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A Convenient Marriage [Book 2 of the Friends and Lovers Series]

Page 9

by Nadia Aidan

  "Adam, I never had an abortion. I had a miscarriage. I got to the clinic that day and I just couldn't do it, but before I could leave I started to have pains...” A sob escaped her lips as she gripped his hand tighter. He stood there his mouth agape and he felt like his head was spinning as he tried to wrap his mind around her words.

  He ran his hand through his hair as his heart squeezed in his chest. “Why didn't you tell me this before, Lisa? God, baby, I am so sorry for what I said to you, what I believed you did."

  "It's not your fault. As soon as I lost the baby I should have told you the truth, but I felt such guilt. I blamed myself for the miscarriage, believing that I'd caused it because at first I didn't want to have the child. I didn't realize you'd suspected I was pregnant or that you followed me that day, so when I returned home that night and discovered that you knew everything, I just let you believe the worst. I thought I deserved it. But I swear to you that I did want our child. As I sat there waiting to speak with a doctor, I just knew that I couldn't go through with it and when I lost the baby, I was heartbroken,” she said quietly.

  Guilt washed over him as he hung his head in shame and closed his eyes while he struggled to erase the memory of that day.

  He'd followed her that morning when he caught her vomiting for the fifth day in a row. He'd suspected then that she was pregnant, but she never said anything. He actually hadn't set off to spy on her, but she'd been acting so strange that his instincts told him that something was wrong.

  Lisa had come home that night and he'd baited her until she walked right into a trap. He'd then launched into a tirade of accusations, condemning her for lying, and she'd let him. She'd let him believe the worst of her, but he didn't blame her for that. He blamed himself. He should have trusted her, given her the benefit of the doubt, but he hadn't. He'd been so arrogant believing that he needed to forgive her, but it was she who was owed the apology. It was her forgiveness he now sought.

  He tugged her into his arms, his hand gently stroking her hair as he rested his chin on top of her head. “I automatically jumped to conclusions instead of trusting that you would tell me the truth and I am so sorry. You should never have had to go through that alone. I don't know how you don't hate me, but if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise to love and support you as I vowed to do when I married you."

  Lisa lifted her head from his chest to meet his gaze. A small smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Forgive you? It's me who needs to be forgiven. Adam I am sor—"

  He placed a single finger against her lips when she tried to apologize. “There is nothing to forgive. Not anymore. We both made mistakes because we didn't trust in our love for each other and a marriage cannot survive without trust. But I still love you, Lisa, and I want us to make this work. Trust takes time to build and I am willing to put in that time to save our marriage.” He cupped her cheek and held her gaze, his expression serious. “Are you willing to do the same?"

  He swore his heart stopped as he waited for her to answer. After all they'd done to each other, he couldn't blame her if she wasn't willing to, but he knew she still loved him and he hoped that she still wanted to save their marriage too.

  She curled her lips into a radiant smile and reached up to twine her arms behind his neck. “Of course I am,” she said as she lifted up on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his in a gentle kiss.

  A wave of relief washed over him at her softly spoken words and he relaxed against her as he tightened his arms around her waist, bringing her deeper into the warmth of his embrace.

  He then closed his eyes and gave himself over to the healing magic of her kiss all the while counting his blessings that they'd both been given a second chance together.

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  "That is great news. Thank you, so much. Thank you.” Lisa said a quick good bye, promising the project director that she would send her an updated budget first thing Monday morning and then hung up the phone.

  Jumping up out of her seat, she twirled around in circles doing a quick happy dance before she raced down the hall to her bedroom where Adam was packing.

  He glanced up when she appeared at the door, and before he could say a word, she launched herself into his arms.

  "Whoa!” he said as he stumbled back from the force of her impact before he righted himself and wrapped his arms around her waist. “What's got you so excited?"

  "We got the funding. We can finally open the type of private residence for the kids that I'd always envision."

