His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3)

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His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3) Page 3

by KL Donn

  Before pushing off me, Gio locks his fingers in my hair, dragging my head back and biting down on my neck until I can feel his teeth digging into my flesh.

  “Let me go,” I grunt, trying again to push him off.

  “Guess she was right.” Domino stands in the entrance with his head cocked to the side. Studying the way Gio is holding me, I can tell he makes the wrong assumption.

  Capo is still growling, and when nobody makes a move to get me out of this position, my eyes lock with the dog. He doesn’t hesitate to start barking wildly and snapping at the boy at my back.

  Gio finally releases me, hands raised, and steps away, but Capo won’t let him retreat.

  “Right about what?” My hand reaches up to where Gio bit me, and I can feel the indent of his teeth in my skin.

  “That chick said you were coming in here to get fresh with him.” Domino still doesn’t move or show any emotion.

  “Is that what you think you saw?” I force back the distress trying to make an appearance in my voice. I won’t allow any of them to see how affected I am by Domino’s lack of interest in me. He’s nothing like I thought he would be, and I’m disappointed.

  Stalking forward, his steps are deliberate as he circles around behind Gio. “What I think I saw was a boy about to attempt raping a girl that doesn’t belong to him.” I nearly weep with relief.

  Capo walks forward, snarling again, crowding Gio back into Domino’s imposing form. “Is that what you were about to do to my girl, Gio? Were you going to try and take what belongs to me?” Too stunned at Domino’s questions for Gio to respond, I jump when he tells me, “Get out of here, Nicola.”

  Doing as instructed, I slip into the living room to find everyone dancing or eating. Gina and her friends are huddled in one corner, whispering and watching the entrance I just came out of.

  Her sly smile upon seeing me tells me I’m not going to like whatever she has to say as she saunters towards me. Crossing my arms, I lock my jaw, fighting the urge to knock her teeth down her throat.

  “Well, that was quick. Did you get on your knees for Gio, or did he convince you to spread your legs?” she snickers.

  “Why are you here, Gina?”

  She leans forward, placing a hand on my shoulder before whispering in my ear. “I just had to know if the son was like the father. A pedophile to his core.”

  White-hot rage blasts through me, and I couldn’t stop what comes next if I tried. Shoving against her chest so hard, Gina stumbles back, hitting the wall and sliding to the floor. I drop to my knees.

  With no hesitation, I ball my fist and slam it into her face repeatedly until someone drags me off her crying frame. Screaming at her, I can’t control my rage.

  “Holy shit. Some party.” I see two new men entering the house that I believe are also Santo’s sons, but I don’t care.

  Kicking back at whoever is holding me in their arms, I bite down on their flesh, and I’m finally dropped long enough that I can lunge at Gina again. She covers her face, but that doesn’t stop me from grasping an enormous chunk of her hair and hissing, “Call either of them a pedophile again, I dare you. Tell me how he was grooming me. Taking what wasn’t his. Say it, Gina!”

  Her head shakes as tears drift down her cheeks. “Go on, Gina, tell everyone what you think about Santo Cardarelli.”

  Not many people will cross the Cardarelli family, but she saw a weakness in me months ago when I transferred schools. I don’t know why she thought she’d get away with it.

  “Why else would he buy you like a piece of meat?” Her lip curls up. “It had to be because he’s sick and wants to fuck little girls.”

  I lunge, feeling the bitch’s nose break as blood gushes down her face. Arms encircle my waist again before I can hit her anymore.

  Tossed over someone’s shoulders, I don’t stop screaming at her as I’m carried up the stairs and slammed against a wall, Domino’s furious eyes glaring down at me.


  As I entered the family room to see Nicola wailing on the girl who kissed me like a fish, pride spread through my chest. I have no idea what the girl said to piss Nicola off so much, but it had to be pretty terrible.

  Hearing the accusations they spew at each other; a sick sort of sense is revealed. This is the girl Nicola attacked before, and if I’m understanding right, it’s because she accused my father of being a pedophile.

