His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3)

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His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3) Page 2

by KL Donn

  A good man? I’ve never considered myself one before. As a cop, I did good, exacting justice where it was due. But now? No. I don’t think I am.

  For Nicola, though, I could almost want to be. I never anticipated how she would make me feel when I was waiting for her outside the detention center. From the minute those doors opened and she stepped out, I was transfixed. With her dyed blonde hair, caramel-smooth skin, scared grey eyes, holding that bag to her chest, I couldn’t get enough of her.

  The troublemaker my father described wasn’t present in that moment, just a woman looking at freedom and having no idea where it was. From the way she searched the parking lot, I knew almost immediately she thought Santo had abandoned her, and the rejection was written in every line of her body.

  After calling her name, and she came to me, I knew from the first look in her eyes that she was going to be mine. It was only confirmed when she asked to see the family tattoo—our pledge to the Cardarelli name. The fact she knew the importance of that mark tells me my father has expectations for this girl and one of his sons.

  I don’t care if he’s hoping Nicola will belong to one of my older brothers because she is going to be mine now.

  Watching her as she sleeps, flinching with every crash of thunder, I wonder about her past. What brought her to my father’s door. The staff in the house are at a bare minimum due to my father’s departure, and I feel that might have been planned as well.

  Seeking out the woman who has taken care of this house for as long as my father has owned it, I find her in the kitchen.“Good afternoon, Esme. Could I trouble you about the girl for a minute?” I sit at the table as she watches me with her knowing eyes.

  “Your papa is so happy to have you boys home now.” She smiles while putting the kettle on the stove. “Coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee, please.” I know I’ll have to wait for her to open up to me. “We’re all glad to be here.”

  “Nicola is a sweet girl. Infectious laughter. Smart too.” Her smile grows warmer as she speaks of the young woman I brought home today.

  Leaning against the solid wood of the small table, I say, “It’s her eighteenth birthday today. Papa asked me to order her dinner and a cake.”

  Esme’s eyes grow wide before narrowing. “Nonsense, I’ll cook her a nice meal and have the bakery bring up one of their finest desserts.” Immediately the woman sets about her task.

  “Do you know what she likes, Esme?” Her head tilts in confusion. “A present, she should have a present, shouldn’t she?”

  “Oh!” Her hands clap her cheeks. “Yes. Most certainly. But that girl has never asked for anything, barely takes what’s been given to her. I have no idea what she likes. You could check her room, though.”

  After steering me to Nicola’s room, Esme gets back to her cooking. Coffee forgotten, I enter my woman’s domain, searching for anything to clue me in to what she’s interested in.

  Books line the shelf of a bookcase, well-loved and marked in some spots. Peeking inside a couple of them, Nicola enjoys a romance novel with a happy ending. I can work with that. Opening her closet, I see she hasn’t got much in the way of clothing, and I find the need to dress her in pretty garments nearly overwhelms me.

  Spying an image of a dog on the desk, I pick it up and see it’s from a shelter. The chances of the animal still being there after six months are slim, but I’m going to try. Braving out into the storm, I exit the garage and head towards the shopping district. After hitting the bookstore and getting a few new bestselling romances and some shops for a few nice outfits—one particular item I’d like to see her in tonight—I drive in the direction of the animal shelter.

  Showing the front clerk the picture of the dog, she shoots me a sorrowful smile, explaining that the dog was adopted but brought back just last week because he didn’t like his owners.

  “I want to meet him,” I insist. After consulting with another employee, she takes me back to where the animal is being held in isolation.

  Immediately, the beast lunges at the cage, snapping and snarling, trying to get through it, but I see it. What Nicola obviously saw. The pain in the animal’s eyes when I open the gate, unafraid. He cowers back against the wall.

  Speaking in hushed tones to the animal, I’m able to hook a leash around his neck. When he bares his teeth at me, I snap a command I used when working with the K-9 units in America, and he settles down.

