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Tainted (Vastow Vampires Book 1)

Page 12

by J Johnson

  At a loss to what I should do, I lay across my bed and attempt to read a book. I’ve read the same few sentences at least thirty times before I realize this isn’t working. I can’t get into it. No matter what I try to do, I can’t stop thinking about him and his secrets. The files. The blood and first aid kit. What’s it all for?

  An hour later, I’m still running through different scenarios and wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. I’m hoping he doesn’t show up and hoping he does. It’s a battle within myself that seems like it’s never going to end.

  I would go volunteer at the hospital, but Jordan fired me. He was supposed to apologize the night I was attacked, so I don’t know for sure if he was going to give me my job back. It takes me less than five seconds to decide to go ask him, so I throw on my scrubs, grab my stuff and head out the door.

  “Hi, can I help you, Miss?”, a short, chubby lady greets me.

  “Hi. I’m Ash. Ashlyn, I mean. I used to volunteer here. Is Jordan around?”

  “I’ll call him. Give me a moment.”

  “Mr. Chambers, there’s a girl here to see you. Her name is Ashlyn. Okay. Yes. I’ll send her in. You’re welcome.” She puts the phone back on the receiver and turns to me. “He said to come to his office. It’s right around…”

  “I know where it is. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I knock lightly on his door, then peek my head inside.

  “Hey Ash. What are you doing here?”

  “I was bored and wanted to help out like I used to do. You never got around to that apology, so I was hoping it included getting my job back.”

  “It did. Sorry. You were attacked and then I just never got around to it. I never should have acted the way I did. I’m sorry. Truly. And yes. You are welcome back here any time.”


  He chuckles. “You and your new… guy having problems? From what I hear, you and he have been inseparable lately.”

  “Let’s not talk about that. And we’re fine. I just needed something to do, and I missed the kids.”

  “We can always use help.”, he replies. “Are you sure everything is okay? You seem a little antsy.”

  “No. Nothing. Zane’s away on business and I just got bored sitting around by myself. That’s all.”

  “Okay then. Just pick up where you left off before. You know what to do. I’ll let Sherry up front know that you’ll be here for the rest of the night.”

  “Thanks, Jordan.”

  I rush out of the room as quickly as possible to avoid questions about Zane. For now, anyway. Tonight, I want to forget about him. Even as I think the words to myself, I know they’re a lie. I’ll never be able to forget about him. I’m still trying to keep myself from calling him and apologizing for not talking to him about it before running out.

  What the hell is wrong with you, Ash? You did nothing wrong.

  Somehow, I keep myself distracted until eleven when I realize how tired I am. After telling Jordan goodnight, I head home, strip down to my t-shirt and fall onto the bed.

  I’m digging through Zane’s desk and come across the files. The anger rising within me is not something I’m used to. I never get angry. Not like this. The feeling of being violated is overwhelming. I think about writing a note to him, but right before I pick up the pen, the door swings open. Standing in the doorway is a large, very sexy, and very pissed off Zane.

  “What do we have here, love?”, he asks, shaking his head. “I leave you for only a few minutes and you break into my desk and snoop through my things.”

  I realize I’ve been caught so might as well own it and ask why the hell he has these files on us.

  “Why do you have these?”

  “What? No, I’m sorry for snooping or it isn’t what it looks like?”

  “That would be childish since you have obviously caught me literally with my hand in the drawer.”

  “True. So why are you going through my things?”

  “Why do you have a file on me, Zoe and this other woman? Who is the other woman, anyway?”

  “Jealous?”, he raises a brow.

  “No. I want answers, Zane. Now.”

  Apparently, I’ve grown some backbone somewhere in the last few months.

  “Does it matter now?”

  “Yes. It does. Why Zane?”

  I stand up and walk around the desk, arms folded, waiting on his explanation.

  “Because I can. Because I find women that intrigue me and go after them.”, he shrugs. “I play with their emotions. Toy with them until I tire of it, then let them go. Sometimes.”

  The evil coming from his eyes sends a coldness straight to my bones. My mind says to run, but my feet aren’t listening. When I finally force myself to move, I run for the bedroom door hoping I can get to it before he does. My heart is pounding as I frantically try to escape. As soon as I grab the handle, he grabs me from behind and yanks me back against his body.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”, he growls in my ear.

  “Let me go, please Zane. Just let me go.”

  “Now why would I do that Ashlyn. I can’t just let you walk out of here. No, sadly you will have to stay here with me, but I will make it worth your while, love.”

  “Don’t call me that.”, I say as tears run down my cheeks.

  He’s going to kill me. He turns me around and wipes the tears away.

  “It’ll be okay, I promise. I tell you what. I’ll give you two choices, just because I like you so much. You can stay here with me and we can fuck all the time, you know you want to.”, he whispers in my ear. “Or I can kill you. It’s your decision, but it’s the only two choices you have, I’m sorry to say. I was going to keep you around for a while, but now that you’re afraid of me, it won’t be any fun.”