  Dragging my girl off Gina for a second time, I flash a grin at my brothers, Maso and Donato, as they watch the commotion with matching expressions on their faces.

  “Get that bitch out of here and make it understood what will happen if she rats on Nicola.” They nod at my request, obviously knowing about the situation with the girl over my shoulder before I did.

  Taking the stairs two at a time as Nicola continues to scream at the girl bleeding on the floor, I haul her to my room and slam the door shut behind us. Slipping her off my shoulder, I pin her to the wall.

  Lust and anger battle for the most attention. “You have a fucking temper,” I comment, and she stares up at me, crimson streaks on her cheek and neck from the pounding she gave the other girl.

  “So what. You kissed that bitch, and then thought I was fucking that asshole in the kitchen. Go to hell!” she snaps, bringing her face closer to mine.

  Hiking her body up, I wrap her legs around my waist, pinning her to the door. “You need to calm the fuck down, or you’re going back to jail.”

  A flash of worry enters her gaze before it vanishes. “Who cares?” Her body ripples against me, her anger not dissipating any time soon.

  Reaching up, I pin her to the door by the neck while my other hand reaches between us to release my cock. I know precisely how to settle her down.

  “I fucking care, so stop being an ungrateful bitch. Do you have any idea what you being locked up would do to my father?” Her eyes widen at my words, and tears pool in their murky depths. “Exactly. Now, are you going to calm down, or do I need to fuck the aggression out of you?”

  A smirk plays across my mouth as her eyes widen and her body melts into me. Pushing my erection against her mound, I drag her panties to the side, slowly rubbing against her.

  “What’s it going to be?” I ask her, kissing her shoulder, across her chest, and up her neck. “You want my cock, Nicola? Need me to drive into you so hard you can’t breathe?”

  My grip on her neck flexes, tightening, and this girl whimpers. Her eyes close, and she pushes into me. Fuck, she’s going to kill me in bed. Releasing her, she whines, but I ignore it. Allowing her to drop to the floor, I spin her around and rip at the zipper of her dress until it releases. The material falls to the ground, pooling at her feet. Shedding my own clothes, I flatten her to the door with my body.

  “It’s my cock you need, isn’t it? All these hissy fits are because you didn’t have a daddy to make you do as your told.” The words come out of my mouth like a volcano erupting, and I can’t stop them.

  Fisting her hair in my hand, I tilt her head back and to the side. Her eyes are closed, and her face is more relaxed than I’ve ever seen it. Nicola is in her mind and enjoying what I’m doing and saying to her.

  But it’s not enough. “I need your consent, Nicola; tell me yes to everything I want to do to you.”

  Slowly her eyelids lift, and I see a spark of defiance in them as she sneers, “Make me,” in a desperate challenge of acceptance.

  She has no idea what I see in her. The uncertainty, the fear, the flashes of rage, and her desire to be tamed. A day with this girl, and I fucking see her in a way nobody else ever has.

  Using my hold in her hair as my lead, I step back from her body, loving when she whimpers, and guide her over to the bed. With more force than necessary, I push her face down. She bounces softly and turns her head to the side to watch me. I see her glare, but it doesn’t fool me; her curiosity is shining through.

  “Tell me, cara mia, are you still a virgin, or did those guards in detention take from you what belongs to me?”
Her eyes widen in surprise at my question. As I bend over her body from behind, my arms bracket her head, and I murmur in her ear, “I’ll kill them if they did. Drain the blood from their bodies and fuck you in the aftermath.”

  She licks her lips, and I get the impression she likes the idea of me killing for her. I’ll slaughter a nation to keep Nicola as mine. “No, they didn’t. Nobody has touched me.” Her gaze bores into mine. “Ever.”

  The implication of that word makes my cock throb painfully. “On your knees,” I order, standing up and reaching into the bedside table for a tie. “Hands.” She does as I demand without complaint.

  Tying her wrists together, I push her legs wider with my knee and take my position behind her body. “Much as I’d like to go nice and slow, you’ve pissed me off far too much tonight, and I think you want it rough. You want me to fuck you hard, so you can hate me. It won’t work, but you’ll try.”

