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Tainted (Vastow Vampires Book 1)

Page 7

by J Johnson

  “Holy shit.”, he groans into my neck.

  “I’ll say.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own. It’s raspy and foreign to my own ears. “Does it always feel like that?”

  “Yes, but I’ve never felt it with that much intensity before. I hope you liked it because I’ll be following you around like a lost puppy asking for more all the time.”

  I giggle beneath him and I feel his mouth smile against my skin. He rolls off me onto his back and pulls me against him. I lay my hand across his rock-hard stomach and caress him gently.

  “Stay the night with me.”, he whispers.

  I grin at the thought of sleeping beside him all night long. I’m not sure how long we lay in bed together, stroking each other softly. He runs his hand through my long blonde hair, which has always been a weakness of mine. I remember my mom doing it when I was little to help me sleep.

  I relax against him as sigh because I’ve finally found someone I can be with. As much as it is a relief, it’s also a worry in the back of my mind. Is there something about the two of us that keeps him from triggering them? Is it me? Have I somehow been able to control it without knowing how? Or is it him? Is something different about him?



  When I open my eyes, it takes me a minute to remember where I am. I look over next to me at the empty spot. Did he leave? Is he in the bathroom? I’ve never spent the night with anyone before, so I’m not sure if this is normal. What if he left me here by myself?

  Relax, Ash. He’s probably just in the bathroom or working.

  I sit up slowly, glancing around at the massive room. I didn’t have time last night, nor did I care to look. The bed itself is enormous. Six of me could fit in here comfortably.

  I hop out of the bed and go in search of a bathroom, which I find quickly, and it too is larger than what I’m used to. After relieving myself, I throw on Zane’s shirt that swallows me up and go in search of him. I find him in his office on the phone talking business. When he sees me, he waves me over and pulls me into his lap.

  I could get used to this.

  “Just get it here this afternoon. My guy out front is telling me they only have a few supplies left, and you were supposed to be here three days ago. I need it here today with no excuses. If it isn’t here by two, I’ll make a trip to you and you won’t like it.”

  He hangs up the phone. I assume before whoever on the other end responds, then looks over at me.

  “Morning gorgeous. Sleep well?”

  “I did, actually. Your bed is comfortable.”

  He kisses me lightly on the lips then leans back smiling.

  “What do you have planned for today?”

  “Nothing, really. I need to go into the office for an hour, but after that I’m free.”

  “Come back here when you’re done.”


  “Because I want you to and because you want to.”

  “So sure of yourself. How do you know I want to come back?”

  “Tell me you don’t want to, and I’ll let you go right now and never contact you again.” I’m silent as I try to think of something to say, some witty comeback, but nothing comes to mind. “That’s what I thought. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  I’m only at my job for an hour before I head to the hospital to volunteer. Zoe is there and I want to talk to her about last night, but I also want to see Jordan and make sure he’s okay. I haven’t seen him since that day in his office. I don’t want to assume he’s having a hard time, but I know what it feels like to be rejected.

  As soon as I pull up, I spot Zoe standing by the door. She didn’t know I was coming, so she must have just arrived herself. When she sees me, she bounces across the parking lot. I brace myself for the questions inevitably coming my way as I step out of my car.

  “So? How did it go? Was he a gentleman? What did the two of you do? Did he take you somewhere? Did you kiss again?”, she starts her interrogation.

  I shake my head and laugh. “Slow down, Zoe. We have plenty of time for me to tell you everything.”

  “I know, but it’s not every day that you go out on a date, so I’m excited for you. This is date number two. Please tell me you at least got some lip action.”

  “You went on a date?”, Jordan asks when he suddenly appears startling me.

  “Where the hell did you come from? Shit, you scared the hell out of me.”

  “I was coming from my car and overheard Zoe. Not that she’s trying to be quiet or anything. I think the entire parking lot heard her.” He turns to me and frowns. I know he’s trying to hide the fact that he’s hurt, but I can see it. “You went on a date? Who did you go on a date with?”

  They are both staring at me, waiting on my response. Zoe because she wants to see how I explain this to Jordan and Jordan because he is visibly upset that my date wasn’t with him.

  “I went out with a guy I met the night I was attacked at the bar.”

  “What’s his name?”

  Zoe is looking back and forth between us, absorbing the conversation like a sponge. I’m sure she’ll dissect it later with me.


  Jordan’s face drains of all color, leaving him pale and frowning.

  “You didn’t.”

  “Do you know him?”, Zoe asks. “It looks like you know him.”

  “I’ve never met him, no. I’ve heard things about him. Not good things I might add.”

  “What things?”, I ask. He has my undivided attention. “What did he do?”

  “I’ve just heard some bad things about him, that’s all.” He shrugs.

  “Well, that’s not very specific.”, Zoe frowns. “Even I know she needs more than that, Jordan. What did you hear exactly?”

  “I don’t have time for this.”, he snaps. “I have to get inside but please don’t see him again, Ash. Please. I’m asking as your friend. The guy is bad news.”