  Adam beamed at her. “Baby, that's great news. As soon as I get back, we will celebrate. Tommy is going to be so excited. Promise me you'll wait until I get back though to tell him the news. I want to be here to see his face when you tell him."

  Lisa smiled wider as she nodded her head. Tommy would indeed be thrilled. It was actually because of him that she and Adam had pressed so hard to get the funding for Fostering Friends.

  Six months ago she and Adam had formally adopted Tommy as their son. Lisa loved all of her children, but Tommy had managed to wriggle his way into their hearts and she and Adam felt that they could give him the type of loving home that he so desperately wanted. Tommy had been ecstatic, but he'd also been sad to leave his friends. Lisa would never forget the day he asked her the one question that motivated her to finally do what she'd longed to do with Fostering Friends.


  She'd glanced up from reading the newspaper to meet Tommy's curious gaze as he sat at the breakfast counter shoveling cereal into his mouth. She smiled at the mess he was making, wondering how he could possibly call what he was doing eating with so many Cheerios on the floor and not in his mouth.

  "Yes, Tommy."

  "How come you adopted me and not the other kids too?"

  Lisa had frowned at him because that was a good question. Tommy was a special little boy, but all of her children were special to her in their own unique way. She'd started Fostering Friends because she believed every child deserved loving parents. In that moment Lisa knew what she had to do. And so she'd applied for every foundation grant she could think of until she finally got the ‘okay’ to build Fostering Friends on some land she and Adam owned in Reston, Virginia, right outside of DC.

  Adam stared at her expectantly and she realized he'd asked her a question.

  "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

  "I said are you up to the challenge of raising fifty children? You do realize we're going to have kids all over our house, and we'll never have a moment's peace?"

  Lisa laughed at the shell-shocked look on his face. Right now it seemed daunting but she knew everything would work out—not perfectly, but it would somehow come together. “We will have plenty of help with cooks, teachers, full-time nannies, don't forget all of the volunteers and staff from the center, and of course there will be us."

  "But are you sure about stepping down as CEO from your agency too?"

  She smiled as she nodded her head. She had never been surer of anything in her life. “There's no way I can run an agency and a private boarding school at the same time. Besides these kids need me right now and they certainly need me more than the models and clients I work with at the agency. I'm doing the right thing and it feels good."

  Adam shook his head in awe as a smile lifted the corners of his lips. “I can't believe you're actually going to do this, but I am so proud of you. Taking on fifty kids is quite a commitment, but you know I will be here to support you every step of the way."

  Lisa tightened her arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, a tiny smile on her face.

  "Fifty-one. In ohhhh, about six months, there will be fifty-one."

  * * * *

  "Shhh, everyone. I can't hear the question,” Lisa grumbled loudly trying to quiet down all of the kids and adults that crowded inside the theater in her home. She'd invited all of the kids from the center over along with Lacy, Sonya and Nyla. Gabe and Marcus both had to work, but Adam's brot
her, Ryan, had just arrived, along with his infant daughter, Keya, and his spitfire of a wife Teresa, who Lisa had just met, but knew already she was going to like.

  Lisa swiveled her head around to glare over her shoulder at the raucous group while she told them one last time to pipe down as they all sat before the large screen, watching the last debate before the election next Tuesday.

  Adam and Richard had left early that morning to prepare for the debate at the Verizon Center in Washington, but Lisa wasn't sure how much preparation Adam could possibly be doing since he seemed to call her once every hour to ask if she and the baby were alright. She'd had to remind him that pregnancy wasn't an illness and that it wasn't necessary for him to call and check up on her. But it was almost as if she'd spoken another language because he'd called again just before the debate started.

  A hush settled over the room as people once again focused their attention on Adam and his democratic opponent, the former Lt. Governor of Virginia, Broderick Gordon. They were neck and neck in the polls and both candidates knew their performance at the debate was crucial. Lisa had been a ball of anxious energy as she waited for it to start. She'd never been so nervous in her life. She knew Adam would do well, but that still didn't stop her from turning into a bundle of nerves.