  Instead of shooting me another glare, her eyes close, and I learn more and more about her from her actions.

  Slipping my hand between her legs, she’s soaked for me. More turned on by my words than she’ll ever admit, and I’m okay with that so long as it’s only my cock she takes into this sweet body of hers.

  “In here, in the bedroom, you’ll call me daddy, Nicola. You understand?” She nods slowly. “Words, Nicola.”

  Meeting my stare, her back arches, and she purrs, “Yes, daddy.”

  My chest puffs out, and finally, this restlessness I’ve been feeling for months settles in my chest. This is it; this is her. Nicola is meant to belong to me.


  I don’t know why my body reacts to Domino’s commands so easily; I’ve always bucked against doing what anyone has demanded of me. Unconcerned by the consequences of my actions, I’m not one to follow society’s rules and regulations.

  After what I’ve been through, I never wanted to be tied down and dependent on anyone again. I can’t do that to myself. I’m almost always let down. Santo has been the only exception, and I wonder if that’s the reason for my quick reaction to Domino. My attraction to him certainly helps.

  The way he manipulates my body into accepting what he wants to do to me, what he wants from me, should be enough to let go of the reins more. It should be indication enough that I’m safe with him. My heart wants it to be true, but my mind is playing with me. Forcing me to push Domino until he expresses his dominance.

  “Look at me, Nicola,” he demands, and I do so without thought. The predatory smile on his face as he leans over my body, slicking his hand up my back as his other one holds onto the binding of my hands. “You’re fucking gorgeous splayed out like this. Giving daddy exactly what he wants.”

  And what is with that? This daddy thing? Never have I thought of the word as dirty or sexy, but he makes it so. He makes me want to purr it out like a cat in heat.

  “Please, Domino,” I beg, knowing that’s not the name he wants to hear but forcing it out anyways. I have to know how far I can push him.

  A loud smack echoes around the room, and it’s not until I feel a sting on my ass that I realize he spanked me. “What did I tell you, cara mia? What do you call me in this room?”

  Biting my lip, I meet his stare head-on. “Domino.” This time I’m prepared for his punishment and push my hips back into his assault. The pain is a little crisper. “Please...daddy.” He groans and drops his head onto my back while grabbing a fistful of my bare flesh.

  “Time to relax.” His jaw is hard as granite as I feel his swollen member gliding through my soaked folds. I’ve never experienced desire like this before, and I can’t wait to see how far he goes with it. “Here we go.”

  Domino wastes no time and slams through my folds, bursting the barrier of my virginity, and rams home until he’s flush with my body.

  “Breathe, baby, breathe.” It’s not until he says those words that I realize I’ve tensed up and held my breath. Exhaling, I try to relax under his hold as his hips begin to move.

  The slower he goes, the worse it is. I can feel the stretch and burn of new muscles being used, but it doesn’t take long for the euphoria to grip me from my lady balls and take over.

  “Daddy,” I moan into the sheets, stretching against my binds, wanting to touch him.

  “That’s it, Nicola, keep purring for me.” The slow push and pull as he moves inside of me drags a need from within that I never knew I had.

  “Please, daddy. Domino, please, more.” I can’t stop begging, mewling out inconsequential words, but he gets it. He gets me, and soon, he’s captured my body in a rush of desire and emotion, and I feel like I’m flying free of all the torment in my life now.

  “Fuck! This pussy is so fucking good.” He bites at my neck before turning my head to capture an earth-shattering kiss. Within this smooth move, I feel everything he does, and I give everything I am right back to him. Breathing has become so difficult that when my orgasm rolls through me, I can’t inhale and nearly pass out from lack of oxygen.

  Toppling to the side, Domino releases my hands and spins my body around to face him. Neither of us says a word as his fingers trace the lines of my face, and he leans in to kiss me.

  It’s less frenzied this time. More romantic. It feels like a promise.

