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Page 17

by Teresa Gabelman

  Sid took a side step with a frown. “What is it with her wanting to rip balls out the throat and kill anything with a penis?”

  “Because…” Pam panted, “a penis….” she grunted, “is what’s….” she made a guttural sound, “causing this pain, and you all need to die.” The word die was drawn out in a scream that seemed to last forever.

  Sid glanced back at the EMT’s. “Guess she has a point.”

  One of them snickered while the other one elbowed him.

  “That’s it.” Slade didn’t grin or laugh. “Now push.”

  Pam grunted, groaned, screamed and cursed as she pushed. Running out of breath, she flopped back against Duncan.

  “Push, Pam.” When she didn’t respond, Slade looked up at Duncan. “She needs to push. If she doesn’t push, we are going to lose the baby.”

  Hearing Slade, Pam stirred and sat up, her eyes determined. “I’m not losing him,” she grunted crying out. “Don’t you dare let anything happen to him!”

  “Come on. You’re doing great. His head’s out.” Slade watched as Pam took a small break, before leaning forward again with determination on her face. “One more big push, Pam. You can do this.”

  “Come on, Pam,” Duncan urged her. “One more time, babe. I’ve got you.”

  Those words gave her the extra strength she needed. He was there for her, and he wasn’t going to let her fail. She gave everything she had with a long drawn out yell. Total exhaustion and fatigue shoved her back against Duncan. Not hearing anything from anyone, her eyes opened to slits when she heard a tiny whimper that soon turned into a full-fledged cry from a baby, her baby.

  “You have a healthy boy with strong lungs.” Slade grinned, holding the crying baby up so she could see.

  “No fangs?” Sid teased with a big grin.

  “No fangs.” Slade rolled his eyes at Sid then glanced at Pam and Duncan. “Who wants to cut the cord?”

  Pam looked up at Duncan. “Please.”

  Looking down into her eyes, he was choked with emotion. Shifting himself, Duncan took hold of the surgical scissors from Slade with a forced steady hand, listening to the instructions of what to do. Placing the scissor where Slade’s fingers were, he cut the cord of life between mother and baby.

  Slade took the baby into the bathroom and quickly returned with the little one bundled up, placing him into Pam’s arms. “So what’s his name?”

  Pam looked down, running her finger along her child’s soft cheek. “Daniel Duncan Roark.”

  Chapter 22

  Pam stared down at her baby, smiling when his little lips puckered. Duncan sat on the hospital bed watching them both.

  Slade stood writing notes. “How you feeling, Pam?”

  “Great,” she replied without looking up.

  “Any pain?” He scribbled more notes.

  “Nope.” Pam grinned when Daniel yawned. “Never felt better.”

  “Doctor Buchanan?” An older nurse walked in with a smile at Pam and the baby. “We need to take little Daniel down for prints and pictures.”

  “Can I go with him?” Pam asked, looking worried.

  “You need to get some rest.” The nurse came next to the bed looking down at Daniel. “Boy, he sure is a cutie.”

  “I’m fine. I want to be with him.” She felt uneasy and didn’t want to be away from him.

  “I can go.” Duncan stood. “You really need to rest.” He kissed her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but only the father is permitted.” The nurse frowned. “I assure you he will be safe. Ms. Braxton, you and the baby have matching wristbands for safety reasons. This little guy will be absolutely fine, plus all the nurses want to hold him.”

  “He is the father,” Pam replied after the nurse finished.

  The nurse immediately looked flustered and nervous.

  Duncan picked up Daniel smiling down at him. “Let’s go flirt with some nurses, buddy.”

  “Hey.” Pam frowned. “No flirting until he’s…twenty-one.”

  “Can I speak with you, Dr. Buchanan?” The nurse was staring at Duncan then at Slade.

  “What is it?” Slade looked up from his paperwork.

  “This isn’t the man who’s saying he’s the father,” the nurse whispered, not realizing that Duncan and Pam could hear her perfectly.

  “What?” Pam paled. “Who’s saying they’re the father.”