  A hefty adoption fee and a lot of signed paperwork later, and I’m helping the animal into the back of my SUV, where he settles onto the bench seat. The shelter gave us the leash and a small bag of food until we can get to a pet store. Sitting in the front seat, I read through his file.

  Three years old, abused by previous owners before being abandoned at the shelter, the mutt hasn’t had a decent home. Reading his name, I let out a chuckle. Capo is a Dogo Sardo, a rare Italian breed and mostly seen as aggressive. But they’re also loyal, protective, and dedicated to their owners. He’s just the kind of dog my Nicola needs.

  Turning to stare back at the forlorn animal, I tell him, “Break her heart, and I won’t hesitate to end you.” He huffs out a deep breath, not understanding me. I’d never hurt an animal, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  As I drive back home, the storm rages on, and I worry a bit about leaving Nicola after her apparent fright from the activity earlier.

  Parking in the garage, I get out, grab the bags of gifts, the dog, and his food, and we head inside to the heavenly aromas of Esme’s cooking.

  “You did not bring a dog into this house,” Esme grumbles as we enter the kitchen first.

  “Put some water down for him, will you. I’m going to check on Nicola.” Ignoring Esme’s protests, I head up to my room, Capo on my heels.

  The beast whines as soon as we enter the room and doesn’t hesitate to climb on the bed and cuddle into Nicola’s back as she rests. “Smart move,” I mutter as I approach her.

  Placing the bags on the floor by the door, I stride along, unable to keep my distance. I sit on the bed in front of her, and while I could resist earlier, I can’t any longer. Pulling the covers back, I reveal her body and stare at the womanly curves of her slim frame.

  To say I’m unaffected would be a lie. The woman has a few scars on her hip, one on her shoulder, and a longer, more recent one on her thigh that I’ll need answers to.

  Capo’s warning growl as he places his head on her hip has me looking up. The animal bares his teeth at me until I drop the blanket to cover Nicola back up. Shaking my head, I don’t know whether to toss him out or be happy he’s taking his position seriously.

  Needing to wrap my gifts for Nicola, I choose to ignore him and lean down to kiss her lips sweetly. Moist from her breathing, she moves with me, even in slumber as I lick along the seam. I stop only because I want her completely active with me when I bring her to heaven and back.

  Standing, I grab the outfit I want her to wear for dinner tonight and place a note on it with the request before grabbing up the bags and leaving. Searching out Esme, she shows me where I can find some leftover wrapping paper, and while I get the job done, it’s a mess.

  For now, it’ll do. Next year will be better.

  Chapter 3


  Blinking awake slowly, I can still hear the storm outside. Fear tries to claw at my throat as a streak of lightning flashes in the window. It takes a moment for me to orient myself and remember I’m in Santo’s home. I’m free of the detention center, and Domino picked me up.

  I’m safe.

  Movement behind me has my breath freezing in my lungs. Thinking Domino has joined me for my impromptu nap, I gradually turn over only to see a smaller, dark body with large brown eyes staring up at me.

  “Capo,” I gasp, and he crawls closer until his head is resting on my covered chest. “How did you get here?” I’d been gearing up to ask Santo to adopt the dog for me when I got into the fight at school. After six months, I never imagined he’d still be available.
  Gazing around the room, it’s masculine with dark colors and barely anything personal. Obviously not my room, but I know we’re at the Palermo house because the drive hadn’t taken very long. When Santo and I moved from Catania to Palermo, the rumors flew wild about why, after all these years, the Cardarelli family was leaving the Morello home. I knew, of course, but was sworn to secrecy. After everything Santo has done for me, I’d never betray his trust.

  So I let as much go as I could until one day I snapped. Santo was being accused of grooming me. Creating me into his young lover. Not by anyone who matters, but disgusting girls in my school who were callous. They were mad because I had no interest in playing their stupid mind games.

  From the first time I heard the rumor, I knew Gina Santini started it because she kept calling Santo my predator. They have no idea what would have happened to me if he hadn’t bought me. It’s something I try incredibly hard not to think about, but I still have nightmares over it.

