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The Fourth Secret: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Divine Apostasy Book 4)

Page 35

by A F Kay

  Sift’s eyes widened. “Lylan has that crystal.”


  “She’s really into music. Hamma has a bunch, too.”

  Ruwen stopped whistling as Sift continued to hum the chorus to Energy Drain. It reminded Ruwen how focused he’d been on himself since his Ascension. It wasn’t a competition, but Sift shouldn’t know more about Hamma than Ruwen. Not if he wanted to take that relationship seriously. The world didn’t revolve around him, and he vowed to give Hamma the attention she deserved.

  Relationship aside, Ruwen didn’t want to explore the enemy without his friends. Lir?

  Yes, Architect Starfield.

  Is it possible to trigger a Class advancement without the delay?


  Is that something you would do?

  If they are within the area I manage, yes.

  You said earlier you couldn’t modify a biological’s neural interface. That’s different from triggering Class advancements?

  Of course. Advancement is simply revealing what is already present. Modifying an interface requires far more alterations and is outside the bounds of my directive.

  What is your directive?

  My primary directives are to obey the Architect, care for the temple, and manage the followers within my boundaries. The first ten thousand sub-directives begin with—

  That’s good. I don’t need the details.

  As you wish.

  Please end all delays associated with the Class advancements that Hamma and Lylan are waiting on.


  Lir had finished that faster than Ruwen expected, and he pushed away thoughts of favoritism. The two women had risked their lives multiple times because of the unfair situations Ruwen placed them in. They deserved a small break.

  Now they just needed to prepare for the scouting mission tomorrow. Before adding the women to his group with Ringleader, he needed one more piece of information.

  Lir, where is the Temple vault located?

  Chapter 50

  Rami updated Ruwen’s map with the vault details as he approached the temple. He focused on Lir. Please watch the pillar of energy I’m bringing with me. If he takes anything or does any damage, please let me know immediately.

  As you wish. What an interesting life form.

  Ruwen didn’t respond, tired of Xavier’s specialness already. Using Ringleader, he added Hamma and Lylan to the group he already had with Sift. After a moment of thought, he invited Xavier as well.

  Chat filled Ruwen’s mind with the women’s voices.

  Uru granted my Specialization! Lylan said, her voice filled with more emotion than Ruwen had ever heard from her.

  Hamma responded immediately. Congratulations, Lyl! Bless Uru, I received my Sub Class, too.

  That is great news, Sift said.

  Congrats to you both, Ruwen said.

  Hi, Xavier, nice to meet you, Hamma said.

  Hello, Lylan said.

  Greetings, Xavier responded in an almost friendly voice.

  Let’s meet in the dining room, Ruwen said.

  Ruwen didn’t tell the women about his involvement in their sudden advancement. It would only raise questions.

  Did Lir do that for the women? Rami asked.


  Out of curiosity, what did you request.

  Ruwen thought of his exact wording. Please end all delays associated with the Class advancements that Hamma and Lylan are waiting on.

  Rami didn’t respond. What? Ruwen asked.

  Almost the entire population is in queue, so you’re probably okay. But I think that phrase could be interpreted as ending the delay for everyone waiting on the Thief Specialization or the Healer Sub Class.

  Ruwen parsed what he’d said to Lir again: Please end all delays associated with the Class advancements that Hamma and Lylan are waiting on.

  Oh no, Ruwen said. I’m going to talk to Lir. Can you listen in this time?


  Lir, when I asked you earlier to remove the Class related delays, how many people did that affect?


  Ruwen entered the dining room, but the women weren’t there yet. Instead of sitting down, he paced around the room. Rami didn’t comment on his stupidity.

  Focusing on Lir again, Ruwen asked another question. Are the people other than Hamma and Lylan all in queue?


  That was some good news at least. Can you put the delay back for those eighty-one? Make it just like it was before, but leave Hamma’s and Lylan’s changes alone?


  Please do so.


  Ruwen returned his attention to Rami. Thank you.

  You’re welcome.