  “It’s all over the news,” the nurse replied, embarrassed that she had been heard. She pointed to the television up near the ceiling. “He’s been talking to all the reporters saying he’s the father of the half-breed’s baby.”

  Pam scrambled to grab the remote. Aiming it at the television, she clicked it on, changing the channels quickly.

  Duncan and Slade glanced at each other, which Pam saw. “What’s going on, Duncan?” Pam frowned still clicking through to find the news channels.

  A voice from her past filled the room chilling her to the bone.

  “Well, of course I’m excited.” Kenny told the news reporter holding the microphone. “I’ve been away on business and just got the news. Didn’t even have a chance to get cigars or flowers for the beautiful Momma.” Kenny stared into the camera, his smile portraying a happy new father, but his eyes said much more and only Pam could read the message they sent.

  Pam clicked off the television, throwing the remote as if it was cursed. “Is he here?” Pam asked, staring at the television. “Is he here?” she yelled, panicked, her eyes searching.

  “That was the front of the hospital where media are allowed to report from,” the nurse replied, looking surprised and a little shocked at Pam’s reaction.

  “Jesus.” Pam started to scramble out of the bed ripping off monitor prongs. “Where’s my clothes. Where’s my fucking clothes? Give me Daniel. We have got to get out of here.”

  Duncan handed Daniel to the nurse. “Don’t move from that spot,” he warned her, then turned to Pam. “You need to calm down.”

  “Are you crazy?” Pam smacked at his hands. “He’s here for the baby. He’s not touching him.”

  “Pam, I will not let him near you or the baby.” Duncan invaded her space, forcing her to stop and see him. “Do you hear me? I will not let anything happen to you.”

  “Did you know he was out?” Pam shook. “Why isn’t he arrested and in jail? He killed that Sheriff.”

  “I’ll explain later.” Duncan kept glancing at the door. “Right now we have…”

  “You knew?” Pam’s whole body slumped. “And didn’t tell me?”

  The look of betrayal on her face was more than he could take. “Do not leave this room,” he ordered her, but before he could move, the door opened.

  “Pam, honey. I got here as fast as I could.” Kenny Lawrence walked in like he belonged, two uniformed officers behind him. His eyes landed on Pam and then on the baby in the nurse’s arms.

  Duncan was in front of Kenny, blocking him from Pam before anyone could stop him. Slade had one hand on Duncan’s arm. “I suggest you get the fuck out of this room.” Duncan stared down at him, his eyes blacker than midnight.

  “Is that so?” Kenny smirked. “I have more right than you to be here. As a matter of fact, I’ve got a restraining order against you, so I suggest you get the fuck out of this room before I have you arrested.”

  “Try it,” Duncan hissed. “Give me one reason not to kill you on the spot. If they even try to arrest me, I will kill you before they take a step. You know it, and I know it. You may have gotten away with killing Sheriff Bowman, for now, but you will not lay one hand on Pam or the baby.”

  “Who do you think you are?” Kenny spat. “I’m that baby’s father and I will be in their life. There is nothing that you can do about that.”

  “I’m going to tell you one more time.” Duncan stepped forward making Kenny and the officers step back. “Get the fuck out of here. I don’t care if I go to jail for killing a worthless piece of shit like you. If I do, I’ll go with a smile because that means you wi
ll never hurt her again.”

  Kenny just stood there, red faced, his anger overflowing, but he wasn’t a stupid man. “You’ll pay for this,” Kenny swore before his eyes swung to Pam. “You are making a big mistake. You’ll see me in court. That is my child, and I will get custody.”

  Pam had taken the baby from the nurse, holding him close. Her fear of Kenny left as anger and protectiveness for Daniel fired her blood. “You will never get custody. I will fight you with everything I have. I know you killed that sheriff, and I will find the proof to put you away. Stay away from me and my son.”

  “Looks like you grew some balls since the last time I saw you,” Kenny snorted, then spit on the floor as his eyes narrowed not caring that he was showing his true colors. “We’ll see how brave you are when this fucker isn’t standing between us. I will definitely be seeing you soon.” He stabbed his finger at her.

