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SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 34

by Roxeanne Rolling

  But he’s right in front of me. Clearly me, not Hailey. He looks me up and down without an expression on his face, but he finally breaks into a grin.

  “You need a drink,” he says to me, his voice deep and confident.

  He’s wearing a tailored sport coat over a button down shirt that’s open at the top, just enough to show me a little of his chest.

  He’s much more impressive in person than in his picture. He’s muscled. That’s clearly evident even through his clothes.

  His haircut is perfect. His beard is just right, just a couple days of perfect stubble. His pants are a good cut, and his shoes are un-scuffed. Everything about him screams refinement. And who am I? Just a recent college graduate who’s basically completely broke, living in some cramped house with a bunch of people I don’t even know. (With the exception of Hailey.)

  I feel like I’m taking forever to speak. The words don’t seem to want to come out of my throat. They’re caught there, stuck.

  He won’t take his eyes off mine, and my knees begin to feel weak, like I’m going to collapse under his gaze.

  “She’d love one,” says Hailey for me.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Drink.”

  What an idiot! I think to myself. “Drink?” Who says that? It sounds like I don’t know how to speak. That’s far worse than just seeming like I’ve barely been in a bar before, like I’m new to this whole thing.

  I nod my head vigorously to try to make up for my lack of proper speech.

  Ryan just grins at me.

  “Follow me,” he says, taking my hand in his and leading me to the bar.

  His hand is strong, massive, and roughly textured. My own hand feels like a doll’s hand in his, small and delicate.

  I turn my head to look at Hailey.

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  Hailey gives me a very suggestive wink and mouths something at me that I don’t quite catch. Maybe she mouthed, “Go for it!”

  Ryan Hudson, Ryan Hudson—the words circle through my head.

  My boss, my boss—the words won’t leave.

  “Two martinis,” Ryan says to the bartender, still not releasing my hand.

  Standing against the bar, he looks simply massive. Tall, but also just built. There’s something about his body that just draws me to him.

  His hand still around mine, he pulls me closer to him, so that my breasts are only an inch away from his chest. He’s looking down at me, gazing into my eyes.

  This can’t be real, this can’t be real.

  “Do you always look so sexy?” says Ryan.

  I should try to giggle, but instead some strange noise comes out of my throat.

  I pass it off as a cough, putting my other hand to my mouth.

  “Careful,” says Ryan. “You don’t want to get me sick.”

  I don’t want to get him sick? That’s a strange thing to say.

  “Or maybe you do,” he says, his mouth turning into a wicked grin. “Maybe you want to do naughty things to me.”

  He comes on strong, doesn’t he?

  “I… I was just coming out for a drink with my friend,” I say.

  “I can see that,” he says, but his eyes don’t leave my body. “But you must want something more. Don’t you?”

  I nod my head shyly.

  Ryan chuckles deeply. “You know what you want,” he says.

  The martinis arrive, and Ryan hands me my glass. My hand is shaking when I take it. Ryan’s hand is still around my other hand, his grip tight enough that it’s starting to become a little uncomfortable.

  “Cheers,” says Ryan as we clink glasses.

  “Cheers,” I say, my voice shy and meek.

  He doesn’t take his eyes off mine as we each take a sip.

  He simply drains his entire drink in one gulp.

  I taste mine lightly, and almost spit it out. I’ve never had a martini before, and I don’t think it’s for me. It tastes slimy, rough, and not at all sweet. It’s nothing like the wine that I enjoy with Hailey, which is so loaded with sugar it might as well be alcoholic soda.

  But I manage to swallow a sip of this stuff. If nothing else, I’m doing it for Ryan Hudson.

  But he’s my boss, I think to myself.

  And he’s also the douchebag billionaire, and he’s sure acting like it—a cocky, arrogant prick. But a hot one. My body simply won’t let me ignore that last part.

  Don’t let him know that you’re a virgin, I think to myself. Just try to play this cool. Pretend like you’re any other normal adult, one who has sex regularly, who’s had sex at all.

  My virginity’s never been a big deal to me… I guess… until now. There were just so many other things going on. I mean, sure, I dated guys when I was younger. I got asked out a good deal, actually, but they were always sweaty and too eager. In college, the closest I got was with one guy named Jake, but he actually came in his pants before even taking out his cock. All he had done was touch my breast a little, of course touching it too hard, without using any gentleness. He was a sweaty, smelly mess, and he made some excuse and rushed out of the room, and I never saw him again until the final exam in one of my courses. That kind of turned me off to the whole thing for a while. But this is different… and Ryan’s different. He’s a man.

  “So you live here?” says Ryan, still not taking his eyes off me for even a moment.

  I nod my head.

  Don’t let him know he’s your boss, I think to myself.

  So many things to remember: virgin, boss, virgin, boss. Those two words repeat themselves in my head. How am I ever going to remember what to say and what not to say, let alone think of something clever and witty?

  But I’ve got to say something.

  “You’re a little shy,” says Ryan. He’s not asking. It’s a statement. Everything he says is hammered home with authority.

  “I am, but I’m not always.”

  OK, not too bad, I tell myself. Not great, but it’s a start.