  “No! Let me go!”, I yell.

  I’m kicking and screaming and trying to get away, but he’s too strong.

  Suddenly, the room fades away and I find myself standing in his office alone. I panic, but then a wave of calm radiates through me.

  “Ashlyn. I would never hurt you. When you wake up, come find me. I’ll explain everything. Please love, it hurts me to see you this scared. I love you so much. Please come find me. Please.”, the voice fades away.

  I jolt awake, sweaty, and out of breath. As I attempt to calm myself down, I keep thinking more about the last part of the nightmare. It felt so real, like he was actually talking to me, telling me to come see him. His voice echoes through my mind, springing tears from my eyes. I want to listen. I want to go to him, but I can’t ignore the warning signs this time. And they’re telling me to stay away.



  Not getting enough sleep because of nightmares is something I was used to as a young girl. Not so much anymore, but last night’s episode reminds me of the good old days when I would wake up crying and yelling for my mother. She would always come and hold me until I quit shaking and fell back to sleep. Not last night. No. Last night, I was all alone. And the one person I wish was here to help my nerves, is the one person I need to stay away from.

  All the signs were there. I just didn’t pay attention. That or my mind brushed it all away as not important because of my feelings for him.

  The two guys in his office that said and thought the weirdest things. His late-night activities where he ‘saves people’. I’m not sure anymore if he beats people up to release anger or if he does it because he likes it.

  He has files in his drawer on three people. He hardly ever leaves his office. I’ve seen him leave less than a handful of times in the months I’ve known him. His sleep schedule or lack thereof. I don’t know how he survives with the amount of sleep he gets. It’s insane.

  The way Jordan acts towards him and vice versa. It’s like they have known each other for a long time and can’t stand each other. It’s odd, especially since the both of them claim they’ve never met before and I’ve never seen Jordan act that way towards an

  I’ve been ignoring Zane’s calls for the past two days, but it doesn’t keep him from calling and leaving messages or texts. The number of times I’ve almost given in and went back is surprising even to me. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to him and the more I think about it, the more it freaks me out. The only thing keeping me from going is those files. I keep going back to them.

  Ding. Ding.

  My phone alerts me of another voicemail. I blocked his number, but he can still leave messages. I push the button to listen and if I’m being honest with myself, it’s because I want to hear his voice.

  “Ashlyn. I’m begging you, love. Please talk to me. I promise it’s not what you think.”

  He sighs into the phone, and I can imagine him closing his gorgeous gray eyes.

  “Ti amo my Aroha. Please just give me ten minutes and I will explain everything to you. If after that you don’t want to see me anymore, then I’ll let you go. Please.”

  His voice dies off into a whisper, which tugs at my heart. The thought of him being sad or in pain kills me. I don’t understand my reactions these last few days. One minute I want to rip his head off and the next I want to console him. It’s like living in the twilight zone and it’s driving me crazy.

  To make matters worse, I think Jordan has figured out that Zane and I aren’t doing too great, so he’s been taking advantage of the situation. I try to let him down easy, but it’s getting harder each time. What I want to tell him is back the hell off and let me breathe for a minute.

  I honestly don’t think I’m going to be able to move forward in any direction if I at least don’t hear him out. With the decision made, but still questioning it, I get dressed and steer my car in Zane’s direction. I’ll give him five minutes and that’s it. That’s all he’s getting. My first question is going to be about the files. Why the hell does he have them?

  When I pull up to the back of the building, I notice a vehicle that’s usually not there. My first thought is he probably has another woman inside, but I dismiss the thought immediately. Zane’s a lot of things, but I don’t think a cheater is one of them. Although, I didn’t think he was the stalker type either, and I am about to ask him why he has stalker type files in his desk drawer.

  As I’m parking the car the door to Zane’s room flings open and out comes the same two guys I seen here before. The ones that creeped me out so much. I’m so focused and nervous about seeing Zane that I don’t even think about these two when I get out. If I had any kind of sense, I would have stayed in the car and slumped down until they left. No. Not me. I guess in the back of my mind I know Zane is on the other side of that door so nothing would happen to me. Guess I was wrong. When I pass them in the parking lot, one of them yells out.

  “Hey! You must be the new girlfriend I’ve heard so much about. What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  I pretend I don’t hear him and keep walking. This is the one named Dave, I think. He apparently doesn’t get the hint because the next thing I know he’s in front of me.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “Excuse me.”

  I can tell this man doesn’t like being ignored and probably gets what he wants most of the time. When he grabs my arm, I scream, but he clamps his hand over my mouth to muffle the sound.

  I’m standing in an empty warehouse, watching as he beats on someone hanging from the rafters. I can see the chain, but he’s blocking my view of the person he’s tormenting. Her screams are so painful, so familiar. I try to move, but my feet won’t carry me anywhere. I’m stuck as I always am in one of my visions. When he finally steps to the side, I see her face. I see my face. He’s torturing me.