  Duncan went for him then, but Jared, Sid and Damon just walked in when all hell started to break loose. Sid and Slade took care of Duncan as Jared and Damon took care of Kenny.

  “Whoa there, big guy.” Sid had Duncan pushed against the wall.

  “Get the fuck off me!” Duncan fought, breaking free, knocking Sid against the other wall then flipped Slade on top of him. Pam’s voice broke through his rage stopping him.

  “Duncan!” Pam shouted again. Daniel began screaming with all the noise. The nurse stood plastered against the wall, pale and shaking. When his eyes met Pam’s, she shook her head. “Don’t.”

  “I will not let him hurt you again, Pam.” Duncan’s rage swirled in his eyes. “Never again.”

  “He won’t.” Pam lifted her head in determination. “I need to see whoever handles crimes against half-breeds. I don’t care if it’s the council or local law enforcement. I’m pressing formal charges for rape and domestic abuse.” She watched Duncan fight for control, and she understood it, but this was going to end and she was the only one who could end it. It was time she took control back.

  In two steps, Duncan had her in his arms, careful of the baby. “I still want to kill him,” he whispered into her hair. “And if he ever comes near you again, I make no promises that I won’t kill the bastard.”

  Slade picked himself off the floor glancing at the nurse who looked to be in shock. Walking over, he touched her shoulder. “You okay?”

  Her eyes focused, looking around. Then, she looked up at him. “You’re not a normal doctor are you?”

  His golden eyes glowed with a smile. “No,” he chuckled, and then frowned, rolling his sore shoulder. “No, I’m not.”

  She nodded, and seemed to shake off the drama that had unfolded, resuming her professional air. “Well that doesn’t matter. We still need to get the baby’s picture and prints.” Looking at Pam, then Duncan, she nodded. “You both can come.”

  Pam held Duncan back until everyone had cleared the room. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because, I didn’t want to upset you,” Duncan replied without hesitation. “You were safe.”

  “I know I was safe, and I appreciate you didn’t want to upset me, but please don’t keep something like that from me again.” Pam frowned. “I needed to be prepared, and I definitely wasn’t. And he used to keep things from me. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m sorry.” Duncan frowned. “I was just trying to protect you.”

  “I know, but I have to hit this head on, and I need to see what’s in front of me.” Pam touched his face. “I can’t be blindsided like I just was. Please understand that.”

  “I will always protect you, but I won’t keep anything from you again.” Duncan rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “I swear it.”

  “Thank you,” Pam replied, glancing at the door Kenny had left through. Her body shook from the inside out at seeing Kenny again, but she had held it together. She saw one thing that she had never seen before, and it gave her hope; it gave her courage. Kenny Lawrence was afraid of something; she had seen it in his eyes, and that something was the man standing so protectively in front of her.

  “Are you okay?” Duncan watched her closely.

  Looking away from the door, she nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  Pam lifted the baby to Duncan and watched him take the baby in his arms, love and protectiveness shining in his eyes as he looked at him. Knowing that if anything happened to her, Daniel would be taken care of and loved made her heart soar.


  Adam jumped up on the porch slamming into the old house. Walking into the kitchen, he looked around. Hearing voices out on the back porch, he headed that way.

  “Hey, Jill.” Adam nodded toward her. “Can I talk to Tessa for a minute?”

  “Sure.” Jill glanced at Tessa leaving the box of Christmas decorations she was going through.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Adam waited until Jill was back in the house before he spoke.

  “I’m getting the Christmas stuff out,” Tessa replied without turning around, digging with her good hand through a box. She knew exactly what he was talking about, but talking about it with him wasn’t something she wanted to do.

  Adam grabbed the box throwing it to the side. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.” He grabbed her turning her around, being careful of her bandaged hand. Dark circles shadowed her eyes. “Jesus, sis.”

  “Stay out of this, Adam.” Tessa jerked away from him.

  “No, I’m not going to stay out of it.” Adam kicked a box out of his way so he could sit down on an old bench. “I stayed out of it with the Sheriff, but I’m not going to stay out of it this time.”

  “Why is my personal life so important to you?” Tessa threw up her uninjured hand in frustration.