  Sift continued to practice his dancing whenever he thought Ruwen couldn’t see, and Xavier’s eyes had disappeared, so Ruwen didn’t know where the pillar of energy looked. Checking his map for the women’s location, he figured he still had a couple of minutes before they arrived.

  Three recent events had brought one of Ruwen’s shortcomings into painful focus. The first happened all the time. He tended to concentrate so intently on his thoughts that the outside world disappeared. Blapy had just commented on it, and the sisters Mist and Thorn had as well. He no longer stood in a library where people lost in thought were common. Now he could get himself and others killed. He needed to trust his gut more and not feel the need to process every situation.

  Second, Ruwen had neglected his relationships, especially with Hamma. Without anything to balance his Intelligence, he fell into self-absorbed periods of training. He knew his actions bordered on obsessive sometimes. The Spirit Realm was a perfect example of this behavior. It had probably saved their lives there, but it shouldn’t be the normal way he acted.

  Third, the request to Lir and its unintended consequences. Ruwen had failed to see another interpretation, even knowing how literally Lir took commands. Assuming everyone understood things the way he did was another product of his Intelligence and the arrogance it fostered.

  All of this highlighted a problem Ruwen had experienced from the beginning, a low Wisdom. He opened his Profile and looked at his buffed Attributes.


  Strength: 47

  Stamina: 73

  Dexterity: 46

  Intelligence: 45

  Wisdom: 28

  Charisma: 28

  Ruwen had justified the Charisma points added earlier as necessary to lead, which was true. But he’d just experienced the way his low Wisdom negatively affected him and knew he needed to increase its priority to make him a more balanced person.

  Two memories crashed into Ruwen’s thoughts. The first was Sift demonstrating how to use a staff during Ruwen’s first night in Blapy. Sift had said the following after lunging forward with the staff. “Attacking like this is safer, as less of your body is exposed. Look at my feet and stance. You must always keep your balance. Balance is the solution to every problem.”

  The second memory also included Sift. He had just finished showing Ruwen how to lock joints and escape from those same locks. Ruwen had commented on the symmetry of it and Sift had echoed the previous response. He had said, “You will see the same pattern in everything you learn. What Step Masters have really mastered is balance.”

  Balance. The enemy of almost every build he’d read about. It pained him that Sift had once again provided guidance with his teaching. Regardless, Ruwen obviously needed it. Using the four Attribute points he’d gained for reaching level twenty-three, he added them all to Wisdom, increasing it to thirty-two.

  Ruwen closed his Profile. He didn’t feel any different, but he hoped the four points made a difference. He smiled at Sift.

  “What?” Sift asked, standing up straight. With faintly red cheeks, he continued. “Do my moves look stupid?”

  “No,” Ruwen said. “You look stupid, but your moves are good.”

  Sift smiled, relieved.

  Ruwen couldn’t tell Sift his W
isdom had once again helped Ruwen. If he did, Sift would spend days reminding Ruwen. But he felt like he needed to say something. “You’re a good Sisen.”

  Sift nodded, his face turning serious. “It’s a good thing, too. You are my worst Sijun.”

  “I’m your only Sijun. That should make me your best student.”

  Sift shook his head. “A miracle is what some call it.”

  “What miracle? And who are some?”

  Sift waved an arm through the air. “Everyone can see how under my training a hopeless—”

  Ruwen interrupted. “I was not hopeless. You—”

  Ruwen stopped speaking as his Perception signaled danger. He stilled his body and mind, trying to determine where the pressure he sensed originated.

  “Boo!” Lylan shouted from beside Sift.

  To Sift’s credit, he reflexively struck at the sudden threat. But Lylan had already flipped away. Hamma laughed from the doorway, and Sift smiled as he saw Lylan’s grin.

  “Look at my sneaky Thief,” Sift said.

  “You’ll never see me coming now,” Lylan said. “Not with my Thief abilities.”

  Ruwen had sensed Lylan, which meant even her Thief abilities weren’t enough to overcome his new heightened Perception.

