated his oath to her, his large hand gently grasping the back of her head, cradling her next to his chest.


  Pam was barely holding herself together. Emotions trembled through her body, making her legs shaky. She hated the helpless feeling that plagued her. Her mental state wasn’t much better; it flitted from wanting to be strong then back to wanting to run and hide so everything just went away. Her hopes were that everyone forgot what had happened, and that no one would see the weakness she had displayed in her relationship with that bastard. What she wouldn’t give to turn back the hands of time so she never would have gone on that first date with Kenny Lawrence. Soon everything was going to come out, and she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to handle it; she was barely hanging on as it was. Glancing down at her growing stomach, she knew without a doubt, she had to hang on. She had to be strong…she had no choice. She had to handle it. This wasn’t just about her anymore.

  Feeling the strength of Duncan’s large hand where it rested on the small of her back gave her mixed emotions. Would he hate her once he found out how weak she had been? Would he look at her in disgust? Could she handle his rejection? Soon she would find out the answer to all of those questions, and that thought made her stomach clench in pain. Grabbing her stomach, she moaned under her breath.

  “Are you okay?” Duncan stopped her, turning her toward him, his golden eyes filled with worry.

  Pam could only nod. The large lump in the back of her throat prevented her voicing the lie. She was far from okay.

  “Are you in pain?” His concern echoed in the deep rumble of his voice.

  Swallowing hard, Pam shook her head.

  “Do not lie to me.” Duncan frowned, but kept his voice low without anger.

  Knowing she had to say something, she cleared her tight throat. “Just a little hungry,” she finally answered. It wasn’t a total lie. Her stomach felt hollow, and she knew that wasn’t good. Even though food was the last thing she wanted, she needed to eat.

  Duncan stared at her a second longer before nodding. “Never hesitate to ask me for anything you need.” He gently squeezed her arms before grasping her hand. “Let’s get you something to eat before we talk to Sloan. I’m sure Sid has something in the kitchen.”

  Only having been at the VC Headquarters twice, Pam was totally lost in the maze of hallways. She let Duncan lead the way, but stopped cold before he pulled her into a kitchen and dining area where people she lied to could be. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside to face whatever came her way.

  All noise stopped as everyone stared at her. Pam’s eyes started to go to the floor, but she spotted Nicole and couldn’t look away. Eve
n though she had talked to Nicole briefly over the phone the last three months, so much had been left unsaid. Nicole stood and walked around the table to stand a few feet away from Pam, her eyes taking in her now one golden eye before going straight to her stomach.

  “And everyone thought I’d be the first one knocked up.” Nicole broke the silence. “Looks like you finally got the boobs you always wanted.”

  “Yeah, no more training bras for me,” Pam replied, a laugh and sob trembling from her lips as a tiny piece of her heart mended.

  Nicole took two steps toward her and opened her arms. “If you don’t get over here and hug me, I’m going to kick your ass, breed.”

  Pam rushed into her friend’s arms, holding tight. She had been so lonely for so long that she soaked in any type of kindness.

  “I’m so sorry,” Pam whispered. Knowing she had held the hug too long, Pam reluctantly let go and stepped back.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Nicole shot a frown at her, but soon was grinning excitedly. “When are you due?”

  Again, Pam wanted to hug her friend. So far, her being pregnant wasn’t being brought up. It was as if a dirty secret was being revealed. As if no one said anything, it would go away. She didn’t want it to go away. She was having this baby with or without the support of the ones around her. “I’m not sure. I couldn’t find a doctor who would see me.”

  Duncan walked up beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder. “We’ll find you a doctor.” He nodded as if it was already done.

  “I’ll make some calls.” Nicole winked at her, and then slapped her hands together. “My God, I’m going to be an aunt. Should I go with Auntie Nicole or just Aunt Nicole?”

  “Come on. Let’s see what Sid has to eat over there.” Duncan rolled his eyes as he led Pam over to where Sid stood busy at the stove. She had seen him eyeing her and felt nervous approaching the Warrior she didn’t know well.

  “What are you craving?” Sid looked down at her, his face emotionless. “If I don’t have it, I’ll get it. If I don’t know how to make it, I’ll learn.”

  “Why? Is Rachael Ray having a segment on Foods Pregnant Women Crave?” Nicole snorted, heading back to her seat at the large kitchen table.

  “Excuse me,” Sid told Pam before glaring over the top of her head at Nicole. “Shut it, vampira.”

  A true smile spread across Pam’s lips. She had really missed this, missed them all. She couldn’t believe they were accepting her after everything. She had expected pointing fingers, not everyone acting like nothing happened.

  “Whatever everybody else is having is fine.” She looked away, feeling uncomfortable from his stare. Sid was one Warrior she didn’t know well, so she still didn’t know what to think of him.

  “How do you like your steak?” Sid turned to head for the fridge.

  Pam licked her lips, her stomach cramping. “Rare?”

  Sid frowned with a nod before looking away, grabbing the steak. “Be ready in no time. Have a seat.”

  Placing her beside Nicole, Duncan stayed near; actually, he hovered.

  “Where’s Damon?” Tessa asked, surprised the large Warrior was nowhere to be seen.

  “Don’t know.” Nicole shrugged her shoulders. “And don’t really care.”

  “He’s at the warehouse taking over for me,” Duncan answered. “I took over for him when Tessa and Nicole got arrested for breaking into your apartment.”

  “Are you serious?” Pam’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh my God. I didn’t think. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s no big deal.” Nicole shook her head. “Well, at least to me it wasn’t any big deal because I knew you gave me permission, but hubby got a little upset because I had been talking to you without telling anyone.”