  Adam frowned. “Because you’re my sister, and I can’t stand to sit by and watch you make the biggest mistake of your life.”

  “It’s not a mistake,” Tessa replied, her tone angry because she honestly didn’t know if she was making a mistake or not. She was torn with what to do. Her head said one thing while her heart said another. “I know what I’m doing.” She totally lied and hoped her voice didn’t give her away.

  Adam stared at her for a long moment. “You’re afraid.” His eyes widened realizing the truth. “You’re afraid that Jared is going to do the same thing that bastard did to you.”

  “Otis is dead, Adam.” Tessa frowned. Damn her brother for knowing her so well, for being able to see right through her.

  “Is he?” Adam cocked his eyebrow looking much older than his age. “Not in your mind he isn’t. Jared isn’t Otis, Tessa. You’re afraid. Admit it.”

  She just shook her head at him, turning back to the box she was working in. “I’m busy, Adam.”

  “You’re afraid and running.” Adam stood. “Admit it.”

  “Okay, dammit. I’m afraid. You happy?” Tessa turned so fast, her head spun. “Just a picture tore my heart out. I don’t know what I would do if I found them…together. So yeah, I’m afraid….scared to death that I won’t be able to get over it this time.”

  “Jared isn’t Otis, Tessa.” Adam reached out grabbing her hand. “Do you think I’d be here on his side if I even had a hint that he would treat you that way?”

  “No, but…”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” Adam finished for her. “I would be kicking his ass as best I could for just the picture.”

  “You don’t understand,” she replied, staring off at nothing. Wanting to forget it all, forget she ever met Jared Kincaid, but just the thought of forgetting him sent her heart to her stomach. It hurt. It was an actual pain in her chest that wouldn’t go away. She wondered absently if someone really could die from a broken heart.

  “He let me read him.” Adam ignored her last statement.

  Her eyes shot to his surprised.

  “I saw the picture, and I even doubted. I told him so.” Adam never looked more serious in his life than he did at that moment. “Without thought, he held his arm out and told me to read him. Surprised the shit out of me let
me tell you. As secretive as those guys were, he opened everything up to me just to prove himself. He has no feelings for Vicky. None. We even looked everywhere to find you. Called constantly so I could read him in front of you.”

  Tessa looked away, wiping a single tear that leaked from her right eye. “Why are you doing this, Adam?” Tessa hissed. “Why can’t you just leave it alone?”

  “Because I’ve never seen a love like he has for you, Tessa, and I probably never will. Honestly, it was a little embarrassing for me, but he just stood there as I read every thought.” Adam turned toward the door to leave. “When I touch people, they can’t hide their thoughts from me, they can’t change them. Do you love him, Tess?”

  Still, Tessa didn’t say anything, but more tears fell. ‘Yes!’ She wanted to scream, but she was afraid to say it out loud, fear of more pain stopping her.

  “I know you do, so I hope you make the right decision.” Adam stopped before walking back into the house. “I hope you’re the person I always thought you were.”

  “Adam?” Tessa turned to look at her brother, her face full of pain.

  Three steps, he was hugging her. “I love you, Tess. I love you enough to tell you when you’re wrong, and…” he looked deep into her eyes, “you are so wrong.” With a kiss to her forehead, he was gone.

  Tessa stood, staring at the door long after Adam left. She wanted to believe Adam, but even knowing that Jared cared for her, she had doubts always in the back of her head. How could such a handsome man like him go for someone like her? She had seen the looks people had given them, heard whispers from strangers, mostly women.

  Finally looking away from the door, she looked around at all the Christmas decorations scattered around her and felt such a loss and loneliness, it doubled her over. Dropping to her knees, the room blurred as deep racking sobs rocked her body.

  Blinking and wiping tears away, she spotted her phone. Reaching out, she grabbed it and looked at the screen. Just one push of a button and she could see him. But was she too late? Was she willing to face her own fears of having what was left of her heart broken? Slowly, her fingers began to move, typing out a message, but before she could hit the send button, her hand dropped to her lap. Adam was right; she was afraid, and running seemed to be the only way she could protect herself.


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