  Hamma walked over to Ruwen and he put an arm around her.

  “You got your abilities already as well?” Ruwen asked.

  Hamma nodded. “We’ve only used a couple spell and ability points so far, but they’ve come to us immediately. No painful waiting. I love this temple.”

  Ruwen didn’t slap his forehead but felt like it. He had said all the Class related delays, which included the wait for the associated abilities and spells. He really hadn’t thought that request through. But it was for the best, as having access to the new abilities and spells immediately would strengthen them.

  Hamma faced Xavier. “Uru’s blessing on you, Xavier. Have these two dummies been arguing the whole time?”

  “They are quite irksome,” Xavier replied.

  Lylan’s voice appeared from across the room as she threw it. “Agreed. I wish I could tell you it got better.”

  Ruwen didn’t take the bait. “Let’s head to the vault.”

  “Why?” Hamma asked.

  Ruwen let her go and started for the door. “We need to gear up. Assuming you want to join me on a scouting mission in the morning.”

  Everyone quickly followed Ruwen as he moved into the depths of the temple. Priests filled the area around the revival baths as a few cycles had already passed, bringing almost three hundred people back from the dead. They all bowed to Ruwen as the group passed. Since his settings remained private, that meant Niall must be informing them about Ruwen.

  When they finally reached the vault, Ruwen wouldn’t have guessed it held anything important. The door, while wider and taller, didn’t look reinforced or especially difficult to break.

  Lylan whistled softly and ran her hands around the door’s edges. “A lot of stored energy here. Probably runic spells etched into the walls. Dangerous.”

  Ruwen raised his eyebrows. He toggled on Detect Temperature briefly and saw the faint red of heat covering the door and walls. He ran a hand along the wall but didn’t feel any difference. When his hand touched the door, it slid open.

  The vault consumed several levels as the ceiling stretched over thirty feet above them and extended maybe a hundred feet. Ruwen moved further into the vault and the rest of the party joined him. The door slid silently shut behind them.

  Square pillars filled the space, with only a few feet between each one. The pillars held what looked like lockers, each with a glowing window in the center. He reached out to the closest one and lightly pushed on it.

  The entire pillar moved upward and the pillar next to it moved downward. Ruwen studied the ceiling where the pillar disappeared and then the floor. Somehow the two pillars connected out of sight. If he wanted to access a locker above him, he simply pulled down and the two pillars rotated like a wheel.

  The various sized lockers each had a window and Ruwen looked in one to find plate bracers neatly stacked. Xavier remained by the door, but everyone else had found a locker to peer into.

  “Anything interesting?” Ruwen asked.

  “Gloves,” Hamma said.

  “Shirts,” Lylan said.

  “Swords,” Sift said. He looked down at his waist. “Fine, but it’s not that interesting.”

  Sift removed the sentient dagger Io from the hidden sheath at his hip. Ky had loaned the dagger to Sift because he loved the dagger’s stories. Xavier moved from the doorway and glided up to Sift. Two tentacle arms formed, and eyes appeared as something resembling a triangle head took shape.

  “Greetings, cousin, I did not sense your presence,” Xavier said. “You are tightly bound and a contain a magnificent structure.”

  Sift looked at Ruwen. “Is he talking to me?”

  Before Ruwen could respond, Sift frowned and focused back on Io. “Why would he be talking to you?” Sift paused, and then spoke again. “If he shocks your brains away, it’s your fault.”

  Sift held Io out and Xavier took the dagger with two hands, as if accepting an offering. Sift shrugged and turned back to the group.

  “There must be some sort of index or inventory,” Hamma said.

  “And we should prioritize what we need,” Lylan said.

  You should get some heavy armor, Rami said.

  Why would I do that?

  I’m want to paralyze you for a few seconds.

  That is a weird request.

  Your reflexes are too fast, and I want to make a point.


  Using Chat, Rami spoke to the group. Lylan, throw a dagger at Ruwen.

  Ruwen happened to be facing Lylan, and saw her arm flick forward in a blur, launching a dagger at him. His training and reflexes turned his body, except his body didn’t move as Rami kept him stationary.