  We watch as he walks away, leaving us both to wonder what the hell that was all about. Is he bad news or is Jordan just being jealous? Zoe mimics my thoughts as soon as he’s out of hearing distance.

  “I think he may be jealous and he’s just lashing out. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you see something that backs up his claims. He’ll be okay.”

  “What if he’s right, Zoe? What if he’s a bad guy?”

  “Do you think he is? Has he done something?”

  “No. Nothing like that. I mean… He seems like the bad boy type, but I don’t think he’d ever hurt me. He was extremely gentle last night.”, I blush.

  “You didn’t!” She studies my face for a second, then squeals like a schoolgirl. “You did! Holy shit! Tell me everything!”

  “We have to get to work before Jordan blows a gasket.”

  “Okay. But don’t think for one minute you’re off the hook.”

  “Ash, Can I talk to you?” Jordan sticks his head out of his office as I walk by the door.


  “I just wanted to know more about this guy you’re seeing.”

  “Jordan. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, what do you want to know exactly?”

  “Well, for starters, how did the two of you meet?”

  “I told you. I met him the night I got attacked at the club.”

  “In the club?”

  “I don’t understand how that has any relevance to anything. It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you about him, but you know… since the other day and all that stuff you said, I feel a little weird talking about it with you.”

  He nods, then crosses his arms.

  “Forget I said any of that for the moment. We’re just two friends talking.”

  “Uh… How am I supposed to forget that? And why are you so worried? What did he do or supposedly do?”

  “Nothing in particular that I know of. I’ve just heard things about him. Like how he plays women all the time. Sleeping with anything that has two legs and leaving them. Apparently, he’s arrogant, uses
women, and does what he wants no matter what it costs anyone else. That doesn’t sound like a good guy to me.”

  “Well…”, I start. My annoyance level is reaching its peak. “So far, he has done none of those things. He is a little arrogant, but he hasn’t mistreated me or done anything that throws up red flags.” Jordan doesn’t look convinced. He looks more irritated now than he did when I first walked in. “Look, Jordan. I understand that you’re just being protective, and I appreciate it, but I’m fine. I promise. If he does anything to hurt me, you will be the first one to know.”

  I’ve never seen Jordan angry. I’ve seen him upset and irritated but never pissed off. He’s pissed off. He slams his hand down on the desk making a loud unexpected sound and I jump backward. The vein in his neck is bulging and I consider running out of the room.

  “Ashlyn.”, he growls. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Why wait until he does something to you when you can end it now and not have to worry about it?”

  Did he just call me stupid?

  My eyes widen in complete shock. He’s never been angry with me, and I’ve never been one to like any kind of confrontation. Before I know what he’s doing, he steps forward and grabs my hand.

  We’re in what appears to be a dungeon. It’s cold and damp, with cells lining both sides of the large room. I turn in a circle, trying to figure out what is going on. I know this is a vision, but I don’t see Jordan. Not at first.

  The first thing my eyes focus on is a small child locked in a cell. He can’t be over five years old, and he looks scared to death. The instinct to get him out of here is overwhelming, but once again, I can’t move. What’s even more frightening is when he looks straight at me.

  “Look Jordan.”, he says. “Who is that?”

  “Who buddy? I don’t see anyone.”

  Jordan’s voice comes from behind me, but I’m too focused on the little boy and why he can see me.

  “She’s right there in the middle of the room.”

  “I doona see anyone, lad.”

  I don’t know who that voice belongs to, but he sounds Scottish.

  “Me either. Is he sick?”, a woman asks.

  How many people are in this place?

  “She’s right there. She’s pretty too.”

  Not knowing what else to do, I talk. If he can see me, maybe he can hear me.

  “Hi.”, I smile widely even though I’m completely freaked out. “What’s your name?”


  He can hear me. Wow. This has never happened before.

  “That’s a very cool name for a boy. And how old are you, Ryker?”

  “I’m four.”

  He holds up four fingers and smiles proudly.

  “And who else is in here with you, Ryker? How did you get here?”

  “A lady killed my mommy, then I was walking around and around all by myself. Then a man saw me use my powers and took me here.”

  Tears threaten to fall from his eyes, angering me to my core. If I can find out when and where this is, I’ll save him if it’s the last thing I do.

  “Who else is here with you?”

  “There’s four of us in here. Me and Jordan and Finley and Katie.”

  “Who are you talking to, buddy?”, Jordan asks.

  I can hear the concern in his voice for the child. I know he can’t see or hear me, so I’m going to use Ryker to communicate. Maybe he won’t think the kid has lost his mind.

  “Jordan is my friend too.”, I tell Ryker and his face lights up.

  “She said she’s your friend too, Jordan. You must have lots of friends.”

  I turn around to find Jordan and see him holding onto the bars of his cell. He’s a little older looking and appears to be pale and filthy. Which makes me wonder how long he’s been here.

  “What’s her name buddy?”

  “Tell him my name is Ashlyn.”