  “But that was my fault. I made you promise.” Pam glared at Duncan. “He shouldn’t be mad at her.”

  Sid stepped up before Duncan could reply. After placing a large rare steak in front of Pam, he stepped back, watching her closely. “Rare enough?”

  Looking at the blood streaming from the huge hunk of meat had the saliva in Pam’s mouth thick. “Perfect,” she replied, her voice hoarse with thirst and her one golden eye black with hunger. Not able to control herself, she picked up the steak with her hands, pushing it into her mouth, sucking the much-needed blood down her throat. A lone blood tear escaped one eye, as a clear tear escaped the other, both shimmering down her cheeks in embarrassment. She was starving and not for food.

  “Whoa, slow down, honey.” Duncan reached for her hand, but stopped when she growled. He looked at her in surprise. “Pam, slow down. You’re going to choke.”

  “Pretty hard to get the blood you need without fangs.” Sid eyed her. “What happened to your fangs, Pam?”

  “What the fuck?” Duncan cursed, forcing her hands and steak away from her mouth. Blood colored her full lips. Slowly, he ran his thumb over her upper lip, lifting it slightly. Shocked, he looked into her eyes. “This is the only blood you’ve had? What happened? Did your fangs not grow out when you changed?”

  Staring into his eyes, she wanted to lie. How could she tell him the truth? Would they look at her different? Would they see her as weak? Pulling her face away, she wiped her mouth.

  “Yeah, they grew in.” She scooted her chair away from him and stood. “But Kenny didn’t want anyone to know I had been turned, so he had me wear contacts, and he had my fangs filed down.” She didn’t mention he’d had it done without any numbing; she kept that to herself.

  “That son of a bitch!” Duncan slammed his hand down on the table in anger so quickly Pam jumped, covering her face.

  Realizing what she had done, and the look on everyone’s face, she knew she couldn’t do this. She needed to be alone, away from people until she could get this fear under control.

  “I can’t do this.” Pam walked backward towards the door. “I really can’t do this.” She turned, running out of the room.

  Duncan chased her down, catching her easily. “You are not running from me again.” He picked her up carefully, carrying her away from the kitchen up a set of steps.

  “I’m too messed up, Duncan.” Pam pushed lightly on his chest. “Just let me go.”

  Looking down at her, he stopped in front of a door. “I will never let you go.” Holding her with one hand, he opened the door with the other, kicking it the rest of the way open. “You are not alone in this anymore. You are mine, and I will always be yours.”

  Chapter 6

  Duncan sat her on the bed he had never laid in. This was just a place he stored clean clothes and showered. His home was a few miles away, which he would take her to soon. Leaving her, he went to the bathroom to grab a towel. Laying it over her legs, he knelt down in front of her. Raising his wrist to his mouth, his fangs gleamed in the light as he bit down on his own wrist. He watched the raging war in her eyes. His blood ran down his arm, dripping onto the towel, but he didn’t force her to take his blood. He waited patiently for her to make the decision.

  Slowly, she reached, her fingertips touching his, her eyes leaving his wrist to meet his. “Thank you.”

  His other hand palmed her cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth against her softness; still he waited. Finally, her hands gripped his, bringing his bloodied wrist to her mouth. He held back a moan as her tongue snaked out, taking a taste. Her lips latched on his wrist; he felt the pull of her mouth taking his blood and damn, didn’t that make him feel more like a man than he ever had. His protectiveness tripled at that moment. No one would ever harm this woman again.

  Duncan lost track of time as he watched her take his blood, binding her to him more closely than anyone had ever been. Feeling her pull away, he stopped her. “Take as much as you need.”

  Grabbing the towel, she wiped her mouth, and then cleaned his wrist, which was already healing. “I’m fine. I don’t want to take too much.”

  “You can have it all.” Duncan smiled at her.

  “Then you’d be a shriveled-up Warrior.” Pa
m grinned, feeling better than she had in a long time.

  Seeing the ragged edges of her fangs where they’d been filed down, made Duncan frown. Pam closed her lips, covering her mouth with her hand. “Don’t.” He pulled her hand away. “Don’t hide anything from me.”

  “It’s ugly.” Pam grimaced. “As soon as I get a job and some insurance, I’ll get them fixed.”

  “If you want them fixed, then we will get them fixed.” Duncan grabbed the bloodied towel, throwing it toward the bathroom.

  Pam shook her head. “I don’t expect you to do everything for me, Duncan.” She rubbed her full belly. “I am going to get back on my feet.”

  “I know that, but not alone.” Duncan watched her hand run small circles over her belly.

  “I’m keeping the baby.”

  Duncan’s eyes shot up from her stomach to her face. “I wouldn’t expect anything else.” He watched the relief flash across her face.

  Pam nodded, taking a deep breath. “I know that, it’s just…” Grunting in frustration, her hands balled into fists.

  “Listen to me.” Duncan grabbed both of her hands, forcing her to look at him. “You are not alone in this anymore. I’m not going to sit here and say I know what you went through, but I have a pretty clear idea. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stand in the way of my support for you and your baby.”

  “So you don’t care that bastard is the father of my baby?” Pam’s chin trembled.

  Dropping one of her trembling hands to her lap, he placed his larger one on her bulging stomach and felt a warmth he had not felt in such a long time swarm through his body.

  “This little miracle you carry is a part of you, so how can I not love the child?” He winked at her with a grin, reaching up with his other hand to cup her chin. “I have seen a lot in my lifetime, Pam Braxton, but I can tell you one thing, I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you carrying your precious child. When I look at your growing stomach, I only see the wonderful mother you will become. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. Do you understand?”


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