  They were now about thirty minutes into the debate, and thus far Adam was doing well. He was confident and poised and seemed determined to stay above Gordon and his mudslinging as he answered his questions thoroughly. Lisa thought he looked very comfortable and relaxed, which helped her stay calm as well.

  Lisa leaned in closer to the screen as the moderator shifted the topic from the economy to the candidates’ positions on pro-life versus pro-choice. A chill instantly settled over her as she waited for the questions. In the weeks leading up to the debate, the news of her abortion in her teens had gotten out. Someone had also leaked that she'd visited a clinic during their marriage. Adam had refused to comment on anything pertaining to his wife and so the media had twisted and distorted the truth. As a result he'd taken a hit in the polls from the pro-lifers. He and Richard had known he wouldn't be able to avoid the question entirely at the debate, so they'd work to craft a statement that would hopefully squash the rumors but also protect his privacy as well as hers.

  Lisa's heart thumped wildly in her chest and she leaned forward some more as Adam and the Lt. Governor hashed it out on the issue of pro-choice. She almost relaxed, thinking they'd dodged a bullet when Gordon finally said what she'd been dreading all night.

  "The Mayor claims that he would reject the current efforts of House Republicans who want to pass legislation to restrict distribution of the abortion drug RU-486 for minors, but that statement is in stark opposition to his position on the issue, prior to reports surfacing that his wife allegedly obtained an abortion while she was in fact a minor. The Mayor shifted his position in light of the rumors surrounding his wife which convinces me he will shift his stance on other issues that are important to Virginia voters."

  An icy chill slid down her spine as everyone in the room became eerily silent. She felt as if the same disquiet settled over the packed Verizon Center where Adam now stood. Everyone waited on pins and needles for him to respond. She praised him for maintaining his composure, but then he was a politician. Still, she could tell from the tiny muscle that twitched in his jaw that he wanted to punch Gordon. She wanted to reach out and stroke her hand across his cheek and soothe his anger. She was no longer ashamed or embarrassed of her past, but it pained her to know that Adam now had to defend her actions on national television. It wasn't fair. She wasn't running for office. He was.

  "To respond to the Lt. Governor, I do not comment on my wife or what I consider beyond the scope of this election except to say that my wife is a brave and courageous woman who has chosen to rise above the circumstances of her childhood and whose dedication to children has been defined by her own experiences as a child. I could not be prouder of her. Each day I am moved by her love and compassion for our family and for me and I am honored that she has chosen to be my partner in life. Now to speak to my position on the legislation regarding the drug RU-486..."

  A wide smile crossed her face as warmth instantly flooded her. She had never been more touched in her entire life. She was humbled by his belief in her, his faith in the love that they shared, and the honesty with which he'd revealed it before millions of people. She felt the moisture on her cheeks but she didn't bother to hide it or brush it away as the entire audience in the Verizon Center erupted in cheers and applause before Adam could even finish his statement. She heard the cheering of the crowd in the room around her, but she pushed it to the background as she focused all of her attention on the man she loved with all her heart.

  The End

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  About the Author

  Nadia Aidan lives, works and writes in Washington DC. Under her real name, Nadia holds a PhD in Political Science and Public Policy and by day she enjoys her position as an Assistant Professor.

  In addition to writing erotic romances, Nadia loves reading other authors, playing flag football, studying muay thai, working out, listening to music, and scuba diving

  Her other interests include collecting Top Cow comics, especially Witchblade and Tomb Raider. She also loves professional football and soccer; and her favorite teams are the Washington Redskins and Manchester United, respectively.

  Nadia loves watching, reading about, and writing about strong, assertive heroines, which is why she is an enduring fan of Fight Girls, Xena, Buffy, and La Femme Nikita!

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  Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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