  A high-pitched whine pulls me from my thoughts before they can take over and I lose myself down a rabbit hole I don’t want any part in. Patting Capo’s head, I sit up, holding the blanket to my naked chest. A flash of memory hits from when Domino carried me inside and undressed me because I was soaked to the bone.

  “Oh boy,” I mutter as I look up to see a white outfit laid out on a chair a few feet away. “Guess I know what the man wants me to wear, huh?” Glancing at the door, I see it’s closed, leaving me free to stand without needing to drag the comforter off the bed with me.

  Curious about the outfit I believe Domino chose for me, I pick up the soft material and hold it to my frame. I can’t pretend to understand what the man is doing, bringing home Capo, picking out clothes for me, but I can’t ignore his excellent taste. The silk is soft as butter as it glides against my skin. Draping it across the bed, I head to the attached bathroom to shower and clean up.

  Logically, I know I should go to my own room, except I enjoy being in Domino’s space. There’s a musky warmth to the room that screams, I’m safe in here. Or maybe I only want to believe that to justify my desire to stay here.

  Showered, I peek into the room to see Capo where I left him and the door still firmly shut. Towel drying my hair, I twist my golden locks into a knot on my head and try to decide if I want to color the roots to match or let my natural nearly black hair grow out again. It’s been years since the real me has shined through.

  I’ve been stuck in this weird phase of faking everything. Lots of makeup, constant hair coloring, fancy clothes. I’m an imposter trying to fit into a world I don’t belong in.


  Prowling back and forth in the family room, I wait impatiently for Nicola to come down after I heard the shower in my room running. Esme took it upon herself to invite some of Nicola’s classmates over for a party tonight, and I’d be remiss if I wasn’t worried, considering how she left school six months ago. And not knowing the name of the girl Nicola was in a fight with puts me at a disadvantage too. I can’t ensure she won’t be here.

  It’s been a long ass time since I’ve been concerned over a woman before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever cared one way or the other. Nicola Salvatore is different, though. There’s something about her unyielding exterior that brings all my protective instincts to the forefront. I want to shield her from the nastiness in the world.

  “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Nic’s friends will be here in about an hour,” Esme says as she watches me in the entranceway. Giving her a terse nod, she leaves as quickly as she arrived.

  Hearing Capo’s nails on the floor above me, I know Nicola is on her way down. Not wanting to appear too eager, I lean against the large window frame in the room and stare outside at the raging storm. It hasn’t let up all day, and from the news, it might not for another day or two. There will be flooding in the city and chaos all around.

  I smell Nicola before she makes a sound. I force myself to count to ten after she clears her throat before turning around.

  My jaw clenches as I see her in the outfit I chose for her. A white pinup-style dress, tight from the straps at her shoulders to her waist where it flares out and lands softly mid-way down her thigh. Her perky tits are lifted in the built-in cups of the dress and make her appear larger than she is. The wedge sandals with silk ties that climb all the way up her long legs to hide under the hem of the garment’s skirt make my mouth water. The stark contrast of the crisp white against her Mediterranean skin makes my dick stand up, begging to explore her body.

  “How does it look?” She clasps the frill of the skirt on either side in two fingers and does a twirl, ending in a feminine curtsy that has me biting the inside of my cheek so I don’t moan out loud.

  “As expected.” My words are harsher than I intend because my desire to throw her against the wall and fuck her silly is nearly too much to fight down. “Dinner will be ready soon.” Disappointment quickly flashes in her eyes before she masks it, and I want to kick my own ass.

  Giving me a tight smile, she reaches out for Capo, who is immediately at her side, staring up at her with a love-struck expression. I find I’m beginning to understand how the mutt feels.

  “Thank you for picking me up today and for the dress. It’s lovely.” Her gaze never meets mine. Her submissive nature is ingrained in her, and I suddenly understand why purchasing her was so important to my father. With any other man, she would have been exploited until she was a shell. Death for her would have been a welcome relief.