  Chapter 4


  It’s well after midnight, my brothers sent the other guests home, and I left Capo in bed with Nicola as I snuck out of my room to see why Maso and Donato are here. They don’t simply come home if our parents aren’t around. At least, they hadn’t when we were in America.

  Seeing the light on in the kitchen as I descend the stairs, I head that way to find them eating cake at the counter.

  Before either of them can say a word, I blurt out, “She’s mine. Whatever his plans were, they’ve changed.” As the two oldest brothers, I’m sure she was meant for one of them, but I don’t give a fuck. Nicola belongs to me now.

  Maso bursts out laughing as Donato swallows a large mouthful of milk. “What the fuck are you talking about, baby brother?” Maso stands and comes over to me, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Father. Whichever one of you he planned to give her to, it doesn’t matter. I’ve already taken her. Nicola Salvatore is mine.” Maso pulls back and shares a look with Don before they both burst into laughter so hard that Don falls off his stool. “What the fuck is so funny?” I bark at the two fools.

  “You,” Maso wheezes. “Talking about owning a girl. You’ve spent too much time with the kid killer, haven’t you? Claiming her the same way he did.”

  On reflex, my hand strikes out, grasping his neck as I slam him against the wall. “Don’t you talk about Posy!” The girl has suffered enough in her life. It’s been my mission for months to make it better. To protect her. Even if that means from my own family.

  Maso’s hands raise as he continues to chuckle. “No offense intended, man. I’ve met the girl, and she’s going to rule this island with that man of hers. I just meant; you’ve known Nicola a day. She’s been locked up for months, and because of tonight, she very well may be again.”

  My gaze narrows on him as I release my hold. “What are you talking about? I asked you two to take care of that.” I believed then that they wouldn’t let me down.

  “We tried, brother.” Donato grips my shoulder and drags me away, over to the counter. “Your girl busted her nose, again, knocked out three teeth, and if Gina can ever open her mouth again, I’d be shocked.”

  “Pay off the police.” It wouldn’t be the first time that happened here or that my family has done it.

  “Dom, I’m shocked to hear those words from you,” Maso comments as he sits next to me.

  “Why?” They would do the exact same.

  “You were a fucking cop for years, Domino. You took an oath.” Donato’s shocked face doesn’t sway me.

  “An oath that failed to protect an innocent woman. It means nothing to me now.” The day I found out I was arresting Natale, I knew I was done. They used me because of
my connection to the Morellos, and it backfired on the entire department.

  “We can’t pay the police off because her father is the police chief of Palermo.” Maso’s declaration stuns me for a minute.

  “Find dirt on him. Nobody is clean.” And not a damn fucking person is going to take my Nicola away from me after I’ve only just found her.

  “I’ll call Santi,” Donato mutters, walking out of the room with the phone to his ear. Santi is in the American military with a special operations unit. If anyone can find dirt on this man, I’m sure it’s him.

  “You really believe Papa kept her around for one of us?” Maso’s question makes me rethink my accusation.

  “Honestly”— I stare at my hands. Hands that only a couple of hours ago were roaming across Nicola’s young, supple body, bringing her pleasure and making demands I may not have the right to—“With Papa, I never know. He’s been here, alone, for ten years. If I thought it were even remotely possible, I’d believe he kept her for himself, but that’s not the relationship they have. And Mamma wouldn’t put up with it. She’d filet the man.”

  “Yeah, that’s the same feeling I’ve gotten,” my brother agrees.

  Blowing out a deep breath, I feel a tug in my chest cavity just thinking about what could have happened to Nicola if not for my father. “I honestly believe he wanted to rescue her. Get her away from what could have been a disastrous life.”

  “What happened to her parents?”

  I hear Capo’s nails on the floor coming closer and don’t answer, knowing Nicola will be shortly behind him.

  It takes a minute for her to appear, but when she does, I’m shocked to see her in one of my shirts and with tears in her eyes.

  “What’s this?” I motion to her face.

  Nicola shrugs before stepping further into the room, moving nearer to me as the dog drinks from his bowl on the floor by the fridge. Her skittish eyes dart back and forth between Maso and me, a question lurking.


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