  I’m way too aware that I’m starting to sweat.

  This isn’t how I imagined it when I was staring at his picture all day in my cubicle.

  “Shy girls are great in bed,” says Ryan. “Why don’t we get out of here? I can show you my house. I have a pool. We can go skinny-dipping.”

  “You move fast, don’t you,” I say. I can’t help raising one eyebrow.

  I take another sip of this gross drink.

  “Only because I want you,” says Ryan. “And I know you want me too.”

  “Maybe you’re right and maybe you’re wrong.”

  I think I’m getting the hang of this new skill: witty banter. Isn’t that what the couples in movies do? Maybe I don’t seem like a virgin at all.

  “I know,” says Ryan simply. There’s no smile on his face. He puts his martini glass down on the bar with a thud and takes my arm.

  “You coming?” he says. “It’s up to you, of course.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Hailey over at the other end of the bar. She gives me a very obvious thumbs up with both hands, not to mention an over the top wink.

  I take a gulp of air before answering. It’s about to happen. I’m finally going to do it.

  And with Ryan Hudson, no less. Who cares if he’s an asshole? He’s smoking hot. Smoldering, really.

  “Sure,” I say, and Ryan leads me out of the bar.

  He’s got his elbow cocked and I weave my arm through his, holding myself against his muscular body. I can feel the hardness of his muscles when I brush up against him, when he moves to turn.

  Finally out in the night, the air is cooler than in the bar. I’d gotten used to the noise inside, and it suddenly seems stone cold quiet out here. The absence of sound makes my decision seem suddenly graver. Everything suddenly seems much more intense, scarier.

  Before I know what’s happened, a valet drives a sparkling waxed European sports car to the curb. He’s wearing a valet uniform and runs over to open the door for me.

  Ryan does
n’t even wait for me to buckle my belt.

  The engine’s roaring, and we’re blasting off through the hills of San Francisco.

  He turns his head completely away from the road. His eyes drink me in. His mouth turns up at the corners in a hungry grin. In any other situation, this kind of attention would make me feel incredibly uncomfortable, but right now I can’t think about anything else than how my body is feeling.

  I’ve never felt like this before. It’s as if a magnet is drawing me towards him. My nipples are swelling, and I’m feeling a tingling sensation between my legs.

  He seems to notice this. I can’t keep my eyes off his shoulders, and where his chin cuts across his face like a razor blade. His eyes seem to cut through me.

  There’s something I’m not sure I like about him—but his arrogance, his self confidence, these things are just drawing me closer to him, just making him more attractive. I never thought I’d be the kind of woman who would fall for a guy like this.

  Am I falling? What am I falling into?

  “Here we are,” says Ryan. “I’m sure you’ll like it.”

  He pulls quickly into a private underground garage, the door opening swiftly and automatically. I just get a glimpse of an immaculate, huge house, with a perfectly manicured small yard in front.

  Even the garage, where we are now, screams elegance and luxury. Everything moves smoothly, easily. Everything is in its proper place. Everything is perfect.

  Everything except me.

  I’m a virgin.

  He’s clear about his intentions.

  Should I tell him I’m a virgin?

  Will he find out anyway? Will he just think I’m really bad, and don’t know what I’m doing? Or will he think that I’m not really into him?

  “I’m going to do things to you that will make you feel things you’ve never felt,” says Ryan, leaning over to me as he unbuckles his belt. His lips brush ever so gently against the nape of my neck, making me shiver in delight, sending tingling sensations of ecstasy down through my chest.


  We skip the swimming altogether.

  She’s going to be mine soon.

  “Why don’t you get undressed,” I tell her as I take off my blazer, tossing it casually onto one of the chairs.

  The bed is a big four poster bed with a thick mattress and box spring. She stands next to it and the bed comes up to her waist.

  I’d love to just bend her over the bed and take her from behind, sinking my cock deep into her pussy, filling her beyond her wildest dreams.

  But no, it’s going to be better to take it slow.

  She wants me. I can see it in her eyes. But there’s something else too, something like fear. Why would that be?

  Is she intimidated by the famous Ryan Hudson? Has my reputation preceded me?

  Whatever, it’s not important. The important thing is: her.

  And that she wants me.

  Her demeanor changes a little as she gets undressed. At first, she’s moving stiffly, like an automaton, or like she’s nervous as hell. She bends her body forward, her hand resting on the mattress for balance. She bends her knee back, moving those silky perfect legs, until her shoe is within reach of her arm. I watch with delight as she takes it off.

  But what comes next is even better. She pushes a piece of shoulder fabric from the dress down and to the side, exposing more of her perfect neck, and her shoulder, which is delicate and refined.

  Her hair seems wilder now, and she appears to me as an untamed wild woman, a sexy siren who I must conquer.

  I move towards her, conscious of my growing cock, and pull her body an inch until her back is pressed against me. My cock’s growing fast, pressing against her ass, fully erect but encased in my pants. It longs to be free, and to plunge deep inside her.

  Slow, I remind myself. Take it slow.

  “I’ll help you with that,” I whisper into her ear, before kissing the bottom of it, and then the nape of her neck.