  Last Breath triggered at the sudden danger and the dagger slowed as it spun toward Ruwen. He opened his Void Band to catch the weapon, but immediately his brain felt itchy, like a thousand ants were crawling on it, and his concentration evaporated.

  The point of the dagger struck Ruwen’s chest, piercing his shirt directly over his heart.

  Chapter 51

  The dagger bounced off Ruwen’s chest and fell to the floor with a loud clatter, mingling with Hamma’s yelp of surprise. The ants on his brain disappeared and Rami gave Ruwen control of his body back.

  Ruwen rubbed the spot he’d been hit and pulled up his shirt.

  There isn’t even a mark, Rami said in Chat.

  Lylan leaned down in front of Ruwen and picked up her dagger. She studied the dagger’s bent tip. “You owe me a new dagger.”

  “You threw that at me,” Ruwen said, his voice rising a little. “At my heart. Are you crazy?”

  Lylan shrugged. “I trust Rami. And I thought you’d just dodge it anyway. Sift usually does.”

  “Usually,” Sift said, rubbing his shoulder. “No, he’s not as good as his Sisen yet.” Sift turned to Lylan. “He’s my worst Sijun.”

  Ruwen ignored the comment. “I never even saw that dagger.”

  Lylan smiled. “Even thieves need to stab people on occasion.”

  “How about aiming for something less important next time,” Hamma said as she rubbed a hand over Ruwen’s chest.

  Sift pointed to Ruwen’s head, and Lylan laughed. Ruwen smiled and squeezed Hamma’s hand.

  Okay, the dagger didn’t hurt me, Ruwen said in Chat. What’s your point?

  My dagger’s point, actually, Lylan said.

  Ruwen shook his head as Sift and Lylan grinned at each other. Gaining her Specialization had really put Lylan in a good mood.

  Your body is Gold Fortified. A close-range bolt from a heavy crossbow might hurt you, but most things will bounce off. The enemy will notice, and last I checked, you’re trying to avoid attention.

  Hamma chimed in. If they see him in heavy armor, t
hey’ll assume it protected him. At least from a distance.

  Exactly, Rami said.

  Ruwen opened his Profile and switched to the Abilities page. It took him a moment to find the level one Fighter ability Dressed to Kill. He’d gained access to the abilities and spells for every Class up through level five from wearing the divine amulets on Big D’s camping trip. He read Dressed to Kill’s description.

  Ability level 1: No penalty for Scale, Hide, Studded Leather, Leather, Padded, or Cloth.

  Ability level 2: No penalty for Chainmail

  Ability level 3: No penalty for Splint

  Ability level 4: No penalty for Banded

  Ability level 5: No penalty for Plate

  Ruwen had twelve ability points, and he didn’t want to use them for armor unless absolutely necessary.

  I can wear scale right now with no penalty, Ruwen said.

  That’s still a medium armor, Hamma said.

  Ruwen stared at Hamma, surprised at her knowledge of armor, and she responded out loud. “What? It’s the heaviest armor a Warden can wear.”

  Scale is interesting though, Rami said. Many creature’s scales are just as hard as plate.

  Ruwen thought about the Ink Warden garb he’d cleaned for Fluffy. It had looked like cloth but actually been created from Leaf Dragon silk and been as protective as plate. But that type of material was incredibly rare, and many people didn’t even know it existed. During this battle, he needed armor that looked the part, not something exotic that caused more questions.

  So you think scale is acceptable? Ruwen asked.

  For now, anyway. If you don’t find a home for all your ability points, we can reevaluate, Rami said.

  Hamma looked around. “There must be some sort of mechanism to search for things. Does anyone see a screen?”

  Ruwen spoke directly to Rami. Do you have an inventory of this place?

  Give me a second to talk with Lir. Three seconds later Rami spoke up. Okay, I know where everything is. I’ll direct people.

  Can you affect their interfaces?

  Not as much as I can change yours. But because you formed the party connection, I have some control.


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