  Jordan’s eyes widen in surprise.

  “She must be in a vision. Which means she can’t move.”, he sighs. “Okay, buddy. Tell her I’m fine and I’ll be seeing her soon.”

  He knows about my visions. When does this happen?

  “Tell the dimwit that I can hear him.”, I say shaking my head.

  “She called you a dimwit.”, Ryker laughs. “She said she can hear you.”

  “What is goin’ on?”, the Scottish guy asks.

  I assume he’s Finley. The room shifts, which means the vision is about to fade.

  “Tell Jordan I’ll warn him. About this place.”

  Ryker repeats what I say to him, but the room is fading fast. Just before I snap completely out of it, I hear his response.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll come anyway. For her.”

  “What the fuck, Ash? Where did you just go?”, Jordan asks me. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I’m fine.”, I reply and jerk my hand away from his. “I’m okay.”

  “Like hell. You spaced out for a minute. Your eyes were just blank.”

  This gets harder and harder to explain to people as the years go by, but I go with my main excuse. It always seems to work.

  “I do that sometimes. I just kind of space out. I’m sorry. I really need to go. I think I’m going to go home and lie down for a while.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, Jordan. I’ll be fine. See you tomorrow?”

  “Okay, but if you need anything, let me know. And remember what I said, Ash. About him.”

  “Oh, I’ll remember.”

  I quickly make my way out of his office and into the hallway. My primary goal at the moment is making it to the door with no interruptions. Fat chance that is. I’m so busy glancing around trying to avoid Zoe that I fuck up and make eye contact with a man standing against the wall. At first, I think nothing of it, but when he approaches me, I groan.

  “Not now.”, I tell him. “Please.”

  “Seeing as it looks like you’re about to take off running, I think I’d rather catch you now before you disappear. Can you help me?”

  A fucking ghost. Great.

  “Can this wait until tomorrow?”, I say as quietly as possible. People around me are going to think I’m crazy. “I really need to get out of here.”

  “Will you be back tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I’m here three days a week and tomorrow is one of those days.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Okay, Ashlyn. I’ll let you go but know this. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I will find you and haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  “Great. That’s just outstanding. I promise I’ll be here tomorrow and I’ll help you.”

  “That would be nice. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”, I mumble before sprinting out the door. This day is just peachy.

  What Jordan doesn’t know is I don’t plan on resting at home. After a quick stop by my apartment for some clothes, I head over to Zane’s to the back of the building. He texted me earlier, telling me to come around to the back and just let myself in. It’s dark when I pull up and the lot is empty except for two vehicles. Zane’s black truck and a smaller red one. It doesn’t register that someone might be here until I’m inside Zane’s bedroom and can hear voices coming from his office.

  “Zane, I’m warning you.”, a male says. He sounds angry. Furious. I stop and listen. “Do you have it or not?”

  Zane growls. Literally. “Are you threatening me? I suggest you change your tone.”

  “Do you have it or not?”

  “I offered you cash for your services and you fucked that up. You were supposed to threaten him, but you beat him half to death. That isn’t the way I do things, and I will not call you again for a job. I don’t know who told you about a diamond, but they were wrong. I don’t have a diamond and even if I did, you wouldn’t get it. Now get the fuck out before my girl gets here. Oh, and Dave. If you ever talk to me that way again, you won�
�t leave this building on two legs. Do I make myself clear?”


  I hear footsteps coming closer, so I run to the bathroom and shut the door, leaving a small crack. When the two guys walk past, I get a glimpse of them both.

  “Are you insane?”, one of them whispers. “He’ll fucking kill you without a thought.”

  “I am not afraid of him. What is he going to do?”

  “Rip your fucking heart out and eat it.”

  “As will I.”

  I don’t know why I do this and afterward; I regret it instantly. I listen harder, trying to hear their thoughts. Normally I would steer clear of listening to anyone’s thoughts, but the way these two are talking about Zane, I want to be sure I’m not missing anything. I focus in on the one I think is the Dave guy and cringe.

  Stupid motherfucker. I will rip out his fucking tongue and make him eat it. Sorry excuse for a… What is that smell? Someone else is here.

  I take a step back away from the door and hold my breath. He can’t possibly be talking about me. Do I stink that bad? I have been sweating, but I can’t smell that bad. I hear light footsteps, slow and steady, coming closer.

  “What are you doing, Dave? Let’s get the hell out of here before he kicks our ass.”

  “There’s someone in here.”

  “Who cares! Let’s go.”

  “Fine. I swear. You’re like a damn toddler sometimes with all your whining and bitching.”

  The door opens, then shuts before I let the air out of my lungs. What the hell was that all about? Sorry excuse for a what? And why are they so afraid of Zane? I can see him being a badass if need be, but I don’t see him ripping people’s hearts out. Then again, how well do I really know him? Maybe Jordan is right. Maybe I need to take a step back and find out more about him before this goes any further.

  Nice Ash. You’ve lost your virginity to a psychopath.

  “What are you doing?”


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