  She breathes out a sigh of relief, a sigh almost of ecstasy, and her whole body relaxes against me.

  I take her dress down, pulling it over her breasts, which burst out, still looking magnificent in their bra. Her ass is something to behold when the dress comes off of it.

  Her body is simply fucking stunning.

  “You’re going to fuck me?” she says.

  I chuckle. “That’s what I want to do,” I say.

  “I want you to… fuck me,” she says.

  “Wait,” I say. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.”

  I kiss her again on her neck, and move my left hand to cup her breast in my hand.

  She moans, and her neck turns, her head turning back to me. I press my face against hers, devouring her mouth with mine.

  So much for taking it slow. The delicate touch of my mouth now becomes a vicious kiss, my tongue lapping her up. Our tongues are pressed together.

  “I need you,” she says, breaking away from my kiss. Both my hands are on her breasts. Her nipples are rock hard, and I let my fingers trace them, enjoying them, savoring them.

  “What happened to the nervous girl at the bar?” I growl in her ear. “Now you want me.”

  “I wanted you then,” she says. “How did you know I was nervous?”

  “I knew,” I say simply. “What’s your name?”

  “Lily,” she says.

  “You know my name?”

  She nods.

  That’s enough for me.

  Her dress is around her ankles, and I cup her ass cheeks with my palms. She’s wearing skimpy lace underwear that I enjoy for a moment, feeling it under my hands, before yanking it down in one swift motion, exposing her delicious ass.

  I unbuckle my belt, which falls down heavily with a clank. Unzipping my pants with one swift motion, I reach in and free my cock, which is fully erect, ready to burst, just screaming at me for the satisfaction it craves.

  A moment later, a condom is on my cock, and my swollen cock head is pressed against her ass, not quite near her pussy. I relish the sensation for a moment, as I guide her body down towards the bed. She pushes herself down even further, smushing her breasts against the mattress. I gaze down her long, beautiful back, and admire her ass.

  So much for going slow, I tell myself.

  She turns her head to look at me.

  Her lipsticked mouth is pursed, and her eyes shine, and for a moment I regret not letting her go down on me first before fucking her.

  She opens her mouth for a moment, and at first I think she wants my cock in her mouth. Hell, I’d go for that.

  But now it looks like she’s about to say something.

  My body is pressed against her ass. My cock is yearning, swollen and aching beyond anything I’ve ever felt before.

  Nothing comes out of her mouth.

  I pause for a moment.

  “What is it?” I growl.

  “I’ve never…”

  She pauses again.

  “You’ve never what?”

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  “You’ve never done it like this before?” I say, thinking she’s talking about me taking her from behind, which is strange, since as far as I know it’s a common enough sex position.

  “I’ve never had sex before.”

  “You’re a virgin?” I growl back, feeling my lips turn up at the corners. A string of filthy, delicious thoughts fill my head: untamed virgin flesh. She’s going to be tight, fucking tight. I’m going to be the first to conquer her beautiful virgin body.

  “Yes,” she says, barely able to get the words out.

  “I’ll be gentle,” I growl.

  “I think I need to go slow,” she says.

  “That’s fine,” I say, forcing myself to step back away from her. My cock practically screams out when I take it away from where it’s pressed into her ass cheeks.

  I pause for a moment to remove my shirt, my pants, my socks, and my shoes, and now I get onto the bed next to her. She’s still
folded over the edge of the bed, her legs looking long as they stretch down to the floor, where her toes barely connect with the ground.

  I turn next to her, facing her head. Her hair is hanging loosely over one eye, and she looks up at me, her eyes seemingly filled with something… something I can’t quite capture.

  “I can’t do it,” she says.

  “I’ll be gentle,” I say.

  “I can’t… it’s just too much. I don’t even know you.”

  I shrug.

  “That’s fine,” I say.

  My cock is positively aching. It’s still rock hard.

  But she’s made up her mind.


  Ryan offered to fix me a cup of tea, but I felt so foolish I just needed to get out of there as fast as possible. I got dressed in an awkward silence, and he called me a taxi to take me home.

  “What happened?” says Hailey, as soon as she sees my face.

  I walk right into her room, lean against her wall, and let my body slide down until I’m sitting crouched on the floor, with my head in my hands.

  “I couldn’t do it,” I say.

  “Why? What happened? He found out you’re his employee or something?”

  “I don’t know,” I say slowly.

  At this point in the night, I no longer feel remotely sexy. I don’t feel the way Ryan made me feel for those brief moments, when he so clearly wanted me.

  “It’s the whole virgin thing? Or something else?”

  I nod my head. “A little of everything,” I say. “It’s not like I’m not ready to do it, but… I don’t know. He’s hot…”

  “Smolderingly hot,” adds Hailey, pretending to fan herself.

  “That’s not helping,” I say.


  “And he made me feel things I’ve never felt before… he’s, I don’t know, a real man.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “Hailey,” I say, admonishing her.

  This time she’s quiet.

  “I mean, I’m ready to just get this done with… That’s how I felt earlier tonight. But now, I really want it.”


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