  My body is limp, filthy, and beaten. I’m wearing only my bra and panties, and I’m covered in blood, bruises, and cuts. The knife he’s holding slices through me again and the pain radiates through me, making me whimper. He’s having fun. He’s smiling and turned on by mutilating my body.

  Suddenly the door opens and a bright light shines through it. It’s so dark in here. A second man walks in and stops to survey the scene before him. It’s the same man that’s here now in the parking lot.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”, he asks Dave. “I told you to leave her alone. I told you not to do anything to her. Do you not know who you’re fucking with? He will kill us both if we harm her. Jesus. What have you done?”

  “He hasn’t come yet, so obviously he doesn’t care too much. She’s been here for days and there’s been no sign of him. I’m not worried.”

  “Just stop.”, the older man sighs. “I need to call him, and I can’t have her screaming in the background.”

  He dials a number on his cell and waits. Dave slaps his hand over my mouth to keep me from yelling out. Tears roll down her face, my face as I realize I won’t be able to yell for anyone.

  “Do you have it?”, he says into the phone. “Maybe you need a little reminder of what I have here.”

  He nods to my tormentor, who removes his hand from my mouth. I open it to yell for Zane, but I scream instead. He slides the knife down my chest and the blood runs down the front of my body. The pain alone is unbearable. I can feel it even though it’s not happening to me directly at the moment. I can hear yelling coming from the phone and the man holds it away from his head.

  “I suggest you get me what I want or I’m going to let Dave continue carving on your woman. You have twelve hours, or I’ll mail you a piece of her in a box.”

  He hangs the phone up and turns to me.

  “Guess we’ll find out how important you really are to him.”

  When I come to, I’m bound and gagged in the backseat of their truck. The older man is driving, and Dave is sitting beside me. I’m guessing I’ve been out of it for maybe five minutes. I still recognize some of the buildings.

  “I see you’re awake now.”, Dave says. His hand is still on my arm, but the vision has stopped. Sometimes it happens this way, and sometimes another vision takes the place of the first.

  Thankfully, this time it stops giving me the chance to figure out where we are or where we’re going. We’re about five minutes outside of town and all I can see up ahead are fields surrounding us. No buildings or people. A few cows and all flat land. Dave’s hand on my arm is making me want to vomit. “I have some plans for you. I can’t wait.”

  “Leave her alone, Dave. We aren’t harming her in any way unless I say so. You know what she is to him. He’ll give us what we want to get her back, so do not harm her unless I say so. That will just piss him off more.”

  “We’ll see.”

  We drive for a little while before we stop. I’m guessing a little over an hour, then Dave yanks me out of the car and pushes me towards a huge metal building. It looks like it used to be a warehouse but was abandoned long ago. When we get inside, I recognize it instantly from my vision and tears start rolling down my cheeks. I know from my vision that I’ll be here for at least a few days. He leads me to a corner and wraps a metal cuff around my ankle that’s chained to the concrete floor.

  “This is your new home for a while. At least until your boyfriend gives us what we want, so get comfortable. Anything you’d like to say before we leave you here?”

  He’s enjoying this way too much. His grin is nauseating.

  “Go fuck yourself. When Zane finds you, he’ll make you pay dearly.”, I growl.

  “I doubt that sweetheart, but we’ll see.”

  Both of them walk out and kill the lights. The sun goes down, and the room gets darker. When it goes down completely the room is pitch black. I hate the darkness.








  It takes them two days to come back and check on me. I’ve had nothing to drink
or eat and only a bucket to use the restroom in. When the two of them walk in they both scrunch up their noses.

  “Damn. Go empty that bucket.”, the older one says.

  Dave takes the bucket outside and brings it back a minute later emptied. Serves them right. I hope they choke on the smell.

  “Now cover her mouth so I can make this call.”

  I panic as he comes towards me, grinning widely. As soon as he touches me, I’m going to have another vision.

  “Relax, pet. I won’t hurt you. Yet.”

  The laugh that comes from him is evil. Pure evil. He grabs me from behind and covers my mouth with his hand. The last thing I see before the vision starts is the older man dialing a number on his cell phone.

  I’m standing in what appears to be a wooded area, but I can hear traffic which means we aren’t far from the road. I can see Dave running through the trees and even though I can’t move, my body floats to keep up with his. He keeps looking back as he runs, fear etched all over his face. Whatever he’s running from, he’s terrified of it.

  The vision suddenly stops and I’m screaming in pain. Dave is cutting me. He’s slicing my back open with something. The pain is excruciating.


  “I told you. As long as you give me what I want she won’t be harmed. She refused to talk, so Dave just gave her a little push, that’s all. She’s fine.” Pause. “Okay, fine.” He holds the phone up to me again. “Speak to him or he’ll do it again.”

  “Zane.”, I whimper. “Please…”

  “Ashlyn, I’m coming. Tell me where you are.”

  “I don’t know. In a…”


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