  Esme calls out that dinner is ready before I can tell her she’s a vision, and Nicola bolts for the dining room. Sitting at the table through an awkward meal filled with silence, we’re all saved by the sound of the front doorbell ringing.

  Frowning, Nicola follows after Esme, and when I get sight of her face as these high school kids pile into my family home, I know Esme has made a grave mistake. These kids aren’t Nicola’s friends. And if I had to guess, they might have been her tormentors.


  Staring into the faces of the people who have spent months making my life hell, I don’t know whether to run or stay rooted to the spot. Capo remains supportively at my side, growling when anyone gets too close.

  I think everyone’s curiosity about the Cardarelli home keeps them from saying anything too insulting to me, but I see them whispering to each other. The way their eyes dart from me to the room and back. When I see Gina enter the house, my spine turns to concrete as she walks right up to me.

  “Lucky you, huh. Beautiful house in the hills, money, and your own sugar daddy.” I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from knocking her lights out.

  “Your nose didn’t heal so nicely. It’s slightly crooked,” I snap back. Her eyes widen, and I turn my back, entering the spacious family room where Esme has put out platters of food and drinks, and music begins to play from the space’s sound system.

  Domino stands just outside the entrance, watching me with an intensity that makes me nervous.

  “Happy birthday, Nicola,” one of the guys who wasn’t a complete dick to me at school says.

  Turning to smile at him, I see Domino’s glare but ignore it. “Thank you, Gio.”

  His gaze slowly rakes over my body, and I want to squirm. But it doesn’t have the same effect as when Domino does it. “Would you like to dance?” he asks me, clasping my fingers before I can answer and pulling me into his body.

  With one hand around my waist, I can feel every line of his body. We’re nearly the same height, so I’m aware when his erection begins to grow. Cutting a look over to Domino to gauge his reaction, his face is blank. Not a blip of emotion to be seen.

  I don’t know why but that annoys me. It cuts deep into my core, so when Gio’s hand lowers a little more after a minute to cover my ass, I let it go and lean my head on his shoulder.

  I don’t like this. I hate being in someone’s arms when the one I want holding me is planted like stone across the room. When I spot Gina and one of her friends ap
proach him, touch his arm, and flirt with him, tears gather in my eyes.

  My worst enemy cuddling close to the only man I’ve ever been attracted to makes my heart pound in my ears and anger bubbles in my chest. I can feel the rage consume me when Gina leans up to place a kiss on his neck as her hand moves to his head, pulling him down for a kiss that should have been mine.

  Closing my eyes and doing the breathing exercises the detention center shrink instructed I do when I feel myself about to lose control helps until I open them again and see Domino’s hands on her hips. His eyelids open and spear me. Even as he kisses another girl.

  Clenching my jaw, I duck my head and count to one hundred. I can’t lose it here. I can’t attack her. If I do something stupid, I’ll be locked up in actual jail, not just some juvenile facility. And I barely survived that. I won’t live very long in prison with hardened women.

  As the song comes to an end, I pull back from Gio. “Thank you for the dance.” With that, I walk away, leaving the room and entering the kitchen where Esme is cleaning up.

  “Why aren’t you out there with your friends?” Her smile is friendly, caring.

  “Too much right now.” Her head nods, and she continues on, not catching onto my depression. Swallowing roughly, I see Capo sitting by an empty water bowl, so I go over and pick it up. Esme is gone, and I’m alone in the kitchen as I fill the container at the sink.

  Placing it down in front of the dog, I feel a pair of hands on my hips and a body pressing me into the fridge. “I was hoping we could go up to your room, celebrate your release properly.” Gio’s voice slicks across my ear as he kisses my neck.

  Shoving back on him, he doesn’t budge. “I’d rather not.” Panic begins to grow in my chest until I hear Capo start to growl. “Let me go, or he’ll attack you.” I nod down to the vicious-looking dog.

  I feel Gio freeze behind me. Capo’s head lowers, baring his teeth, readying himself to attack at my command.


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